Villain of my own
Chapter 7 06. THE NEW WORLD.

"3.... 2....1"

He started counting down, it was amusing I wanted him get scared even more.


"What the f**k." he yelled.

He placed his hand on his heart and looked at me in shook, his face was twisted from anger.


A creepy laugh escaped my mouth, the situation was amusing on its own now his scared face was like the cheery on top.

'More, more, more, more.'


"This crazy bastard."

He yelled on top of his lungs, veins started to bulge on his forehead.

He channeled his mana and shot towards me with a low 'boom', he appeared and stopped right in front of me with his left foot in front and his right fist incoming to hit my face, it was a boxing jab, his actions were amusing to watch, I lifted my left palm towards my cheek and pointed my index finger at the incoming punch.



"What?" he looked at his right fist which was bleeding, dumbfounded.

My index finger had pierced his fist, it all happened in matter of a second, looking at his dumbfounded face a grin appeared on my face.

'More, more, more, more, ...more,'

I twisted my index finger which was piercing his fist, 180 degrees in lock opening manner.

"Gaaaa" he held his fist and agonized in pain.

My grin grew deeper looking at his face which was agonizing in pain, I punched his face with my right fist, a circular wind pressure formed, and I heard something crack when I punched his face, he flew to the other side of the room and hit his back to the wall, breaking it, and flew to the other building wall with a 'boom'.


My grin came to a halt as his body which slumped to the ground showed no moments, I walked up to him and glared at him, he showed no signs of life.

"What happened?"

"Isn't that the association chairman?"

"Is he dead?"

"What's that? Is that a monster?"



"Run! It's a monster."

Many people gathered at the scene and fled when they saw me, children were crying, panicked men and women ran left and right, brave people gathered magic power to attack, and others bought reinforcements. I grinned as I began to walk towards the group of people who had gathered enough magic power to attack.

'More, more, more, more, more, more'

​ My face grimaced in pain as my head began to hurt.

'More, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more'



Do you want to know what happened after that?

For your pleasant surprise, I'm alive.

I mean, I died once, but I was reborn.

I remembered my past life when I was three years old, my name is max.

'Yes, only max.'

Why did I have to remember my past life when I was three? Why not from birth? Hmmmm..... I don't know, maybe because my instincts are excellent?

"Haha." I let out a dry laugh.

I remembered them when I was playing hide-and-seek with my father to which I got the best hider award. Why?


Because he never came back! Hahahahaha.

Yes. Yes, I was abandoned. He said "Go hide anywhere I'll bring your mother and we'll replace you together." I got my memories when he bought me out of the house, he took me to a forest and said that we are playing hide-and-seek, a thunderbolt struck in my head 'This pattern!' I remembered this pattern, he patted my back towards the forest and turned back to leave, I just stood there in gape and looked at him leave.

"Haha....I'm abandoned aren't I" I let out dry laugh, 'I'm f**ked' I thought.

…...what do you want me to do? I was f**king three-year-old.... kuhum enough curses, maybe he wanted me to die, because the forest he left me in was filled with demons and poisonous gases, anyway, bad for him I survived.

I remember being was told that I was getting a baby brother, well anyway, it's none of my business now.

Do I hate them? Of course, I do. What am I going to do them? Nothing, only if they don't meddle in my life.


EARTH, Year 2023.

This world is divided into four continents: the elven domain near the north, 'Forlond.' The dwarven domain in the east, 'Highalduhr.' 'The demon realm' near the west, and the human domain near the south.

The human domain is the largest of all continents; the human domain is divided into seven different sectors based on its danger levels; though there is no safe place, sector seven has a 5-10 percent spawn rate of dungeon F-D and monsters of grade 1-3 and sector one has been occupied by monsters of grade-10 and rank S-SSS dungeons.

Sectors seven, six, five, and four have a high population density. The hero association is in sector seven, and many guilds are in sectors six, five, and four; however, the top ten guilds are in sectors three and two, where monster and gate spawn rates are higher, with monsters of grade 8-10 and gates of rank AA- S being common. Sectors three and two have a low population density.

Portals connect all sectors, making it easier to move from one to the other.

Sector five 'ELOMORT' has an academy which trains heroes, the academy is called 'SWITCH'.

The human domain and the dwarven domain have a trading relationship; the elven domain has yet to make any contact with the human domain.

Magic has had a significant impact on this world. Those who have discovered their 'TRAIT' can use magic more freely with the aid of their 'SYSTEM' and can become stronger through training until they have reached the limit of their talent rank. People who have not awakened their 'TRAIT' can only use basic magic of 'mana bullet' and 'mana shield' and their growth stops if they have not awakened their 'TRAIT' by the age of 18.


Sector five 'ELMORT' is filled with sky scrapers, which are primarily accommodations for those who attend the academy, though its lively, food, and other amenities are only for basic or urgent needs, and sectors seven and six are recommended for high quality necessities.

In a 50-meter-long, well-furnished room.


The alarm sounded, which was a grey cylinder 15 centimeters long with a blue window hovering over it, next to the luxurious white king-sized bed with a figure curled up in the middle, a handsome man with white hair woke up and sat wiping his eyes, opened his eyes which were bright orange, they shone for a brief second.



I looked at the alarm in irritation, I just woke up and this damn alarm is irritating me early in the morning.


"This damn..."

