Your and My Asylum
Book 3: Chapter 2

TL note: Sorry for the late upload. Like I mentioned in the previous chapter, I’ve been really busy last week and was barely able to write 8k words. This chapter also turned out much longer than I predicted, so that factors in my lateness as well.

In other news, names are hard: Aria⇒Ariya


Even if youbecome impatient, it can’t be helped.

Life isn’t a quiz show. Something like a host who overuses 2-3 times chance opportunities just because their show has entered the mid-portion of the program, those people don’t exist. It’s not like chances themselves are non-existent, it’s just that, to an extent,those are all just bonuses. The only trick to obtaining a high score is to pile it up earnestly.

This is the same even if your start is somewhat late. If you’re at the bottom, then you have to gradually gather points while you’re back there. For starters, while within a pace where you can maintain both your balance and breathing, run. Walk at the very least.Don’t stop if possible, and absolutely never fall down.

As long as you don’t fall down, the opportunity to run will arrive.

I raised a needle and thread in one hand. After threading the piece of string through the needle while using a tool from the sewing kit, whichI had brought back from Earth, I held it up. I adjusted my voice as I began to sew.

“The first pillar rose in the north. The first shadow to cast down on the earth floated up and became clouds. Mixed together with the first raindrops to seep into the earth, the second pillar struck down to the right. The dust that scattered piled up and became mountain ranges······.”

As this was a hymn that described the creation of this world and was the national anthem that praised the founding process of this country, it was a practical song that helpedpeople become accustomed to the words and numbers of this language. Once I got to the part where the ninth pillar struck down due west and shook the entire world, I stopped singing.

“Done.”After making a knot, I spoke.“You can turn on the lights now.”

“Eck!? I’m not······.”

Although I could hear a panicked voice, someone soon turned on the lights. Within the now brightened room, I was sitting face to face with a maid, a single table placed between us, and with other maids standing around us. The maid in front of me, who had been sewing while leaning forward a bit, barked.

“W-What is this!? It hasn’t even been 10 minutes! How sloppily did you do it for you to have finished so quickly!?”

This girl’s name was Kina. Because of her short height, which didn’t even reach a single meter high, her small physique, and the fluffy dog ears hanging off both sides of her head, you could tell that she wasn’t a human but a type of beast race.

It was a misleading expression. It’s questionable whether otherworlders, like the Earl and Zia, were even the same race as the people from Earth or not. In any case, among the classifications of this world, her race seemed to be referred to asExtro’ tiel(The race of cutting teeth······ I’ll be liberally translating it to Saber-Fangs), and if I were to distinguish her by her personality, then she was one of the idiot trio types.

Although she seemed to have nimble fingers that were at least more impressive than the other maids, she wasn’t a match for me.

“······Kina. The sewingthat this guy······this person did, is perfect.”

The maid known as Shiyo(she’s a normal human) hesitantly made a fair evaluation. Kina pricked up her ears as if she couldn’t believe Shiyo’s words, but once she saw the fabric that I had sewn, Kina became speechless. She then hesitantly hid her needlework behind her back.

“Wan! This doesn’t count! Because you started singing all of a sudden! That’s why I couldn’t concentrate!”

How cute.

“W-W-W-What are you staring at!? Woof! Why did you suddenly start singing!?”

“In order to rhythmically maintain the distance between the stitches.”

“······I-Is it possible to maintain the distance by doing that?”

Is this fellow’s dexterity actually impressive? Even the buttons attached to the maid uniform she’s wearing were sewn on crookedly. Instead of pointing that out, I reached out and took Kina’s needlework. I tailored it while humming. I finished sewing around the time Kina’s ears had become pricked up and were as straight as rails.

“If there’s more to be done, then hand it to me.”


“Is there no more?”

“T-That’s everything······ for, today. Woof······.”

Kina uttered and averted her gaze. I nodded and gestured towards her.

“Then take those clothes off.”

“Bark······!? W-What······.”

“The buttons are crooked. I’ll fasten it properly.”

“Y-Y-You don’t have to worry about that!”

Well, it can’t be helped then. I didn’t pester her any further with my offer and proceeded to neatly fold the pieces of fabrics. A scarlet cat, twelve fingers, a violet swamp, etc, they were burgees with all sorts of crests embroidered onto them.

“Nyaah! But don’t think that this is the end! There are more things to do tomorrow! If you want to properly welcome guests, then you need to do a lot more!”

I nodded and departed from the room.

I placed abroom and dustpan on one side. I stood in front of a bookshelf and looked around the entire room. I set the rags out in a line and flipped a sponge insect upside down beside the rags. After glancing down at the metallic limbs wriggling underneath the sponge-like body, I dusted my hands.

After finishing my preparations like that, I immediately started to clean. I moved every carriable object outside of the room. Following after that, I promptly lowered my back and began sweeping. I gathered all of the trash into one area, and after transferring the dust and trash from the dustpan to the trash can, I threw away the garbage. The wiping, which started immediately after that, ended the instant both sides of every single rag had all been used. I gathered all of the used tools into one spot and carried back everything that I had taken outside.

“It’s over.”

One of the lady type maids, a girl named Seri, gathered her hands in front of her chest.

“30 minutes······.”

She looked as if she were incredibly impressed. Several of the other maids, as if they were displeased by this, barked their complaints.

“Wooof! Senior Seri! What’s with that expression! That’s unlike you who was once called the Empress of Cleaning!”

“That’s right! Don’t let that pervert······that mister, who fancies himself as that Whitey’s toy put on airs!”

“Kina, Shiyo, be quiet.”

“Yes, ma’am······.”

Kina and Shiyo, who had raised their tone a second ago, lowered their heads with sullen looks on their faces. Seri, thinking they were hopeless, scratched her cheek before walking towards me.

“Thank you for your assistance. Although I believe that we’re making you work too hard for something like cleaning.”

“Starting from cleaning, if you develop a habit for these sorts of things, then you can also efficiently respond to other things that aren’t ‘something like this’.”

“Are you sure that life doesn’t become more complicated because of that?”

I didn’t answer.

Seri placed the back of her hand near the edge of her mouth and giggled.

“It’s indeed something that’s worth modeling oneself after. As much as we have big guests scheduled to visit one after the other, it’d be a good idea to be on the side of doing the cleaning thoroughly. Did you say your name was Sir Yujin?”

