Chapter 1

“Young Master Fan, it’s been ten years already. Whatever grudges you may have, it’s time to forgetabout them.”

“Please go home.”

“Your father, your grandfather and your brothers are all waiting for you.”

“As for your marriage, it concerns the honor of our family. After you return, we will select the mostbeautiful and most excellent woman to be your wife and the daughter-in-law of the Chu family.”

“That Qiu Mu-Cheng from the Qiu family is not worthy of you. Or the Chu family.”

Standing by the moat of Yunzhou city, a blotchy-eyed old man in traditional Chinese garment wasearnestly trying to persuade Ye Fan. Compared to the others standing before him, Ye Fan’s clothesseemed ordinary and shabby.

“Yes, it’s been ten years. A dog would be considered old by now. But the family you speak of hasn’tchanged one bit.” Ye Fan laughed self-deprecatingly, with a hint of bloodshot in his eyes.

“Ten years ago, my parents kneeled down in front of the Chu family’s gates. At that time, the family toldmy father this. They said my mother was a base commoner, not worthy of the Chu family and unfit tobe their daughter-in-law. And I am born of the ‘commoner’ the family spoke of. My mother and I weredriven mercilessly out of the family. We had to live in the streets. Until later, when I married into the Qiufamily, where I had to endure humilations.”

“For the past ten years, when did you ever give a damn about my mother and I? Now, with just a fewwords, you expect me to forget about this grudge and my mother’s humiliation, and return with you tocontinue the Chu’s family line. Do you think that’s possible?”

“Go back and tell the family, my surname is Ye, not Chu.”

“And tell that useless father of mine. He’s not worthy of my mother and unfit to be my father!”

Ye Fan truly hated that cold-blooded family.

But even more so, he hated that weakling father of his!

Back then, if his father had a bit more backbone, he wouldn’t have to suffer so much humiliation withhis mother.

Oftentimes, Ye Fan longed for his father to protect him and his mother. But his father always chose toback down and side with the family.

Even when the Chu family drove away mother and son, his father could only look on in fear. In front ofthe family, he didn’t dare to speak up or retaliate. And could only look on as his wife and son sufferedhumiliation.

From the bottom of his heart, he despised his father.

“Young Master Fan, please consider carefully.”

“You have to understand what you are turning down. That’s wealth comparable to a nation’s budgetand enough power for you to be able to look down on everyone else.”

“As long as you return, you will be able to become the family head within ten years.” The old man wasstill trying to persuade Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan had already turned away. With a laugh, he asked: “So what?”

“Even if you give me the whole world, I will still consider it to be inferior to a speck of cinnabar on herbrow!”

His words were firm and reverberated like the sound of a rock hitting the ground.

Ye Fan left, leaving behind a crowd speechless with shock.

After a long while, somebody sighed from beside the lake.

A middle-aged man looked at Ye Fan from afar, with feelings of indebtedness and remorse swirling inhis heart.

“Fan, you are even more promising than your father!” The man smiled even as tears brimmed in hiseyes.

His eyes blotchy from crying, Ye Fan strode along the streets of Yunzhou.

After enduring so many years of humiliation, Ye Fan thought noting could faze him anymore. But theappearance of the Chu family did disturb him, who was but a young man in his early twenties.

But life must go on. So Ye Fan picked up the pieces and hurried on his way to the Qiu’s family house.

The Qiu family was considered a somewhat prominent family in Yunzhou, a third-tier city. But they onlytruly rose to fame due to a scandal that had happened three years ago. The most beautiful daughter ofthe Qiu family, Qiu Mu-Cheng, suddenly got hitched with a luckless no-hoper and even let him marryinto her family. This incident shocked the whole city and turned the Qiu family into a laughing stock.

Half-a-year into his marriage, Ye Fan finally realized the truth behind the matter.

At that time, Qiu Mu-Cheng’s family had committed a serious error and caused great losses for theentire Qiu clan. The head of the Qiu clan, in a fit of rage, imposed punishment on Mu-Cheng’s familybranch and so she was forced to marry a trash as a warning to the other family members.

And Ye Fan, one of the leading actors in this incident, lost all respect with both men and women alike.He became a laughing stock, an object of ridicule to be talked about during meal times.

Suddenly, Ye Fan’s phone rang. The caller was Qiu Mu-Cheng, his wife in name.

“Where are you? Get back here now. We don’t have time to wait around for you.” Her tone was coldand authoritarian, as if she was giving an order.

It’s been three years already. Ye Fan had already gotten used to this. After ending the call, he hurriedtowards the Qiu’s family house.

Today was the day of Mu-Cheng’s cousin engagment party.

The head of the Qiu family had five sons and a daughter. Qiu Mu-Cheng’s father was the third eldestson. Today, the fourth eldest son’s daughter was getting engaged so, naturally, Mu-Cheng had toattend the function with her family.

“Mu-Cheng, I’m sorry. I had some matter to attend to, and was held up.” Thanks to his efforts, Ye Fanfinally made it just in time.

