6 Times a Day
Chapter 631 Resting His Cock On His Mom’s Ass 4K

Susan finally stopped masturbating, and said, "Time out, here. This is serious. I'm not just squeamish about using a hole that's meant for gross bodily functions. I have serious religious reservations! Whether my parents or my pastor enjoyed sex is irrelevant to what the Bible has to say about anal sex."

Brenda also stopped masturbating, and asked, "And what does it say?"

"In the Bible, it's called sodomy, after the city of Sodom as in 'Sodom and Gomorrah.' I don't even have to look up what the Bible says about that, because I know it by heart. Shall I tell it to you?"

Brenda said, "I'm not as religiously knowledgeable as you, but even I know that story. A guy named Lot living in one of those towns had some male guests, and some men in the town tried to rape them. God got really mad and decided to destroy the towns. Except he let Lot and his family leave first since they were the only moral people worth saving. But Lot's wife looked back as they left and she turned into a pillar of salt. Right?"

Susan admitted, "It's a bit more complicated, but that's the gist of it."

"A-ha!" Brenda said, feeling triumphant. "Can't you see? That was a case of MALE anal sex. MALE homosexuality, and male rape on top of that. What does that have to do with your situation? Nothing!"

Susan didn't want to concede the argument, so she temporized. "Okay, you have a point there. However, it's actually mentioned here and there in the Bible that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah sinned in a variety of ways, including lying, adultery, whoring, and general filthiness. Furthermore, what I'll bet you don't know is that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is mentioned in the New Testament too, in the Epistle of Jude. It says the people of those two towns, quote 'gave themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh,' unquote. And as a result, they were, quote, 'set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.'"

Feeling cocky, Brenda asked, "Is that all you've got? That's nothing! General filthiness? Fornication? 'Going after strange flesh'? What the heck does that one even mean, by the way? That's all so vague. So the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were doing a lot of sinful things. Where does it specifically say in the Bible that a man putting his dick in a woman's ass is a sin?"

Susan looked away as she meekly admitted, "Well, it doesn't, I suppose. Not that I know of."

"And you definitely would have heard of it, given the fact that your parents or your church repeated the stuff about Sodom and Gomorrah enough for you to know it by heart."

"That's probably true. But in the Middle Ages, the Church called anal sex the 'sin against nature' and even 'the horrible sin that amongst Christians is not to be named.'"

Brenda laughed. "That's ridiculous, not to mention hilarious! But so what? People back then believed all kinds of crazy things. The Church even prosecuted Galileo for claiming that the Earth rotates around the Sun, instead of the other way around. Should we cling to such obviously wrong beliefs just because of something some pope might have said a thousand years ago? There were all kinds of weird and corrupt popes back then, you know."

Susan sighed. "Okay, okay. Maybe I can't point to any definitive religious rule against it, but that's what I was taught to believe." Realizing that was a weak argument, she quickly added, "Besides, who knows if I'd even like it? I hear a lot of women don't."

"Oh, pshaw! Pardon my French, but that's bullshit. Susan, you're an extraordinary woman, and you won the genetic lottery. You were BUILT for sex!"

Susan stuck her tongue out playfully. "Same as you!"

"True, the same as me, although my body's even more obvious about it." She skimmed her hands along her curves from hips to chest, briefly cupping her huge breasts in offering before releasing them. She was too horny to be immodest.

She added, "You've told me just how extraordinarily sensitive your nipples are, for example. Your whole body is like that to some degree, I'm sure. I'd bet a million dollars that you're going to love having your son bugger you. And that's a bet I could actually make! That bet would be like giving me free money."

Susan sighed again. She had a strong suspicion that she'd like it, because she had come to realize in recent weeks that she was very sexually sensitive, and not just with her nipples. "Maybe so. I must admit that I love the idea, even with the sinfulness and wrongfulness of it hanging over everything like a dark cloud. Maybe it's because I try not to think about Tiger fucking me in the normal way, since that would be incest, so this is like the second best thing."

Brenda shook her head, like she was a teacher sadly disappointed with a slow student. "Susan, Susan, Susan. You couldn't be more wrong. For one thing, who's to say it's the second best thing? It could be even BETTER than regular sex! Some women do love it more, for very good reasons. And you'd better get used to him taking your other hole too. You are one of his fuck toys, and that means you're going to get FUCKED! Period! In every damn hole, now that we know he likes anal sex too. The only reason he hasn't fucked you fourteen ways to Sunday already is because he's a nice, considerate guy, and he loves you. He knows you need time to adjust, so he's being patient."

