Voyage Of The Villainess
Chapter 31 - Trial Part 1

Two teenage girls sat on a swing in a park where the sky was clear and there was a pleasant breeze everywhere. 

"What do you think?"

The girl with long black hair wrapped into two braids adjusted her eyeglasses as she waited for her friend to finish the book she has been working on for over three years.


"If everything is alright already,  I'll finally send it to a publisher. Then it will sell hundreds of thousands of copies. I'll become a well-known novelist and a wealthy person. Mom doesn't have to be worried about all of the expenses involved with my siblings' and my own schooling."

"Calm down, Anna.." Gina Torress hushed her best friend, who was chatting with her constantly. "I'm already getting close to the end." She said while her eyes were still glued on the book. There was some anticipation in her eyes and sometimes her brows creased.

Anna Jills' eyes twinkled as she heard her best friend's words. Her joy grew even more as she observed her friend absorbed in her book. It was the third day her friend had been reading the book, and she still hadn't completed it. After all, it's 50 chapters with 2000 to 2700 words per chapter. 'But since she said that she was almost over. I'll just wait some more time.'

Anna came to a halt after nearly an hour of patiently waiting, running around, playing in the slides, or just swinging when she noticed her best friend Gina finally close the book she had written.

Gina breathe in first before she turned towards Anna who have an expectant gaze with her. "Your book..."

"Yes, yes, what about my book?" Anna nodded her head repeatedly. There was a bead of sweat already forming on her forehead from the anticipation of waiting to hear her best friend's thoughts.

"The book is..."

"Cut the suspense already!"

"It sucks," Gina said with a serious expression.

"Yes! I know it...Ah, what?" Anna's face started to become gloomy when she realized what Gina has stated. And now she was on the verge of tears. "I...I..." she pursed her lips and didn't know what to say.

"The grammar is horrible. There are lots of G-errors. Tense shifts. And some wordings that don't even make sense. There are some things that are very questionable as well." 

Each word that came from Gina's mouth was like an arrow that kept stabbing Anna. "Are you even listening to Ms. Claridad during her class? She thought us a lot of things about English. Ah, right." Gina raised her index finger as if reprimanding Anna. "You're always sleeping in her class."

'I'm not the only one sleeping. Almost all of our classmates are huhu. You're the only one who was actually listening attentively to that teacher whose voice is like that of a lullaby.' Finally, Anna slumped on the ground, looking so dejected. She imagined herself playing that one versus one game in the arcades. And this sharp tongue sadist friend of hers was her enemy. Without even making any move, Anna was already KOed.


Anna raised her head and with teary eyes, she looked at her harsh best friend. 

"I'll help you. Give me one week. I'll fix all of this. Since other than that," A gentle smile grace Gina's face, "your book is almost perfect."


Gina nodded her head. "I know you work hard on this so let's see to it that we would be able to bring out its full potential. I'll even accompany you to a publishing house my aunt knows."

"Ahh! Thank you, Gina!" Hearing her words, Anna's eyes lit up with great enthusiasm, her heart beating with excitement. "I absolutely look forward to that!" She leap towards Gina and gave her a tight hug. "You really are the best Gina!" 

"Of course, you're lucky to have me as your best friend," Gina chuckled. "When you're already rich, treat me with some ice cream, okay?"

"I would even buy you of one full year's worth of supply of ice cream if you want!" Anna was thrilled.   

"Don't. I don't want to be fat." Gina said as she looked at her friend's book. But in contrast with Anna's delighted and excited expression, a grim look passed Gina's face as she continued to hug her.

'Fate of the Stars.'

'I'm sorry, Anna. But I hope you can forgive me after this.'


One and a half days ago, the night after Taleba's revolt ended...

The booming thunders were mirrored by the loud strokes of the drum. A particular orange-haired girl was being dragged in the middle of the night. They were heading to the vast clearing in the heart of the Sierra Forest, a forest that could be found at the south of Taleba Dukedom. Her previously fiery, unfeeling almond eyes were lifeless. Her complexion was paler from before, and her body shivered from the cold wind that was blowing because she was dressed in thin, tattered silver dress. Her feet were already covered with sores and cuts from walking barefoot.

There were several chains binding her, from her neck to her hands and even her legs and feet. This was to demonstrate how wary everyone was of her. After all, wounding three tribal leaders at the same time was a feat that no ordinary person could execute.

There were knights wearing chain mail hauberks with the symbol of the two-colored flag of Taleba Dukedom on its right chest plate. A cerulean blue color in the upwards and white downwards along with eight stars surrounding the sun in the middle of it. They were escorting her as she traveled through the forest. There were three knights in front of her, one on each of her sides, and five more at the rear.

After an hour of trekking, they came to a halt when they reach the opening of the clearing. Her escort's chief knight conversed with someone who appeared to be a knight as well, guarding that area. He cast a peek at Iris before nodding to the head knight.

"Bring her." The head of the knights ordered with a deep authoritative voice.

Iris' arms were held by the two knights on her side. They pulled her to the clearing's center and shoved her on the ground. After that, they both saluted and withdrew.

The rhythm of the drums came to a halt. One by one, the torches surrounding the middle of the clearing began to light up, exposing eight massive bronze seats, each with a distinctive insignia of the eight tribes. The insignias were drawn at the circular middle part of the top rails of each seat.  From the middle to the left side the position of the chairs and their symbols;

A white nine tails that symbolized the White Fox Tribe.

A black dragon that symbolized the Drago Tribe.

A roaring lion with a crown for the Leon Tribe.

A cross scratch mark for the Tigris Tribe.

A shark with razor-sharp teeth for the Pistris Tribe.

A falcon with its wings spread widely while carrying a book on its feet for the Falcons.

A full white moon for the Wolf Tribe.

And lastly; a snake that was entwined with a spear where the blade was pointed downwards represents the Anguis tribe.

The seats were already occupied by all of the tribal leaders. Their sharp and scrutinizing gazes were now fixed on a young lady perched in the midst of the clearing. There was a thick silence in the air, with only the sounds of crackling fires and faint leaf rustling. It stayed that way for a few more minutes until one of the tribe leaders finally spoke out.

"Fellow chiefs," Tyzzynth Akarrir of the Falcons began speaking. "Let the trial commence."

"Allow me to begin." Diana was the first to engage. Despite the fact that she had sustained the most serious injuries during her struggle with Iris, all of her wounds had now healed entirely. "Iris,"

When Diana began speaking, Iris simply kept her head down.

"You were here as a result of your crime, which was leading the rebellion of the slaves."

Diana's glossy red lips formed a grin when she saw Iris stayed still, but her eyes were not smiling. Instead, it was tinged with hatred. Being beaten by a slave was a humiliation she would never forget. And if the other tribe leaders were not here, she already turned this insolent slave into pieces. "Ah, my apologies," her voice not sounding apologetic at all.  "You were nothing more than a subordinate. Wasn't it that apeman, who confessed that he led the rebellion? But, alas, he is no longer alive."

This time Iris finally raised her head. A pained emotion rippled directly to her almond eyes. "," she muttered with a hoarse and broken tone in her voice.

Seeing that Diana finally got some reaction with the mere slave in front of her, her smile that was full of contempt grew even more.

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