Morning came fast. it had been a while since Noah last slept on a bed, so sleeping on one was like heaven.

There were things he missed about his old world, things like the internet, his phone, tv, and pizza.

"Oh god! I would do anything to get my hands on pizza right now," Noah exclaimed while reminiscing about his past life, in the dining area of the place he lodged.

Not long after, breakfast was brought to him. The substance looked like omelets but brown. Probably because it was burnt, and bread.

Noah was surprised to replace that the new world had bread.

He eventually decided it was time to begin his meal. Taking a fork that had two, instead of three spike things; he stabbed the burnt omelet, took a slice of the hard bread, and placed the omelet on the bread, before taking the second slice and placing it on top of the omelet.

He bit into it and the first detail he noticed was the toughness of the bread.

''What the fuck,' he explained Inwardly 'This isn't bread more like stone.'

It took him a few minutes of chewing before he could swallow!

With that time he could run back to the place they stayed in the forest and be back with a few seconds to spare.

After about half an hour of a grueling repetition of chewing and swallowing, he finally finished with the meal. He drank as much water as he could, before exiting the hotel and vowing to never go return there.

He desired to explore the town but didn't want to get lost. It was his second day there after all.

Sweeping his gaze on the bland streets, already bustling with merchants and buyers. Noah felt ready to ask someone where he could replace the affinity test guild, but before he could, a familiar voice called out to him in a greeting.

Turning around, his eyes fell on Gerald. His outfit featured a green jacket with leather brown pants. It looked good overall.

Noah instinctively glanced at himself, he had been wearing the same clothes for the past week, and the outfit didn't look good.

He decided he would take a detour to at least get new clothes.

With that in mind, he replied Gerald, who simply smiled back at him, before speaking. "How was the lodge?"

"Well, it was much better than sleeping on the ground. Though the food wasn't," Noah replied, recalling his bad meal.

"Oh I'm very sorry, that was the best place in town," Gerald apologized.

"The best place!" Noah uttered in surprise. He had to leave that place.

"Well, aside were you going to look for the affinity test guild?" Gerald enquired.

"Yes, I was. But I might need to take a detour, and get new clothes for my journey. These are already dirty," Noah explained.

"I know a place where quality clothes are sold for a reasonable price. I can take you there," Gerald suggested.

"Ah yes. Please lead the way," Noah quickly replied, in a grateful tone of course.

Gerald led him through the town, even answering Noah's questions whenever he found something Interesting.

Gerald brought him to the entrance of a relatively small building that was painted yellow.

It showcased clothes in glass frames that seemed enchanted due to the slight red glow surrounding them.

Gerald noticed Noah's inspection of glass frames and decided to explain.

"They are used as protection against theft. If rough-handled or touched without the owners unlocking them, the magical runes on the glass will explode outwards launching glass shards at whoever came in contact with it," Gerald explained

"They are cheap since they won't work much with magical protections or spells," He shrugged, Noah nodding at his explanation.

Gerald walked towards the building, pushing open the yellow door which rang the small green bell hung at the entrance.

Upon entering Noah immediately swept his information-hungry gaze on the room.

There were clothes on black mannequins everywhere In the shop. Apart from the reception and some chairs for customers.

A woman greeted them on entry, she was the receptionist.

She was a lady of average height, around 5.5ft. She sported long red hair which touched her shoulders.

She wore a black suit skirt and a white long-sleeved shirt that fit her perfectly.

She looked no older than 25 and was a little above average in terms of looks.

"How may I help you today, sir Gerald," she enquired with a light bow.

Noah felt no surprise at the fact that she knew Gerald since he did say he knew the place.

"My friend here would like to purchase some of your clothes," Gerald announced gesturing at Noah, who still went on inspecting the shop.

At those words, he introduced himself.

"I'm Noah, nice meet you," he smiled

"I am Selia nice to meet you, sir Noah," the lady replied blushing a little.

Noah noticed the redness but didn't understand why that was happening.

He had not seen himself in a mirror yet, so wasn't sure of his looks. But seeing the girl blush was a good sign.

"Please look around, and pick what you like," She gestured at the rows of clothed mannequins. And Noah did just that.

The shop had both male and female clothing which made it a bit difficult to scout, but he had spotted some male outfits that caught his attention and didn't hesitate to move towards them.