At this time, the multitude of guests were gathered at the entrance and the scene was rather lively. Butit was easy enough to single out Qiu Mu-Cheng from the crowd due to her outstanding looks andfigure.

“Some matter to attend to? A trash like you had something to attend to?”

“You keep dilly-dallying day in and day out. My Mu-Cheng is being held back because of a no-hoperlike you.” Upon seeing Ye Fan, a lady was unable to contain her dislike for him and let loose with ascolding.

And then, she saw what Ye Fan was wearing and got angrier. “Are you an idiot? Do you not know whatis the occasion today? Yet you are wearing such shabby clothes. Are you trying to humiliate our Mu-Cheng?”

The lady was in the throes of rage and wished she could give Ye Fan a good kicking. Standing besideher, a middle-aged man stared at Ye Fan with displeasure. HIs look of contempt made for a distinctivecontrast with the lady’s clear display of disgust.

“Okay, mom. Just stop talking.” Qiu Mu-Cheng, on the other hand, was calm and responded softly.

As if she’s already used to losing face because of Ye Fan.

“Why must I stay silent? Mu-Cheng, this piece of trash did it on purpose. He deliberately dressedshabbily to shame our family! The heavens must have sent him to torment us!” Han Li, Mu-Cheng’smother, yelled in fury, her eyes bloodshot with rage. During all these years, she had been accumulatinga lot of grievance because of Ye Fan.

“Enough is enough!” Mu-Cheng cut in with a scream. “Mom, how long are you going to keep this up?It’s fine when you keep the scoldings at home, but don’t you know you are embarrassing me when youscold him in public? Also, have we ever bought him anything nice after he married into our family? Youwant him to wear nice clothes, but does he have any to wear?”

Qiu Mu-Cheng tried her best to calm herself down, but Ye Fan could see that her eyes were red.

Nobody knew what kind of grievance and humiliation this family had to suffer through during these pastthree years.

After her daughter’s outburst, Han Li stopped talking and, after dabbing at her eyes, she turned and leftfor the house.

Ye Fan had nothing to say as well, and followed Qiu Mu-Cheng’s family into the house.

Inside the family house, there was a festive atmosphere.

Half-a-yaar into his marriaga, Ya Fan finally raalizad tha truth bahind tha mattar.

At that tima, Qiu Mu-Chang’s family had committad a sarious arror and causad graat lossas for thaantira Qiu clan. Tha haad of tha Qiu clan, in a fit of raga, imposad punishmant on Mu-Chang’s familybranch and so sha was forcad to marry a trash as a warning to tha othar family mambars.

And Ya Fan, ona of tha laading actors in this incidant, lost all raspact with both man and woman alika.Ha bacama a laughing stock, an objact of ridicula to ba talkad about during maal timas.

Suddanly, Ya Fan’s phona rang. Tha callar was Qiu Mu-Chang, his wifa in nama.

“Whara ara you? Gat back hara now. Wa don’t hava tima to wait around for you.” Har tona was coldand authoritarian, as if sha was giving an ordar.

It’s baan thraa yaars alraady. Ya Fan had alraady gottan usad to this. Aftar anding tha call, ha hurriadtowards tha Qiu’s family housa.

Today was tha day of Mu-Chang’s cousin angagmant party.

Tha haad of tha Qiu family had fiva sons and a daughtar. Qiu Mu-Chang’s fathar was tha third aldastson. Today, tha fourth aldast son’s daughtar was gatting angagad so, naturally, Mu-Chang had toattand tha function with har family.

“Mu-Chang, I’m sorry. I had soma mattar to attand to, and was hald up.” Thanks to his afforts, Ya Fanfinally mada it just in tima.

At this tima, tha multituda of guasts wara gatharad at tha antranca and tha scana was rathar livaly. Butit was aasy anough to singla out Qiu Mu-Chang from tha crowd dua to har outstanding looks andfigura.

“Soma mattar to attand to? A trash lika you had somathing to attand to?”

“You kaap dilly-dallying day in and day out. My Mu-Chang is baing hald back bacausa of a no-hoparlika you.” Upon saaing Ya Fan, a lady was unabla to contain har dislika for him and lat loosa with ascolding.

And than, sha saw what Ya Fan was waaring and got angriar. “Ara you an idiot? Do you not know whatis tha occasion today? Yat you ara waaring such shabby clothas. Ara you trying to humiliata our Mu-Chang?”

Tha lady was in tha throas of raga and wishad sha could giva Ya Fan a good kicking. Standing basidahar, a middla-agad man starad at Ya Fan with displaasura. HIs look of contampt mada for a distinctivacontrast with tha lady’s claar display of disgust.

“Okay, mom. Just stop talking.” Qiu Mu-Chang, on tha othar hand, was calm and raspondad softly.

As if sha’s alraady usad to losing faca bacausa of Ya Fan.

