Welcome to Hell!
Chapter 88: The Interrogation (3)

We were able to extract information about the Republic Army’s situation from the white-armored soldier woman. Marcellus was jotting down what he had heard on a piece of paper. Surely, he would show his replaceings to someone important.

“I understand your situation. Given that you haven’t deceived us, let’s place our trust in you. Now, moving on to the next inquiry,” he declared.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Just the other day, I was among the individuals who infiltrated Carnela… I don’t know what you guys call that port, but it was the place where you were stationed. Please explain what was happening in that warehouse district.”

Though I hadn’t gone to the warehouse district myself, I vividly recall how the three others looked quite worn out after going there. In the end, I didn’t ask them what they had seen. However, judging by Marcellus’s serious expression and Mika’s slightly narrowed eyes, it was certain that something unpleasant had occurred there.

In response to Marcellus’s inquiry, the white-armored soldier woman uncomfortably averted her gaze. It seemed that whatever they had witnessed was also difficult for her to accept. Being the only one unaware of the specifics, I listened with a sense of bewilderment.

“That’s what those insane scientists from our homeland are up to. I want you to understand that I have absolutely no involvement in any of it.”

“I see. I’ll believe you.”

“Thank you. It seems the things you saw were specimens being used to biologically unravel the reasons behind the weakened fighting spirit and spiritual power of our Khan race compared to other humanoid species. Even in our homeland, such practices, like dissecting the bodies of the deceased, are criticized as sacrilegious. But those people couldn’t care less.”

Dissecting the bodies of the deceased…? Did witnessing such things provoke a sense of unease in the three of them? Although they were accustomed to seeing corpses, it appears that being dissected in such a manner was unacceptable… Humans are truly peculiar creatures. Personally, if I were to see dissected meat, I would think it looked easy to eat, nothing more and nothing less.

No, perhaps it’s because my sensibilities ultimately remain those of a scorpion. Deep down, I am a different race from the humanoid species. Furthermore, right after I was born, I committed mass murder, killing countless members of my own kind and siblings. Even if my kin were to die, it wouldn’t bother me, as they aren’t even truly my kin to begin with. It’s only natural that it doesn’t concern me.

“It’s impossible to overcome the curse of the gods through technology.”

“I agree with that. However, it’s a fact that scientists, especially biologists, have increased the harvest yield per unit area thanks to genetically modified crops. They hold considerable power in our homeland.”

“More than white-armored soldiers like you?”

“Hah! We are nothing more than atavistic brutes who rely solely on physical strength. It’s true that we are provided with specially crafted armor and weaponry, but that’s all. While there are common soldiers who respect us due to our strength, we have practically no real authority.”

Being strong doesn’t automatically make one important. That’s a common occurrence in human society. It can be said that among the Khan race on the Shisha continent, who have long suffered from food shortages, those knowledgeable and skilled in food-related matters have gained authority.

Listening to this story, I felt like I understood why the Republic’s army hesitated to fire flaming projectiles from their fire breathing war chariots when we jumped into the wheat fields. They simply didn’t want to harm their most crucial source of food with their own hands.

“Speaking of which, the white-armored soldiers, huh? Is that what you call us?” The captive woman said.

“Yes. We don’t know the official name, so if you could tell us?”

“There isn’t really a special name. The white-armored soldiers are called the elite soldiers, while the rest are regular soldiers.”

“I see… Well, that’s good to know. So, I’ll stop here for today. We’ll continue with more questions tomorrow. Oh, wait! I forgot something important!”

Marcellus, who had stopped writing on the paper, stood up and tried to leave the cell. However, after standing up, he smacked his own forehead and added. What could he have forgotten?

“I forgot to ask for your name! Could you tell me?”

“Asumi. Asumi Ishakram.”

“Got it. I’ll come back to hear more from you, Asumi.”

“A-Ahh. See you, Marcellus.”


According to Marcellus’ words the white-armored soldier woman, Asumi, seemed to have struggled as soon as the paralyzing poison I had injected wore off. Without any weapons and surrounded by formidable soldiers, she was quickly subdued. However, that’s when the real problem began. Surprisingly, none of the enslavement-based spiritual arts seemed to affect Asumi at all.

