6 Times a Day
Chapter 411 This Is Insanity! [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 3 / 10 ]


Heather could hardly believe how happy their deal made her. She decided that she absolutely had to have Alan's cock in her immediately. Fuck just shaking hands. "Not worth the risk" my ass! Let's do this right!

Alan was very happy too. He thought, Phew! That worked out, thanks to Aunt Suzy and her good advice! I'm so lucky that I have someone like her looking out for me... for all of us. Mom would be too if she knew, but I don't think she has much of a clue about STDs. She's been so sheltered sexually that it's ridiculous.

Heather pulled her tank top off and stood there topless. "It's good doing business with you, kind sir. What say we do a little bit of celebrating to seal the deal?"

He looked around in panic. "Heather, put your top back on! What the hell are you thinking?! We're in the middle of the school parking lot!"

"I know," she smiled, unperturbed. "Isn't it fun?" She was wearing a short black skirt but pulled it up around her waist and spread her legs to better display her pussy to him. "Steaming hot pie is being served. Come and get it."

He immediately said, "Shush! Keep your voice down!" He rushed right up to her so he could block the view of her by putting his body in the way. He hoped that if anyone was looking at him from the general direction of the school they would be far enough away to make it look like two people who were merely standing close and talking to each other. But there was an open street in the other direction and nothing between the two of them and lots of traffic except for a sidewalk and a few more rows of parked cars.

He pressed himself closer to her so they were practically nose to nose. He insisted, "Put your clothes back on this instant! Don't be crazy!" Her bared nipples pressed into his T-shirt.

All of a sudden, Heather disengaged and walked to the side of her car. She took the tank top she held in one of her hands and slipped it into a car window she'd left partially open. Because the window had been opened just a little bit to keep the car from overheating, there was no way for him to reach in and unlock the door to retrieve it.

She smiled devilishly as she said, "What, you said lock my clothes in the car? And keep them there until you've finished fucking me? Okay." Her hands went to her skirt as if about to pull it down her legs. "I guess you're the boss, now that you've beat me, and I'm just the helpless slut who needs to be seriously fucked."

"Wait!" He said with great alarm. His heart was pounding wildly in a combination of lust and fear.

Heather froze in place for the moment - mostly. She'd walked back to the front of the car near where he was standing, but he was still a few feet away from her and the front of her car. She turned around so that her back was to him, then pulled her skirt up to her stomach and preened over the hood of the car. She could tell that he was struggling, trying to decide what to do, so she figured that if he had a great view of her exposed ass and pussy, that might push him over the edge in the direction she desired.

He tried to think. He looked around again and watched all the cars driving by. Luckily there were no traffic lights or stop signs nearby, so the cars were moving at a fast pace.

God, I can only hope that if anyone does looks over and sees us, they'll have driven out of sight before they can really figure out what's going on. But as bad as those cars over there are, the danger of some school official stumbling onto us is ten times worse! I mean, sure, this lot is completely empty of people now, but what if someone's sick and has to go home, or they have an appointment or something? There're all kinds of reasons even teachers might come to this lot to get their car!

I know Heather's got an unbelievable talent for manipulating people, but there's no fucking way she could talk her way out of us being caught here like this! I mean, everything's just hanging out all over the place. First her tits and now her pussy. She's, like, basically, completely naked! This is totally out of control!

But while his left brain was attempting to be rational, his right brain and body were reacting on a more primal level. His eyes went up and down her curvy backside, from her black high heels all the way up her long, tanned legs, then further up to her feathery blonde ponytail. Each inch of her was too perfect and fuckable to resist. He found himself incredibly aroused by her daring and the danger she was putting them both in.

The way she had started to rhythmically move her ass up and down and side-to-side wasn't exactly helping him keep a level head either. She whispered sexily, "Hurry! I need a real man who knows how to use my pussy for his pleasure."

As he felt his resolve slipping, he cursed at her, "You were planning this all along, weren't you? Why the hell did you choose to meet me in the parking lot of all places?! You can't get any more wide open than this!"

