Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power
Chapter 15: The Power of Zombie Warrior

Chapter 15: The Power of Zombie Warrior

Zorvax stood in the desolate, post-apocalyptic wasteland, his eternal gaze fixed upon the words that had unfurled before him in the Evolution List. The sight of the newly revealed options stunned him, his non-existent heart pounding with uncertainty and excitement:


[Evolution List]

[1. Zombie Warrior: 500 Evolution Points to evolve]

[2. Zombie Gunner: 600 Evolution Points to evolve]

[3. Zombie Assassin: 700 Evolution Points to evolve]

[4. ???: 500 Evolution Points and Level 2 Zombie Core to unlock]


As Zorvax gazed at the Evolution List, his hollow sockets, where his eyes once were, conveyed both amazement and vexation. The third option, Zombie Assassin, had ignited a blazing desire for power within him. But it was the fourth option that cast a shadow upon his excitement, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself:

"So, the third option is Zombie Assassin... that's... incredible. But this..." Zorvax paused, frustration etching his unseen face. "This is absolutely insane."

The fourth option had unfurled before him with extravagant demands, requiring an exorbitant 500 Evolution Points. His own point total, as meager as it was, weighed heavily on his thoughts. With only 130 Evolution Points remaining, Zorvax felt the weight of his limitations pressing down upon him.

"This is... too expensive," he mumbled to the bleak, lifeless landscape around him. "I've only got 130 points left. How in the void am I supposed to amass 500 points?" The magnitude of the required points was staggering, akin to trying to pluck a star from the dark sky.

But the most daunting aspect of this revelation was the second requirement: obtaining a fragment of a Level 2 Zombie Core. He understood this was a quest far beyond his current capabilities. For a Level 1 Zombie like him, the thought of confronting a creature of Level 2 was a chilling proposition. He lacked the strength, the power, and the means to confront such an adversary.

His thoughts circled back to the earlier revelation, the one that had appeared before the evolution requirements:


[4. ???: 500 Evolution Points and Level 2 Zombie Core to unlock]


He was trapped within the confines of his current state, a level 1 zombie with 130 Evolution Points to his name. The unattainable loomed above him like an insurmountable wall.

"How do I acquire a Level 2 Zombie Core when I can barely defeat a Level 1?" Zorvax questioned, his frustration palpable. The unanswered questions, the bleak future, and the ominous unknowns swirled around him, making the zombie's existence ever more complex and perplexing.

As Zorvax contemplated the daunting requirements before him, a sudden, guttural roar shattered the eerie silence that enveloped the desolate landscape. He twisted his decaying head toward the source of the disturbance, muttering under his breath, "What is it now?"

The moment his gaze shifted, an alarming sight awaited him. Before him stretched a relentless sea of undead, a nightmarish wave of reanimated corpses drawn by the echoing roar, surging towards him with unrelenting purpose. Zorvax watched in stupefied shock, lost in the ocean of grotesque, shuffling figures converging upon him.

"What is happening?" Zorvax exclaimed, his decaying face etched with bewildered disbelief that even in this accursed world, things could still take him by surprise.

Amidst the throng of voracious undead, a colossal figure strode forward, wielding an enormous, ornate sword with menacing ease. It bore grotesque, rusted iron armor that seemed to fuse with its rotting flesh, forming a grotesque and impenetrable shell. A system announcement said,[Level 2 Zombie Warrior detected.]

Zorvax stared at the hulking, abominable figure and gasped, "That... that's a Zombie Warrior?" His voice held a trace of both terror and astonishment.

He cursed loudly, his desolate voice echoing in the desolation around him, "Damn! That thing is even bigger than the Thick Zombie and that sword... It's too damn menacing!"

With the impossible odds stacked against him, Zorvax faced a nightmarish scenario with the Level 2 Zombie Warrior that was not only larger but also wielding a weapon capable of splitting him in two. His undead heart, if he still had one, beat with a mixture of fear and determination.

In the face of this grotesque and overwhelming adversary, Zorvax's decaying mind raced, contemplating his options. Fear tugged at the edges of his undead consciousness, urging him to flee, to escape the pursuing horde and this terrifying Level 2 Zombie Warrior.

However, the allure of the prize that awaited him— the elusive Level 2 Zombie Core—was too tantalizing to resist. He clenched his rotting fists in a mixture of resolve and frustration. "Do I need to escape... or fight it?" he pondered aloud, his guttural voice reflecting the torment of his decision.

"Fuck it," Zorvax muttered, his determination resolute and unyielding. "I need that Level 2 Zombie Core anyway."

With a surge of purpose, Zorvax lunged forward, his tattered, decaying cloak trailing behind him like a ghostly wisp. His two gleaming daggers gleamed in the dim light, poised and ready to strike.

Amidst the chaotic frenzy, Zorvax's deadened senses picked up the sight of level one Swift Zombies and Thick Zombies, who had joined the fray, engaging the colossal Zombie Warrior. The realization brought an odd sense of comfort, and he muttered under his breath, "Good... At least I'm not fighting it alone."

He focused on the battle at hand, momentarily setting aside the myriad of thoughts that raced through his decaying mind. The stakes were high, and Zorvax was ready to face the formidable foe that stood between him and the coveted Level 2 Zombie Core.

As Zorvax rushed headlong into the chaotic melee, he beheld the towering monstrosity of a Level 2 Zombie Warrior.

With a mighty, grotesque swing, the Zombie Warrior brought down his immense blade upon the ground. The earth trembled beneath the force of the strike, and a series of deep holes marred the battlefield where the sword's wicked blade had cleaved through. The shockwave that followed rippled through the ground, sending debris and dust into the air.

"Fuck..." Zorvax's words trailed off in a guttural mumble as he watched the ground tremble. He knew that facing such a fearsome adversary would be no easy task, but the allure of the Level 2 Zombie Core was an irresistible draw, driving him onward.

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