According to the empire’s spiritualists’ account, it appeared that a device capable of repelling enslavement was implanted near her heart. Forcefully removing the device would result in her death, making it impossible to compel her to speak the truth through enslavement.

Yet, killing her would be a great loss. So, it was decided to confine her in a heavily fortified cell, reinforced with sturdy chains crafted by the empire’s technology.

“However, no matter who went to her, they were only met with insults in her language, making it impossible to have any meaningful conversation. That’s why I was ordered to bring you two, the ones who managed to subdue her.” Marcellus said.

“And the effect was remarkable indeed. It seems my Lord’s tail has traumatized her quite a bit,” Mika added.

When we walked out of the prison, Marcellus recounted the events that led to our arrival. Indeed, there had been voices of shouting as soon as we descended underground. However, once the woman caught sight of my tail, she immediately fell silent. Without it, she might have continued shouting endlessly. It seemed that the imperial soldiers had quite a difficult time.

Incidentally, Marcellus didn’t make any remark in any way about Mika referring to me as “lord.” It appeared that he had negotiated his way into such a position without anyone noticing. He was skilled at maneuvering behind the scenes.

In any case, our task was now complete. Until we were summoned again, we could take our time resting by the stables. Marcellus parted ways with us in front of the prison, as he had to deliver the gathered information. Mika and I began making our way back to the stables while feeling the gaze of the imperial soldiers upon us.


“What is happening?”

The stable should have had very few people, yet it seemed that the crowd was growing as we approached. A sense of unease washed over Mika and me, prompting us to quicken our pace towards the side of the stables. However, before we could reach our destination, we heard the sound of something solid striking flesh and a faint cry of pain.

Mika and I wasted no time, exchanging glances before sprinting off. Pushing aside the obstructive imperial soldiers, we made a beeline for the stables. There might be consequences later for our actions, but who cares?! Our fellow members of the demon squad were far more important!

Shoving aside the imperial soldiers who were spectating at the front, we surged forward. And there, amidst the chaos, I spotted dozens of unfamiliar demons wreaking havoc. Tigar and the others were being brutally beaten, yet they fought desperately to endure.


I didn’t know what exactly was happening, but consumed by anger, I lost myself and lunged at the enemy demons attacking my comrades.


After the Hades Scorpion demon and Mika, accompanied by Marcellus, had departed to an undisclosed location, a soothing atmosphere enveloped the stable where the demon unit were on standby. It was only natural for them to lower their guard and unwind after being relieved of their monitoring duties.

Those who were tired went to sleep, while those still awake lay down slowly inside the tents. They wanted to be in perfect condition for the next mission.

“……What’s going on?”

Still, even in such moments, Tigar remained vigilant, a habit he had developed during his time as the leader of the Lugall squad. Although not as sharp as Mika’s, his senses had grown to be quite keen as a demon, and he caught sight of a group heading towards the stable where his unit slept.

After gently caressing the heads of his wife and son, who were sleeping in the same tent, he silently slipped out of the tent. Zald, who seemed to be on alert just like him, and a few other comrades who hadn’t been sleeping also sensed something was amiss and joined him outside.

“What kind of impolite guests come at this hour? So, who do you think they are?”

“I have no idea. Just don’t let your guard down.”

Gradually approaching, the arriving group eventually came into view for Tigar and the others. They were taken aback by what they saw. The reason being that, aside from the robed spiritualist leading the group, everyone else was a demon… and unlike Tigar and the others, these new demons were all in their demon form.

Caught off guard by this unexpected sight, Tigar and the group watched as the ensemble, led by the spiritualist, approached them. Tigar and his comrades observed the movements of the demons. There were around thirty of them, and based on their behavior, it seemed their combat skills were lacking. If they transformed into demons themselves, they would easily overpower the new arrivals.