“It’s fine to not attach the sir.”

“All right, Sir Yujin.”Seri, who had approached slowly, brushed my shoulder as if she were stroking it.“Then we’ll be in your care until Sii has recovered.”



I picked up the laundry which had to be hung out to dry in my hands.

They had just arrived from the second-floor basement of the central tower. The opportunity to reveal what facility is located there will probably arrive one day. I’ll just say that it’s a place where you can use as much hot water as you want. Before the heated laundry, which had yet to lose its warmth, could cool down, I used them to thaw my hands.

“······I see, you’re a pervert.”

A maid named Alshi muttered. She was one of the martial artist type maids that I saw when I first came up from the basement. She had long, straight, black hair and a small frame. She already looked as if she had a layer of skin that was one size too small for her, but her firm body type made her slightly large cheststick out further.

I decided to acknowledge the fact that having my hands shoved into a pile of socks and stockings could appear weird.


“The weather is cold so I, do understand. It’s something I, do often as well after all. But at the very least, do it with the larger articles of clothing.”


The socks with the socks, the stockings with the stockings, the panties with the panties, and the tops and bottoms with the tops and bottoms, I separated each article of clothing by their types and stacked them up in their own respective piles. There were also bed sheets and blankets. This laundry had come from the living quarters of the maids. Although it appeared as if there were no marks on any of these to distinguish who the owner was, there were probably various distinct characteristics about each article of clothing that only their owners could recognize. Except, only Sii’s shabby stockings stuck out like a sore thumb. I should buy her a bunch of new ones when I go back to Korea.

I started to hang the laundry up. The drying area on the rooftop of the Star Tower was the optimal place for sunlight. I hung up the bed sheets and blankets first, the tops and bottoms of clothes followed after that, then the stockings, and for last, I hung up the undergarments and the socks. During that process, I checked on the generator which I had brought back from Korea. Due to the fact that I had installed these kinds of generators a countless number of times back during the 8 Years’ War, this generator was functioning properly as well. However,because of this very generator and also because of the laundry that had been set out to dry, there was a single thing that I was worried about.

“What happens if it rains?”

The clothes will most likely be fine, but I was more worried about the bed sheets and blankets. However, Alshi gestured towards adrainage pipe without any concern.

“It’s set up so that the rain scatters and, goes in there. With the power of, magic.”

So it’s a fantasy setting in this part.

No, everything has been a fantasy setting since the very beginning······.

If there’s no need to be worried about the rain, then the next thing that should be held in concern was the chance of theft, however, that doesn’t feel like something I should be particularly worried about here. Knowledge about the Silver Lion Earl’s resoluteness when it comes to responding to acts of thievery should have already spread widely throughout the castle by now and they should also have their own safety measures. Above all, this was the rooftop of the Star Tower.

After hanging up all of the laundry, I started to gather together the previously hung up laundry, which I had spread out beforehand, and placed them into a pile. I then began to fold them. Alshi, who was displaying an upset expression the entire time, had a quizzical look the moment she saw me folding the clothes.

Alshi attempted to copy my movements multiple times before making a face that looked as if she had fallen into a sea of mystery.

“How do you, do that?”

I showed it to her.

Alshi attempted it once more and made a face that appeared as if she had been scammed.

“······Really, how do you, do it?”

I gave her a demonstration. Placing the shirt of a maid uniform down on a flat surface, I traced a horizontal line across the center of the shirt and drew another vertical line down from the right shoulder, making a sort of cross. After that, I pinched the intersection point of the two lines with one hand, grabbed the right shoulder with my other hand, and I then folded the shirt down towards the bottom point of the vertical line and flipped it. (TL note: Example video)

Alshi, who had been watching my demonstration carefully, attempted it once more. It wasn’t long before an expression of realization spread across her face.

“······So it’s, magic.”

That’s not right.

It’d be great if these people didn’t depend on a fantastical setting so easily just because they’re in a fantasy world.

“Place it down in front of you.”

Alshi placed the shirt down before her. I moved and stood behind her.

“May I grab your hands?”

“I have, a lover.”

“I pray for your happiness together. May I grab your hands?”

Alshi conceded. I grabbed her hands and moved them like I did my own while folding the shirt a second ago.Alshi’s expressionfinally changed into that of understanding once I made her fold five shirts like that.

Ooooooh······ Thank you, very much!”

Alshi spoke while trembling in awe. I patted her head since her reaction was cute.

It seems there were maids who didn’t like that.

“Woof! Alshi! What are you doing!? Isn’t it fatal if a man touches you!?”

“Where’s Ariya in a time like this!? I’m going to tell her everything!”

These two, whatjobs were they exactly in charge of for them to be able to follow behind me like this all the time?

“Because of an errand for Miss Sophna, Ariya went to the arena. Rather than that, Shiyo, Kina, aren’t you two not, supposed to be here? You don’t, have other jobs?”

I remembered the named Sophna. Around the time when I had just arrived in this world and had to write the Silver Lion Earl’s speech, Sophna was a person with the title of ‘Head Vassal’. Yudia mentioned her name as well. Although I’ve never actuallyseen her before.

“I-I just came here to meet a family member!”

“That’s riiight! Kina’s relative is a guard, remember?”

And this was the reason why I said that ‘it should be fine to lower my concern a bit since this was the rooftop of the Star Tower’. The Star Tower was the headquarters for the guards.

Alshi’s expression contorted. The name ‘Ariya’ that kept being mentioned, moreover, if you make the assumption that that ‘Ariya’ was Alshi’s lover, then a conversation about the guards wouldn’t be pleasant to her. Although it seems Kina had realized this as well, contrary to apologizing, she pricked up her ears instead.

“Hmph! If anything, aren’t you the one who shouldn’t be here? For someone like you who has a thief as her lover!” Woof!”

“Ah, wait, Kina. That’s a bit too much······.”

“What is!? Woof! It’s the truth, isn’t it!? Alshi, if you also⎯⎯⎯upah!”

Kina, who had received a fastball to the face with a ball of laundry, flailed her arms around. Alshi glared at Kina with cold eyes and picked up another piece of laundry in order to make another ball.

“Grrrrr······ you dare-go-against-meeeee-!?”