Brenda's face was almost angry, and she repeatedly stabbed a finger in Susan's direction. That caused her immense tits to constantly wobble. "But what's coming is gonna happen just as soon as the sun rising tomorrow morning, so you need to get used to it!"

Susan sat back and tried to recover. She felt like she'd just been attacked by Brenda's bold words. "What are you saying?"

Brenda was surprisingly aggressive, because she felt so passionately about this issue. "You know what I'm saying! Are you deaf? No!" She stopped her finger pointing and softened her tone. "Look. I understand that the incest issue is still a big problem for you, so let's not worry about vaginal sex right now and concentrate on the anal. And try to forgot about your religious reservations and just think about what Alan did to Suzanne last night. Let's just make this as simple as possible. Do you want what he did with her to happen to you?"

Susan furrowed her brow with worry. "Well... yes... and no..."

Brenda growled impatiently, "Make up your mind!"

Susan wailed, "I'm sorry, but it's not so easy! Look at me! I can't stop playing with myself."

Brenda looked, and sure enough, Susan had resumed fingering her clit.

Susan's face was blushing red. "The idea drives me wild! There's nothing I'd love more! But at the same time, it's just so WRONG! And yet, the very wrongness of it somehow turns me on even MORE! I'm all messed up!"

Brenda said with unusual calm, "No, you're not." She said, "Stop playing with yourself for a minute and listen to me."

Susan withdrew her fingers from her crotch.

Brenda spoke with confidence. "Look. I know I'm not part of your wonderful family, and I'm kind of an interloper into this whole remarkable sexual thing you all have going on. But I have eyes to see. And maybe being an outsider gives me special clarity in looking at your position. The fact is, your son is a very special man. Is it luck or talent or charisma or something else that makes him so irresistible to us ladies? I don't know, and frankly I don't care. It is what it is. There's no point in trying to fight it."

Susan felt like Brenda's words were hitting her like a series of slaps, forcing her to wake up from a distant dream. She's right! I can't fight it. Resistance is useless! Goodness gracious, that's such an arousing thought! I'm one of his fuck toys, which means I'm gonna get fucked in every hole! Including THAT one!

Brenda went on, "Forget about fairness and feminism and equal rights and all that. I'm sure that works well for other people, but for you and me that's just an excuse to deny our true natures. We're submissive! We live to serve!"

Susan repeated that in her thoughts, like savoring a fine wine on her tongue. "We live to serve." So shameful, but so true!

Brenda stood up and struck a sexy pose with a hand behind her head. "Look at me! Our bodies are built to please."

"WOW!" Susan loudly exclaimed.


"You're just so darn HOT! I'm getting a serious boner looking at you, and I don't even have a penis!"

Brenda had to drop her pose and laugh at that.

Susan continued, "If I were Tiger and I saw you standing like that, I'd have no choice but to up and fuck you! Maybe even in the ass!"

Brenda smiled widely and resumed her pose. "Thank you. I'll remember that. But please, don't let me get distracted, because I was on a roll. Like I said, our bodies are built to please!"

She ran a hand down her curves, as if she was trying to sell herself, except that she was enjoying caressing herself along the way.

She got "stuck" fondling the undersides of her huge tits as she continued, "The why of it, the morality of it, none of that matters much. It is what it is. It's like what you were telling me earlier. I remember your exact words, because they impacted me so profoundly. 'Remember, if Tiger is going to tame you, and he will, you're going to frequently experience frustration and humiliation. I'm sure he'll have you on your knees desperately begging and pleading for permission to cum all the time.'"

She put her hands on her hips and glared at Susan like an annoyed teacher. "What happened to the woman I look up to who told me that?"

Susan shyly looked down. "It was easier saying that when talking about you than about myself. And I'm fine with that kind of talk when it comes to blowjobs and titfucks and other things that I've come to love dearly. But... anal sex?" She shuddered in disgust.

Still standing, Brenda flapped her arms in the air in frustration. "How is that any different?! Stand up! Remember how I told you Suzanne made me stand up naked, so I couldn't hide from myself or from the truth? It's time you did the same!"

Susan stood up, albeit reluctantly. "Geez, Brenda. I'm not used to seeing this side of you. You're being so aggressive."

"That's because this... all of this... is something I believe in quite strongly. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? I would KILL to be you! Okay, obviously not 'kill' because no one deserves to die, but I would gladly walk on a bed of hot coals or broken glass to be in your high heels. I'd do it every day!"

She briefly hefted her globes up from below. "You talk about how jealous you are about the size of my boobs, and yeah, they're big, and I love that fact, but that's nothing. I would trade my boobs for the love and lust your son has for you in a heartbeat! Not to mention your frequent, easy access to his constantly stiff cock! You know, I love hearing about your daily exploits with him, but at the same time, it makes me want to grind my teeth and tear my hair out. I get to fantasize and live vicariously through you, and every now and then I get to see Alan in the flesh. But you, you're literally living the dream!"

