Chapter 165 165. POORLY CALCULATED

Noah had his eyes wide open at this point, and his mind struggled to process what just happened.

Ignoring the bloodied scene of scattered flesh and internal organs, Noah dashed out of the room, where the unmoving customers had grim expressions.

They had heard the man's scream and the sickening bursting sound, and their mind couldn't stop replaying it in their heads.

Noah saw this and raised his left hand with his palm wide open. Those present saw their lives flash before their eyes, but Noah never planned to kill them.

The ice in the room suddenly gathered on his opened palm, and he closed it to destroy the frozen ball.

Shock filled his audiences eyes, but their mouths refused to make a sound, something Noah found pleasing.

Staying still for a few seconds in order to clear his mind, Noah peeked into the room, and an astonished gasp escaped his mouth at the sight before him.


Not a single drop of blood or mass of flesh could be seen anywhere in the room. All traces of the man's exsitence had literally vanished.

Fortunately, he managed to catch sight of what resembled black dust vanishing into thin air, and the room returned to its stillness.

Those were the only traces of Cespian and they had also disappeared.

Whoever wanted the man's mouth shut, had gone to extreme limits to ensure he never managed to spill anything.

The only issue bothering Noah, was why such was even needed.

Jesse and James had mostly been unknown throughout their lives, and did not possess anything that made them different, even if slightly, from the majority in Vonol.

'Why would anyoneone do this then?,' Noah felt utterly lost in the whole situation.

Entire chunks of the matter were missing, he had absolutely no way of understanding what exactly was going on.

He eventually refocused his gaze on the tavern. Luckily, during the mere minutes of his visit, no one had tried to gain entry into that place. But sooner or later someone would.

With a helpless sigh, Noah walked towards the exit, all eyes following his movement.

"Thank you for cooperating," He announced, leaving the bar and vanishing from the front door.

Sitting atop a building where he could get clear visuals of the tavern, Noah watched the terrified customers flee the place, practically falling over themselves.

This sight immediately gained the attention of the passerbys, and soon enough city guards were dispatched to the scene.

Noah felt not a shred of pity for the man that had died, he simply experienced deep hopelessness and longing for answers.

'Where do I even begin,' He heaved a deep sigh leaping from building top too building top, at speeds fairly un-noticeable to the human eye.

He eventually came to a stop on a tall building that stood at the center of the city.

Cespian hadn't been able to drop the slightest of clues capable of helping him, and Jesse could be somewhere dangerous.

Noah immediately felt his mood darken at that thought, and he inevitably recalled his promise to the young man.

Now that James was no more, the least he could do was protect his powerless brother.

But he had nothing to start with, and couldn't give up that easily. He would never forgive himself if he didn't at least try to search more.

Thoughts about the royals being connected to the whole matter sprouted in his mind. He felt a deep hatred rise in his heart, at the mere thought of them.

But even that seemed far-fetched. The royals had no prior knowledge about them, and even if they had sources, why would they kick the young man out.

'Did they desire to hand over his rewards to his only living family,' Noah considered, but soon threw that thought into his mental garbage can.

'Those stingy bastards would never perform such a noble and potentially dangerous act,' Noah concluded, but didn't rule out the possibility. He currently had no way of actually getting to them, which meant he couldn't confirm his words.

Helplessness permeated strongly in Noah's mind, and he eventually spent a few minutes simply sitting atop the building while ideas were constructed and dismissed hundreds of times each minute.

He truly had to give up. He felt bad for only trying a bit, but he had nothing that could lead him to more information.

'I only hope he's okay wherever he is,' Noah concluded getting up. His eyes scanned the city and he could almost taste its blandness.

Having stayed in Keriele for only a few hours had made him forget the lack of beauty in places like Vonol, but it remained far better than Mariwa.

Noah felt unsafe in the walls of Vonol, a search would probably be ungoing for him.

His facial features were striking enough for all those who had been present in the bar to recognize, and be able to describe; even if they had only seen half his entire face.

He planned to leave Vonol in one go, and an idea inevitably appeared in his head, but he pondered on the possibility of it being successful.

However, his mind provided many reasons why leaping out of Vonol was possible for him.

Picking the direction he wished to travel, Noah counted a few tens of building backwards, that would act as a runway of sorts for him, and he quickly shot backwards.

He needed a significant amount of momentum to successfully execute a few kilometers leap.

"Here goes nothing," He muttered readying himself for the crazy stunt he was about to pull.

Essence rapidly moved from his core, and his body immediately flared with dense energy.

His soul core spun intensely, crackling with bright electrical energy, and his environment seemingly stopped moving due to it.

His white hair gained a yellow shade to its colour, and whole sections of it stood due to the influx of energy.

Rank 1 speed essence remained Incredible as Noah felt his body get stronger, but his overall level remained the same.

His blue eyes blazed with a yellow light, its colour seemingly turning green for a moment, before the yellow within it overwhelmed his natural colour.

Taking a step forward, Noah tried his very best to calculate his speed, but failed.

Nevertheless he managed to gain solid footing on a particular building, a few buildings from what he previously planned.

His knees bent a bit and he leaned forward, almost falling off the building.

Just before taking off; his body flared with even more essence, and he shot upwards.

Although his movement had been mostly silent due the bracelets effects, but the building he utilized as his propeller, almost completely crumbled, only a relatively significant portion caving in on itself.

Noah killed a few tier 1's with his actions, but he would never know, as he was long gone.

Noah felt his environment whezze past him, as Vonol almost completely disappeared from behind him in that Instant.

His figure, which sped around mach four, made an arc high in the air, before rapidly descending.

Noah felt his clothes begin to tear-off his figure during his rapid descension, and Muliix quickly exited his body, to salvage the remainder of his attire.

Preparing his mind for the landing, Noah tried his best to land perfectly, but alas, he remained too inexperienced for such complex actions.

His feet struck the ground with a powerful thud, and the ground immediately shattered, but his Incredible momentum couldn't be quenched simply with that.

Noah's legs creaked in their various joints and he tripped. His body got launched forward due to his mis-step, and he ended up smashing through trees like mere tall twigs.

Noah eventually stopped after traveling more than half a kilometer.

He received no injuries due to Muliix's protection, but that couldn't be said for his environment.

He had created a linear path through a portion of the forest, every inch of the path dripping with destruction.

laying his back on a barely standing tree, Noah laughed his heart out at the ridiculous and poorly calculated action he just took.

He had no regrets whatsoever, after all he enjoyed every moment of the crazy ride.


*Authors note*

I apologize for the poor release rate lately, I came down with a cold. Hopefully it gets better soon, as I plan to increase the chapters published per day. It's not official yet, but I'm working towards it.

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