The first outfit was a light-yellow long sleeve, with brown trousers. He liked it, but deemed it too flashy and would get dirty quickly if he got into a fight.

The second outfit was a dark-blue long sleeve shirt that fits tightly on the mannequin.

He touched it, and its material reminded him of rubber. The trouser was also dark-blue, although they didn't look as tight as the shirt they remained relatively fitted.

Being made of the same material as the shirt, Noah liked the pair, as it would be easier to move in it.

He would be running a lot, so clothes that didn't hinder his movement were very essential.

He called the attention to Selia and showed her what he had chosen and requested a place he could test them.

She quickly led him to a brown door, gesturing at him to enter. He entered the well-lit room.

He didn't know if they had electricity in this world, but since the world had mana he simply guessed that they had found a way to utilize it in that way.

The room wasn't that big, at most 5sqm and around 15ft in height. It also had a stool for where he would lay his clothes.

And most especially, it had a mirror. Noah quickly thanked Selia and closed the door behind him, before Inspecting his face

He looked nothing like his former self. He had black hair that was close to reaching his shoulders. He could easily pack it in a bun if he wanted.

His eyes were bright blue, and they seemed to shine. He also looked to be in his early twenties.

In terms of look, he remained definitely above average, even close to having a killer look. Which was probably why the lady blushed. His skin looked blemish-free, most likely due to leveling up.

Noah found himself thanking the gods for endowing him with a good face.

Done with his satisfying inspection, he removed his current clothes to wear the ones he picked.

The outfit felt light, almost as though it wasn't there. It also showcased his toned body as it did little to hide that feature.

Noah felt the need to wear something in that attire.

Exiting the room, he found Selia at the entrance the room. Seeing his outfit and how it looked on him, she blushed again.

Noah ignored her again and scanned the place for something he could wear on that outfit.

Finding what he liked he removed a black jacket that would look good on his attire. Immediately trying it on he felt satisfied.

"How much would all of it cost," Noah asked.

She immediately ran towards the reception table, brought out a book, looked through it then placed it on the table then walked back to his position.

"The first full set will cost 15 small copper's. While the black jacket would cost 5. Making it a total of 20," she explained with a serious expression.

Noah nodded and brought out 22 small copper coins, twenty for the clothes and two as a tip.

He had spent 8 small copper coins for the lodge, plus his current spending. In total, he still had 170 worth of small copper coins

"Thank you for your patronage," she bowed collecting the coins. Noah simply smiled back.

At that, he and Gerald left the store.

"Are you ready for the test now," Gerald asked?

"Yes please," Noah replied.

They walked for a bit more than 20 minutes before Gerald brought him to a brown building that had a sign saying "

'Affinity test'.

They immediately entered, walking straight to the reception. There was a man in his thirties sitting there.

Gerald helped Noah enquire, while Noah listened to their conversation, they conversed for a minute before Gerald eventually left the reception

"A few others are using it. We were asked to wait a while," Gerald explained ushering him to the seat.

The duo waited for about 20 minutes, a few individuals walked out of a room, some looking sad while others are happy.

A man eventually exited the room announcing his name. Noah immediately answered the call.


The man led him to a brightly lit room, which had a few individuals clothed in different attires and one in armor.

They all sat at the side of the room, close to the entrance. Noah raised an eyebrow at this detail but quickly focused his gaze on a large crystal placed at the center of the room.

"Place your palm on the crystal," the man leading him said In a flat tone.

Noah moved towards the around 10ft tall and around 6ft wide crystal. it didn't look special, just big.

Placing his palm on the crystal, Noah waited. Nothing happened. Nothing happened until closed his eyes, as he suddenly found his consciousness being sucked into that crystal, and he couldn't resist the foreign force.

Noah found himself seemingly inside a lightning storm. He panicked and tried to run, but couldn't move. Then something happened.

Some of the bolts of lightning converged, and right In front of him, they began constructing something.

At first, he didn't understand what was happening, but after a while, he could make out a humanoid figure,

After a few more seconds, he understood that he was looking at a male figure, but bright.

A few more seconds passed and he heard a voice come out of the shining figure. The voice reeked of majesty and yet remained energetic.


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