Adam wanted to avoid trouble, but if his aunt wanted to do something, he wasn't going to stop her from doing it and would go with her, making sure to protect her with his life.

His aunt was a Chinese immigrant and worked hard her entire life, first to get her citizenship, then to provide for Adam. She never had time to relax and enjoy herself and felt as though she had become distanced from her culture.


Adam had a western look in terms of his facial features, but his skin was quite pale and his hair was very dark. Matched with his eyes that had become red after integrating with the system, he looked similar to what one would expect from a vampire, but also made him look quite handsome.

Because of that, he didn't really feel comfortable calling Jannet his mother, even though he saw her as his mother, and she was the one that told him to call her his aunt. Adam was raised eating Chinese food quite frequently and it had become something that he enjoyed, so if his aunt wanted to go to Chinatown, he would go with her, without voicing any complaints.

After clearing up the table, Adam left his aunt playing on a computer and left to visit the Silver Moon Auction House, where Chase, Elizabeth and Jaspal were all residing.

Adam's aunt had become fascinated with computers, phones and especially games. Adam was shocked by her fascination towards such things, but he didn't mind as long as his aunt was happy.

It was to be expected from somebody who had never had the luxury of free time and had never used any devices in her life, apart from an old and phone that wasn't even a smartphone. She had also been in a coma for almost 3 years, where in that time, entertainment and technology had developed quite massively.

Adam didn't have to worry about money with the gold he had that was equivalent to over 60,000,000 dollars, so bought his aunt anything that she wanted. 

Her room was filled with different devices that she would play with and learn how to use and while she was doing that, Adam left to head towards the Silver Moon Auction House.

Elizabeth and Jaspal were confused by why Adam would spend so long in such a remote location, but seeing how much he had improved, it was quite obvious that it was the place that he was cultivating in.

Jaspal wanted to go and see what it was like there and whether there was some sort of treasure that was the reason for Adam's progress, but Elizabeth was completely against that idea and didn't want to go behind Adam's back unless she needed to.

Adam had helped her massively and she was yet to properly repay him, so she wanted to refrain from doing anything that might ruin her partnership with Adam.

She could also see that he was developing faster than her auction house and knew that she soon wouldn't be of much use to Adam, so she had to keep a good relationship with him, otherwise, she would miss out on having him as a powerful backer in the future.

Adam drove over to the Silver Moon Auction House using the motorbike that they provided him, and as he arrived, Elizabeth with Jaspal beside her were already waiting for him at the entrance.

Adam parked in the parking lot of the building and headed towards the entrance.

"How did you know I was coming" asked Adam with a slight smile, hinting to them that he knew about the tracker, that they had most likely placed.

"Well you usually come at around this time on Sundays, so we were waiting to greet you" answered Jaspal, who was able to quickly replace an answer to Adam's question without confirming that they had placed a tracker.

"Oh, okay. Anyway, I'm going to go and spar with Chase" stated Adam, changing the subject.

But Elizabeth couldn't help but have a bad feeling and feel slightly intimidated by Adam, whose eyes looked frightening, even with brown contact lenses in.

"We'll come and watch," said Jaspal as he pinched Elizabeth's arm and dragged her with him.

She had zoned out, but that was exactly what Adam had expected and confirmed to him what he was mostly sure about anyway.

Adam had decided that he would see how they were while partnered with him, and if he once felt that they were trying to betray them, he would either replace some way to control them or slaughter them without remorse.

But from her expression, it seemed as though she regretted it slightly and didn't have malicious intentions. With his master's Illusion Array, they wouldn't be able to replace the dojo unless his master allowed them to, and as long as they didn't approach his aunt or any of those that he cared about, he was willing to stay partnered and friends with them.

However once they crossed that line, he would not only break ties with them, but make them wish they never tried to harm those that he cared about.

Taking the elevator, Adam, Elizabeth and Jaspal headed to the floor below the top floor, where Chase and all the other cultivators they were nurturing, were residing.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Chase rushed towards it, sensing that Adam had arrived, and was already expecting him as it was a Sunday.

"How has your training been" asked Adam as Chase launched a fist towards his head as soon as the elevator doors opened.

"Clearly, still inferior to yours," answered Chase as he was shocked to see that Adam was able to catch his fist with his bare hands.

In that moment, Adam activated both the External Hardening Technique and the Energy Sleeve Technique to increase his resistance by 80 points, which used 4 EESP and 4 IESP to sustain every minute, and allowed him to seem as though he caught the fist with ease.

Jaspal and Elizabeth who were behind Adam were shocked by the speed and power that was behind Chase's fist and by Adam, who was able to catch it with ease.

Retracting the heavily draining techniques, Adam had a smile on his face after seeing Chase and so did Chase.

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