The car reached a halt outside of the building that Adam recognised as the Silver Moon Auction House.

Now looking at the building more closely, Adam could see that it was large and had around 10 floors. Despite it being quite large and modern, compared to the large buildings in the centre of Brooklyn, it wasn't anything special.


But for the time being, it was enough for Elizabeth to be able to lay the foundation for her organisation and was a good investment that would increase in value over time.

"We have arrived sir, please follow me" stated the driver respectfully as he left the car and opened the door for Adam.

Adam followed the man silently as he looked around and noted down everything that he was seeing in the area.

The first time he had been at the Auction House, he was only going because Cole had wanted him to go with him, but this time around he had become partnered with their organisation and needed to see what he was working with.

The man that drove him, wore an all-black suit and was very uptight and serving as he led Adam to the single lift in the building that led to the top floor.

As he reached the top floor, Adam realised that it wasn't part of the Auction House structure.

"The top floor is the boss's quarters and where the boss also hosts any guests that she has. While the floor bellow that of the boss is where all of her loyal members of the Auction House reside" explained the guard after seeing Adam's curious expression.

The escort knew that Adam was a prestigious guest of the Auction House and knew that telling Adam some small things about the building wouldn't be an issue.

[That is a good set up that ensures her safety and allows her too keep her subordinates close and nurture them with loyalty towards her] thought Adam to himself as he exited the lift with his escort.

The top floor was clean and modern, but wasn't fancy and overdone, which Adam liked.

Cole's penthouse was too fancy and luxurious for Adam's liking and it made him feel uncomfortable, but the top floor of the Silver Moon Auction House had the luxury needed for one to enjoy their stay, but it didn't flaunt its wealth and make Adam feel out of place.

Elizabeth's wealth was clearly shown by the building that her organisation was based in, which was superior to any of the small gangs and small cultivation organisations. However, it still was nothing compared to the larger families and Adam knew that her reserves were rapidly being burnt in order to sustain the Silver Moon Auction House and rebuild it after the attack.

Adam was led to a large office, that had a relaxed and comfortable vibe with a few sofas and minor decorations.

"You may leave" stated Elizabeth to Adam's escort as she welcomed Adam and closed the door behind her.

Elizabeth was very careful and there weren't many of her own subordinates that she completely trusted.

"So, why did you call me here?" asked Adam as he jumped onto a sofa and lay comfortably.

He had no reason to be reserved around Elizabeth after everything he had done for her and she was also pleased that he felt comfortable around her as their partnership continued to be strengthened by the trust that they had for each other.

"Well there are a few reasons that I called you here, and we will get onto your custom vehicle if you can be patient" stated Elizabeth as she sat opposite Adam who lay comfortably.

Elizabeth liked to act mature and calm, but Adam knew she was just as petty and childish as he was in certain situations and knew that it was all an act.

"Hurry up then, spit it out" urged Adam who was becoming annoyed with Elizabeth who liked to delay revealing things to Adam.

"First of all I have chosen 50 of the most talented and determined members of my organisation and I wanted to run them by you before allowing them to cultivate the method that you provided me" stated Elizabeth.

"I don't really care, if you trust them, they should be fine. And if they betray the organisation just kill them, it's not a big deal" replied Adam nonchalantly wanting to get onto the custom vehicle that he had been waiting for.

"You can't just go around killing people and sooner or later you will get yourself arrested" screamed Elizabeth annoyed by how frivolously and uncaringly Adam was willing to kill, no longer able to keep up the mature act.

"Ha, look who has slipped out of character" scoffed Adam as he annoyed Elizabeth even more.

However despite teasing her, Adam could see the care and truth behind her words, and he needed to be more careful, otherwise, it was only a matter of time before they matched his identity with the hooded criminal, that he knew was inevitably wanted.

There were also officers that were following his every move, like the officer that he had heard enter the top floor that the monk was in just after he had entered the hidden exit, so Adam wasn't planning on committing any crimes any time soon, unless it was necessary.

After Elizabeth and Adam went back and forth for a while, Elizabeth managed to calm down and was ready to move on.

Adam without his Hunter's mind in control was quite reckless and free-spirited, while Elizabeth was very uptight and cautious, which made their personalities clash.

The Hunter's mind, despite being very cautious and paranoid, also resorted to killing as the easiest option to solving any issue and was always swaying Adam to act quickly and not allow his actions to be decided by his emotions. While the Hunter's mind also was having less of an effect on Adam's personality and actions as Adam found a balance between the control of his own mind and the Hunter's mind that gave him the best results.

Despite their small arguments, they both knew that neither of them held malicious intentions towards each other and were only looking out for each other's backs. However, both of them were only doing so to increase their own strength and influence using each other.

The mutual benefit of their partnership was what made their relationship so strong and allowed both of them to look past each other's faults.

"Secondly I wanted to tell you that within a week I am planning to reopen the auction house for business, as you probably know that our funds are running low and we need to reveal ourselves to the world but as a neutral organisation that isn't looking for conflict" informed him Elizabeth.

Adam agreed with her decision to do so and nodded his head in approval.

"Thirdly, your weird subordinate has been training nonstop and has only stopped to eat the food that we gave him and every time I went down to see him, he would be asking for you" stated Elizabeth.

"Then lead me to him," said Adam wanting to see how much Chase had progressed.

Standing up Elizabeth began leading the way to Chase's quarters, which was large and filled with any training equipment that one could desire.

"So, is it ready?" asked Adam while she was leading him to where Chase was.

"Yes, I will take you to it after you visit your crazy subordinate" answered Elizabeth, finally confirming that Adam's vehicle was ready.

He couldn't help but have a small smile, excited to drive it and see what it was like.

Although Adam had never driven a motorcycle, he had seen a few videos and manuals online, and it didn't seem to be very difficult.

As soon as Elizabeth opened the door to Chase's quarters and Chase saw Adam standing beside her, he ran towards Adam like a child that had seen their parent after not seeing them for a long time.

To others, he was a calm unshakable wall that acted as a monk, but with Adam, he was merely a child that was happy to see his father.

[Did the monk inheritance that he gained fry his brain. Why is he so weird] thought Adam to himself as Chase embraced him with a large warm bear hug.

"I missed you master... I mean boss" stated Chase as he put down Adam.

Adam gauging Chase's power was shocked to replace that it had increased since the last time that he had seen him and it was only slightly below his own.

He could sense that Chase had become a rank 2 cultivator, but his strength in terms of stats was below his own. However considering the hardening ability that Chase had, Adam was unsure if he himself could even defeat Chase with his full power.

[This weird fellow is so talented and powerful, but has the mind of a child. He was probably overwhelmed by the knowledge that the Monk Inheritance gave him and his entire personality and mind must have been changed into one that only cares about meditation and training. However, after coming across me who was the first to beat him, it seems that he was desperate for a senior figure to look up to and follow, so I was the lucky one that gained such an incredible and weird subordinate] analysed Adam from everything that he had gathered about Chase.

His analysis was almost completely correct, but it wasn't that Chase was desperate for a senior figure, but it was more of his mind and body willingly submitting to Adam because of an unexplainable feeling that he had while in the presence of Adam.

Adam wasn't completely sure why Chase had submitted to him so easily, but whatever it was, Adam was glad to have a subordinate like Chase and wasn't going to complain.

"Do you want to battle boss?" asked Chase excitedly, wanting to test out his strength after he had improved.

"Sure, why not" agreed Adam as he prepared to fight against Chase.

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