Kina’s height increased by 3 times and her frame increased to a size that befitted that height. Her maid uniform swelled up as well, shifting in order to match her new physique. However, only the buttons on her uniform were unable to win against the pressure and ended up becoming misaligned. It took less than 2 seconds for this entire process to finish.

I felt like I understood why her race was called ‘Saber-Fangs’ and not just ‘beast race’. Her eye-catchingly large dog ears from when she was still short, didn’t change even after her body size had increased. On the other hand, her mouth stretched all the way to her ears and the teeth within her mouth literally became as sharp as daggers.

Even with Kina, who had transformed like the Kuchisake-onna, standing before her, Alshi didn’t shrink back whatsoever. If anything, at the same time of her throwing the laundry she had in her hand like a pickoff ball, Alshi tried to leap forward in order to close the distance between her and Kina.

Although I’m not certain, I would have probably been able to witness an amazing fantasy fight scene if I just stood here and watched. However, instead of doing that, I intercepted the pickoff ball that Alshi had tossed and stood between the two maids.

“Stop it.”

Alshi halted. Kina got upset.

“Woof! Why are you getting in the way!?!

“Don’t fight. As you mentioned earlier, we’re right above the main building of the guards. Aren’t you ashamed to meet that family member of yours who’s a part of the guards?”


Kina’s blade-like teeth interlocked. Shiyo, who was waving her arms around, quickly pulled on Kina’s sleeves, thinking that she would miss this opportunity if she didn’t intervene as well.

“That’s riiight. Stop it, Kinaa. Alshi, you too. Kina didn’t say all that on purpose, it was just a slip of her tongue.”


Kina’s body shrunk down to her original size. She stood on her tip toes, raised her ears, and pointed her finger at me.

“Woof! You’re really annoying! I’ll definitely unmask you one day!”

“I don’t wear things like masks.”

“Shut up! Let’s go, Shiyo!”

“All right, let’s be on our way.”

Kina and Shiyo then turned around and walked off. The things we had to do on the rooftop of the Star Tower, which was now absent of obstructors, were clear.

“Now then, let’s fold the rest of the laundry.”

I uttered as I picked up the laundry that Alshi had tossed and hung it up. Alshi let out a sigh and gazed at me.

“You’re a fool, I see.”


“For you to have stood in front of a Saber-Fang while they’re in theirTroxi(Translating······ ‘Take out?’ ‘Unsheathed?’ I’ll translate it as ‘Unsheathed state’).It’s something that can’t be done, if you’re sane. You could have been injured, you know?”

“The very person who had taunted the other individual and made them enter that unsheathed state is saying something like that to me, that’s a surprise.”

“I can, take care of myself. However, you’re weak.”

“I’m definitely unable to fight. I hate it after all.”I spoke.“That’s why, if possible, I want to stop the fights that I can stop.”

Alshi stared at me. Shortly after, she shrugged.

“······You really are, an idiot.”

“I’m not particularly dimwitted.”

“No, you’re an, idiot.”After declaring that as if she were nailing her statement down, Alshi crouched down once more and started to fold the clothes.“Idiot.”

Ididn’t make any more rebuttals and went to help her out instead.

It wasn’t long before our task was complete. Alshi dusted her hands and gazed up at me.

“So, idiot. Did you, eat yet?”

“I was planning to now.”

I answered.

With my hand, I grabbed the handle of a frying pan that had finished heating up.

I placed the minced pieces of meat onto the surface of the pan, making sure that the skin part of the meat was the side that was touching the surface. I slowly maneuvered the frying pan in order to prevent the meat from scorching and sticking to the pan before I largely shook the frying pan once and flipped the pieces of meat over. The side of the meat that was cooked into a golden color became exposed while the pink undercooked side went underneath.

When the grease from the heated meat started to let out an audible grilling sound while also letting off a white steam, I added the vegetables. Once the water from the vegetables and the juices from the meat mixed together and evaporated, a pleasant aroma started to emanate from the frying pan. A wave of heat brushed passed my face every time I shook the pan. Around the time when I felt a vague taste on the end of my tongue, I stopped the heat, let out a breath, and pushed the contents of the pan onto a plate.

“Stir-fried bunny beef with garlic and cabbage is complete.”

Forks immediately carpet bombed the plate. Each fork, with a piece of meat impaled onto them, went into the mouths of their respective owners.

“······It’s tastier than what Raya makes.”

The first person to evaluate the food while placing her hand against her mouth was Aresa. Among the co-existing lilies type, she was the maid who was more on the passive side. As expected, Raya, who was the other co-existing lilies type but with a more dominant personality, appeared as if her feelings were hurt.

“Aresa······! Are you saying that seriously?”

“······Ah, sorry······. But it’s the truth. Have a bite.”

Aresa picked up another piece of meat with her fork and fed it to Raya. Although Raya raised her eyes, she soon placed her hand against her mouth like Aresa did.

“It’s tastier than what I make.”

“Overall,”I spoke while cleaning the frying pan with a sponge insect.“Raya, you don’t mince the meat enough. The meat won’tcook well. In order to cover that, you make the fire stronger. The taste becomes clouded. In order to cover that, you add more condiments. The taste becomes sharp. In order to round that out, you stir it for a long time. You mess up the timing of the stirring.”

The sponge insect squirmed, making its many metallic legs collide against one another. Raya thought about what I told her for a moment before tilting her head.

“Thendo I just have to cut the meat a lot?”

“That’s the first reason. To be more precise, you need to touch up the meat more. After that, keep the flame weak.”

“Touch it up more, keep the flames weak······ don’t put in water, use an adequate amount of condiments. The timing of the stirring, mm······.”

“Getting accustomed to managing the condiments and the timing of the stirring is something that’ll happen as you continue to cook. For starters, handling the ingredients and controlling the intensity of the fire, as long as you’re able to maintain these two things, you won’t fail in making stir-fried food.”


Raya fell into deep thought. It seems there were maids who were displeased by this since they got upset.

“Woof! Why are you just taking it in! Grrr! Raya, you, chewchew, don’t you have any pride, nomnom, as the one in charge of the cooking!?”

“That’s right, that’s right! Even when Miss Abria came to visit, omom, didn’t you say that they put away everything you made, and the stuff that guy······gulp. That mister made went out instead!? Doesn’t that ruin, nyamnyam, your priiide!?”

