6 Times a Day
Chapter 633 Father Alan And Sister Gloria ! [DD SPONSORED]

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At lunch at school, Alan's friends Sean and Peter were so surprised to see him sit down with them at their cafeteria table that they made all kinds of jokes about his appearance. "He eats, Sean," Peter kidded. "Looks like he eats food to live, just like the rest of us."

In fact, Alan didn't eat much lunch anymore. Between his time with the cheerleaders and Glory, on most days he was lucky if he could snarf down a fruit and a granola bar. He usually had a big snack made by his mother when he got home to make up for it.

"So to what do we owe this great honor?" Sean asked Alan sarcastically, even as he was pleasantly surprised by Alan's appearance. They all got out their lunches and began to eat.

"Well, you know I've got this job as a teacher's aide to Ms. Rhymer. She's giving me a bit of a break today."

"That's what you keep saying," Peter answered suspiciously, "but I saw you rushing over to Building One a couple of times." That was the building where the theater room the cheerleaders used was.

"Yeah, that's true." He had a prepared cover story for that, too. "Truth be told, I've been hanging out with the cheerleaders over there. That's where they're eating lately. Obviously being with my sister, but mostly so I can hang with Amy."

"Oh man! You're eating lunch with Heather?" Sean asked. His crush on Heather bordered on being an obsession.

"Yeah, sometimes. Not all the time." In fact, he'd yet to actually eat any food with the cheerleaders, but he knew the story would mesh with cheerleader sightings there too.

"Shit." Sean was impressed. He'd yet to speak more than a few words to his cheerleader goddess. As a result, he was blissfully ignorant of what she was really like. "Can you invite me there too?"

"Well, I'd like to, but it's a private thing. Just between you and me, some of them light up and smoke pot. So they keep the circle small." That also made a good story, as all the cheerleaders did toke up from time to time except for Katherine and Amy, and Alan's friends already knew this.

"Fuck." Sean was strongly against using any illegal drugs but, at least for the moment, he even seriously considered starting smoking pot if that would help him get closer to Heather.

Peter, who wasn't quite as infatuated with Heather, butted in. "So what's this about Amy, then? Don't you see plenty of her at home? She hangs out at your place all the time. I can just imagine her hanging out by your pool in a string bikini. I hope you take full advantage of some nice views of her wide ass, you lucky dog."

"Hey, don't do too much imagining there!" Stifling the urge to be possessive, Alan continued in a calmer voice, "Actually, I have been seeing a lot of her. You see, we've been getting pretty close lately, and we've actually started going out."

A shocked silence followed. Finally Sean spoke. "Going out? As in, you and her are dating? For real?"

"Yeah. For real." Alan was a bit surprised how shocked his friends were, especially since the school was swirling with recent rumors of him as some kind of mysterious sex stud. But then it occurred to him that because they knew him much better, they had a harder time changing their conceptions of him. Furthermore, as nerds, they were so out of the school gossip circuit that they were barely aware of how other peoples' perceptions at school had been changing. Alan had been the same until recently, paying no attention to school gossip.

But there was something in Alan's demeanor that removed all possibilities of kidding. Yet still they couldn't help but express disbelief.

"Shit! No fucking way!" Sean exclaimed.

Peter and Sean babbled for a minute or two. As far as they knew, Alan was still a virgin and had never even kissed a girl. So they made a big deal about it.

Alan's momentary flash of indignation passed and he smiled at them in tolerant amusement. He felt like he'd matured several years in the last few weeks, and had a hard time relating to what he now saw as their immature ways. He knew they were virgins and had never kissed - only now did he realize just how nerdy his friends were. Nonetheless, he still liked them very much, despite the growing gap between them.

He said, "I swear, it's true. We're going out." He looked around. Amy sat just a couple of tables away. He stared at her, caught her eye, and motioned her to come over.

Amy came bounding to the table. As always, she was smiling and happy.

He smiled as he said to her, "Hey Aims. I've heard you have a new boyfriend. Is it true? Who's the lucky guy?"

She giggled. "You are, silly. You're the best!" She bent down and kissed him on the cheek. She looked at his friends and proudly announced to them, "Alan is my official boyfriend!" Then she skipped off.

