6 Times a Day
Chapter 632 Susan And Brenda ![DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏMuch Thanks to Drunk Dargon for his generous donation. Wish you the best.!

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Susan reluctantly stood back up and opened her eyes. "Awww... Is that it? Why did you stop? I was having so much fun. Tiger was loving my ass. It felt so good!"

"Yes, he was. But that was a test, and you failed. All you did was passively stay in that bent-over position, moaning and wiggling your sexy ass. Sometimes, it was like you were trying to hump my hand, but that was it. You never said anything like, 'Take me! Take my ass! Fuck me good! Fuck me and tame me! Spear me! I don't care anymore about that religious bullshit anymore. Fuck Mommy's ass!' That's exactly what I would have said if I were in your high heels and he did that to me."

Susan frowned, realizing she blew it. "You're right. I'm sorry. I guess it shows that I'm still not ready. I must admit I wasn't really thinking along those lines either. I loved his cock ON my ass, but IN it is still too scary for me."

Brenda barked, "Assume the position I had you in before. And put your hands on your head too, for good measure."

Susan followed the instructions. Again, she was surprised to see this side of Brenda. She didn't even know her friend could get this aggressive.

Brenda gripped both of Susan's boobs and gazed intently into her eyes. "Think about what I said earlier. We ARE fuck toys. Sex toys. Personal cocksuckers. Sexual servants. His slaves, even, if you will. Your entire body belongs to your son, including the inner depths of your ass! I know this started being about helping him to cum six times a day for medical reasons, but it's gone far beyond that, hasn't it?"

Susan nodded, while maintaining her sexy pose. Her entire body was on fire, but especially where Brenda was fondling her.

Brenda told her, "It's not just about him and his insatiable sexual needs, it's also about you and your needs, and me and my needs, and the needs of all of his other lovers. so let's talk about YOUR needs. He may seem like a selfish lover to an outside observer, but in reality he's not. He knows what makes you feel good, and he strives to make sure you enjoy lots and lots of orgasms. It works out wonderfully, like a hand in glove, that his dominating pleasure is your submissive pleasure. He cums, we cum, and everyone drowns in sticky, creamy love. Maybe God made us that way on purpose, like interlocking pieces that belong together. Who knows?"

Brenda continued, "My point is, if you want to be a good, obedient, big-titted mommy, and I know you do, that means giving your ass to him. You ARE going to willingly surrender your ass to him, not only for his pleasure, but also for yours. So stop saying 'if,' and start saying 'how' and 'when' with perhaps an added consideration for 'how often' once you've tried it and realize you don't want to live without it. Remember what else Suzanne told me less than an hour ago while she had me in the same pose you're in now: 'That may be good enough for most, but for your one and only son, you need to try harder.'"

Susan spoke with new resolve. "I get it. I finally get it. You're so right! I DO need to try harder! But I'm scared. Brenda, I'm scared! I want my son to tame my ass so very much. When you talk to me about him 'spearing' me there, I can feel the tingles deep in my ass! But I'm scared too. It's like you're telling me murder is okay. A part of me can't believe it, no matter what the arguments and facts are. And what if it IS a great sin? Perhaps only God truly knows. What then?"

Brenda stepped forward and put a hand on Susan's arm as a gesture of support. "Ultimately, you have to ask yourself, does he love you? Is he going to do something terrible to you?"

She let those questions linger in the air, knowing what Susan's answers had to be.

Then she added, "Or, maybe, there's no way that any physical expression of his profound love for you can be wrong. That's what I think. In my opinion, it's not the sex act that's wrong, it's the context. Compare you giving your son a loving blowjob versus some crack whore giving a stranger a blowjob in a dirty alleyway so she can buy some more crack. On a basic physical level, the two acts are the same, but at the same time they couldn't be more different! I'm no theologian, but I'll bet the Sodom and Gomorrah situation was about sex without love. Selfishness and greed, and lust over love, as a substitute for real love. Whereas in your case, sex is an expression of pure love! How could God be against that?!"

Susan suddenly staggered back and plopped back down on her sofa. "Sorry, I just have to sit down. What you just said was so profound that it made me weak in the knees. You're right. You're absolutely right! The people of Sodom and Gomorrah weren't punished because of any particular act, it was because of the blackness in their hearts and their evil intent."

Brenda's heart soared, because she sensed she was making a breakthrough. "Exactly. If Lot fucked his wife in the ass with loving intent, why would God be upset with that?"

Susan beamed. She could practically feel a weight lifting from her shoulders. "He wouldn't. The God I believe in is a loving god. And He wouldn't keep it a secret if it was so bad. I shouldn't fear anal sex, I should embrace it! It's another way for me to express my love for my son, and bond with him!"