······Uhm, Kina, Shiyo. If you’re going to say that, then you can at least do so after having swallowed your food······ although I feel sorry to be the one to say this······.”

“But it’s tasty!”

“Raya! You definitely have to make your food like this next tiiime!”

“Can you not shout at Aresa?”


The maids, who had raised their voices, folded their arms and puffed out their cheeks. Raya let out a sigh and turned to me.

“I should thank you for your advice. I understand well that you aren’t someone who only knows how to flap his lips. Of course, in the first place, I should have blamed my lacking dignity······.”

Raya’s gaze dropped to the side as she spoke. As the person who had talked down on her food when Abria Mikatni was visiting, I could only shrug my shoulders in response.

“The fact that you’re able to reflect on your actions means that you can become better. You’re also young. Don’t worry about it too much.”

“How old are you?”

“I’ll be 19 this year. It should be similar in this world’s standards as well.”

“I’m 21.”

Should I reply that maturity has nothing to do with age? No, there’s a chance that she’lljust hear it as me bragging. If you look back at what she said a second ago, then, even if I don’t tell her, she’s most likely already aware of this.

I should shift the conversation by complimenting her.

“So you have a young face. I thought that you were younger than me.”

“No matter how much you praise the moon, you can’t stop the sun from rising.”

“It’s not lip service. Your skin is clean and your hair is smooth.”

Although Raya didn’t respond, she didn’t blush either. She merely pulled back her shoulders as if she were uncomfortable with the compliments. Although every female in this world wasn’t as difficult as the Silver Lion Earl, they weren’t as easy as Sii and Kina either.

Of course, that’s different according to how you compliment them.

“It must be nice for Aresa to have someone like you so close to her.”

Raya twitched. Aresa let out a breath.

“······ Yup, not particularly. She’s really violent when she’s moody after all.”


“······Ah, sorry. But it’s the truth······.”

Both Aresa and Raya lowered their heads with flustered expressions on their faces. Even while like that, the two approached one another and grabbedthe other’s hand. Their action was natural and didn’t have any superfluousness to it. Raya, who had turned to look back at me, no longer had any signs of discomfort in her eyes.

“Tsk. If it’s like this, then I’ll have to keep leaving the cookingfor thereception of guests to you. But don’t get too elated about this. I’ll make sure to take in all of your tips in no time.”

“All right. Next time, I’ll teach you how to bake snacks.”


Raya made an embarrassed smile.

Like so, as I continued to do Sii’s tasks in her stead, night had soon arrived. I spoke with my head lowered while in the Silver Lion Earl’s office.

“⎯⎯⎯That’s everything that happened today. Earl, if I acted out of place or did something wrong, then punish me accordingly.”

It was a routine report. After I declared that I belonged to the Silver Lion Earl, I planned to repeat this procedure every night. After giving a report on the things that happened during that day, the decisions I made on that day, and the reason behind those respective decisions, I asked the Earl for her judgment. Moreover, I also gave her reports about the things that were going to happen, the decisions I’ll be making during those times, and the reason behind those respective decisions. After doing that, I would then ask for her permission to do them.

I won’t do something that’ll harm the Silver Lion Earl’s dignity.

If I did or if I had to do it, then I would explain it to her beforehand and apologize.

The fact that I’m the Silver Lion Earl’s possession, I ascertained this fact every day.

There was only one thing that I excluded from those routine reports.My long-term goal of receiving an apology from her.

The Silver Lion Earl whistled.

“Ah hah ha. Hm, I don’t really see anything you did today as having gone out of bounds or wrong. Albeit it’s still weird that a squire is doing the tasks of a maid.”

I wordlessly kept my head lowered. There was a chance that saying anything related to Sii would upset the Silver Lion Earl.

It seems that was the right answer.With her head leaning against her hand, the Silver Lion Earl didn’t say anything more about it. Instead, she brought up something else.

“By your report, it seems there’s a yapping dog who’s been following you around. How about it, Mr. Yujin⎯⎯⎯should I call her here and lecture her a bit?”

“It’s fine.”

“Hmm, it’s okay to accept my offer, you know? The fact that there are fellows whodon’t recognize the people that are above and below them is the same in any world. That’s why the Laugh Hunters are able to make a living.”

“Sorry. I don’t watch Infinite Challenge.”

“You, are you even a Korean?”

It’s troubling if I hear that from an otherworlder.

“Lately, it hasn’t been a program of that extent. An eternal kingdoesn’t exist.”

“Hmn. Even though the title of the show is Infinite Challenge, they aren’t infinite when it comes to that challenge, huh? This is what they call a contradicting irony in Korea, right?”

Zia was like this as well, but these two really say some old-fashioned bad jokes. It’s probably because of the gap between when Ahyeon was here and when I had arrived. I’ve been diligently updating them, but it seems the road we have to take is still long.

In any case, I succeeded in changing the topic. The Silver Lion Earl waved her hand.

“Stand properly, Mr. Yujin.”

I stood. The Silver Lion Earl gestured for me to approach her by bobbing her toes and then pulled me into a hug. A fragrance that felt as if mercury, coated in the scent of roses, was filling my chest. Her fluffy coat made me feel as if I were descending into a deep chasm.

“Good boy, good boy, Mr. Yujin. If you keep being well-behaved like this, then I’ll dote on you. I’ll dote on you lots and lots. I’ll make you into the general of endearingness, you know? Ah hah hah ha.”

The Silver Lion Earl⎯⎯⎯was patting my head. Instead of just wordlessly receiving the patting, I got down onone knee in order to make it easier for her to stroke my head. The Silver Lion Earl chuckled and crossed her legs before passing me a file.

“Now then, Mr. Yujin. This is your work for today.”

The City of Confinement.

The settled population was approximately 20,000. The average number of the unsettled population was approximately 5,000. The area of the city was roughly 7 square kilometers. The key industries of this city were the industrial industry, the mining industry, and the manufacturing industry.

This wasn’t a major city.

The fact that a city of this size wasn’t considered a ‘major city’in this world, which at a glance looked as if it were still in the Middle Ages, meant that, besides the fact that this world’s productive capacity was being supported by magic, the world was simply that advanced. People who starved to death existed and infectious diseases occasionally went around, but those things weren’t dire. The ‘Union of Agriculture’, ‘Council of Craftsmen’, and the ‘Alchemy Fortress’ were doing their jobs properly and they continued to openly prove that they were veteran factions even among the 12 Factions of the World. The reason why the City of Confinement, which was managed by the Silver Lion Earl, was considered nothing more than a medium-sized town was understandable.

