Chapter 73 73. WEIRD

Snapping his eyes open, Noah felt his vision get blurry, but that didn't stop him from retrieving his staff, and expanding his consciousness in a split second.

This allowed him to see everything within an area of 25m. Mild sparks left his body, as he immediately felt better. Glancing at his teammates he saw that they were still recovering from the effects of the teleportation, since they held their heads in their hands

Deciding to let them recover first, Noah inspected the environment. They had been teleported to a forest, that he knew before hand.

The forest had tall thin trees, multiple storey buildings in height, which made the wind able to flow freely, the bushes weren't that much, which allowed Noah be able to see a few hundred meters ahead of him.

The sun illuminated the environment, but when he looked up, he noticed the multiple flickering of Inscriptions, It seemed the whole place was covered by a massive Inscription, but that wasn't too surprising, what surprised him was the absolute lack of magical beasts in the environment.

It seemed the whole place was devoid of those monsters, giving the place a very serene vibe.

Taking a deep breath, he realized that the Mana density here was actually bad, not even as good as Vonol, though he expected a similar situation, after all elder Malachi had said the whole forest was under the Cusk nation's control, which meant experiments would have probably been done on it.

Seeing that his teammates had recovered, Noah couldn't help but feel awkward from their stares.

It seemed they had silently made him the leader of the group, since he had gathered them, not even James seemed to go against the idea.

A light sigh escaped Noah mouth, as immediately the band on their hands buzzed, checking it, Noah found that a team had gained points!!.

"There is no plan in particular, since we don't really know the layout of the whole place. So all we'll do is move around carefully killing beasts, and try not to encounter any other team," Noah announced, while the others simply nodded, and wore stern expressions.

Noah himself cast energy armour, he had gotten use to it, since it really helped a lot in terms of defense.

The other's apart from James marveled at the spell, but didn't fail to get ready.

Kayla brought out a long sword that had red Inscriptions lit on them, immediately it touched her hand it began to emit heat, then it eventually caught fire, the orange flames danced around the edges of the swore, before they seem to go solid, giving it an incredibly cutting ability.

Mark revealed a pair of axes that had bright yellow inscriptions on them, the axe looked heavy, but it seemed to not bother the mans movement.

Steve retrieved a saber, that looked completely normal, apart from the buzzing sound that escaped it's fabric.

Noah didn't understand what was up with the saber so he postponed his curiosity to when they got into a fight.

James simply wielded a pair of black daggers flickering with cyan coloured inscriptions.

Noah nodded at them, as he dashed forward, the four following closely behind. Noah decided not to run too fast, since he wasn't alone, and the team was very valuable.

The group ran for multiple minutes, but encountered no beasts, during that time, Noah saw multiple teams advance in the leaderboard but that didn't really put a pressure on him.

It was until after they had been running for over an hour did they encounter a magical beasts.

Surprise ran through Noah's mind when he saw a big panda, hanging off a tree, it seemed to sight their figures, since it's mouth opened to bare it's teeth.

[Evolved Panda]

[Tier: 2]

[Level: 29]

[Chances of death: 0%]

It was in the lower stage which meant it wasn't much of a threat to the team, though that changed when the panda seemingly disappeared.

Another wave of surprise filled Noah's head, when he saw the panda moving incredibly fast, it's claws out while it tried to get to Noah who grinned.

Coming to a quick halt at the surprise of his team. Noah grabbed the panda's head with his left hand. Spinning his staff above his head, Noah slammed it on the side of the pandas' head.

A crunching sound filled the environment, while the panda panda was sent flying at break neck speed, ignoring the system notification of gaining exp, Noah voice rang out.

"We are going to have to be more careful, it seems the beasts here have special qualities," Noah said to his still surprised team. They had barely been able to follow the pandas' incredible movement, before Noah killed it even faster.

The forest seemed to listen to Noah's voice, when he sensed multiple incoming aura's moving at speeds he didn't expect.

Ignoring the bands buzz of their team gaining one point, Noah face turned serious, he took a quick glance at his teammates, seeing that they too had sensed the aura's and we're ready, he cast a spell.



Loud explosions resounded in the environment multiple times in the span on an hour, as Noah and his team slaughtered the evolved pandas'.

It seemed the group had arrived in a place populated with them, since Noah stopped counting when their numbers had reached two hundred.

Loud panting could be heard, as Noah wiped the drops of blood that had manage to reach his forehead. Glancing at his tired team, who sat on the ground. Noah decided to checked their position on the leaderboard.

Seeing that they had gained a total of 745 points which put them at 53th position, he sighed. He himself had 300 points to his name which meant he contributed a lot.

"We'll rest for a few minutes before continuing, we have to get to places with more powerful beasts," Noah announced.

Through out the whole battle, the levels of the panda were mostly in the lower stage. Noah ad only killed three in the middle stage and that was all.

His teammates sighed as while they stared at Noah's untired figure, he had been the best in killing those beasts, and he didn't try to hide it, and his stamina seemed off the charts, since his breathing wasn't ragged in any way.

Truth be told, Noah only felt like he had done a few light exercises, lower staged beats didn't really do much to him, only beasts at the peak could make him exhaust himself.

The time for their rest eventually passed, when Noah stood up, swept his gaze on the mini battlefield, seeing the multiple corpses of 2m tall panda's on the ground, he shook his head.

Dashing forward, Noah glanced at their position on the leaderboard. During their short rest they had fallen to 60th position.

The group ran for just thirty minutes, before Noah sensed an aura, actually multiple wild aura's in the middle stage, but he didn't stop.

Eventually he sighted the beasts, and a wave of surprise filled Noah's mind when he saw 2m tall apes dashing towards them at speeds he didn't think we're possible for them, and weren't actually normal.

He couldn't help but stop at that sight, 'What the fuck is going on,' he thought.

A magic circle flickered into existence in front of him, as he cast lightning bolts multiple times.

The apes weren't able to dodge it but that didn't remove the weirdness of the scene.

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