Voyage Of The Villainess
Chapter 196 - Volume 6.6 Quality Time

"Let's have some quality time together. alright, Lila?" 

Lila shivered when Iris' attitude was more different than her usual frightening or authoritative one. The door closed, and Iris escaped a sweetly sickening smile at her.

"This place is quite peculiar right?" Iris said as she took a seat on the bed. There was a window in front of it and the wind was blowing.

"Do you tell them anything?" Iris asked in a cheerful voice which made Lila look at her.

"No," Lila said. "I just said that we came from some faraway place and ended up there. Kayden was also with us but he just vanished after I woke up."

'Why is she asking all of this now?' Lila pondered. 'I thought she didn't care for anything that happened. Then perhaps she was acting on purpose? But why?' When Lila tried to open her mouth to speak.

Iris accidentally knocked down the expensive-looking vase. The three attendants that were left, outside, hurried inside.

"Lady Iris?" All three of them were surprised to see the broken vase beside the bed. "Are you alright?"

The one in the middle who was seemingly the attendant immediately gestured for the other two maids to clean the broken vase.

"I'm sorry," Iris said with an apologetic voice. "I climbed to bed to look at the scenery outside the window but I accidentally bumped into the vase."

'Why is she lying?' Lila watched the scene unfolding in a stiffened state.

"It's alright." One of the attendants said. "What matters is that you're unhurt."

"Thank you," Iris flashed a smile. "I'll be more careful next time. It seems that any noise that I might cause here, might also be heard by roommates if I'm not careful. I don't want to accidentally disturb anyone again."

"That will be fine, Lady Iris." The head maid said and bowed. "In this area, only yours and Lady Lila's room are situated here."

"I see. I'm glad to hear that." Iris said and flashed a smile."But I'll still be careful."

The head maid bowed down after a few more exchanges of talks before going out of the room. That was the time Lila tried to speak again.

Iris put her mouth into her lips. "Hush, Lila. I know you are excited here. Even if we are the only people here, we might still disturb other people, if we are too loud."

Just then Lila realized what Iris meant by her words. 'The walls have ears. But why is she being discreet like this? From her three days of staying here, all the ape beastmen were kind to her and accommodated all their needs without fail.'

"Lila back then, you loved to hear bedtime stories right. Do you want to hear one?"

But Iris didn't let her speak and began her tale.

"One day there is a man blessed with the spirits, he was born as a very rich man. He has everything, his looks, his wealth, and all the people are always kind to him. And also he was also a very compassionate and righteous man. He built a great kingdom and many people followed him. But as time passed, the followers started to harbor jealousy of the man.

They can't stand how he is very different from them and think that always in the man's life, he always had it easy. So they plotted against him to destroy him. But all their attempts failed since the man was blessed with spirits, they always guarded him against harm.

However, a witch whose beauty was greater than anyone stepped to the enemies. He will help the conspiracies to destroy the man in exchange for something. She wanted every bit of their eldest children's hearts.

And so they abide due to their extreme jealousy against the man."

'How is this a bedtime story, it is getting darker as the story continues.' Lila gulped in silence as she continued to listen to Iris' story.

"They brutally murdered their eldest child, so that the witch would destroy the blessed man. But what they didn't know was that the witch was a spirit in disguise. And when the vile and jealous people presented the heart of their children in front of them. Lightning struck. And the vile people trembled.

The witch told them that their greed and jealousy know no bounds to even kill their own children. Then the witch revealed her identity and also told them the children that they killed were not their children but a puppet she created in order to copy their children's appearance. And the heart they had slowly faded in specks of dust. That way no harm comes to those children.

The witch cursed the entire kingdom in seclusion and from generation to generation no one would ever receive any blessings from them. They would also suffer more. That day as well, with the children of those they tried to kill, some few believers of the blessed man and the blessed man itself disappeared. Chaos and sufferings befall the ungrateful and evil people."

Iris ended her story. Lila clapped her hands with tears in her eyes. "That story is very beautiful. I'm glad that the children were safe. And the man was also saved." 

"Right?" Iris smiled. "It's a perfect story to fill some plot holes." She emphasized the plot holes part. 

"It is getting late now," she glanced at her window and the sky was already dark. "Better rest now, Lila," Iris said as she pulled Lila once again and this time they headed to her room. 

Everything happened so fast, that Lila was awakened to her stupor when Iris closed the door after saying goodnight. 'Eh, what?' Lila was stupefied looking at her closed door and her room. 

Meanwhile, Iris gave her greetings to her assigned maids outside her room before entering her room.

"Goodnight, And thank you for your help as well earlier," Iris said with a smile.

"It's alright," the head maid said. "It is our duty to serve, Lady Iris. If you ever need something Milady, please ring the bell." Then they bowed when she entered her room.

"I'll do that," Iris said as she entered the room.

A grin escaped her lip. 'Whether she gets the story or not, it really doesn't matter.'

'I know I am being a jerk, to act suspicious to some people who offered help with us. And nursed me. But there is no such thing as free lunch in any situation. I have learned all of that now. From what Lila had said, they appeared all of the sudden and offered to help us. And those eyes, cold and unfeeling eyes. 'Iris brushed her hair with her fingers. 'I already saw too many eyes with that kind, chief. For I am also that kind of person once.'

"U-u-ah-ah." Baru came in through the window and lay comfortably at Iris' bed.

"Oh, great Baru."

She patted the already sleeping monkey beside her. 'It seems you will be used to something grand soon.'

Iris laid down on the bed as well. 'Let's watch and see what they truly want from us. And I hope it will be something truly entertaining.' She chuckled to herself.

'That story as well, I hope he enjoys that story as well?' Iris closed her eyes. 'And the others wherever you are, don't ever die before we see each other again.'

From outside her room that was on the third floor of the building. Kayden stood on the roof. His beautiful crimson eyes were clear as well. The hem of his black coat fluttered through the air as he looked entirely to the new place they were dropped off.

Beautiful red lanterns lit up the streets, while some ape beastmen were chatting happily in strange clothing that he only saw for the first time. Even the houses and buildings were different in style. A culture and civilization that was entirely different from what he had seen so far.

"Where are you right now?" He let out a soft mutter in the air as worry flickered in his crimson ruby eyes.


Meanwhile, in some other parts of the continent, Rhyme could be seen being transported with one of the wagons with chains on his legs, neck, and arms. 'I just said that I will try to patrol and look for some materials to repair the ship. But then I suddenly replace myself abducted by some slave merchant who was speaking a different language but strangely I can speak and understand it as well. Together with this...' Rhyme looked at the caged cart he was in. And there were only beastmen that were probably caught and had serious injuries.

'At least they don't beat me up. I hope Dorris and Rein will replace me,' Rhyme said as he silently shed tears. 'Please come and save me.'

The wagon headed towards the inside of a city with high walls.

"These are the newly captured beastmen." Rhyme glanced up to hear people talking outside. 

"Alright, you may come inside now." A more grumpy voice said.. And soon the cart that Rhyme was in was moving once again. 

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