Without noticing it, Adam had went almost two days without food or water and that was a positive side effect of the Ethereal Recovery Skill, that allowed his body to sustain itself with energy without the need for food.

However although he didn't need food to sustain his body, Adam was still hungry and enjoyed eating.


As he returned to reality, he couldn't ignore the hunger that he was feeling, which he hadn't even noticed during the day, and felt a tight cramp in his empty stomach.

[I will have a nice big meal with my aunt and I don't mind spending some gold on it] decided Adam as he felt an aching pain in his stomach that was screaming at him to eat something.

As he woke up, he saw from the sun that it was early in the morning and his master was still sleeping.

[Should I wake him up or not] thought Adam to himself as he carefully approached his sleeping master.

"What do you want kid," asked his master, who sensed him approaching.

"Master I would like to request a day leave" requested Adam respectfully.

"If you wish to leave you may. But I require a valid reason and need to know when you will return. I cannot dedicate my valuable time to teach a student, who isn't willing to do the same" answered the old man.

His answer was reasonable, and Adam was pleased that he was recognised as a student, even though he was yet to be accepted fully as a disciple.

"I need to go to my aunt at the hospital who should be awakening today and I would like to be there to embrace her and spend a day with her" stated Adam.

Adam began explaining to his master the way he was living and was honest about most things, but changed his story slightly.

He made it so that he stumbled across a cultivation method that he learnt alone and didn't mention anything about the system, but was honest about everything else.

"You mean to tell me that within a week you were able to gain as much strength as you have" exclaimed the old man shocked by what Adam was telling him.

"Yes" affirmed Adam.

Looking at Adam's calm red eyes he could tell that Adam was telling the truth, but he was more curious to see what method Adam stumbled upon and where he found it.

"I am sorry master but I cannot reveal that to you and have already shown that I trust you by revealing to you this much" answered Adam honestly.

Adam had had enough of lying and wanted to be honest with his master, and he had done so as much as he could, but he couldn't reveal anything to do with the system.

"We all have our secrets, but what I am looking for is loyalty" stated his master.

"You can leave for a few days, but when you return can you bring a lot of food with you. I haven't eaten properly for decades. And also anything from this modern age that may interest me" affirmed the old man.

"Yes, master" accepted Adam as he turned to leave.

"But are you sure you haven't eaten for a while" called out Adam ridiculing as he ran off, away from the dojo.

"Arrogant kid, I will teach you to respect your seniors when you return" mumbled the old man as he returned to his sleep-like state.

Adam was in ripped clothes that had a stench of blood and sweat all around them, and knew that he needed to next time bring with him may sets of clothing and food with him, when he was training with his master in the dojo.

He also needed to replace a way for him to get to and from the dojo quickly and easily, without needing to rely on someone else to take him there.

[A motorbike would be a good way to get to the dojo and it would also allow me to carry clothing and food in the storage compartment] thought Adam.

"I will get one from Elizabeth, because I should save my gold, for in case I need to transfer them into system points" decided Adam.

"But for now I will need to get back to the city, that is around 40 miles away, on foot" mumbled Adam to himself regretfully,

To get to the mountainous region he was in, that was only ventured to by hikers or those that were sight seeing, Adam had to travel almost 60 miles by taxi.

Luckily by offering almost all the of the cash he had left from what he had borrowed from Cole, the taxi driver took him to his destination.

"There is no point lamenting on my choices now and the longer I wait, the longer my aunt stays in the vegetative state" stated Adam as he began running at a steady speed in the direction of the city.

It was an hour and a half before he spotted the city, but luckily he had seen a large truck driving by and had managed to sneak onto the back and hitch a ride into the city.

Adam no longer cared about people's opinions, and after replaceing out about cultivation, ordinary people seemed to not affect him in the slightest.

Checking his phone, Adam saw many missed calls from Cole and while out in the secluded mountainous region where his master's dojo was hidden, Adam didn't have any signal.

Dialling Cole's number, Adam was curious to see why he was calling him.

"Hello," said Adam down the phone as Cole picked up.

"Where the hell are you and where have you been" exclaimed Cole.

"There is something wrong at the hospital. Your aunt is on the verge of death" informed him Cole.

While Adam was training, Cole asked Sarah about where Adam's aunt was and found out the hospital she was staying in.

However, when he went to visit her, her face was drained and her heartbeat was slowing down.

"They said she doesn't have much time left"

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