However, just because the size of the city was small didn’t mean that there was that little number of things to manage as well. Even in Samwon Highschool, which had a little over 400 enrolled students, incidents occurred nearly every day. Hoping for nothing to happen in this city that has to shoulder every activity done by around 25,000 humans, starting from when they leave their beds and until they return to their beds at night, would be excessively greedy.

“I’ll say this now, but even if you’re doing Mikatni’s adopted daughter’s tasks in her stead, hmph. Like I said, that’s a maid’s job, right? Because it isn’t Mr. Yujin’s job. Therefore, even if you’re exhausted from doing maid work, Mr. Yujin. The number of things Mr. Yujin has to do won’t be reduced.”

“I know. Do I have to read the paper?”

“YesYes. Reading commence.”

“Okay.Your Excellency the Earl, in the waterway of the mining district yesterday······.”

“Translate it into Korean and read it.”

“In the waterway of the mining district yesterday, the two corpses that were discovered were both females. Not only were they contaminated by the precipitation which flowed down from the open storage area, but because they had no possessions whatsoever on them, we were unable to replace out anything more about them. Seeing that there were no missing person reports, we assume that they’re foreigners from outside of the city. Report written by Roroa, Assistant Commissioner of the guards. That’s it.”

“Hmm, what should be done?”

“Can’t you figure out who they are by summoning a relative through a catalyst of life that’s smeared on their bodies?”

“Eck~ it’s probably possible, but, I wonder what should be done about the assistant knight who’s telling his lord to feel up a rotten corpse. In any case, think about it logically.”

“Sorry. I’m an advocate of efficiency after all.”

“Hm. For starters, I don’t want to touch dead bodies, and the possibility that such catalysts were all washed away by the water is Humpty Dumpty.”

“Fifty Fifty. You’re saying that it’s a 50:50 chance, right?”

“You’re quite the explanation freak. That’s right. Moreover, if they’re foreigners and not citizens of this city, then they aren’t worth the trouble. If anything, it’ll probably only borrow trouble. That kind of feeling, you know? Something like that.”

“So it’s a problem of jurisdiction?”

“Yeess. If they were just injured while within the city, then I could offer them medical treatment, but if they were discovered as corpses?The fact that their identities are unknown means that they might be nobles. That’s why, if they really are nobles, then this is now ‘Bothersome, the Beginning’. Thus, I’m contemplating whether I should bury them or not. Or will Mr. Yujin reveal a solution right here and now? Should I get you an armchair?” (TL note: ‘Bothersome, the Beginning’ is supposed to read like some movie title.)

“Sorry, but my head isn’t as good as that.”

“Ah hah ha, all right. Don’t mind, don’t mind! Let’s go to the next item on the agenda then. Read it.”

I did asI was told.

“I wish to make an appeal to the administration which is under the exclusive authorization of Your Excellency the Earl. My name is MabloIxidinand as an honorable resident of this city, I have repaid Your Excellency’s grace with the payment of taxes and my loyalty. The incident that had occurred to this loyal citizen may truly be referred to as a curse which had been bestowed upon me by the Twelve Gods. In order to overcome it, I plea for aKurosotia······ Mental Armor······.” (TL note: Reference to Volume 1 Chapter 5, Mental Armor)

“Kuh? Ah hah hah hah ha, ah~ you’re not wrong, but, ukuku!”

That damn Zia.

“I plea for a brave warrior to be sent. The issue which I am currently undergoing is a conflict that involves the usage of water. Although it has always been arranged so that I’m allowed to use more water, which is bestowed upon us by Your Excellency the Earl, from the upper-level, Carlson Viratch, who must receive divine retribution, has been ignoring that settlement and has been claiming that I do not have the rights to take the water from the upper-level. I am unable to acknowledge this since I personally pay more taxes than Viratch’s family does as a whole, so I believe that it’s obvious that I have more rights than he does to use the water on the upper-level. That’s it.”

“Mhm, but your literature skill has really gone up by a lot.”

“My speaking and writing ability are still at a ghastly level.”

“Even so, if you consider how much time you had to study, then you’re doing well. Kuhuhu, the development of your reading ability is especially wonderful. And so, Mr. Yujin, what’re your thoughts on this civil complaint?”

“A dispute about water concessions. I feel like these sorts of incidents have been occurring a lot more recently.”

“The flow out from the central source of water has weakened after all. This is something that happens all the time around this time of the year. All of the citizens know this as well. Be patient since this will be resolved if you wait, saying something like this, although it’s a model answer, this is a problem that involveswaaater.”

“Is there no other method to supply water besides the waterway?”

“There is. There are wells. It’s just that they’re small in number and mostly gathered around the northwest.”

“In the upper-class district, right?”

“YesYesYes. But they aren’t popular. In the first place, they’re the vestige of the military camps that were once created there in order to assault this castle which was a labyrinth a very long time ago. People who have a taste of the fine water from the waterways get addicted to that convenience after all. To the point where some people even fall into them and drown to death, just like the people who were mentioned earlier.”

“You shouldn’t say things like that about the people who’ve died. At any rate, this castle was a labyrinth?”

“Mm? Did I not tell you? Ah⎯⎯⎯mm. It’ll take too long to tell you everything so I’ll give you the exact detailslaterlater. Or you can go to the library and read a book. In simple terms, this castle, in precise terms, the basement of this castle, was the nest of a water dragon. In order to subdue that water dragon, there was a rather long punitive expedition. They were finally able to penetrate the outer wall and strike the base that was inside, but it took a long period of time before they were able to capture the castle entirely. Within this water dragon raid, which if I had to give it a name, then I’d call it the ‘Asylum Origin’, the person who got the last hit was the founder of my household.”

The Silver Lion Earl exhaled a proud gust of air from her nose.

“That’s why, this city is called Water Dragon(水龍) City now.”

“I, thought it was called the City of Confinement(收容).”

(TL note: ‘Water dragon’ and the word ‘Confinement’ that’s used here are pronounced the same in Korean. The difference is the Chinese letters.)

