A Nymph Without Mercy -
Mairi awoke to thesound of the door shutting firmly. She blinked sleepily, trying to remember ifthere were any dreams lingering in her mind, something she now wished foralmost nightly. Garrick said he had experienced a vision of her adar, and she too had seen him the nightof their initial bonding, and she could not help but hope that he would come toher again.
No matter how muchshe now loved her bond-mate, that did not negate the affection she still heldfor her people.
But there were none,and although her first impulse was to rise and greet Garrick properly, shehesitated, remembering her earlier teasing that he should awaken her with akiss. So she kept her eyes closed and waited for his movement, only to hear hisboots take him to the seats before the fire and not to her side as she sodesired.
It took a very greateffort not to pout.
“Garrick? Are youwell?”
He did not turn tolook at her, only stared into the flames that still burned brightly even withhis absence.
A feeling oftrepidation settled in her lower belly, and for a moment she tugged at theirbond, trying to ascertain if he was angry with her—or perhaps his meeting hadbeen dreadful and the person had hurt him...
But there was nothingthat indicated a physical pain, only a deep mistrust that nearly chilled her.
She rose swiftly fromthe bed, hurrying forward to better assess his condition.
He did not evenglance at her, and she knew something was terribly wrong.
Mairi knelt beforehim, her hands pressing and coaxing until finally he relented, his eyes meetinghers.
And when she sawthem, with all the pain and barely concealed anger so easily visible, shealmost wished she had not.
“How could you nottell me?”
She blinked, holdingfirm against the impulse to pull away from him. “Tell you what? What hashappened?”
He shook his headdisbelievingly, returning his glare and his tightly sealed lips to thefireside.
Where had theirlovely morning gone? Where he spoiled and kissed and made her feel so verycared for?
She remembered theman who had asked to meet with him, and she could not help a feeling of ire toovertake her that whatever they had discussed had put her Garrick into such afoul mood.
“Please, speakplainly. I cannot explain if I do not know what has upset you.”
He scoffed, shakinghis head in apparent disbelief. “The fact that you were not disturbed by ittroubles me enough. But that you might also have...”
A pained lookflittered across his features, and it was all she could do to keep fromsmoothing away each line of distress with her fingers. Something assured herthat he would not appreciate her touch, not now.
“Did that man suggestthat I have done something wrong? You have been with me most always and I knowI often speak strangely and am not skilled yet in my manner but I am trying! I hope I do not embarrassyou.”
That had been hergrave worry for some time. Garrick often seemed more amused by her differentways rather than annoyed, but she still waited to hear from an observer thatshe was troublesome and uncouth, wholly unworthy of being his bond-mate.
And the way herefused to look at her stung acutely, and she wished with all her heart thatthis uneasiness between them could pass.
But it could not, notuntil he spoke to her.
So she sat and waited,allowing herself the comfort of smoothing patterns into his covered knees withher fingertips, waiting as patiently as she could for him to sort out whicheverthoughts were tormenting him.
Finally, with a shudderingsigh he grasped her wrist to bring her touches to a halt, his eyes quiteadmirably cloaking his emotions.
“Why did you not tellme that the king had made wrongful advances toward you?”
Mairi glanced at himsharply, not expecting that to be what had caused his sudden withdrawal. He hadsaid that such was the manner of the king—that he liked to pry into bondingsthat were not his own and Garrick had not seemed overly alarmed. It was only onher behest that he had promised hisincreased discretion.
There was also theniggling worry that if she did divulge his actions, Garrick would have somehowfound her to blame. In the beginningof their association he had consistently accused her of perceivedunfaithfulness, and what if he thought that the king’s proposition—histouch—held appeal?
“You would have beenangry that he touched my hair and that he questioned our marriage. You wouldhave been angry with me. I onlywished for us to have a pleasant evening.” She looked down at her wrist, stillheld within her bond-mate’s grasp. “I thought we had succeeded.”
His grip on hertightened, though not to the point of pain. But the action still made herglance at him, and his eyes burned. “Is that why you did it? You did not trulywish to be with me but took the wordof a black-hearted usurper that our marriage was not valid unless you submittedto my attentions?”
