6 Times a Day
Chapter 410 Heather [DD SPONSORED]

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Heather had a hard time admitting it, even to herself, but her desire for Alan was really intense. The two times she'd had sex with him were head and shoulders above what she was used to in her usual sexual encounters with the big jock types in the school. The way he called her names and the fact that he played hard to get made her want him even more.

Actually, she knew that he wasn't really playing hard to get because she could tell he wasn't just playing; she sensed he really had been with other women of her caliber, and that he could just take her or leave her. At the very least, she was almost certain he was having sex with Amy, since Amy was so moony about him and there was no denying that Amy was very beautiful. Yet she loved the challenge of trying to keep him interested, since she'd never had to do that with any other guy, ever.

She knew that she might replace other guys just as sexually endowed and talented as Alan, and possibly even more so, but they wouldn't have his other attributes. Even though she didn't know Alan that well, she instinctively felt that only he knew how to treat her the way she needed to be treated. She didn't even know what that was herself, but she certainly knew it when she experienced it.

She almost never apologized or compromised with anyone, but in this case she was willing to go a long way to get what she wanted from Alan. So she said to him, "Let's talk. Let's work this out. I'm not as bad as you think. I know I've treated you poorly, but I want to make it up to you. Tell me what you'd like me to do."

He was quite surprised by that. He quickly thought about what he might want from her, then said, "Okay. We'll see how serious you are. If you want me to fuck you - and I know that's the only thing you care about when it comes to me - I need you to do three things for starters. One, you have to be friendly to me in public in school."

She considered that. She looked and felt quite conflicted about the idea, but she finally said, "I'd like to. I really would. The problem is, I've dug myself into a bit of a hole on that one."

She seemed hesitant to say more, so he prodded, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you know when Katherine and I ran into you and your friends at the beach the other day?"


"It seems your friend Steve decided to go around and tell everyone that you and I were good friends. To make matters worse, he actually told people that I had respect for nerds who did well academically. Of course I had to say something to protect my reputation. So I kind of put you down and laughed at the idea that I would even talk to you."

He figured that when she said "Steve" she must have meant his best friend Sean. But given the way Sean had acted around her, he figured it might be a good thing if she couldn't remember his real name, so he didn't correct her about that.

However, he got angry at the rest of what she said. "You see?! That's the problem. You think I'm some kind of self-abusing moron? Why the hell would I ever talk to you after you treat me like that behind my back?!"

She grabbed him by his shoulders. "Alan, look! I said I'm sorry. I really am. This whole thing has been a big learning experience for me too, all right? I thought I had everyone pegged by the groups they belonged to, but now you've come along and upset everything. You're way down the social ladder, and yet I LIKE you. Okay? It's not just that you're so good at fucking; I actually respect you. You don't put up with shit. You're clever. You know how to get what you want. You remind me a lot of myself, actually."

Alan was enjoying the compliments, but he winced at that last one. The last thing he wanted to be was anything like her. But still, he was moved by what seemed to be genuine regret on her part.

He said, "Okay, we'll see how sincere you are. I'd love to see you tell everyone about your new nerdy friend. Make it happen. I know you can. You're Heather fucking Morgan, for crying out loud! When you say 'Jump!' everyone says, 'How high?' Instead of having people think you're hanging with a nerd, make them think that I'm cool enough to be with you. You can do that no problem. You make or break people at this school all the time."

She considered that idea. After a long pause, she said, "Perhaps that would work. Admittedly I'll have to take a hit; I can't completely avoid that. But maybe there's a way I can finesse this and mostly undo my earlier gaffe."

She thought some more, and then said, "How does this plan sound? I'll have Simone casually mention how cool and sexy you are at lunch. I'll get a couple of my other followers to agree enthusiastically. Naturally, everyone will turn to me for my opinion. I'll confess that I've been so impressed by you myself that I've been trying to get close to you. I'll say that I'd denied that I'd talked to you because I want you all for myself."

She added, "Of course, naturally that'll surprise a lot of people in the 'in crowd' and there'll be a lot of doubt and grumbling. It'll take a few days to convince them that I'm not just playing a gag, and that you've been lying low and posing as a nerd because you're secretly too busy doing all kinds of amazing things to bother playing the social game. By and by, your reputation will rise and then I'll be able to be seen with you. In fact, before long you might replace yourself having to fight the ladies off."

He laughed. "That's a bit dishonest and sneaky and I'm annoyed that you have to pretend that I'm a non-nerd in disguise, but I suppose it could work. What's this secret cool work I'm doing?"

She considered the question carefully, then answered, "I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't get too carried away with tricky intrigues. Let's just say that you're secretly ultra rich and you're some kind of Rudolph Valentino type fucking all kinds of amazing women in your spare time. That'll definitely overcome the stigma of your dweeby Star Trek marathons and all your little Dungeons and Dragons games. People may not necessarily believe it, but they'll wonder about it, and then they'll look at you in a new way."

He had to struggle to keep his poker face. She was much more accurate with her cover story than she realized. In addition to all of the truly spectacular women he was fucking, his family was much wealthier than he let on at school, where he generally acted as if he had few possessions beyond a limited selection of generic shorts and T-shirts. He didn't even have a cell phone, much less a car. She was even correct in her guess that he'd played Dungeons and Dragons fairly often in the past few years.

