{Seeing as the host is now functioning properly, I can inform you of your rewards for completing Floor 4} stated the system.

{The host has gained 3 stat points from levelling up from LVL 37 to LVL 40 and has gained 6 stat points from completing Floor 4} notified him the system, as it continued to bombard Adam with a stream of notifications.


{From the host's constant use of his summons and treating them well, which has made them more respectful and fond of you, while also using all of the host's summons interchangeably, the host has gained 2 Charisma points}

{As the host's Charisma has surpassed 5 points, the host has unlocked a new skill, the Charm Skill}

{The Charm Skill is a skill that the host can use to manipulate, influence and coerce others by using the host's high Charisma Stat. The higher the host's Charisma stat, the stronger the skill's effects will be, however, the skill has no guaranteed effect on the one that the host is using it on. If the target has strong will power, or a bad and hateful attitude towards the host, the likelihood of the skill succeeding will be low and it not only relies on the host's Charisma, but also the host's manipulation and social skills} explained the system, knowing that Adam would ask about it if it didn't.

After gaining a skill from the system, Adam would be able to use it instinctively and it was as though he had been using the skill for years and was easy to use, but in most cases, he didn't actually know how it worked or how to use it without the assistance of the system.

{Using the Charm Skill, the host can also regulate the output of his Charisma, so will be able to lower the effect of the host's Charisma on others} added the system.

After Adam heard that, he let out a sigh of relief and didn't enjoy being the centre of attention and didn't want his Charisma that had increased to cause him trouble.

He would lower his Charisma to 3 points, which from what the system told him, was the average amount of Charisma that a person would have, and would allow him to seem ordinary, which would give him the element of surprise. 

[Spend all my stat points on speed] instructed Adam within his mind as he sat up and leant on the wall.

He was drenched in sweat and was still sore all over from the backlash that he suffered after using the Blood Burn extension in the dungeon, but he was too excited to see the results of his training to care about the pain that he was feeling.

[System, show me my status, including my points and gold] ordered Adam.

He wasn't sure exactly how high his stats were, but what he did know was that his speed was incredible after he spent all his stat points on speed.

Being able to escape, avoid attacks and overwhelm the opponent with speed was currently Adam's main focus, but against his master in training, he only used speed that was expected of somebody at his cultivation level or slightly higher, not wanting to shock his master too much with his speed.

{Ding, the host's current status, including the host's points and gold, is:

Mortal LVL: 40

Dungeon Form LVL: 4

EXP: 0 / 40000

HP: 510 / 510

IESP: 56 / 56

EESP: 56 / 56

Strength: 52

Speed: 86

Intelligence: 56

Resistance: 52

Wisdom: 10 (5+5)

Charisma: 7

Luck: 5

System Points: 533521

Stat Points: 0

Gold: 6333070}

Looking at his status, Adam had a satisfied expression, especially when he looked at how many system points and gold he had and how high his speed was.

His stats were all slightly higher than what would expect from his cultivation level, while his speed was similar to that of a mid level rank 7, when he was only an early rank 4.

Adam had spent 10,000 system points to upgrade his Dungeon Form to LVL 3, then 50,000 system points to upgrade his Dungeon Form to LVL 4, now he needed to upgrade his dungeon form to LVL 5, so that he could hunt efficiently on Floor 5.

He had also spent quite a few system points on pills and equipment that he needed while hunting in the dungeon, which he didn't keep count of, but he knew didn't surpass 50,000 system points.

He made sure to remove all the impurities from his body after he consumed pills, and Adam realised that although physical effects wouldn't be carried from the dungeon to reality, the impurities from pills seemed to be an exception.

It was quite hard to deal with and took time, but in the dungeon, where he had double the amount of time that he had in reality, he could remove the impurities quite quickly and easily after practising the process.

[System upgrade my Dungeon Form to LVL 5] ordered Adam, not caring about the price, knowing that he would have to buy it anyway.

{Ding, the host has spent 100,000 system points to upgrade his Dungeon Form to LVL 5} announced the system.

Adam was expecting such a price, but seeing the amount of gold and system points that he had left, he wasn't too hurt by it and was finally prepared to spend on all the things that he had been wanting to spend on.

He had stopped himself from spending as much as possible and he focused completely on his training, not wanting to lose focus and become complacent, but now he finally felt that he could spend the system points and gold that he had been hoarding.

After the month of training with his master and hunting in the dungeon, his power had increased massively, however, his master hadn't taught him any skills and he didn't have any knew skills that he could use from the system.

His master's training and teaching was reserved and he seemed to be holding himself back from teaching Adam any skills, which Adam had noticed, but Adam was still learning lots of fundamentals and basics that he was missing, while training his combat and gaining tips from his master.

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