Mairi gaped at him, her shock preventing herfrom forming an adequate reply. “You were there,you know of...”
Garrick shook hishead, the demeanour of the surly and jaded knight that she had first come toknow from him returning so swiftly she had to blink away the beginnings oftears.
“Do you not see, Mairi?That would make far more sense than for you to have...” He released her, hishands going to his hair and tugging fiercely, and she could do nothing butstare and hope that she could provide the words he so desperately needed tohear that would assure him of her love.
And then she knew.
“Than for me to loveyou? For me to willingly accept you into my body as an expression of thatlove?” Unwelcome as her touch might have been, she could not bear theirseparation. So with a steadying breath to provide her confidence she climbedinto his lap, pressing her palms against the smooth, perfect flesh of his face andimploring him to believe her.
“You have lived yourlife accepting a lie, my Garrick. You are desirable. You are loved. And you aremy mate. I did not seal myself to youbecause of the words of the king, nor out of misplaced obligation. I did sobecause I craved being close to you, both in bond and in body, and I do notregret that union. Please do not taint it with mistrust.”
He stared at her fora long moment, and she allowed him time to think and consider—to feel her sincerity as she begged theirbond to confirm what she so truly experienced. At no time had she thought oftheir sealing with anything but exaltation and delight. For him to even ponder,if just for a moment, that she was only a begrudging participant...
It was too painfuland distasteful for words.
He trembled in herarms and not for the first time she cursed the life he had led. No child shouldhave been so hurt by their mother, and people should not have been so cruel asto blame him for it—as if he had been anything but an innocent thrown to thewhims and mercies of those unfit for the blessed burden.
“Why did that mantell you these things? Did he simply wish to upset you?”
Garrick shook hishead, the movement stilted by her continued touch. “We spoke of other matters.I believe he wished me to know of it so I could protect you better. I shall protect you better. He should nothave touched you—no man should ever touch you.”
She tilted her head,determined to understand him fully. “But the king danced with a woman who wasnot his wife. And many men and women touched at the feast without any illeffects. Do you not wish for me to be touched because you doubt my faithfulnessor because you fear they will do me harm?”
His hands, oncesettled at her waist and supporting her position upon him moved to brush awaythe hair that tangled over her shoulders, and there was a wildness to hisaction that unnerved her. “Do you not see? That my fear is that you do not... cannot love me as deeply and aspassionately as I adore you. I know of your fidelity, Mairi. The repugnance youexhibit at merely the suggestion is plain, even to me. But I do not trust theseother men—that something so pure and good can be within their midst and thattheir desire to possess such a thing would not drive them into madness.”
He pulled at hergently until her forehead rested upon his, and she relished how the curtain ofher hair shrouded them in a moment birthed only in the intimacy of their mutualunderstandings.
“Yours are a strange people.”
He smiled, softly andsadly and she could not help but press an all too hasty kiss upon his lips,helpless to deny the impulse that bade her do so.
“Aye, little nymph.But I have been remiss in teaching you of their ways—even the unpleasant ones Iwish you need never know.”
He shifted, pullingaway from her slightly and easing against the back of the chair, his handsreturning to rest lightly upon her waist. And though perhaps he simply did notexert any great effort to conceal it, or perchance she was coming to know hisexpressions all the more, Mairi could readily perceive he was concealingsomething from her. “What else did you discuss? Something still troubles you.”
Garrick sighed and hegrasped a lock of her hair, playing with it absently. “I would take you awayfrom here. I would hide you away from any man who dared threatened to disruptwhat we have made, but I cannot. I cannot leave Callum and he is yet unable totravel.” His grip tightened around her waist and his eyes were imploring. “Youunderstand that, do you not? That I cannot leave him? I will protect you, my dear-heart, from all things. But for now thatmeans we must remain.”
Her brow furrowed,not fully understanding. “What is this great danger that you see? Many men havemade advances toward me, but I am quick and they have not succeeded. The kingthat is not yours is hardly different.”
