Unlimited Power 2: The Ranger's Domain
Chapter 98: A Silver-haired Woman

Ryan didn't know for how long he slept. All that he knew what that he began to wake up when his hunger began to win the battle against his tiredness. The cold and the sound of wood burning made him realize that it was night. That was weird. He didn't remember making a campfire. Regardless, before he could even open his eyes, Ryan recalled his battle against the red dragon. Suddenly, he got up and up opened his eyes. In front of him, Ryan saw a weird looking woman. She had long white… no, long silver-like hair, and her eyes were of the same color. Although she was pretty, her body looked frail since she was kind of unhealthily pale and seemed to be underweight. Despite all that, Ryan could feel a powerful aura coming from her… a similar aura that he felt when he faced the red dragon.

"Good evening," The silver-haired woman said while smiling. "My name is Alissa. What is yours?"

"… Who the hell are you?" Ryan frowned when he tried to use Appraisal, and the skill failed. "You are not human…"

"Quite the rude fellow, I warned you. Most people from your race can't even understand their place… this puny human was saved by you, and he didn't even think of thanking you."

Ryan opened his eyes widely when he heard that voice… it was very rough and monster-like, it looked like it would be the perfect voice of a dragon, but Adam couldn't see anyone aside from that weird looking woman.

"While I think that he is exaggerating, there is an explanation to what you are feeling right now," Alissa said and then looked to the said and then crossed her arms. "However, I won't explain it until you introduce yourself properly."

Something was off… that whole situation was weird. Ryan decided to step back and then grab his bow. However, he found that he only had his clothes on this body. The things that he had while facing the red dragon were behind Alissa, and some other things were there as well.

"See? Ungrateful fellow… can't even have a proper conversation without thinking about using his weapons. Truly, one of the lowest types of lifeforms."

"You forget that I am also human," Alissa said.

"You are… a bit different."

Ryan's confusion was becoming even more apparent. That situation was too much… yet, he couldn't replace a way out of it. Despite looking frail, that woman was stronger than him. She was probably stronger than the red dragon, despite claiming to be human, and now she was talking with something Ryan couldn't see. In any case, after a while, Ryan managed to calm down. If she was an enemy, she could have killed him many times while he was unconscious. Maybe that woman was a dragon in disguise, and she just wanted to play with her prey. Either way, there was nothing Ryan could do right now. He had to play it cool while he waits for a chance.

"Ryan," Ryan said and then sat on the ground. "That is my name."

"See?" Alissa smiled and then said. "He isn't so bad."

"Your standards are just too low."

"Well, where should I start?" Alissa looked to the side and then began to think. "On the day the monsters appeared, I was in a hospital. The place got attacked by dragons, and it was destroyed. Somehow, I survived and managed to crawl to the outside of the building. However, a group of velociraptors found me and decided that I could be a good snack. Unfortunately for them, my hero appeared to save the day. The super, awesome, marvelous, heroic, legendary, and cool dragon called Orgar saved me from the monsters and even gave me a strong body."

Ryan was speechless, putting aside all the nonsense that was just praise for a dragon. It looked like Alissa was a woman who had some kind of serious disease. The dragon Orgar saved her twice… it was hard to believe, but he became a spirit to restore her body back to health. That would explain why her hair and eyes had such a strange color. As well as her presence.

"Now, I know what you are thinking," Alissa said. "This might be too good to be true, right? Why would a dragon help a weak, puny woman on the verge of death while all the others have humans for their breakfast? At first, I also thought it was suspicious, but then Orgar explained to me that he has a serious case of Amnesia. Apparently, all the dragons have."

"Amnesia?" Ryan frowned.

"Yep, they don't remember anything that happened before they suddenly appeared here on Earth," Alissa replied. "While they act as if they are owners of the place, that is just a trait of them, they defend their territories with everything they have, but now that they suddenly appeared in a foreigner world, they felt compelled to dominate it since many other monsters are also appearing everywhere."

That was odd… considering that Orgar could talk, dragons should be smart and then try to understand their situation rather than destroying everything just because their instincts told them to do it. Then again, maybe some of them are smarter than others.

"Let me guess," Ryan said. "He wants your help with that. He asked you to help him replace why he and the others lost their memories."

"That and why they are being summoned to this world while the other monsters are spawning from dungeons," Alissa nodded.

That made sense… now that Ryan thought about it, he never thought seriously about why the dragons appeared in the sky instead of spawning through dungeons. He just concluded that they were too big for that, but since he just found a dungeon which a T-Rex could cross, then that didn't make any sense.

"While I decided to help Orgar, I don't think I am up to the task," Alissa forced a small smile. "I have spent most of my time in a hospital bed, and I don't know much about the outside world. While I now can have a normal life thanks to him, my presence and my new appearance make me stand out. That is why I decided to look for help and then we found you."

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