Chapter 149 149. HYBRID

The duo eventually exited the room to go rest inside the now messy cave.

The metallic door suddenly appeared in its spot after Jon waved his hand. Noah's curiosity being piqued by that action.

"Why exactly did you remove the door earlier?," Noah asked blowing off the dust that had settled on the bed. It pained him to see such a nice piece of foam get soiled.

"I didn't want to get connered by her. That would most definitely end up with my death. And I also knew you were here," Jon explained while shining lines exited his space ring to fall on the caves walls.

The shining lines seeped into the cracks, their light seemingly mending them.

"I'll need a bit of time to fix this cave up, but we'll be moving by tommorow, I guess there's no need for that," Jon sat on the wooden chair.

A companionable silence washed over them Each man thinking their own thoughts during those seconds.

"I really appreciate your help," Jon suddenly announced. "We've been together for over fifteen years now, she's basically my best friend," Jon smiled glancing at the door.

"I honestly never thought she would get this strong so fast, but she did. And a few months ago I started the process of bonding. It's been quite hectic but we've gotten this far," Jon glanced at an attentive Noah.

"You must be wondering how exactly I built this place, but somethings should be left unsaid," Jon giggled standing up.

Four books suddenly appeared and dropped on the table. "Your pay. They are the best inscription learning books I have. Although for beginners, you'll learn a lot," Jon explained walking towards the metal door, which parted ways for his entrance.

"I'll see you later," Jon waved, walking into the door, then it shut.

Alone once again, Noah heaved a sigh of relief and grabbed one of the four books.

Simply flipping through them briefly without much focus, he placed it back on the remaining three, then all four disappeared.

A few food items exited his inventory, and he immediately dug into them. His hunger had increased after the fight, and not after eating what Noah considered too much for humans did he get satisfied.

Noah took a deep breath and teleported into his cultivation room to cultivate his body, this time he increased the density of the essence in the room to 3, and he cultivated non-stop for the rest of the day.

He eventually stopped cultivating, and the first sensation he experienced was pain, lots of it.

According to the system he had cultivated for 13 hours with the essence density at 3. It seemed his body couldn't handle any more than that.

Honestly he felt full. His skin, muscles, bones, and organs felt drunk with the speed essence, and needed time to properly absorb those gains.

[You gained 2548 points to str]

[You gained 2028 points to def]

[You gained 624 points to sta]

His gains had been super explosive, but at the expense of his momentary weakness. Not even his healing seemed to work. His whole body felt stressed not Injured. And only proper rest could solve that.

His figure appeared in the cave then he lay on the bed and slept for a few hours. He didn't want to remain unprepared for the events that would happen that night.

Noah found himself in an unrecognizable environment. A room to be exact. His eyes fell on a figure who had their backs facing him. From the persons body shape he could tell they were female.

He desired to take a step, but found that he couldn't. A few tries to move, ended in failure so he settled for simply staring at the figures back.

​ The room looked hazy and he couldn't focus on the features for reasons he didn't understand. Even his consciousness couldn't be unfolded in that environment.

"Hurry!," A female voice boomed all around him, forcing him to shield his ears with his hands. His eyes suddenly shook when he found that the figure was about to reveal their face, but his eyes snapped open just before that could happen.

Sweat drenched Noah's body. His breathing had suddenly increased as though he has been short of air, and even now his environment looked blurry.

It took Noah a few seconds to realize that he had been dreaming, and that he was also suffocating from an extremely low amount of oxygen.

He got off the bed and jumped towards the ladder which hung 3ft from thed, in one swift movement. Quickly climbing it, he tried pushing the metallic cover off, but it didn't budge.

At this point he had begun to feel light headed, and his lungs gasped for air, which had become practically non-existent in the cave.

Noah's fist struck the cover, and it dug into it. But it seemed far thicker than he realized.

Desperation filled him at that point, and three more punches stuck the cover, but his fist only kept digging, and eventually cracks began to spread from the point. But that wasn't what he needed.

Noah soon felt his muscles go limp and his eyes get heavy, from the lack of oxygen. His felt a smile crack on his face, as he thought about the ironic-ness of his situation.

With all the might and Incredible things his body could perform, the lack of oxygen was enough the render him useless, and was probably enough to kill him.

In a last attempt to save his life, he recalled his cultivation room but his eyes shut before he could make any commands!

Oxygen, a very essential element in the continuation of life. All basic living forms needed it to survive, to allow all the body break down food nutrients and turn them into useable energy.

But on Cregar there were no such things as "basic" life forms. All things, big and small, living and nonliving, had evolved due to the wonderful energy called mana.

Even at that, the beasts of the planet still needed oxygen to move about, as it was everywhere. Even the dominant humans needed it to survive. But our protagonist isn't a complete human anymore.

He's become an Hybrid of the wonderful and terrifying race called the "speedlings". Why should he be bound to the rules of the weak constituted humans, when he was something much more...

Essence shot out of Noah's core on its own. Seemingly intelligent, it searched for any signs of breathing. Finding none, it rushed into his nostrils, and not just that; it created an area where speed essence existed, by doing so it emptied Noah's reserves, but the job was done.

A few minutes passed and Noah's eyes snapped open. His nose inhaled the essence around him, and his body functioned more efficiently on that exclusive energy available to only his race.

A grin appeared on his face, as his mouth uttered words in a tone that resembled surprise, but also acceptance.

"I'm really an hybrid," he laughed, before going into the cultivation room to refill his now empty core.

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