She purred, "Oh, I can. I suspect you're going to open me up really good and wide right now." She let her skirt slide down her muscular legs until it was dangling from one of her feet, then she picked it up and threw it over her shoulder. She used both hands to pull her slit wide open to help illustrate her meaning.

"Heather!" he cried in frustration and animal lust. He'd seen her skirt go sailing completely over her car, so he scurried around the Mustang and picked it up. While he'd given up on rescuing her top, he hoped to at least get her to put the skirt back on. As he quickly returned to where she was standing, he complained, "That's not what I meant!"

She bent over at an even more lewd angle and again opened her labia wide for him to see. "Alan, I just gave up my boyfriend and reputation at this school to be your slut. Fill me with that big cock! I need it so bad!"

He caved in, at least partially. He couldn't believe how hard his heart was pounding. "Okay, fine, we can fuck, but not here! Not now!"

"But Alan," she said with uncommon calm, "why do you think I picked this spot?" She slithered her way towards him like a cheetah stalking its prey, slowly closing in for the kill. "It seems wide open, but no one ever comes here. This is the safest place in the whole school, 'cos it's cut off from the buildings and on a different level. Believe me, I know, since I skip class so much."

It was in fact far from the safest place, but she hoped that he was too overcome by lust to think clearly about it. She was very glad to be the one pulling the strings again, getting him all flustered, after having had to make such very inconvenient compromises. It salved her ego quite a bit to have him on the hook.

He found himself backing up as she steadily advanced on him. He was losing control but still resisting. He'd look at her and feel ready to acquiesce, but then he'd look around at the parking lot and passing cars and stiffen his resolve.

She saw that he could back up forever in the wide-open parking lot, so she tried a different approach. Knowing that he really wanted her but needed more of a push to override his insecurity, she sat up on the hood of her car, then reclined backward on it as if posing for a centerfold photo.

It was a reasonably warm, partly cloudy day in southern California, so the metal of the hood was so hot that it almost burned her skin, but she didn't care. She thought, Soon, I'm going to be burning up inside too, as his molten hot cock slides in all the way. After a titanic, volcanic fuck, he'll erupt and shoot his hot lava all over the insides of my defenseless pussy!

He just gulped. He found himself pulled back towards her against his will. He thought, It's like I'm the Millennium Falcon, helplessly caught in the Death Star's tractor beam! What a good metaphor too, 'cos Heather's pure evil just like Darth Vader and the Empire.

He complained, "God, Heather, you're a total slut."

She stretched and purred like a kitten, or perhaps, more fittingly for her personality, like a lioness. "Maybe I am, but a good slut knows how to fuck! What are you waiting for, big guy? The longer you stand there and dither, the greater the chance we'll get caught. I'm all helpless and naked. I'm YOUR naked, helpless slut, begging for your big fat cock! The sooner you finish fucking me, the sooner I can get dressed again."

He yelped, "Cover yourself! This is insanity!" He stepped forward and handed her the skirt. He thought his heart would pound right through his chest.

She just laughed and tossed her skirt over her shoulder once again.

He looked all around and saw one male driver on the road staring right at Heather as he sped on by. This man was so transfixed that his car swerved wildly all over the road, narrowly avoiding an accident.

That wild swerving looked pretty hilarious from a distance, but Alan didn't know whether he wanted to laugh or cry. He was so torn by his conflict between lust and danger that he thought he was losing his mind.

Heather responded to his call to cover herself by placing one of her hands over her pussy. She opened and closed the gaps between her fingers several times, effectively playing peek-a-boo and drawing even more of his attention to her hot slit. "Is that better?" she asked in a voice dripping with desire.

His mind boggled at how calm she appeared throughout all of this. She acted as if lying naked on a car in the middle of the school day with cars driving by was something she did all the time, and that it was no big deal.

But that was just how she looked on the outside, to better project her cool seductress pose. On the inside, her heart was beating harder than it ever had before. She'd done a lot of wild things in her life, but nothing as crazy as this. She hadn't been on the hood for more than a minute and she was already dying to get off it, especially since the hot metal was so uncomfortable. But this was a game of chicken to see who would break first, and she would rather burn than lose.

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