Alan watched Amy return to her seat. As she sat back down with her friends, she turned to him and waved back while giving him an extra friendly smile.

Alan thought, Wow. Amy is just so endearing and lovable. I'm such a lucky guy. I need to spend even more time with her. She's so sexually eager too. Definitely tonight, something's gonna happen. There's nothing stopping us from going all the way now.

Meanwhile Sean and Peter stared at their friend in wide-eyed shock.

Alan turned to them and beamed a shy but proud grin. "So you can understand now why I've been completely missing these past weeks. I hate to say it, but if I have a choice between playing computer games with you guys and fondling that ass, I'll take the ass. Wouldn't you? Sorry that I've had to keep it secret, but she wanted it that way until now."

They nodded in understanding.

Alan realized this would do wonders to squelch certain rumors, once the word spread. He was glad that this could help kill the (correct) idea that he and Glory were up to something. He was even gladder that this would kill the rumors that he had turned down offers for dates because he was gay.

He longed to tell them more about his sex life, much more. He wanted to have some kind of male confidant. The only problem was that his friends were so sexually inexperienced that it would be like trying to talk to a goat herder in the Sahara about snow. The idea of setting his friends up with some girls so they could better relate crossed his mind.

He decided to test the waters a little bit in confiding in them. "What's with all the gawking? Close your mouths before the flies get in. I mean, it's not like she's my first date. I've had sex lots of times."

"WHAT?!" Peter nearly shouted. "Okay, you go too far. I know Amy's like your childhood friend and everything. You set that up with her to play a joke on us, right? Right?!"

Alan looked at them sadly. "It's no joke. You'll see soon enough. Try talking to some people outside of your circle of friends. The fact that Amy and I are an item is public knowledge already."

He thought to himself, The way Amy came skipping by here, it seems so normal. I could almost convince myself that I'm just a normal guy with a normal girl next door girlfriend. Then he thought about his mother's "A" branding beach fantasy. If people only knew the truth, they'd throw us all in prison for sure!

The problem is, such a huge gaping chasm has opened between me and my friends in such a short time. Like Mom telling me this morning, "We live to guzzle your thick cum juice down our throats." How could I ever confide to ANYBODY about that kind of thing?! I guess the whole idea of having a confidant is a non-starter. Damn.

After Alan left, Peter stewed. "Sean, did you hear that? Just 'cos he has a girlfriend, now he thinks he's all better than us. 'Try talking to some people outside of your circle of friends.' Well, excuuuse me! That used to be your circle of friends too, Alan. Sheesh! No wonder we never see him at lunch. I guess we're not good enough for him anymore."

Sean kept quiet, but he too was shocked and hurt by Alan's attitude. He felt like his friendship with Alan was slipping away.

Alan left lunch after only about fifteen minutes out of the forty-minute free period. As much as he liked to talk to his friends, he much preferred sexual fun with his teacher Glory. He thought about the sexual teasing she'd given him when he visited her just before school, and that made his dick erect even before he reached her classroom.

When he arrived, after announcing himself through the door, he was surprised to see Glory let him in already dressed in a nun's habit. She wasted no time to get in the role. He wondered if this was to stifle further gripes about yesterday's spanking, but he didn't mind.

"Ah. Father Alan. Welcome to our humble convent. I trust the Lord has been guiding you and keeping you?"

"Um, hello, uh, Sister Gloria. Yes. All is well. And you?" He struggled to switch gears into priest mode. Calling her Gloria seemed like a natural thing to do, given her role.

She led him to the closet and pointed him to his priest garb. She wore underwear in the hopes that they'd have fun when he took it off, but in a change of plans she slowly stripped and then redressed to help him get really worked up.

She didn't put all of the clothes back on right away, but left her outer garment swathed around her loosely so her chest and crotch were strategically exposed. Then, as she posed shamelessly, she turned to him and said, "Here's a sneak preview of Sister Gloria when she gets a little naughty."

"Wow. You look like a sexy pin-up girl, except more nun-like."

That was a bit of a stupid thing to say, so they laughed about it.