However, they were ordered by Marcellus not to transform into demon form except during combat with enemies. For those who were enslaved, orders equated to coercion. In their non-demon forms, there was a significant difference in their physical abilities, making them disadvantaged in this standoff. Tigar concluded that they should avoid causing a conflict if possible.

“Hey, hey, so these dirty scumbags are our seniors, huh, Master Karelvo?”

The first one to insult Tigar and the others in a loud voice was a demon with rough skin, a thick tail, and the head of a crocodile. Among the demons present, he was the largest, exuding the air of a man accustomed to violence. Tigar speculated that before becoming a demon, he must have engaged in extortion and similar activities.

The spiritualist, who was questioned by the crocodile demon named Karelvo, smirked and wickedly chuckled while surveying the surroundings. Confirming the absence of the Hades Scorpion demon and Mika, his smile deepened even further.

“As a demon unit, that’s right. But these guys are nothing more than failures created by my foolish younger brother… Incompetents who are several steps below all of you.”

“Hahaha! They certainly seem weak!”

The crocodile demon and his comrades laughed raucously, mocking Tigar and the others. However, Tigar and his companions showed no reaction. For beings that were always treated as less than humans, the Atonement Soldiers, were accustomed to being insulted to their faces. They simply observed the laughing demons with calm faces, their expressions unchanged, and their silence unbroken.

Tigar and his companions showed no reaction, which seemed to annoy Karelvo, who twisted his mouth in displeasure. However, he quickly came up with an idea and started wearing a smug smile once again.

“You lot, show these failures here what a true demon is without killing them,” he ordered.

“We’ve been itching to go on a rampage!”

“I can’t hold back anymore!”

“And there are women here too, right? It’s been a while since we had some fun!”

Just when Karelvo gave the command, the demons eagerly launched an attack on Tigar and his group. Their eyes gleamed with delight at the prospect of unleashing violence. Despite Karelvo’s instruction not to kill them, there was an undeniable sense that they wouldn’t hesitate to take lives.

“Are thy serious? Hey, get up, you bastards!” Tigar shouted.

“Although it’s hard to believe they’re sane… let’s fight back!” Zald added.

Sensing the bad situation instinctively, Tigar and Zald confronted the attacking demons while calling out to their comrades. Startled by Tigar’s shout, the other members of the demon squad hesitated for a moment but eventually joined the fight against the new demons.

However, the difference in power between those who had transformed into their demon forms and those who hadn’t was clear. Despite Tigar and his group’s superior combat skills, they were overwhelmed by the difference in numbers and physical abilities.

If they too had transformed into their demon forms, the outcome might have been reversed. However, Marcellus had forbidden them from undergoing such a transformation within the fortress to avoid unnecessary trouble. They couldn’t bridge that gap in power.

“Well, well! What’s the matter?”

The crocodile demon taunted while pressing Tigar’s head down and moving his foot around.

“Damn it… If only we could transform into our demon forms, these guys…”

Tigar muttered in frustration, gritting his teeth and desperately trying to get back on his feet.

“Sniff, sniff… I found you, brat!”


“A woman! It’s a woman!”

“Stop… Stay away…!”

The new demons unleashed violence with unbridled desire, but it seemed they still wanted more. Employing their new keen sense of smell, they sought out children and subjected them to their brutality. At the sight of a woman, they pounced with the intention of humiliating her. These demons had become nothing more than beasts capable of speaking the language of humans.

Rather than stopping them, Karelvo reveled in the spectacle before him. His own creations (the new demons) were inflicting pain on the creations of Orvo. Could anything be more exhilarating? No, there couldn’t be. His sense of self-worth was fully satisfied, to the extent that he even wished to witness this for eternity.


However, what snapped Karelvo back to reality was a roar that emanated from behind them. The air quivered with a fearsome voice, accompanied by an overwhelming aura of bloodlust. When Karelvo turned around hesitantly, he was faced with Orvo’s first creation, the Hades Scorpion demon, who directed a chilling, wrathful aura towards Karelvo’s own creations, striking fear into their very cores.


TN: new demons are screwed…

Also there is a reason why the new demons are acting like this….

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