Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master
Chapter 84 The Devil Bunnies! (2)

He was enjoying them losing their footing and sliding through the ice to the cliff.

But not every enjoyment lasts long as the bunnies at the rear back seeing their comrades falling to the cliff suddenly made a move, a turn of events that can severely cost Damien.

The bunnies at the back suddenly stopped hopping. They just suddenly stopped like some robots. Their eyes peered at Damien, who stood at the center of the ice slate.

When the last of the bunnies who were in the ice slid off the mountains. The remaining ones looked closely at the ground, or rather at the ice. Their red eyes, the same as Damien's though a little darker than him, looked closely at the slates.

Something was amiss. He could feel it in his bones.

These bunnies were not normal. They were not normal at all.

A bestial instinct is to fight head-on or they will prepare an ambush. But for them to stop at mid fight to just think was not a good sign. Not a good sign at all.

"Hey dumbfucks, what are you waiting for!" He yelled, not too much as it will attract the nearby predators but enough for the bunnies to hear.

Their chirping was also stopped, which made the whole thing more spooky.

The devil bunnies continued to stare at Damien, their eyes focused on the ice. Damien could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Something was definitely wrong here. He needed to be careful.

As Damien watched the devil bunnies, he noticed a change in their demeanor. Their chirping ceased, and their eyes locked onto the ice under their feet. The bunnies' red eyes, the same shade as Damien's, became darker and more and more intense, like that of a drop of blood.

Suddenly, Damien saw the bunnies' legs convulse, as if they were experiencing a sudden spasm.

As the bunnies started to convulse, their legs began to twitch uncontrollably. Damien could see that something was happening to them at a molecular level.

Their bodies were transforming, their legs elongating and their muscles bulging. Suddenly, long, razor-sharp claws began to protrude from their feet, digging into the ice and providing them with a deadly grip. It was like witnessing a metamorphosis in action.

The bunnies' eyes were still locked onto Damien, their expressions now more savage and predatory than ever. He realized with growing unease that he was in a lot of trouble. These creatures were no longer just mindless beasts - they were intelligent, cunning, and highly dangerous.

Damien quickly weighed his options. He could try to make a run for it, but with the bunnies' new claws, he doubted he could outrun them. He could climb higher up the tree, but that would only delay the inevitable. He had to fight, and he had to fight hard.

He pulled out his spear and readied himself for battle. As the bunnies charged at him, clawing at the ice with its razer sharp claws, he dodged their attacks with lightning-fast reflexes, his movements honed by countless hours of training.

He struck back with his spear, aiming for their vital spots, but the bunnies were quick and agile, and it was all he could do to keep up with them.

The battle was fierce and intense, with both sides trading blows and neither willing to give an inch. The bunnies' claws tore into Damien's flesh, leaving deep wounds that gushed with blood. But he fought on, his determination fueled by a fierce desire to survive.

As the bunnies swarmed towards Damien, he realized that he was vastly outnumbered. There were at least sixty of them, and they were all armed with deadly claws.

·ƈθm He knew that he had to keep moving and keep his wits about him if he was going to survive. He started to dodge and weave, using his speed and agility to stay one step ahead of the bunnies.

They were quick and nimble, but he was faster, and he managed to avoid their attacks by the slimmest of margins.

As he circled around them, he noticed that they seemed to be working together, coordinating their attacks in a way that was highly unusual for animals.

It was almost as if they were communicating with each other telepathically, which made Damien even more uneasy.

The bunnies were relentless, their claws slicing through the air as they attempted to catch him. Damien fought back with his spear, thrusting and slashing with all his might. He managed to take down a few of them, but more kept coming, their ferocity undiminished.

Despite his skill and determination, Damien was starting to tire. His wounds were taking their toll on him, and he could feel his strength beginning to ebb.

He knew that he couldn't keep this up forever. If he didn't come up with a plan soon, he was going to be overwhelmed.

With a burst of adrenaline, he launched a final attack, aiming for the leader of the pack. The bunnies, sensing his intent, swarmed around him, clawing and biting with ferocity.

Damien's spear thrusts became wild, and desperate as he tried to fend off the onslaught. In the chaos, he felt something give way - his left hand, torn off by the bunnies' relentless attacks.

With a cry of pain, Damien fell to the ground, his vision starting to fade. He knew that he was done for. He could feel the bunnies closing in, ready to finish him off.

'Fuck it hurts,' he thought as he desperately thought about a way to survive the massacre.

He saw the ice, the edge of the cliff.

There was nothing else for him to do. So he did what must be done.

In a last act of desperation, he crawled toward the edge of the cliff, using his right hand to drag himself along.

He looked at the little devils, they were watching him crawling on the ice like it was the most funny thing to watch.

'Those fuckers, they better hope I don't come back.' He cursed as he crawled.

With a final burst of strength, he launched himself off the cliff.

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