Ava smiled at Adam after hearing all his questions and seeing that he was doing better as she began answering the questions he had about the three special rings in order.

"I will start off with what they are. They are Integratable Equipment and the Goblin Lord acquired them after being sealed and trapped under the castle. The beast was unable to draw out their full power or integrate with them as the rings were dormant, but the host should be able to do so by awakening their spirit with your aura. Once they are awoken, they should be quite easily made obedient to the host as they are all young spirits that aren't very intelligent or hold any negative emotions" stated Ava, answered Adam's first question.

"As for their uses, each three of the rings have different effects and uses. Integrateable Equipment almost always grant the owner an ability of some sort and all they require is enough energy to activate them, and the equipment will do the rest. The rings each have a gem embedded into them, one that is red, one that is grey and one that is yellow"

"The red ring boosts the host's Charisma Stat and is known as the King Ring. This will give the host the qualities of a king, a leader and a dominator, which will boost the power of your aura and also make it so that those that have a weaker cultivation or willpower than the host will easily submit to the host. It can also be used to enforce loyalty by binding your subordinates' blood to it and using it to control them"

"The grey ring boosts the host's Speed Stat and is known as the Stealth Ring. This will give the host the qualities of an assassin and thief. The Ring grants the host the ability to become invisible and with it, the host's aura, heat signature and presence as a whole will disappear. Sustaining that state can be draining and the host mustn't make any sounds, otherwise, there is no point using it. However, with the host's current muscle control, it should be easy to move around without making any noise as long as the host holds his breath"

"Lastly, the yellow ring boosts the host's Intelligence and Wisdom and is known as the Mind Ring. This will give the host's the qualities of a researcher and strategist as well as the qualities of a scout with great sensory capabilities. Your mind will be very clear and able to handle even more information and strain with this ring and your spiritual sense will be enhanced by it massively.

"You will be the first to integrate with these three rings and they will offer up as much power as you can handle as long as you prove that are worthy. Each of them will require different methods to control and each of their spirits will have different personalities, but that is for you to handle"

Adam had a smile on his face after everything that Ava had said about what they were along with their uses and was excited to test out their power.

"Their effects will always be present, but they will only be small enhancements. For the host to be able to draw out their full power, the host will need to provide them with Internal Energy. As for their ranks, they are unranked and were created by the system. They are a very rare type of Integrateable Equipment that have growth potential, and for you, they have infinite potential along with every other Intergrateble Equipment that the host gains directly from or through the system"

Hearing that, Adam was pleased and knew that as long as he was capable, the power he should be able to draw out of them would be incredible and they would become great assets for him in the future.

However, he knew that everything good came with risks, requirements or consequences, which he knew Ava would tell him about next.

"The risks of their use is that the power the host draws from them could be too much for the host to handle and could damage the host's body. They may also become harder to control as they continue to grow stronger alongside the host, granting the spirits inhabiting them more power and intelligence, which may cause them to rebel. The requirements for their use is just for the host to be strong-willed and powerful enough to handle their power and spirits"

"Also, once the host integrates with them, the process is almost impossible to reverse and each of the rings will take up one of the host's fingers. This means that the host can only gain 7 other Integrateble Rings, but that is nothing to worry about as it is almost impossible for the host to replace any other rings that are on the level of these rings or would benefit you much. Most other Integrateable Equipment would just end up being swallowed by what you already have and the rings' spirits may clash with each other"

After hearing all the negative effects of the rings, Adam wasn't too afraid or disappointed in the slightest.

[So there will be three spirits that I assume will have a telepathic connection with me and I will need to deal with them and get them to submit. Since they are yet to be used and their spirit yet to be nurtured, it should be easy to handle the Mind Ring, as it should be easy to negotiate with. But the other two rings will most likely require some force to overwhelm them] thought Amda to himself as he pondered on what the spirits would be like and what it would feel like to integrate with the three special rings.

"One last thing I forgot to add. The host can make them visible and invisible as the host pleases, just like all Integrateable Equipment, as they can be retracted into the host's body. Once they are retracted into the host's body, they will be in a dormant state, so they won't disturb the host as long as they are under the host's control" added Ava.

With that, Adam was excited to use the three special rings and replace out what other incredible rewards he acquired and what was in store for him in the next Dungeon.

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