I quickly picked up the alarm and was about to swing it down to the floor and suddenly remembered that it wasn't my alarm, I bit my lip trying control my irritation.

'The hotel saved you.'

I thought as I turned off the alarm and glared at it for a moment.


I turned to face the table where I had left my smart watch, placed the alarm clock on the table, and took my smart watch; a blue window appeared, displaying the notification.

Old geezer: [Make sure to visit me today at SWITCH.]

"Ah, right."

I remembered that I was the one who set the alarm, I glanced at the clock which was placed on the table.



I turned around, embarrassed, and made my way to the shower, I took a shower and came back, took out my black tuxedo suit and wore it. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself.

"Gotta say, I'm damn handsome."

I picked up all of my belongings and placed them on the bed, then waved my hand in the air, space twisted, and a small blue portal opened up in the air, it was my 'SUBSPACE' magic, I put all my belongings I bought in it and walked towards the door. The only disadvantage of using the magic I invented was that it required a lot of mana.



My smart watch suddenly rang as I made my way out of the room, I checked the notification.

Old geezer: [Where are you?]

[I'm leaving now you damn geezer.]

A blue keypad appeared and hovered in front of me; I replied as I entered the elevator and pressed the 1F> button, as I was in 31st floor.


In the underground garage of the hotel, <G2> hmmmm, if I remember correctly my bike should be somewhere around here.


Instead of a headlight, it had a rectangular shape white led light, so I took out the key from the subspace and pressed the unlock button; if I need it, it can be summoned to where I am, but it's more fun to park and unpark on its own.


The exhaust reverberated throughout the garage.



I noticed many things in this world after I came out side of the forest, hmmmm... I think he; I mean that old geezer 'Quinn Walker' came to that forest, I was in, on a mission I think, I saved him from demons, unfortunate for him only he survived, I followed him out of the forest and learned many things about the world on our way out and parted ways, he gave me his spare smart watch with some money in it and said he would contact me time to time.

I later found out that he was the SWITCH academy's chairman, he said that he would sponsor me if I wanted to study in switch but I refused, now that I'm 19, he is calling me to become a professor, I thought for a bit and agreed to it, mainly because I didn't have anything else important to do.

Oh yea, I was talking about the things I noticed in this world. To my surprise, this world turns out to be my own novel, though I have yet to confirm it because I haven't met the main characters yet, so I'm not sure whether it's the first or second part of my novel.

Oh, and I'm the villain 'MAX,' or middle boss, if you will. I have no intention of living as a villain because I love the world I created; I will live my life the way I want, and we'll see how it turns out.

As I rode towards SWITCH; I have to say, its huge not just huge, like HUGE, huge. You understand?

SWITCH academy is a massive structure. it's like taking a map of sector five and placing a donut in the middle of it. It can easily fit about a million people inside of it.

I parked my bike nearby and walked towards the academy's entrance when I noticed two strong men guarding it. Judging by the aura they give off; I believe they are both rank-A or AA. As expected of a switch, having a rank-A individual guard it must have cost at least 1000 golds, which is the same amount required for a family of two to live comfortably for the next five years.

"Stop. Please show us your ID."

"Here you go."


Name: Eshwar Frost.

Age: 19

Date of birth: 1-04-2004

Height: 5.9

[OR code]


I politely gave my ID card to them; the man took the ID to check and other man walked towards me with a black rod like device which is a mana sensor, it reads and registers the mana of the individual in question, a blue laser like light came out of the mana sensor and scanned me top to bottom and it blinked in green light once it was done.

"Here you go, Sir Frost."

"Thank you for your co-operation."

The men politely bowed and returned my ID. Yes, I have registered my name as 'ESHWAR', Eshwar was my name in my past life, so I used it, because I think the family who abandoned me wanted me dead so I used my past life's name to register myself, and Frost to remember Frostine.

"Thank you for your hard work."

I thanked them with a smile and walked inside the entrance, it was a long walkway made with white marbles tiles, many students wearing the Switch academy uniform were walking around, some stood in a circle and some stood leaning towards their classroom door ways.

"Did you guys see the news about white swan?"

"Yea, he's so cool!"

"But doesn't he kill people?"

"Yeah, he does, but he only kills bad people."


"Yeah, and he gives money to families of the bad guys he killed."

"Woah, that's so cool!"

Many students were talking about something, I didn't hear much and walked towards the end of the hallway. Guh, where is his damn office.

"Ah, excuse me."

I called out to the girl walking in front of me, she had dark brown hair which was pony tailed and hey, her body curves were pretty good from behind, if I have to say so myself.

"Yes?" she asked.

She turned around to face me, she had bright green eyes with pale white face with some baby fat in her cheeks and she was beautiful, I think she was startled by my sudden call, I politely smiled at her.

"Sorry, but can you please show me the way to the chairman's office?"


She just stood there in daze; I didn't know what to do in this situation. I kept my smile and titled my head in confusion.


" handsome." she mumbled.


She said in a low voice but I heard her and was taken aback by the sudden compliment. I just realized that being handsome can be troublesome in its own way.

"Ahem..... thank you?"

".....did you hear that, I'm so sorry." She bowed and apologized with a flushed face.

"Ahem...can you please show me the way to the chairman's office?"

"Ah, yes. Yes, please follow me."

"Thank you."

I thanked her with a smile and followed her from behind to the chairman's office.

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