Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power
Chapter 25: Alex’s Move

Chapter 25: Alex's Move

Chaos reigned in the base of the Green Eagle group as the survivors from the Red Shark group launched their unexpected attack. The once-quiet camp was now a flurry of activity, with guards shouting orders and fellow survivors rallying to defend their home.

One Green Eagle survivor, a tall woman with a fierce determination, yelled, "Defend the camp! We can't let them take our supplies!" She was met with a chorus of affirmations from her comrades.

Another, a man with a scruffy beard and weathered face, shouted, "Hold the line, everyone! We can't afford to lose our base. Fight for our home!"

The Green Eagle survivors formed a defensive perimeter, standing side by side to protect their precious supplies and their way of life.

On the other side of the conflict, the Red Shark survivors were equally determined. One of them, a young woman with a fiery spirit, called out, "We're here to take back what's rightfully ours! They killed our general, and we won't stand for it!"

Her words resonated with her fellow Red Sharks, who nodded in agreement. A man, armed with a makeshift spear, added, "Let's show them they can't mess with us. Grab their supplies and teach them a lesson!"

The battle was not just about resources; it was a fight for honor and justice, as the Red Shark survivors sought revenge for the death of their general at the hands of the Green Eagle leader.

Amidst the tumult and the clash of forces, both groups fought with determination, their voices raised in a chorus of resolve. The air was thick with the sound of struggle and the shouts of survivors, each group holding firm to their belief in the rightness of their cause.

The camp, once a place of relative peace, had transformed into a battleground. The survivors were fighting not just for survival, but also for their principles, their desire to protect their loved ones, and their determination to make a stand in a world that had become unpredictable and unforgiving.

Amidst the chaotic battle in the Green Eagle group's camp, the leader, Alex, was going about his business with the deputy leader, Maria. They had been fighting in bed when the sudden turmoil disturbed their conversation.

Alex, his face a mixture of surprise and annoyance, reached for a walkie-talkie. He called out to his men, his voice echoing with authority, "What's going on out there? Report."

The walkie-talkie crackled with urgency, and one of his men's voices came through. "Sir, our base is under attack, and it's the Red Shark group."

Alex's brows furrowed in disbelief, his eyes narrowing in concern. "The Red Sharks?" he muttered, his surprise shifting to a growing concern. His expression hinted at the gravity of the situation.

The voice on the other end continued, "Yes, sir. They're seeking revenge for their general, and it seems they're after our supplies."

Frustration simmered beneath the surface as Alex muttered a curse under his breath. "Damn it," he said, his voice tinged with irritation as he slammed down the walkie-talkie. He hadn't anticipated the Red Sharks making their move this quickly, not after he had taken out their general with his trusty sniper rifle.

He turned to Maria, his deputy leader, his expression now a mix of concern and determination. "It seems the new person we spotted in their base, Zorvax, is the one who convinced them they could challenge us," he said with a sense of realization.

Maria, with her brow furrowed in thought, responded, "Zorvax, huh? So, they've got someone new and resourceful. This is getting more complicated than we thought."

Alex nodded in agreement, his determination firm. "We can't let them take our supplies or our base. We need to confront them head-on."

With a sense of urgency, Maria and Alex swiftly donned their suits, ensuring their gear was in order as they prepared to retaliate. They shared a determined look, their expressions reflecting their unwavering resolve.

As he armed himself, Alex double-checked his sniper rifle, ensuring it was in perfect working condition. With his weapon in hand, he turned to Maria and declared, "Let me take the shot at this new guy, Zorvax."

Maria nodded in agreement, her face displaying a mixture of concern and determination. "Alright, Alex. Just make it count."

The atmosphere was charged with tension as they readied themselves for the impending confrontation. The fate of their group and their way of life hung in the balance, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to defend their home from the encroaching threat.

Alex and Maria swiftly ascended to the highest position in their base, where Alex could set up his sniper rifle with a commanding view of the battlefield. He meticulously prepared his weapon, ensuring that it was in peak condition. His awakened ability, Eagle Eyes, granted him uncanny accuracy, making him an even better marksman than the finest snipers.

Beside him, Maria had her own awakened talent, Wind Enhancement. She could channel the power of the wind to a bullet to make it faster and deadlier. Their talents combined to form a formidable team, ready to strike with precision.

As Alex peered through the scope of his rifle, he scanned the chaotic scene below in search of Zorvax. After a moment, he located him, but to his surprise, the leader of the Red Shark group, Viktor, was with him.

Alex muttered, "I found them, but Viktor is with Zorvax."

Maria weighed the options carefully, her eyes trained on the unfolding scene. "Better shoot Viktor first. With their leader gone, they'll be in chaos. Zorvax is a formidable fighter, but he's not a leader."

Nodding in agreement, Alex adjusted his aim to target Viktor's head with unwavering precision. He noted, "This time, I'm using a longer distance than when I took out the Red Shark general. Zorvax shouldn't sense our presence."

Maria handed him the wind-enhanced bullet, and Alex loaded it into the rifle with a steady hand. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, focusing on the shot. With the gentle caress of the wind, he squeezed the trigger, releasing the round.

But when the shot reached its target, Alex's shock was palpable. His eyes widened as he saw the unexpected situation unfolding.

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