Garrick released acareful breath and she immediately regretted her words. Eldared’s bond-matenever liked to hear tales of the men they encountered, and he fully embracedthe sanctity of their sealing. She should be more mindful of Garrick’spropensity to question the significance of their bonding and not reference thedesires of other men—not when it would only serve to upset him.
“I am sorry, my Garrick.I should not question you. I am certain if you sense a danger that it isvalid.”
Garrick groaned andclosed his eyes as his head fell against the tall back of the chair with agentle thump. “You must think me ajealous brute, little nymph—that I do not trust you to hold true to your vows.This king is not like other men, he is cold and hard and delights in thesuffering of others. Far too many sovereigns share these attributes and it isone of the reasons I refuse to swear my loyalty to them, for none is trulydeserving. But this one... Drostan has gone too far, Mairi. For he hasthreatened you.”
She leaned back sorapidly that if it had not been for Garrick’s quick intervention she might havelanded on the carpet beneath his feet. “What do you intend to do?”
She knew of hisprofession. She knew of his penchant for violence and death. But she knewequally that it did not define him. It was his trade, much as Harold’s was tospin course materials into the silken thread that so aptly repaired her gown.
Yet as she looked athim, his eyes shuttered and his face grim, she swallowed back her arguments.
She would not ask himto confirm her suspicions, nor would she press him to reveal whatever heplanned.
For in truth, it wasquite simple.
She either trustedthis man or she did not.
And how could therebe love without trust?
And when he was aboutto answer, to offer either an explanation or a harsh retort that she remain outof his affairs, she pressed her lips to his firmly. For when their lips met andher very soul tingled with new life, she knew that it was love.
“I rescind myenquiry; I do not wish to know. Just as you shall trust me that I love you inall things, I shall trust that you will try to do what is best for us.”
He chuckled lowly,and there was humour in the sound that warmed her heart. “Only try, little nymph? You have so littleconfidence in me?”
She smirked, unableto conceal the part of her that was deeply aware that he was prone to his ownbouts of foolishness. “I do not promise to never have my own input. But I amcertain between Callum and my own contributions you can be made to see sensewhen it is required.”
His smile faded. “Imust hear the words, Mairi. Do you understand why we cannot leave yet?”
She nodded. “The manwho can make Callum well is incapacitated by a fungus. I know well of suchmaladies...”
She dropped her gazethinking of her mother. Once so very beautiful, only to have her strength andvitality stripped away as her tree withered and fell, leaving her poor adar without his beloved bond-mate.
Mairi’s lower liptrembled as she thought of him alone once more, not even his nymphling to easehis sorrow.
Garrick had begun tolaugh at her description but he quickly quieted at her reaction. “Mairi, whatis wrong?”
“Do you think that Ishall ever see my adar again?”
His eyes softened andhe drew her to him, holding her safely in his arms, reminding her of all thereasons that this melancholy was worth experiencing. “Oh, dear-heart. If I hadsuch power I would make it so that you could see him, that you would never knowthe sorrow of losing one you loved. I do not pretend to understand why yourpeople would spurn you for something that was not of your own doing, but Ishould hope that one day you might be reunited. If only for a moment.”
He held for a while,his hands soothing and caressing as he offered the comfort of his presence. Hedid not ask her if she found him worth it. He did not ask if given theopportunity she would pick her people over their sealing, and she was glad ofit. For it meant that even through their bond he was able to feel the gentlethrum, the ever present reassurance that what passed between them was real.
“I am sorry that youdo not have a family to miss as well.”
She felt a kisspressed upon her temple. “Are you? I replace that my lack of kinship does have anunexpected benefit.” His mouth lowered closer to her ear, and she could nothelp but shiver as his lips barely skimmed the flesh beneath it. “It hasafforded me far more privacy with you than many other marriages enjoy.”
She pulled backsharply, her own eyes darkening at the sultry timbre of his voice. But beforeshe gave, before she allowed herself to forget each semblance of pain and griefthat still lingered as she kissed her bond-mate and coaxed him into expressingtheir love once more, she could not help but stroke his cheek fondly andmurmur, “You will not leave Callum for he is your friend. And you do notabandon those you love. And I would not esteem you as highly as I do if youmade any other choice.”