She actually clenched her fists in frustration as she added, "There isn't a day that goes by when you don't end up naked and kneeling, sucking his fat cock at least once! AT LEAST! Whereas I haven't had the honor and pleasure YET! And that doesn't even count all the titfuck fun, handjob fun, and all around cock-serving fun you have on top of that!"

Susan was surprised by that impassioned outburst. She'd never really looked at the jealousy issue from Brenda's point of view, and it forced her to see and appreciate Brenda's situation in a new way. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I didn't think."

Brenda calmed down and softened her voice. "That's okay. Don't worry about it. As frustrating as it is, I still wouldn't trade my experiences with him and you and the rest of your family for anything in the world. It's like you said: for busty, beautiful, submissive women like us, frequent frustration and humiliation is our fate. It's our lot in life. Men like Alan attract women like us just like bees to honey, so we never get enough, not like women in 'normal' relationships do. You and me, we're either fully tamed by him or most of the way there. Agreed?"

Susan nodded slightly. She felt a shiver of arousal from contemplating that.

Brenda spoke passionately, "So it's time for you to look at anal sex in that light. It's not an 'obligation' to be endured resentfully, but rather a privilege to be blessed with, so it should be enjoyed fully!"

Suddenly, Brenda eyed her critically before frowning disgustedly, "Don't just stand there!"

Susan realized that she was simply standing there, with her arms by her side, ever since Brenda had told her to stand up. But she didn't know what she was supposed to do. It didn't help that Brenda was also just standing still in front of her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't want to hear your grousing about anal sex. Sure, some complaining is okay, and even good, because a naturally dominant man like your son knows how to push our buttons, and that means often taking us out of our comfort zones. Don't fight the fact that he's going to take your ass and fill it with his cock, and then cum in you! That's not a mere possibility; that's a fact!"

Susan was still having trouble accepting that, since her qualms about anal sex ran very deep indeed. So, not wanting to directly deal with Brenda's words, she asked, "By the way, why are you having us both stand like this?"

"Oh yeah." Brenda had gotten so carried away with her impassioned plea that she'd momentarily forgotten her intentions. "Because I want to do to you what Suzanne did to me earlier. That was extremely therapeutic for me. Admittedly, I'm not naturally commanding like Suzanne is. But I do have a very good memory, so I can kind of pretend by repeating her words to you."

Brenda mimicked Suzanne with an unusually authoritative tone of voice. She growled, as she directly repeated Suzanne's earlier words, "'Arms pinned behind your back! Wrists crossed. Head bowed down. Legs spread wider. Tits thrust out.'"

Susan immediately complied. She remembered seeing Brenda in the exact same stance, and she did her best to imitate her.

However, Brenda was disappointed, because she got the impression that Susan was just going through the motions. So she said, in her own very heartfelt words, "Don't just do it, BE it! That's not just a pose, that's a way of life! The life of SUBMISSION to your son, the life of gladly serving his cock, many times a day! Look, I know that if I were Alan or even Suzanne, you'd react differently, and with more gusto. I'm sorry I can't be them. But think about what I'm saying: it's not just a pose, it's a way of life. Think about that. And think about your hunky son standing in the room, watching you."

Susan remembered the pivotal advice that Alan had given her two weeks earlier, and she repeated it in her head: "Thrust your chest out and proudly poke your big tits high in the air, because you have nothing to be ashamed of."

She suddenly changed in a way that was hard to define. Her pose didn't really change at all, since her chest was already thrust forward, but somehow she was suddenly much sexier, because she was feeling it now. Being told to imagine that Alan was watching made all the difference.

Brenda smiled. "Good! That's better, much better. And since thinking about him being in the room so totally changed your attitude, let's run with that. Close your eyes and imagine that you're in the kitchen, washing the dishes, when your 'cocky' son comes walking in."

"Okay!" Susan gladly closed her eyes while maintaining her lewd pose. She and Brenda had shared fantasies like this with increasing frequency in their phone calls, and they always had great fun and pleasure doing so. "What am I wearing?"

"Let's see... How about your erotic apron? You know, your favorite one, the light blue one. And high heels. And that's all."

"Oooh! Sounds yummy. I can practically taste his sweet sperm already!"

Brenda explained, "And you might be able to smell the sperm too, because he takes one look at you, pretty much naked from head to toe from the back except for the apron's big bow above your ass, and he's so inspired that he drops his shorts and whips out his great big boner!"