Brenda was all smiles. "Yes, yes, and yes again! You couldn't be more right. And besides, as one of your son's official personal cocksuckers, it's your duty. I know it's got 'cocksucker, in the name, but it's about much, much more than just sucking cock, isn't it?"

Susan nodded with great seriousness. "It is! It's about... well... whatever it takes to make his cock throb with pleasure, whenever he feels like it. It's about serving him with love and joy, for both of us! If I can do that with my mouth, that's great, but there are many ways. Variety is the spice of life."

Brenda nodded approvingly. "Indeed. That's your duty. As it will be my duty, once it's my turn to be tamed there. And in my case, maybe it won't be so much love at first, but it is a bonding, and over time our bond will grow. Perhaps it's my fate to simply be one of his fuck toys, used simply for his sexual pleasure. But over time, I believe that bond will grow into some kind of love between us. Indeed, I'd even go on to say that bonding with him anally like that would undoubtedly be one of the most profound acts of submission a woman can make!"

Brenda saw a flash of concern on Susan's face, so she hastened to add, "But don't worry! We know how he is. His heart is as big as the ocean. The love he has for Suzanne, for instance, doesn't diminish the love he has for you one iota. And there's no way he'll ever love me half as much he loves you, because I'm not his mother and there's no way I ever could be."

Susan nodded, mollified on that for the time being. "So... what do I do now?"

Brenda grinned. "In the short term, you need to tell me everything that happened last night. Every last detail! And you and I are going to masturbate about it until our hands fall off! And then we're going to share some more nice anal fantasies that we'll conjure up, and we'll masturbate about that too. When we do that, I want you to be more proactive, okay?"

Susan smiled and nodded.

"And then I want you to tell me about your morning adventures, and we'll masturbate about that as well. I assume you and Katherine didn't just feed your son and send him off to school without playing around too?"

Susan said proudly, "Hardly! Oh my goodness. It was such an intense and wonderful morning. Would you believe that not only did we take turns pleasuring his cock, but right before he left he shot a big spermy load into Angel's mouth and then she kissed me and passed the spermy goodness into MY mouth! It was so naughty!"

Brenda laughed with glee. "I love it! I just knew something like that would happen. That's what I call being a good big-titted mommy. And Katherine should be praised for being an excellent fuck toy sister."

Susan smiled. "I know. She's wonderful, and her attitude couldn't be better. I dare say that she loves serving his cock just as much as I do. He really put both of us in our place all morning long. For instance, you should have seen the way he forced us to kiss each other! It was soooo hot!"

Susan's earlier apprehension and moral qualms about intimate lesbian kissing and touching seemed to be gone as she fondly recalled the scene.

"I'll bet!" Brenda's lesbian issues were also rapidly fading. She simply couldn't deny to herself how much merely thinking about Susan kissing aroused her, much less kissing her herself.

Susan felt the urge to kiss Brenda coming on. However, she changed subjects instead. "Can we use our new vibrators while we're doing all that story telling?"

Brenda laughed. "You tell me! It's your house, after all. It would be fitting to break them in together. So I say yes!"

Susan beamed. "I do too!"

Then Susan frowned, and asked, "But when I asked you 'what do I do now,' I didn't mean 'now' now. I mean, what should be my next step with this whole anal sex thing?"

Brenda mused, "I don't know. Despite getting a bit passionate expressing my feelings there, I don't have all the answers. I'm no Suzanne; I was just doing a good imitation of her. You need to talk to the real Suzanne. She'll set you straight, I'm sure."

Susan's smile widened; she loved Suzanne beyond words. "That's very good advice. I've been feeling too shy to talk to her about this, but I'm just going to have to buckle up and do it. I feel better already, because I know she'll know what steps I should take, and how to calm my fears. But you've already done so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did to me today."

Brenda gave her a hug. It was meant to be just a friendly and supportive hug, but it reminded them both of the fact that they were still buck naked and horny, and they both felt shivers of arousal run through their bodies. "It was my pleasure. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you and Suzanne did to me today. I came here this morning a rattled, shook up, mixed up bundle of nerves, and now I feel a peace in my heart and a spring in my step. All I really did was I took what Suzanne said to me and redirected some of that back to you. I even used some of her exact same words."

Susan said, "Maybe so, but it worked like gangbusters just the same. And I love the new aggressive you. To be honest, I didn't know you had it in you." She caressed Brenda's back, and even brought a hand down to clutch at one of her bare ass cheeks.

"To be honest, I didn't either!" Brenda laughed as she idly cupped one of Susan's great tits. "But seriously, the 'old me' had quite a temper. I was no wallflower. Although now I see that my temper was a reflection of my deep unhappiness from repressing my true self. But don't expect me to do that much. I only went into that mode briefly because I felt you needed a good slap on the face, so to speak."

