With his Lepoidae Summon, Adam took out another 50 monkey beasts that were all at the same LVL as him or above, and with his high Bloodlust, was enjoying his hunting.

After he had defeated another 50 beasts, he had exhausted his IESP and rushed away to the edge of Stage 3 where he found somewhere that he could recover without being attacked by monkey beasts.


The monkey beasts were becoming scarcer and scarcer as he continued hunting and Adam was also replaceing it easier and easier to kill them as he became more accustomed to the way that they fought, along with his Leporidae Summon that was also learning how to deal with the monkey beasts.

After he had been in the Dungeon for a total of 30 hours, Adam knew that he didn't have much longer to defeat the Boss Beast before he was weakened from being in the dungeon for too long.

[It is now or never] thought Adam to himself as he prepared to battle against the Boss Beast.

He had killed around 150 monkey beasts on stage 3 and Adam knew that there couldn't be many more monkey beasts left, but he was sure of was that most of them were all in the central civilisation where the Boss Beast was.

[I wonder what kind of Boss Beast it is going to be and maybe it is going to be some sort of monkey king] thought Adam to himself as he approached the civilisation.

He had learnt from his mistake on Floor 0 and the experience was traumatic and still haunted him slightly at that current moment as he planned to deal with the Boss Beast smartly and as quickly as possible.

Lowering the numbers of the monkey beasts wasn't only to gather gold, but was also to make it easier for him to sneak into the monkey beast civilisation without alerting the Boss Beast, giving him the element of surprise.

He had thought about sending in his Primate Summon, that looked identical to the monkey beasts, to infiltrate them, but he knew that all the beasts in the dungeon had deep-rooted hatred and hostility towards him and also his summons.

Dashing through the rainforest at his top speed, Adam launched himself over the small wall and the defences that the monkey beasts had around their civilisation and rolled on the ground as he landed to dampen the impact.

It was exactly how Adam had imagined it to be and there were small treehouses formed of sticks and was like what he imagined indigenous tribes looked like.

He knew it was inevitable that he would be sensed soon and the best thing for him to do, would be to head straight for the Boss Beast and make the most out of his element of surprise.

Adam wasn't sure what he was up against yet, but with his spiritual sense and his Hunter's mind, he could feel there was a powerful and dangerous being in the centre of the civilisation.

Just as he began to approach the large central structure where he could sense the presence of a powerful being, there was a sudden loud roar that resounded throughout the floor.

In a fit of rage, sensing that Adam had entered its territory, the Boss Beast let out a wild roar as it destroyed the structured around it in a single strike that launched debris flying everywhere.

Hearing his roar, the monkey beasts all scurried away to the edge of the central civilisation as the Boss Beast was revealed to Adam who was blocking the flying chunks of wood that were launched around by the Boss Beast.

Looking at the beast Adam couldn't help but become intimidated.

It was an enormous gorilla beast that stood at 3 metres tall and from what Adam could see probably weighed over 300 kg.

But what intimidated him most was the gorilla Boss Beast's stats.

Forest Gorilla

LVL 20

HP: 360

Strength: 36

Speed: 36

Intelligence: 36

Resistance: 36

Its stats were incredibly powerful and balanced as there was no weakness for Adam to exploit.

[No wonder it could sense my presence with its Intelligence that is at 36 points. These Dungeon Beasts really are weird and I have lost my element of surprise, so need to be careful] thought Adam to himself as he dashed backwards and created some distance between himself and the Gorilla Boss Beast.

The Gorilla Boss Beast was superior to him in every way apart from knowledge and skill in battle, and Adam knew that their battle was going to be a tough one, where he would have to go all out and push himself past his limits.

External Hardening

Energy Sleeve

Activating both the fundamental defensive techniques at once, using them to the best of his ability, Adam wasn't holding back anything in this battle as he felt his resistance rise massively.

The observing monkey beasts and the Gorilla Boss Beast all also sensed the sudden change in Adam's body as the adaptive and attentive beasts became confused and slightly wary of Adam because of the change.

[System use all 3 E+ Rank Monkey Fur Coats now] communicated Adam to the system, not wanting to use the inventory directly which would distract him.

{Ding, the host has equipped 3 E+ Rank Monkey Fur Coats and all the host's stats have increased by 3 points for the next 10 minutes} announced the system.

Adam felt his strength take a large leap as he quickly looked at his status while the beasts around him, including the Boss Beast, were distracted and confused by the sudden leap in strength that they saw Adam experience.

Mortal LVL: 16

Dungeon Form LVL: 2

HP: 270 / 270 +30

IESP: 32 / 32 +3

EESP: 32 / 32 +3

Strength: 28 +3

Speed: 31 +3

Intelligence: 31 +3

Resistance: 28 +43

Wisdom: 10 (5+5)

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5

Looking at his stats Adam had a slight smile as he looked over at the Gorilla Boss Beast that was no longer that much stronger than him and had inversely become disadvantaged when compared to him in terms of overall stats.

However, Adam didn't become arrogant or complacent as he still continued to be careful and alert, knowing that the Gorrila Boss Beast wasn't his only opponent and there were still hundreds of other monkey beasts that were watching his battle from the sidelines.

Without wasting any time Adam burst towards the large Gorilla Boss Beast without any fear, knowing that he only had 10 minutes before his body suffered large backlash and could no longer sustain the enhanced power that he currently had.

After his energy storages ran out along with the effects of the three E+ Rank Monkey Fur Coats, he would become defenceless and useless and would have no chance of battling against an ordainry human, let alone so many powerful monkey beasts.

Knowing that, Adam didn't hesitate to attack and didn't want to waste time as he launched a powerful fist at the open stomach of the Gorilla Boss Beast.

Adam's fist launched the Gorilla Boss Beast Sliding backwards, but his strength was still slightly below that of the Gorilla Boss Beast and it didn't deal his opponent any fatal damage.

Where Adam had a complete advantage was when it came resistance as his resistance stat was extremely high currently, but in every other stat, he was below the Gorilla Boss Beast.

He was also disadvantaged when it came to energy storage, because as the system had told him, beasts in the dungeon didn't become tired and unlike him, had unlimited amounts of energy.

Adam was aiming to take down the Gorilla Boss Beast as quickly as possible and leave the dungeon before the other monkey beasts could get in his way and intervene in their battle.

The large Gorilla Boss Beast had speed that was only slightly higher than Adam's, but it was frightening to see such a colossal figure move at such fast speeds, as it grabbed Adam before he could dodge and threw him with minimal effort, launching him crashing into the ground 10 metres away from it.

Adam who had been thrown and crashed onto the ground stood up and had a smile on his face after suffering only minimal damage from the attack, experiencing how powerful his resistance currently was.

But what made him even happier was the realisation, that even though his defensive technique was different to Chase's and was much weaker than it when it came to the hardening of his exterior, the system made it so that Adam's resistance as a whole was strengthened.

That meant that his internal organs were also enhanced and protected, unlike Chase who could still suffer internal impact if his opponent managed to deal him a blow that would damage him internally.

[I love you system] thought Adam to himself, who after all the things he was given by the system, and its changed attitude, couldn't help but show his appreciation.

However, in the middle of a battle, he knew better than to waste his time thinking about his techniques as the smile was wiped off his face and he glared at his opponent.

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