She rose carefully,determined not to embarrass herself by tripping over his feet and ruining herintention. She took his hand, and she revelled in the blatant look of desirethat crossed his features, but just as she was about to tug, to pull him to thebed and welcome the ravishment that was sure to follow, another timid knockupon the door interrupted her slow dance of seduction.
And as she watchedhim scowl and glare at the door—to which she could not help but provide her ownpout of displeasure—she hurried to the impediment before he could even risefrom the chair, determined to deal with the intruder herself. While she did notappreciate being kept from him, she did not want some unfortunate soul to bearhis ill will when they were almost certainly only following the bidding ofanother.
The girl who broughtthem breakfast was again holding a tray, though she visibly relaxed when shenoticed Mairi was the one to allow her entrance. “Beggin’ your pardon, m’lady,I hope I was not interrupting. The lord made it ever so clear that I was tobring your meal as soon as he had returned.”
Garrick grunted fromhis place in the chair, and Mairi gestured for her to place the tray on thetable by the fire. She considered taking their platter of food and dismissingthe obviously frightened girl but she was afraid that such would be thoughtrude—and she did so wish to conduct herself properly.
The girl tripped overthe corner of the rug when she noticed Garrick’s glower, but she rightedherself before all of their meal capsized. Some goblets did splash however andwith bright cheeks and lowered eyes she mumbled her apologies, wiping up themess hurriedly, her every action belying her belief that Garrick would beat hersenseless at any moment.
Mairi cocked her headto the side, her eyes narrowing. “Have you a mate that hurts you?”
The maid froze in herfrenzied movements, and her eyes, brown and wide, flickered to meet hers.“M’lady?”
“Was the questionconfusing to you? My deepest apologies, I often do not mind my words. I supposein this land you would call him a husband.Do you have a husband that hurts you?”
Mairi briefly glancedat Garrick and noticed a strange knowing smirk on his face as he watched theirinterlude. Her eyes narrowed.
“No, m’lady.”
Mairi nodded, glad tohear it confirmed but not her material point. “Then do not presume that minewould do so.”
The girl gave a deepcurtsey. “Of course, m’lady.” She turned to address Garrick, although she wouldnot meet his eyes. “I’m sorry, m’lord, I didn’t mean any offence.”
He dismissed her witha wave of his hand, and with only one last passing look at Mairi she hurriedfrom the room.
“It is not often Ihave such a fine defender, my lady. To what do I owe such a particulardemonstration?”
Mairi sighed and sankinto the chair opposite him, already missing the warmth of sitting with herbond-mate. “I do not like the opinion others have of you. Many are quick tothink that you will harm me, and others assume that you will harm them. You are a better man than theybelieve, and it is my right to defend you.”
She looked at himquickly, suddenly unsure. “Is it not?”
He laughed quietlyand this time he was the one to rise and tug at her arm, pulling her back intohis embrace, their meal temporarily ignored. “It is your right if you wish itto be. But I must provide one small observation that you seem to haveoverlooked. They have a reason tofear me, Mairi, for they are not guaranteed their safety. You need never havesuch apprehension, for I would never doyou harm.”
Her lips pursed andshe stared at him, trying to determine if he was in earnest. “You do not hurtpeople without reason, of that I know. Even if she spilled every drop of aleonto the carpets you would have yelled and blustered but you would not havestruck her. And I will not have them thinking so, not when I am near. I shouldfeel deceitful if I allowed them to tremble at your presence when they are inno true danger.”
He stroked her hairand hummed, his eyes soft and his touch affectionate—as it always had been. “Mydear-heart, you think me a better man than I am. But I cannot seem to replace thewill to argue with you. Not when there is a warm meal and a bed that wouldprove far more worthy of our attentions.”
And when he gave herone last kiss before they ate their fill and he carried her to their bed anddid indeed see to her ravishment, Mairi found that she had no objectionswhatsoever.
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