"I thank you for that slap." Susan brought her other hand to Brenda's other ass cheek and gave it a light and playful slap.

Brenda also brought a hand to Susan's ass, and pulled her in closer. The passion between them was steadily rising, yet they both had lingering reluctance to act on their urges to kiss. "I don't feel comfortable behaving all bossy like that anymore, but I felt I had to do it. I know we haven't been friends for long, but I really do care for you. In fact, at the risk of scaring you off for being too clingy, I feel like you've become my very best friend."

She abruptly laughed, because she realized she was literally clinging to Susan's body.

Susan chuckled. "That's okay. You feel good." She smiled and kissed Brenda, but chickened out at the last second and only did it on the cheek.

Brenda stared adoringly up into Susan's eyes, and pressed their huge racks more tightly together as she tried to lessen the distance between their faces in anticipation of more kissing. "You're just about the only one who truly understands the new me. You and Suzanne, that is, but I relate to her in a different kind of way. So if you don't get to experience the joy of being fucked in the ass by Alan, and soon, I'll feel like I've let you down. Even though I've never experienced it myself, I just know it's going to be fantastic for you."

Susan knew Brenda had used an anal dildo in the past but she still was far from convinced that it would "be fantastic," as Brenda claimed. Considering that, she was surprised at how enthusiastic Brenda felt about it. And without consciously thinking about it, the ass talk was inspiring her to vigorously knead Brenda's ass cheeks.

Brenda added, as she also played with Susan's ass with both hands, "Furthermore, I'd feel like I let down my mas- er, Alan, too. I know you know I almost said 'master' there, and so be it. Call him what you want, but the fact is, technically he may not have tamed me yet, but it doesn't matter. He owns our hearts and controls us all. It's our duty to obey and serve him. I know this is controversial, and please don't tell Suzanne I said this, but I believe his desires come first, even ahead of my needs. You're his sexy mother, so I feel I would be remiss in my duties as your fellow tamed sexual servant or whatever you want to call it not to help you see the light that your ass NEEDS your son's cock fully sheathed within it! He deserves the best, and part of that means your ass!"

Susan was a bit overwhelmed by all that, so much so that she forgot to keep fondling Brenda's busty body for a few moments. He does deserve the best! But desires over needs? I don't know about that. I've always believed that as unfair as the situation with Tiger appears to be, it really isn't, because we all experience great pleasure. In fact, most of the time I suspect I get even more aroused than he does, and I certainly experience many more orgasms. But Brenda seems to throw any sense of fairness out the window. I'm beginning to realize that as submissive as I am, she takes it to the next level.

She felt some jealousy over Brenda's "next level" attitude, maybe even more than the boob size issue, but she tried not to show it. Instead, she just said, "Oh my goodness. That's some pretty intense stuff. But tell me... is it true you've never done it in the ass? Ever?!"

She poked a finger at the ring of Brenda's anus without actually probing into it.

Brenda also found herself fingering Susan's ass crack while still keeping her face close to Susan's so they could kiss again soon. "No, sadly, I haven't. Remember, I was married a long time to the idiot I once called my husband, and I see now that he just wanted me for impressively busty eye candy to show off to his friends and business associates. I was practically a museum exhibit for his collection. Such is the life of the idle rich trophy wife, I guess."

Gathering up her courage, she admitted, guardedly, "But I've definitely fantasized about it for a long, long time. To me, it might just be the ultimate act of submission. There are so many women out there who refuse to give anal sex a try. Even most wives refuse to do it with their husbands, or do it only very rarely, as if it were some kind of special treat, like a birthday gift. It's as if they're not supposed to enjoy it themselves, let alone develop a taste or hunger for it."

Brenda stood extra straight and proud while still in Susan's embrace, even rising on her tip toes in her high heels. "Whereas I can't wait to give Alan my ass! I want him to know that he can take me in any hole, at any time! I think the reason so many women are afraid of anal sex is that they let their fears get the best of them. Plus, they worry too much about social norms, just like how you're struggling with those issues right now. But I don't care about that sort of thing. I want to completely give myself to my lord and ma... uh, my Alan, and anal sex is a great way of showing that."

She added with almost breathless passion, "It would truly be my last virginity, and I would have the honor and privilege of willingly surrendering it to him!"

Again, Susan was floored. After hearing that, her own desire for anal sex went up a notch or even two notches, because she wanted to completely give herself to her son too. Plus, she didn't want to be outdone in that by Brenda. I want to surrender my anal virginity to my son too! That would be a real virginity that I can give him, that no one else has ever had, or ever will.