But he simply said, "I guess that works. But after that, I never want to hear you say the word 'nerd' again, okay? You're a good actress, but I don't believe you've actually changed your mind about socially labeling people and pigeonholing them one bit. You're just making a big exception for me because you like the way I fuck you."

That was true, but she knew better than to admit it. She just continued to look at him with regretful, puppy-dog eyes. She threw in an extra hurt expression to pretend she was offended that he didn't believe her.

He continued, "If you do that and actually follow through by speaking to me in the halls, then great. But it's probably a moot point because you won't agree to my second demand. I don't like you cheating on Rock. It's not that I particularly care anything about him, though I do feel a bit bad for the guy; it's just that I have no desire to get beat up by him or his football player buddies. He looks exactly like the kind of dumb brute that would go postal and beat me within an inch of my life if he found out what you and I were doing. And you like to take chances and even rub his nose in it, like your whole crazy Baskin-Robbins escapade. That's a recipe for disaster. Like I said, I have plenty of other women in my life. You're just not worth the risk."

Even though he said this, he was very much hoping she'd prove him wrong.

She greatly resented being called "not worth the risk," but at the same time it made her want to prove to him that she was worth it all the more. She replied, "You don't understand. I'm charmed. Charmed, I tell you! I don't get caught. Ever. And if I ever was I'm sure I could talk my way out of it. I'm not worried in the slightest."

"That's nice for you, Heather, but I AM worried. And that's all that matters to me."

"Alan, listen to me. You don't play the social game at school so you don't understand what's at stake here. I honestly don't like Rock at all. In fact, I loathe him and laugh at him behind his back. You know that. So normally I'd be more than glad to break up with him. But he's the star quarterback. Everyone at school falls all over each other just to smell his farts. He's my ticket to a guaranteed win in the homecoming queen race."

She grimaced with anger. "You don't know what goes on in my circles, but Donna is tough competition. She's got her own schemes and support network backing her up. Right now there's a sort of Cold War-type truce between us. She's pretty much conceded my victory because I'm going steady with Rock. But without him, it could turn into a nasty knock down, drag out fight over who gets the homecoming queen title."

Alan hardly knew Donna, a beautiful brunette prima donna who was frighteningly similar to Heather in many ways, but he knew enough to know that Heather was probably largely accurate in her assessment. He asked, "What's the big deal about that title anyway? So you get to wear a tiara and wave at people for an evening. Big whoop."

"You don't get it! It's all about confirming my number one status. I can't stand to be number two. I can't do it! I won't!" She looked at him with a fierce determination. "That is NOT going to happen. Period!"

Alan was of two minds. A part of him hoped that his demands were too much for Heather, because in his heart he knew she was a negative influence on him. But another part wanted to see her cave so she could be his wanton school fuck bunny, consequences be damned. Since she'd made the decision to stand tough, he decided that it was probably for the best that they go their own ways.

He said, "Well then. That's just too bad. I hope you replace someone else who can take my place." He turned and began to walk away.

Her face looked resolute. But as it became clear he really was walking away, she caved. She could hardly believe what she was doing, but she yelled, "Wait!"

He stopped and turned around.

Heather was fairly confident that she could beat Donna without having Rock as a boyfriend; it would just be a lot more difficult. And she knew she really wouldn't take that big a hit to be seen with Alan, provided she could boost his image first. It wasn't that she minded what she was losing that much; it was just the principle of losing that galled her.

So she said, "Okay. Fine. I'll drop Rock like a stone. Ha ha, get it? Who knows, it might actually be better this way. A battle with Donna is something I could sink my teeth in. It might even be an amusing diversion, just so long as I win. But I'll need some time to let Rock down easy without a big blowup that'll damage my reputation even more, or arouse his suspicions. And don't think that this means I'll go out with YOU. I like you and all, but that's going too far. Your reputation can only be rehabilitated so much. If I was openly dating a nerd - okay, even an ex-nerd - Donna would walk away with the title for sure."

He chuckled. "What on Earth makes you think I'd want to go out with you?"

That took her by complete surprise.

After she failed to offer a response, he paused and eyed her critically. "Huh. You do surprise me. But what about my third demand? This one is a must."

"All right, what is it already?"

"You've GOT TO get checked for STDs, and right away. Non-negotiable."

She griped, "I told you already, I'm clean."

"You may really believe that, but how can you know? You can't know. Every time a person has sex with a different partner, they're playing Russian roulette. A new infection might not show up for a while. The more I think about it, the more astounded I am that I had sex with you twice, given how promiscuous you've been, and did so without wearing a condom either time! Now I'm going to have to get tested too. Like I said, this is non-negotiable. And if you keep having sex with others, then you'll need to keep being tested again and again if you want to have sex with me afterwards."

She put her hands on her hips and complained, "Oh come on! That's just ridiculous. Why not just have me tested every single fucking day? I'm insulted."

"Be insulted then. I don't care. This is way too important to mess around with. I've made some mistakes, but I'm trying to get smart."

Heather stared at him hard. She could tell that he wouldn't budge on this one. For one thing, it made too much sense. And if he was going to get tested too, that made it more fair and protected her some as well. "Fine. Whatever. I was going to get tested again soon anyway. I'll get you a copy of the results, okay?"

"Good. If you're willing to do all that, I guess I can compromise."

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