“It’s a play on words! Ah hah ha, Since it’s a place where a dragon of water had once lived, Water Dragon City. Since you’re confined within a bunch of ramparts, City of Confinement!”

“Aren’t the terms ‘water dragon’ and ‘confinement’ completely different in this world’s language?”

“That’s right. That’s why the only people who’re able to notice this play on words are the ones who know Korean. Me, Zia, Sophna, and also⎯⎯⎯well. It’s something like that. Now you’re also one of those people. How is it? Is it not moving? My ambiguous sense of language.”

“I think it’s a chuuni-like sense of language.” (TL note: Chuuni is the shortened form of Chuunibyou. Ambiguous and Chuuni sound almost the same in Korean)

“Hugugugugu. How ill-mannered. In any case, so⎯⎯⎯ what should be done?”

“Like last time, I think it’d be a good idea to let them access the water supply on a rotation according to their tax payments. As you said, since this is a water shortage issue, we should take care of this quickly. If someone goes against this or if there are any additional complaints, then inform them to come to the castle.”

“Hm, I see that it’s the same as always. Don’t you have more fun ideas?”

“What are you going to do by replaceing fun in a water shortage?”

“That’s right, isn’t it? It’s a water issue after all.”

Like that, I assisted the Silver Lion Earl in several more cases and dealt with my duties for the day. There were two more cases involving the management of water rights, a lawsuit, and two trial cases. When everything was finished, it was already the middle of the night.

“Today was another fruitful day.”


“Mr. Yujin, doesn’t your school start soon? You said that you’re going to be in your third year of high school this year. This isn’t really a good time for you to be messing around in a place like this, you know? This Silver Lion Earl is curious as to whether or not Mr. Yujindoesn’t have to go to school.”

Instead of asking her what mouth she was saying those words out of, I shrugged.

“Imade an arrangement.”

“An arrangement, is it?”

“Yup. There’s this kid called Saei······ it’ll work out somehow. If it doesn’t, then I’ll give up on my high school records and just take qualification exams.”

Rather than that, I’m more worried that Chanmi’s group will use my absence as an opportunity to do something stupid. The Silver Lion Earl put her hands behind her head.

“Well, if that’s the case, then that’s a relief. Of course, since Mr. Yujin is going to continue living in this world, it doesn’t matter.”

Those words spilled out.

The Silver Lion Earl giggled and stuck out her foot. The moment I got down on one knee in order to massage her foot, her other leg came out and wrapped around my neck. It was similar to earlier, but this time, I was hugged by her leg and not her arms. My face became buried between her thighs. A similar scent and sensation, except,it felt as if a thicker and sharper sensation wasscraping its way down my spine.

This fellow was like this and her half-sibling was the same as well. Why do these two like squeezing my head on all 4 sides so much?

As if I were resisting, I tried to take my head out. The Silver Lion Earl immediately put strength into her leg and blocked my escape. Although I had instinctively moved my hand up and grabbed the Silver Lion Earl’s knee, because the back of my hand had been smacked, I ended up quickly letting go. The only region of my body which I could use was the area above my neck. Each time I moved my head around in order to pull it out, with her small thighs, the Silver Lion Earl would occasionally pretend to let me go before pulling me back in with her calf. Like this, she thwarted my escape several times.

Eventually, around the time when I felt as if I were going to have trouble breathing, I heard a laughter that was similar to Royal gifts being given away.

“Ah hah hah ha.”

I could feel a slightly wet sensation on her thigh. Her scent became a bit thicker. The Silver Lion Earl’s, sweat.

“That was fun. As expected, a light exercise helps in refreshing my mood.”

The Silver Lion Earl reached out and stroked my head. As she did that, she released me from her leg, but it took some time before I was able to catch my breath. Once I arduously raised my head, I could see the Silver Lion Earl looking down at me through my glasses which had become completely clouded.

Each time I breathed, my vision went back and forth between being blurry and being clear.A rose scent that had been drenched in spring rain.

Once I opened my mouth slightly as if I were pleading for her clemency, a smile appeared on the Silver Lion Earl’s lips.

“You’re adorable.”

“······Are you, satisfied?”

“Yes. I feel heavenly.”

In order to not spoil her fun, I didn’t resist seriously. However, if I just stayed still then she wouldn’t enjoy it at all so I pretended to at least struggle. A little bit at first, struggling more and more as time went on, and finally, as if I had given up due to exhaustion, I acted as if I were leaving my fate solelyin the Earl’s hands.

I’m not sure if the Earl had seen through my performance or not. In any case, she was satisfied, so she let me go.

“Your clothes are a mess.”

“Whose fault do you think that is?”

“Yup yup. But you should still go around while wearing your clothes properly. How do they say it? One of the basics as a member of society? Especially since you belong to a lord like me. If you go around while in a messy state, then even my dignity would go up on achopping board. Mikatni’s adopted daughter?”

The Silver Lion Earl grinned and turned to look at one of the corners of the office. She gave an order to Sii who was standing in the corner the entire time with both of her arms gathered in front of her.

“Tidy Yujin up.”

“······Yes, Your Excellency.”

Sii approached. She straightened my disheveled clothes and buttoned up the places that had become unbuttoned. Once Sii was at the point where she was taking out her handkerchief in order to wipe my glasses, her hands were shaking slightly. The Silver Lion Earl watched us with her legs crossed.

This was also something that happened every day.

Make it clear that I am someone’s possession. Make Sii aware of this.

It most likely wasn’t solely because of the Earl’s inborn sadism. No matter how you think about it, in the end, it seems she didn’t fancy the fact that I had gotten Sii’s arm back for her. Possessiveness. An obsession with taking the initiative. It was similar to what Joo Chanmi and Eun Minseon had displayed.


Fortunately, Sii was able to endure today as well.


In reverse, it seems that displeased the Silver Lion Earl. Although the Silver Lion Earl glared at Sii who was backing away, the Earl merely shrugged her shoulders. If there’s nothing to complain about, then even the Earl is unable to do anything.

“You can go and rest.”

I received her order and left.

Sii, whose arm has yet to fully heal, was staying in the sick room.

“Uuu······ Really, that girl! Can’t be forgiven!”

Sii shouted that out the instant we had arrived at the sick room. I comforted her.