Susan's body was humming with pleasure. She almost opened her eyes when Brenda stepped forward and cupped her big tits from underneath. But she kept her eyes tightly shut because she was already deep into the fantasy and she didn't want to lose that mood. She asked, "What does Tiger say when he comes close?"

Brenda pulled on both of Susan's nipples at once as she said, "Nothing! Absolutely nothing. For now, he's just enjoying the view. He walks closer, holding and stroking his big trouser snake to full size."

Susan said hotly, "That is wrong, just wrong! I don't know what the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were exactly, but the Bible is clear that masturbation is a sin. Onanism!" She spat out that last word like it was a vile curse. "If anyone should be stroking his cock, it should be me!"

Brenda quietly chuckled to herself, since she didn't share Susan's views on masturbation. "Whatever. Be that as it may, that's what he's doing. But you'll be glad to know that he doesn't do it for very long. He keeps coming closer until he's right behind you. You can practically feel his breath on your neck, but he still doesn't say a word. Then, just as easy as you please, he rests his cock against your bare ass!"

Susan gasped, a sign of how deeply she was into the fantasy. She almost could feel the heat of his hard-on pressing into her skin along her ass crack. "Tiger, what are you doing?!"

Brenda briefly considered getting her new vibrator and rubbintg on Susan's ass ito further enhance the experience, but she figured that if she did that it would almost certainly end up in Susan's mouth, and she wanted to be the first one to use it.

She dropped her voice down to imitate Alan's. "'Hi, Mom. What's up? Are you cooking something?'"

Susan spoke as if she really was talking to Alan instead of Brenda. "Never mind that. What are you doing with your, uh, overly large penis?"

"'Just resting it.'" Brenda then added in her own voice, "Naturally, since Tiger has started rubbing his cock against your silky skin, your body craves more. You forget all about the dishes and bend over at an outrageous 90-degree angle to better present your perfect, firm ass to your handsome son."

Susan bent way over in real life, forcing Brenda to let go of her tits as they dangled down. She particularly appreciated Brenda saying 'Tiger' instead of 'Alan,' and she got an extra tingle of pleasure whenever she heard that. "But... that's... unseemly! That's not how a good mother behaves."

Brenda replied, "I don't know about that, but it certainly is how a good MOMMY behaves, especially us big-titted mommies. Besides, you have no real say in the matter. Your ass is in control now, and your ass needs COCK! And not just any cock, but hot and throbbing SON-cock!"

Susan moaned erotically. "Mmmm... Son-cock..." She licked her lips and started salivating, imagining sliding her lips over her son's thickness.

Brenda played along. "Yes, son-cock, the very best kind!" She walked around the bent-over Susan and put both of her hands on Susan's ass.

Susan left the role-play long enough to whisper, "Please, just one hand back there. And can you kind of bunch your fingers together to kind of make a cock out of it?"

Once Brenda complied, Susan moaned, "Mmmm... Yes, just like that... Thanks!"

Brenda chuckled. "Sure thing."

She decided that Susan had the right idea and this is what she should have been doing from the start of the fantasy. She slowly slid her bunched-together fingers over and even into Susan's ass crack. "Tiger just loves your ass, by the way. It truly is remarkably fit and firm, especially considering your age. He's been thinking more and more that it's an ass he absolutely needs to fuck! He's started fucking Suzanne's ass, and he loves doing that. He's wondering with increasing desire what it would be like to fuck his big-titted mommy back there."

"Mmmm..." was all Susan had to say to that. She was deep into the fantasy now. Had she opened her eyes and looked around, she would have been truly surprised to discover she wasn't really bent over in front of the kitchen sink.

Brenda took the tips of her fingers on her pretend penis and dragged them across her sensitive anus. Then she brought the "penis" down between Susan's legs until she was in a position to dry fuck her, had it been a real penis. This only took one hand, so she was using her other hand to play with her own pussy.

Brenda cooed, "There you go. Are you ready for it? Remember, anal submission is total submission..."

This went on for several minutes. Both women were having such erotic fun that they were in no hurry.

Brenda didn't say much, but every now and then she'd say something that she hoped would help Susan's attitude, such as, "Tiger is wondering how long it'll take before his busty mommy is ready. It feels really good to rub his cock all over the outside of her ass, but he knows it'll feel a hundred times better to plow the INSIDE of her ass!"

Susan mumbled, "Mmmm... Plow... Plow me, Son! Mmmm..."

Brenda continued to work Susan into a lather until she knew that Susan was right on the edge of a massive climax. Then, just as she'd been denied her orgasm earlier, she denied Susan. She withdrew her "penis" from Susan's ass and walked around to Susan's front side, indicating the role-play was over.

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