Alan was aroused both mentally and physically, but as Glory finished dressing, he grew somewhat regretful about his suggestion to play nun and priest. The problem was all the clothing. Glory was now completely covered in a black habit, except for a white brim across the front of her nun's shawl covering her head and a white bib-like cowl around her neck and upper chest. The only skin visible was her face and hands. He was similarly decked out in a stifling and heavy, long black robe with a white collar.

"Now, where were we?" she asked. "Father, you were saying you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Yes I do want to talk, but let's not make it a habit," he joked. He made a rimshot sound as Glory groaned. "But seriously, let's get into our roles."

He stood back, stretched his body and limberly shook his head in every direction, like an actor psyching himself up before walking onto a stage.

"Okay," he said in a voice much deeper than his usual one. "Sister Gloria. Good to see you. How are you doing?" He walked formally toward her and bowed in respect. She bowed back.

"I'm well, Father. The Lord provides."

"Excellent. I came here because you had something for me to do?"

"Yes, Father. I'd like to make confession, and even though we don't have a confessional here, I was hoping you'd be able to listen to me in an informal manner."

"Yes," Alan responded sagely. "The Church of God is everywhere. Please sit down." They sat in classroom seats in front of her desk and faced each other. "Now, what seems to be on your mind?"

"Well, Father, I... It's rather difficult to say... I've been having very sinful thoughts."

"Oh really?" He learned forward intently. "Do tell. In great detail."

She smiled at the "great detail," but then put on a very serious face. "Father, I've been having these ... urges. Sexual urges. In my mind I know it's wrong, but my body won't listen!"

"That's all right," he said as he took her hand in his. "It's perfectly natural, child. Please continue. How did it start?"

As though startled by the gesture, she immediately withdrew her hand and actually managed to make it tremble. "Oh, Father, I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that. It's very embarrassing. I'm afraid it started because of you."

Alan also showed good acting skills. His face looked convincingly surprised. "Me? Why me?"

With a look of longing on her face, she stared back at him for a brief moment and then cast her eyes downward, as though embarrassed. "Well, Father Cleveland, bless his departed soul, he was so old and infirm. But then you came here recently and replaced him, and you're so young and handsome and ... virile. I want to listen to your sermons, listen to the Word of God, but too often I replace myself staring at your... well, your nether regions! There! I said it. And despite your robe, it seems that most of the time I can detect a certain bulge there."

She quickly and obviously glanced at Alan's crotch, where a very real and insistent erection could be seen, and then, just as quickly, averted her eyes shyly away.

He thought to himself, This is fun. I like where this is going, but we're both dressed to survive an Arctic blizzard. I have to spin this so I can get some clothes off first. He was good at thinking on his feet. "Sounds serious," he replied gravely. "Have you considered that you might be haunted by a demon?"

"A demon? Oh no!" She gasped as one of her hands quickly flew to her chest in mock astonishment. "That never occurred to me. Could it be? Am I possessed?!"

"I'm afraid it's a real possibility. However, you are lucky that I'm a bit of an expert in these things. Take off your clothes."

"What? Did I hear you right?" She blushed and looked very convincingly aghast. She crossed her legs as she supposed her character would unconsciously do, acting both frightened and excited by the prospect.

"Yes, you did," he said with a grave nod. "You see, the demon has entered you, and the first thing we have to do is replace out where exactly it entered you. Only then can we replace a cure. We can determine the demon's presence and strength by certain telltale signs. For instance, a certain hardening right here."

As he said the word "here," he reached out, moved her hand away from her chest, and palmed one of her boobs through her clothes. Even through her robe and bra he could feel a hardened nipple.

She gasped again.

He tweaked her nipple repeatedly, as if testing to see just how hard it was.

She was taken aback at just how horny this game was making her; her heart beat a mile a minute. "Oh. I see. No man has ever seen me naked before, but if someone has to see me that way, I'm glad it's you. I'm sure I can trust you." She blushed again but this time like a girl in love. The look on her face was one of pure innocence, but with a powerful lust hiding just behind it.

She stood up and shyly undressed while she maintained complete and total eye contact with him.

He was transfixed by her subtle and seemingly completely innocent striptease.

