[System am I imagining things, or wasn't there something within my aunt's body that was halting her body's functions and holding her in the vegetative state] asked Adam as he pondered on what he had seen over the years and replayed to himself what he felt had occurred within his aunt's body.

{Well it seems as though if you do use your Intelligence stat and Hunter's mind properly, you are quite capable. Yes, I can confirm that the host's assumption is correct} affirmed the system.


Hearing the system he was shocked, and the only person or organisation that Adam could think that would stand to gain from his aunt's vegetative state was the hospital.

[They must have used some sort of medication or poison to keep my aunt's body unconscious for so long, so that I can keep paying medical bills to the hospital. And over time my aunt's body must have deteriorated without physical activity and almost collapsed] gathered Adam.

"They would have killed my aunt if I didn't interject, and were the cause for the downfall of my ordinary and happy life" mumbled Adam to himself furiously.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth and clench his fists as his rage, matched with his Bloodlust characteristic, was causing his desire to kill to rise crazily.

Calming himself down, Adam had to confirm his assumptions before he acted and also knew that he had to be careful of the police and government, that could still take him down with ease.

Changing into a black tracksuit, that was unbranded and couldn't be used to track him, Adam also put on his ski mask and black gloves that he prepared for situations like these where he didn't want his identity to be revealed.

After thinking about it for a while, the best way for him to get in and out of his apartment that was on the fourth floor, was for him to jump out of the window that was in the public toilet in his apartment.

If he left using the main entrance, then returned, it would be too obvious if he acted against the hospital.

Adam decided not to go into the dungeon that night and after using the Ethereal Recovery Skill for a few hours, to calm and soothe his mind and desire to kill, Adam prepared to leave in the middle of the night.

He had to sneak out and in of his building and the hospital, without leaving any tracks, and Adam made sure not to take anything with him, learning from the mistake he made in the auction house incident.

[The toilet window is the only window in the house that is on the edge of the building, other than the large window that looks over Brooklyn Park. I should be able to fit through that small window, and to get back in I will have to jump back up] thought Adam to himself.

He was sure that he could jump down from the fourth floor, with his high resistance and HP, without suffering any serious injuries, but what he wasn't sure about was what he could do to get back in without using the main entrance.

Adam pulled the showerhead and hung it out of the window, after testing that it was strong enough to hold his weight, and Adam saw it as his only way to get back into his apartment without using the front entrance.

If he could jump up 3 stories, he would be able to hang onto the long shower head he had placed out of the window and climb back into the window he left open.

There weren't any cameras along the side of the building and in the middle of the night, they weren't any people out to see him.

"Here goes nothing" he mumbled to himself as he squeezed out of the small toilet window and jumped down to the ground feet first.

The impact was harder than he thought it would be, and he suffered a sharp pain to his knees and lower back.

However he had only lost 30 HP and it was nothing fatal, as he walked off his slight injury, that he knew would recover within a day, without him using the Ethereal Recovery Skill.

Dashing through the dark and dimly lit streets of Brooklyn was a masked and hooded figure, in all black, who was dashing towards the nearby hospital.

The hospital was open 24 hours, but during the night there were much less workers and Adam scouted the building for any way in that he could use.

Along the back of the building, he found a sturdy pipe that ran all the way up the building, and at the top, he saw an open window that he could enter into the building from.

But it was risky as he didn't know whether there was somebody within the room with the open window.

However Adam was willing to take the risk with his mask and hood on, and if it came to it, even though he didn't want to, he could kill any witnesses.

Adam didn't want to harm any innocents or those that weren't cultivators along his journey, but if it was necessary, he would follow through with it subconsciously with his Hunter's mind that was decisive and ruthless and his Bloodlust characteristic that made it so that his desire to kill was insatiable.

Climbing up the pipe, which was easier than he expected with his high physical strength, Adam stealthily climbed up the pipe towards the top floor where the open window was.

Despite how crazy everything he was doing was, Adam was calm and after experiencing being warped into a dungeon every time he slept, he was no longer shocked by anything anymore.

Adam opened the window more so that he could fit inside, and managed to get into the room.

As he entered into the room, he saw that it was an office and after reading the name on the desk in the dimly lit office, he recognised it as the director of the hospital.

Adam had researched the hospital's director and those below him, but what added to his suspicion was that it was privately owned, yet didn't mention who owned it.

Just as he was about to begin looking through the paperwork on the desk, to see if he could replace anything suspicious, he heard two pairs of footsteps and two voices approaching the office.

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