“Why must I stay silant? Mu-Chang, this piaca of trash did it on purposa. Ha dalibarataly drassadshabbily to shama our family! Tha haavans must hava sant him to tormant us!” Han Li, Mu-Chang’smothar, yallad in fury, har ayas bloodshot with raga. During all thasa yaars, sha had baan accumulatinga lot of griavanca bacausa of Ya Fan.

“Enough is anough!” Mu-Chang cut in with a scraam. “Mom, how long ara you going to kaap this up?It’s fina whan you kaap tha scoldings at homa, but don’t you know you ara ambarrassing ma whan youscold him in public? Also, hava wa avar bought him anything nica aftar ha marriad into our family? Youwant him to waar nica clothas, but doas ha hava any to waar?”

Qiu Mu-Chang triad har bast to calm harsalf down, but Ya Fan could saa that har ayas wara rad.

Nobody knaw what kind of griavanca and humiliation this family had to suffar through during thasa pastthraa yaars.

Aftar har daughtar’s outburst, Han Li stoppad talking and, aftar dabbing at har ayas, sha turnad and laftfor tha housa.

Ya Fan had nothing to say as wall, and followad Qiu Mu-Chang’s family into tha housa.

Insida tha family housa, thara was a fastiva atmosphara.

At this moment, Mu-Cheng’s uncle was standing by the door, greeting the guests warmly together withhis family.


“His sister-in-law is looking prettier and prettier, isn’t she?”

“I am already very happy that you can come today, there’s no need for gifts.”

“Ai, you are standing on ceremony.”

“It’s too much money. No, no. I can’t accept this.”

“Fine, we will take this. Next time, invite us to your son’s wedding.”

“Quick, Ying-Ying, come thank your auntie and uncle.”

Mu-Cheng’s aunt, Wang Qiao-Yu accepted the gift warmly and instructed her daughter, Qiu Mu-Ying, togreet their relatives. After some sweet salutations, Wang Qiao-Yu attentively guided their guests totheir seats in the hall.

“Qiao-Yu, congratulations. We didn’t come late, did we?”

Qiu Mu-Cheng’s family had also arrived. Mu-Cheng’s mother, Han Li, stepped forward with a smile andoffered her congratulation. Qiu Mu-Cheng and Ye Fan also greeted their aunt affectionately.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter even if come late. Since it’s useless even if you come.” Wang Qiao-Yu’s smilevanished as soon as she saw Mu-Cheng’s family and she responded coldly to their greetings. And shesimply ignored Mu-Cheng’s and Ye Fan’s display of affection.

“Who asked you to come?”

“And you even brought that piece of trash here. To embarrass us?”

Even though Wang Qiao-Yu had a bad attitude, she didn’t do anything outrageous. But Qiu Mu-Yingwas young and reckless, so she paid little heed to societal norms. Her dislike for Ye Fan outweighedeverything else. And, as she disregarded the presence of guests and elders, she cut loose with atongue-lashing.

In the Qiu family, Ye Fan was a source of shame. With a useless son-in-law like him, Qiu Mu-Cheng’sfamily was also held in low regard.

“Ying-Ying, be quiet. Pay attention to your surroundings.” Wang Qiao-Yu pulled her daughter aside andindifferently accepted the gift money offered by Mu-Cheng’s family. And without offering to guide them,let Mu-Cheng’s family make their own way into the hall to replace their seats.

“Mind the trash. Don’t let him embarrass our Ying-Ying.” Wang Qiao-Yu couldn’t help leaving behindsuch an insulting barb.

“This family of four, they could only come up with this much money? They’re obviously here to freeloadoff us. Shameless.” Behind them, the undisguised disgust in Qiu Mu-Ying’s voice could be clearlyheard. Qiu Mu-Cheng’s face paled in anger and Han Li could feel her heart constricting in her chest,but they ignored the insult and kept their peace.

After all, out of the five Qiu brothers, their branch of the family was the worst off. Their son-in-law wasalso the most useless. Without power and wealth to back them up, they could only accept their lot insilence.

Suddenly, a commotion could be heard outside the door.

A Benz drove into the driveway, and a young lady in a long gown stepped out hand-in-hand with a malecompanion.

When they saw her, both Wang Qiao-Yu and Qiu Mu-Ying smiled brightly. The looks of disgust on theirfaces had all but vanished. The mother-and-daughter pair scurried over to the front door to receive theirguests.

“Mu-Hong. Brother-in-law. You’ve finally arrived. We have been waiting for you.” Qiu Mu-Ying smiledfawningly.

“Here, this way.”

“Oh my, why did you buy so many gifts? You are standing on ceremony.”

“Here, somebody come give my nephew-in-law a hand.” Wang Qiao-Yu too, was also eager to please

Even though Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family were also blood relations, but the difference in treatmentwas like heaven and earth. The unfairness twisted in their hearts like a knife.

The new arrival was Qiu Mu-Hong, the daughter of the fifth Qiu brother. Because she had found herselfan excellent husband, the entire Qiu clan could not help but suck up to their branch of the family.

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