“You endured well, Miss Sii.”

“Yujin, are you okay? The scent that girl coated you in, is it not unpleasant?”

Sii latched onto me with a teary face. I shook my head.

“It’s fine.”

“Mm~~ I’m not fine! If I don’t overlay her scent with my own quickly!”

Are you a dog?

No, I heard that cats do something similar to this as well.

“Yujin, lay on the bed for a moment!”

Sii forcefully knocked me over on top of the bed and mounted me. Although she had a scrawny body, the thighs were areas that were inevitably plump. Sii became red because of her anger towards the Silver Lion Earl and the embarrassment she was feeling because of what she was currently doing, so it felt as if I were being massaged by aroll of bread that was just steamed.

Due to the gap between our strengths, I couldn’t resist anyway. Seeing Sii’s face burning with a sense of duty didn’treally make me want to resist either. Sii dismounted me while panting.

“Okay! You’re fine now!”

Her body fragrance smelled like whipped cream that was left out to dry at room temperature. Before going to sleep today, I should wipe her down with a hot towel and some soap. I’ll wash up as well.

“Another day is over.”

“Yup······ Yujin, worked a lot today. Are you not tired?”

I weighed up my body condition.

“The tasks that I do with the Earl is fine since I only have to use my head, but themaid jobs are indeed a bit tiring. It’s been a long time since I did this much physical labor after all.”

“Uuu······ sorry. Those girls, they’re just giving me their tasks all at once. Even though all they do is play around, they’re really underhanded.”

“There was also quite the number of tasks that were difficult to be called odd jobs.”

I spoke while taking out an iPad. I then turned to look at Sii and waited. Although Sii looked as if she were clueless at first, she soon let out an ‘ah’ sound and went into deep ‘thought’.

She spoke a moment later.

“I think they were trying to, forestallyou, Yujin.”

I waited.

“Although I don’t really want to say this myself, the things that Yujin said he had to do, I normally don’t do those sorts of things. No matter who the person is, they wouldn’t assign important work to someone who’s in a position like mine. The worry that I’ll mess up the job would be their first concern. And if I mess it up, that’s not something that can be resolved by harassing me. Someone will have to do the work that was messed up. They’ll naturally work 2-3 more times, and their time to rest will shrink. Inconvenient work like that, they usually won’t do it.”

I was delighted. As I had told her yesterday, Sii had started to ‘think’.

“Yes. For a similar reason with what Miss Sii had said, in order to forestall me, they were waiting while having prepared things to do beforehand. I think this is around a 7.”

“What about the remaining 3?”

“It’s just that they had a lot of things to do overall. They seemed busy with the reception of guests.”

“Ah······ it’s like that during this time. Yudia······ Sir Yudia, is currently visiting.”

Yudia Batsand.

Zia’s teacher. The Violet Swamp. The royal courier of the Martial Origin.

“He received repairs on his weapon from my foster-sister last time she was here······ andthe fact that he’s able to wield his spear well now was confirmed.”

The culprit who had severed Sii’s arm because of the Silver Lion Earl’s request.

“Therefore, Sir Yudia’s preparations are complete. The arena from now on, it’ll be heated. Naturally, big guests are scheduled to arrive one after another.”

I’ll be busy for a while helping my teacher’s work⎯⎯⎯this was what Zia Batsand had told me.

“Does Miss Sii perhaps know what sorts of guests will be arriving?”

“Mm~~ I’m not sure. If I use last year as an example, then······ Her Excellency’s cousin on her mother’s side had come. A prince came as well.”

“A prince, is it?”

“He’s Her Excellency’s suitor. I heard that he has no right of succession because his rank is low.”

A suitor. huh?

For someone like that Silver Lion Earl? Although it was doubtful, if you look back at it, then it was reasonable. Within this world that had adopted monarchy and nobility, there’s no way that they would leave alone a lone orphan girl who has her own territory and rules it as an earl.

“He’s incredibly pretty. He can use magic well and I heard he’s really strong. And for him to even be a prince, that’s a young girl’s dream person.”

Sii’s eyes, which were giving me a sidelong glance, were shining like a glimmering twilight.

So she had this sort of maidenlike side to her,I smiled due to this thought.

“Is Miss Sii jealous?”

“Mm~ I’m not particularly jealous. I have my own prince.”

Sii’s eyes, which were staring at me, changed and appeared like a pair of burning embers.

So she had this sort of maidenlike side to her. I erased my smile due to this thought.

“Because I did Miss Sii a favor?”

“Do you think it’s not good if it starts from that sort of trigger?”

I adjusted my glasses. In the end, the reason why I fell in love with Minhee was like that as well.

“That seems a bit far from ‘a young girl’s dream’ like Miss Sii mentioned.”

“Mm~~ that’s right. It’s lacking a fateful feeling. If you say it in other terms, then it’s like saying anyone was fine as long as they were nice to me. Nevertheless, Yujin was the first person to ever show me kindness, get upset for my sake, and call me his friend. Those things have a clear meaning to me.”

Her red eyes were directed towards me with a type of heat contained within them.

“I like, Yujin.”

I closed my eyes and opened them.

“Should I give an answer now?”

Sii’s expression became flustered.

“Yes~~! I-I’ll be happy if you did. But I can wait. So it’s fine to do it slowly.”

“No, I’ll give an answer now,” I spoke. “It’s impossible.”

I spoke while gripping onto my beads tightly.

“There’s a person who I like back in Korea.”

People who have faith are unable to form a relationship with the mundane world. My past experience of being led to a church by my aunt’s hand when I was young was still affecting me even to this very day. It was mentally impossible for me to go out with someone other than my goddess, Minhee.

I’m sure that it’s physically impossible as well.

Sii looked at me······. She spoke.

“Is that so?”

She nodded.

“I see.”

She went silent.

“Ehehe······ mm~~ okay.······Mm. Mmm.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Mmn! Yujin has nothing to be sorry about. Ehehe······ Ah, in any case, let’s go back to the main topic.”

Sii spoke while smiling widely. I patted her.

“Yes. A guest from Her Excellency’s mother’s side. The prince. And if there’s someoneelse who’s worth mentioning, then······.”

“The president of the Fedchants had come as well. Although the Tower Lord of the Mage Tower was going to come together with them, Her Excellency refused. That’s all I can remember right now.”