"Please keep your hair covered," he said as she nearly finished. "The demon never enters through the hair." He thought to himself, Gotta keep that on so I'm reminded you're supposed to be a nun.

"Okay. Whatever you say, Father." She sat back down and left the black shawl on. She also still wore the white cowl and a crucifix around her neck.

Alan thought that was a nice touch. His eyes traveled up and down her body as she sat back down. He looked at her in great admiration, and thought, Glory may not have the big tits that I normally go ga-ga over. Even Sis has bigger tits, but Glory is living proof that size isn't everything. She's so firm all over. And tan. Very fit, but not too muscular so that it looks manly. Perfect, flawless skin, minus some sports injury scratches. She's totally fuck worthy, and her sexual skill is just too much!

One thing annoyed him. "Very good, Sister, but I did say you have to take your clothes off. You still have your bra and panties on."

She managed to look utterly scandalized. "But Father! All of it? Is that really necessary?"

"I'm afraid it is, as much as it pains us both. Demons are very base creatures, so the erogenous zones are the very places they are most likely to enter. We have to check there for demon activity particularly, and in a most thorough manner." He nodded at her crotch.

She appeared to be alarmed, and then resigned. "Oh. Of course. Please forgive me for my shyness. This is just all so, so... unorthodox for me. I never thought a demon was to blame. Just a minute."

She stood up and slowly unclasped her bra. But before she removed it, she slid her panties down her hips. She did that excruciatingly slowly, knowing how much he frustratingly loved it. Once her panties were all the way off, she then turned around and made a stiff-legged bend to put them on her desk.

She placed her legs quite far apart and held that position for some time, so he could inspect her pussy. A few rivulets of pussy juices were already starting to flow. "Father, I'm so ashamed! I can't help myself from... Well, you can see what's happening down below."

"You're lubricating," he explained. "Your baby-making hole is getting ready so the male genitalia can enter without too much friction."

"Father! That's not my intention at all!"

"Don't worry Sister, I'm not condemning you. This is just more of the demon's handiwork. With God's grace, we shall overcome. Please continue to disrobe."

She turned around again so he could watch her remove her bra. When that was done, she turned and spread her legs even wider, as she ostentatiously took her time to place the bra on the same table.

Alan had been losing his erection due to their heavy clothing, but after the show that Glory put on his erection was most definitely back with a vengeance. He especially liked the way she acted so ashamed.

She stood facing him again.

The white cowl she wore covered most of her chest, though happily not her nipples. He loved to watch them rise and fall with each breath. But even better was the sight of her dirty blonde pussy. He leaned forward, looked closely at her crotch, took a deep whiff of her womanly fragrance, and quipped, "Glory be."

She laughed. "Young man, stay in your role, please." She covered her pussy with splayed fingers that appeared to protect her privates, but in actual fact exposed more than they hid.

Still leaning forward, he closely eyed the fine sheen of arousal and examined the few beads of sweat in her nether regions that were rolling down between her thighs.

"Sorry," he finally said in his normal voice. "But you realize that before I resume the role I have to say 'Glory Hallelujah' first."

They laughed some more.

His frustration at the spanking episode yesterday was now completely forgotten as he warmed to the fun and arousing situation.

He went on seriously in his priest voice, "Thank you for your cooperation. Please continue, Sister Gloria. Don't mind me - I'll just be checking to replace the exact spot where the demon has entered you. Why don't you stand as you were. Grasp your ankles with your hands and spread your legs even wider. That way I can really see what the demon is doing."

She did so gladly while pretending to act worried. Her shawl and cowl had fallen off each time she'd bent obscenely far over, and now they fell off again and stayed off. The only religious symbol that remained was the heavy cross dangling around her neck.

Alan stood up and closed the short distance to her. He stood behind her. The position he requested completely opened her pussy, showing off all her lovely moist pinkish folds. He dropped his nose close enough to nearly touch the folds with his nose's tip.

He thought, This is really testing my patience. How long can I hold out from fucking this woman?!

His hands dropped to her shoulders, and he began running his hands over her skin there, figuring it would be in character of the priest to start in a relatively safe spot.

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