It all sounds so great that I almost can't breathe! Boy, I'm just amazed at Brenda's devotion to Tiger, and not for the first time either. That's especially true considering that she hasn't even had a chance to suck his cock yet. I'm definitely going to have to remember that, given her loyalty and help, I need to introduce his cock to her mouth, and very soon!

After pondering Brenda's words, Susan said, "Brenda, I'm truly impressed. And I'm also impressed at your smarts and your knowledge in general. The way you handled that whole Sodom and Gomorrah argument would have impressed even Suzanne, I'll bet. You know, I'll bet people tend to look at you and think you're all boobs and no brains, like you're some kind of living sex doll. I've even thought that at times, before I really got to know you. But that's not true at all."

Brenda nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. I've fought that impression all my life. Of course, the irony is that now I WANT to be a living sex doll of sorts, Alan's sex doll." She grinned impishly as she rather startlingly brought a hand from Susan's ass to her pussy and ran it up and down her wet labia. "But there's no reason I can't be his sex doll with brains."

Susan was startled by Brenda's move, since pussy play was considered off limits. But she remembered that was the rule with Alan, so he wouldn't wind up fucking her, and there was no reason Brenda couldn't do it.

She decided not to say anything about it, and resumed fondling Brenda's curvy ass. "Agreed. And the more he gets to know your brains and not just your body, the more he'll be into you. Trust me. He may come for your body, but if he stays it'll be because of a deeper connection with your heart and your mind. And I also have a new understanding and appreciation of your position. I was so caught up in my petty jealousy of you that I was oblivious to your much more understandable jealousy of me. I'm sorry."

Brenda couldn't stand being so close to Susan's lips without kissing them, so she pulled Susan's face down to hers for a brief kiss. At the same time, she kept fingering Susan's pussy and clit, and squeezed her ass cheeks too.

After their lips lingered for another kiss or two, Brenda said, "Don't be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry about, especially since you've been justifiably distracted with your cock tending duties. It's true that you're living the dream, but, as frustrated as I've been, these last few weeks have been the best weeks of my life, by far. It's like I was just a shadow or a wraith, floating around in some ghost world. But now I've come to life, everything has become so alive, and real! I've discovered the real me, my true calling."

Susan smiled from ear to ear. She was still reluctant to play with another woman's pussy, so she brought a hand up to fondle Brenda's tremendous melons instead. "And that is?"

"Serving Alan, of course!" She punctuated that by slipping a finger into Susan's slit.

Susan inhaled heavily in surprise due to that finger, and the shock showed on her face. But she still didn't say or do anything to discourage Brenda.

Brenda was surprised that she was actually acting as the sexual aggressor, but her feelings for both Alan and Susan were growing so strong that she couldn't help herself. She started rhythmically poking the finger in and out. "As if there could be any doubt. Well, that and raising my own son. Nothing else matters to me anymore but those two things. Wait, no, that's not exactly true. Your friendship matters a lot to me, and Suzanne's friendship too. I can't even relate to my other friends anymore, because they don't know the real me. And sadly, they can never know. That's why I feel you've become my best friend."

The faces of Susan and Brenda had been drawing closer and closer, and now they finally kissed passionately.

Before, Susan appreciated Brenda's outstanding, curvaceous body, and she'd also appreciated how much the two of them had in common with their similar submissive mentalities. But after all they'd discussed today, she felt a much more profound emotional connection with her, as well as a growing direct sexual connection. That was reflected in the intensity of their kiss.

Their mutual passion was intensified by the fact that they knew they had a great deal to talk about and masturbate over. Brenda still couldn't wait to finally achieve orgasmic satisfaction, and Susan was just as needy.

As the kiss went on and on, Brenda kept on fingering Susan's cunt. She even brought in a second finger, and dug deeper with both of them together.

Susan couldn't deny how good that made her feel, driving her wild even more than the great kiss. She thought, Why do I keep holding back? What Brenda has been telling me today doesn't just hold true for anal sex, it's true for everything! There's nothing wrong with sex, even sex between women. Brenda has been waiting a long time for her orgasm, and I know just how to give it to her!


With that, Susan plunged a finger into Brenda's pussy too.

Not surprisingly, Brenda loved that. She screamed into Susan's mouth as their tongues dueled.

After a very enjoyable minute or two of that, Brenda thought, What's happening to me?! I used to think lesbianism was wrong, the same as Susan. But now, the thought of making love to her or Suzanne is almost as arousing as playing with Alan's cock! God, I love this family!

Still necking, they sank to the sofa behind them and began fingering each other's pussies. It wasn't long before both of them were screaming in total orgasmic ecstasy.

Then they both got their new vibrators out, and the fun really began (though Susan was careful not to let any phallic object near her pussy, as she wanted to save herself there for her son).

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