“In conclusion, several guests that even the Silver Lion Earl can’t handle thoughtlessly will be visiting as well.”

“Are you asking this because of the distinguished service thing you were talking about before?”

“That’s correct. No matter what, I’ll have to make a connection with them while they’re here. Moreover, if I’m going to do that, then I’ll have to go to the arena soon and meet Zia and Yudia.”

Zia had said that it’ll be difficult to see her for a while, but I’ll be making that prediction of hers wrong. While I was thinking that, Sii, who was avoiding my eyes, came into my line of sight.

“I’m not saying that I’ll be going immediately. I’ll visit the arena after thinking of a couple of methods to deal with Yudia.”

Failing for the second time must be avoided. As I was making that resolve, Sii had a concerned look on her face.

“Don’t strain yourself, Yujin. I said it before, but you shouldn’t hurry.”

I gratefully listened to her advice.

My daily life flowed by like that for a while.

I woke up at dawn and did Sii’s work in her stead. At night, I gave a routine report to the Silver Lion Earl. After that, I did some paperwork before returning to the sick roomwith Sii once more. It was tiring, but I had a tighter schedule than this back during the 8 Years’ War. I also grew more accustomed tothe schedule as the days went by.

My relationship with the other maids somewhat improved as well.

“Yujin. I made some snacks like how you taught me before······.”

“Yup, it’s good. You did well.”

“······Are you sure I really did it well? I feel like the taste is a bit lacking compared to what you make.”

“Call me when you make it next time. We can make it together.”

Of course, my relationship didn’t improve with all of the maids.

“Woof! I’ll definitely unmask you!”

Kina especially kept threatening me while following me around.

“Woof! Stop petting me!”

Even if a dog-eared beast girl, who isn’t even 1 meter tall, were to do that, she’ll only look adorable.

“Woof······ d-don’t pet, hya wan, don’t touch my ear!”

Really adorable.

“Waan······ bark, garururu······ That’s not it! S-S-Stop-petting-me!”

If I make her too upset, then she’ll transform into an 180cm tall monster, but it was worth the risk.

I didn’t spend my daily life solely like that. I also did something as well. The opportunity to give a detailed explanation about what that something is will arrive one day. I’ll just say that it’s a sensitive task that can cause misunderstandings. It’s quite the sensitive task, so when someone called out to me the instant I finished doing that task and had come out of the room, I was really surprised.

“Ah, you.”

It was the leader type maid who had caused that one incident on top of the rampart⎯⎯⎯Mari.


Mari let out a grunt.

“It’s, Mari. Pronounce it properly.”

“Mari.”The vocalization was subtly different.“What is it?”

“I should be asking you that. The place you just came out of, that’s the female bathroom, you know?”

Mari asked while narrowing her eyes at me. I calmly put my arms behind my back.

“Yup. I cleaned it a bit. It’s a place that’s used by Miss Sii after all.”

“······Are you still calling her ‘Miss’?”

The best way to change the topic was to bring up a topic that the opposition was more interested in. I nodded.

“Yeah. So what’s up? Are you perhaps here to visit Miss Sii?”

“Of course not. Do I look like a person who’d do that?”

She didn’t. That’s why it was perplexing. But then again,

“Then why are you standing in front of the door of the sick room which Miss Sii is residing in while holding a basket of fruits?”

“I found it on the way here. I thought that it might be yours.”

It seems Mari wanted to talk in a haughty attitude. Albeit, she must have realized that it was too much for her in the middle of her sentence since her fully exposed forehead became dyed in a scarlet color.

It’d be entertaining to look at her vacantly until her forehead becomes fully cooked, but since it’d only be entertaining and nothing more, I decided not to.

“Thanks. I must have dropped it this morning.”

“Hmph. You better keep your mind straight from now on, pervert.”

“Do you want to go in?”

“Am I mad? This was all the business I had here. I’ll be going back now.”

I, with the basket now in my arms, took out a fruit that looked as if an apple and a peach were fused together and bit into it. It tasted as if it had the same sugar content as a grape and a similar texture to a banana. Mari, who was about to turn around, narrowed her eyes.

“You should wait until the person leaves, student body president. I’m not sure what social position that prestige of yours had, but it’s clear to me that it’s the lowest one. Signs that you’re uneducated sticks out, you know?”

I chewed a bit before swallowing it down. I lightly turned the apple-peachwith the tip of my fingers and bit into it again.

“Sorry. I was thirsty. I want to compensate you, but is there anything that you’re hoping for? Something like a service, maybe?”

I had two bites but I didn’t feel any particular problem with my body. That means that she didn’t mess around with the food in order to do something to Sii. Of course, if she did, then she would have shown a more dramatic reaction the moment she saw me eat one.

Fortunately, Mari didn’t realize that Ihad suspected her.

“······You know. How long do you think it’s been since Sii’s arm was cut off because you were doing things like that? The bathroom thing earlier as well······ if you have the time to mess around, then be more devoted to Her Excellency the Earl.”

While purposely making a surprised expression on my face, I folded my arms behind my back.

“Hm? Wasn’t Miss Sii’s arm severed because she stole something? Sii herself stated that she was framed, though······.”

“Are you an idiot!?”

Mari looked at me with wide eyes.

“······No, you are an idiot······. Of course, if you weren’t an idiot, then you wouldn’t have done something like that to me back at the rampart. Yup, an idiot. Idiot. Id-iot.”

Alshi was like this as well, but do I look like that much of an idiot to the girls of this world? If I recall the fact that Miyeong and the person who sat behind me both treated me like an idiot, then I guess I should change it to ‘the girls of all worlds’.

“Don’t take in events exactly as they’ve occurred. Only idiots do that. Her Excellency, you know, she was upset because you went around making yourself appear cheap. The complete opposite of what you blabbered crudely about.”

Mari boasted as she placed one hand on her hip and she waved her index finger and thumb of her other hand. She was a girl who was surprisingly easy to understand······ she was.

If you wrap it up, then that’s probably it.

Instead of saying that.

“Who told you that?”

······ Hey, that’s what I’m referring to as wrong. Does it always have to be said for you to understand? You can tell by just looking. I’m not sure which side is the one that’s slow-witted.”


This is⎯⎯⎯ a bit weird.

No, it’s really w

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