[System what is the time currently] asked Adam who had destroyed his phone while in the Auction House.

{7:46 PM} answered the system. ​​

[Can I change the time at which I enter the dungeon] asked Adam.

He was hoping to either be able to postpone it so that he could get back to his apartment in the dark, or go into the dungeon as soon as possible so that he wasn't vulnerable in reality for too long.

{Oh yeah, I forgot to tell the host that the host no longer has to schedule when to enter the dungeon and the rules changed after the host completed Floor 1} stated the system nonchalantly.

[What the hell. How could you forget something so important] screamed Adam frustratedly, thinking about how many times he had to rush to a bed to sleep in before entering the dungeon.

{Well, the new rules are that the host can enter the dungeon once a day at any time, which will make the host enter a slumber, and the host doesn't have to enter the dungeon every day for 12 hours. However, the host must make up a total of 100 hours within the dungeon weekly, which would require 50 hours in reality} informed him the system, ignoring his screams.

[So it seems that the amount of time I must stay in the dungeon weekly has been reduced from 168 to 100, giving me more freedom and time in reality. But it also means I can stay in the dungeon for longer periods of time if I want] gathered Adam.

Despite being given the option to have complete freedom, Adam was instead planning to spend more time than previously within the dungeon, knowing that time worked two times slower and that it would be more productive than what he would be doing in reality.

[With the Ethereal Recovery Skill I can continuously recover my MP and HP in the dungeon and might even be able to stay in there for days or maybe even weeks] thought Adam to himself.

{The system would recommend the host to not spend more than 47 hours within the dungeon form, which is 24 hours in reality, as it may have backlash on the host's soul and the host's body also will not be sustained for 24 hours without the host's control} recommended the system.

Noting what the system had said, Adam was not sure whether he should go into the dungeon now or later.

It was dark outside as it was only spring and it still got dark quite early, but the streets of Brooklyn were still brightly lit.

[I will enter the dungeon now then leave after 8 hours in the dungeon, which means when I leave it will be 12 am. Most areas are surveilled so I would need to hide the sabre, which I can hide in one of these trash bags, and I also need to take off these damned set of clothes] decided Adam.

He wanted to ask Cole for help, as he would be able to pick him up in the car and knew he was worried, but he didn't have a working phone and also didn't want to get Cole into any issues that may follow him, despite his mysterious identity.

[System take me into the dungeon] ordered Adam.

{The host is being transported to Floor 2 at the host's previous position} announced the system as he felt his soul being sucked out of his body.

Adam opened his eyes after the warping sensation ended, to see he was in the same place he had left the dungeon.

[I will hunt some Wood Pythons as quickly as possible and try to LVL UP twice before leaving the dungeon in 8 hours] stated Adam to himself.

With his two E+ Rank Scale Vambraces on either arm and his E Rank Wolf Sabre equipped, Adam felt confident in his power.

Despite the Wood Pythons being most proficient in grappling their prey, which was their Special Trait, they also had dangerous bites, despite them not having venom.

With the Vambraces, all Adam had to do was entice them to bit and as their jaw is unhinged and embedded into the Vambrace, he would be able to get his summons to attack.

He also had a resistance of 27, while he was wearing his equipment, meaning his body was almost 3 times as resistance to pain and damage to an average peak human.

If that plan did not work, he could rely on his summons to distract or hold down the Wood Pythons, while he teamed up with his summons.

But overall Adam wasn't worried about using too much MP as he now had the Ethereal Recovery Skill that would recover 1 MP every 5 minutes that he was in the ethereal state.

Staying on the outer area of the rainforest, where he knew he would only come across Python beasts that were the first stage of Floor 2, Adam soon came across a LVL 12 Wood Python.

The small gap in LVL didn't faze him and he dashed towards it excitedly, with the desire to kill burning in his eyes.

"Goblin Summon"

"Canidae Summon"

A green stocky goblin and a large Canidae beast that had features from 3 different types of beasts appeared out of thin air behind the python that was slithering rapidly towards Adam.

Sensing two powerful beasts appear behind it and the target before it that was also quite powerful, the Wood Python had no way to escape and increased its speed towards Adam.

The python lifted its head upwards and opened its mouth wanting to bite Adam, knowing that it didn't have the time to grapple Adam before the two beasts behind it reached it.

It was just as Adam had hoped and he used his right vambrace to defend against the bite as he held out his arm to take on the attack.

The python's teeth were damaged against the vambrace, but Adam could see the durability lower because of the attack, but it didn't faze Adam as the battle had worked out exactly as he had hoped.

In the few seconds that the python was biting down on Adam's vambrace, Adam's two summons had reached the python beasts and attacked it multiple times and weakened it massively.

Adam then finished off the Wood Python with two slashes of his sabre held in his left hand, killing the beast with ease.

Without having to worry about using too much MP, Adam continued killing Wood Pythons in the outer areas of the rainforest.

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