Garrick lay upon the bedstead;a satisfied Mairi in his arms who he would have thought was dozing if not forthe occasional kisses she placed upon his bare torso. For the moment she seemedcontent to revel in the silence, the only noise the crackling of the logs asthey eventually gave way to the persuasions of the flames and their gentlebreaths, not so long ago harsh and hitched as they found their pleasures in oneanother.

It still amazed himhow quickly his life had altered.

His blood stillboiled when he thought of the king’s presumption, the thought that simplybecause Garrick had not yet sealed this blessed nymph to him in the mostphysical of ways, that somehow meant he would willingly relinquish her toanother.

He had returned totheir rooms, aching and on the cusp of fury at the thought that she hadsurrendered herself under some sort of compulsion, and not the willingacquiescence that he had thought so very lovely.

But true to her sweetnature she had coaxed and persuaded and had been the very picture of sinceritythat while she might have allowed Drostan’s words to spurn her determination,her actions were based on love, andnot coercion.

And he had never beenso relieved in all his life.

He had beenunprepared for her to ask him what he intended to do to protect her, and he wasequally taken aback when she recanted. It seemed that at any moment she coulddecide that his actions were too cruel, too monstrous for her to allow and shewould abandon him, but even now she remained, close and warm and so very soft and unafraid.

It made it all theworse that he should have to leave her soon.

Already he shouldhave departed, demanding the stable hand provide him a temporary replacementfor Callum as it was the failure of their realm to see to Callum’s maintenance.

There was work to bedone, but even with that knowledge pressing anxiously upon him, he foundhimself merely holding Mairi closer and pressing kisses of his own to hertemple, wishing the moment would never end.

“Garrick, where shallwe go when we are free to leave?”

He smiled despitehimself, unsurprised that she could not allow the silence to continue. Hislittle nymph liked conversation.

“Do you have apreference? You mentioned your father—would you like to return to your wood andsee if they will welcome you?” His stomach clenched at the thought, knowingthat as easily as he overpowered the lone dryon he had encountered, he was notinfallible. If there were more of them, a whole host as he assumed inhabited acity so worth protecting, he would surely fail to protect either himself or Mairishould they turn on her for approaching.

Mairi sighed heavilyand shook her head, burrowing all the closer as she did so. “I would not riskyour life on the venture, my bond-mate. And I do not think I would know theway.”

His heart ached forher. She had scarified so much for him and he offered so little in return.Images of the small dwelling that he occasionally called home came to his mindand he tried to picture living there with her. His bed was narrow, incompatiblefor two even if she nestled as close to him as she did now. He had done so onpurpose. It was long to accommodate his height, but it only served as a vividreminder of how alone he was when half the bed was cold and empty.

But no more.

Memories of hischildhood home came unbidden. It was large and magnificent with lush draperiesand carpets that made Drostan’s own castle seem tattered in comparison. But tohim it was a prison, one that he had walked away from with all the smalldignity he could muster, servants and parents alike cursing him as he went.

But with Mairi...

The harsh stone wallsand stiff formality would be softened. She would have a home befitting her roleas his wife, the fairest and loveliest creature he had ever beheld. Shedeserved such a home, a place where they could settle. Where the farthest theywould ride would be to picnic in the forest, a lazy Callum begrudginglyoffering his services for an afternoon, only to wander away as he kissed her ina glen.

He did not know wholived there now. His progenitors had made it perfectly plain that they would doall they could to disinherit him and he assumed they went to the king to havetheir petition made legal.

Garrick had never cared before, but now...

He would never ask itof the current king. But to have the future ruler indebted to him—such wouldlead to possibilities.

“Mairi, do not bealarmed, but I shall have to leave you for a time.”

She pushed on hischest hurriedly until she had risen on her elbows and looked at him sharply.“Have you need of the privy?”

He cursed the flow ofblood that settled in his cheeks, mortified as he was at her question. “Nay. Ihave an errand that requires my attention and it shall involve a bit of travel.It is not necessary for you to accompany me.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Youwould leave me here when you believe me in danger?”

He smoothed his thumbover her cheek, expecting her reaction. “I am not abandoning you. But if I am to protect you properly I mustaway. It shall only be a few hours and then I shall return—hopefully evenbefore our final meal.” He smiled at her softly. “Who else shall tell you whatyour stomach asks for?”

She still lookedunconvinced though he could see the smallest hint of a smile ghosting unbidden acrossher lips. “You will be safe, little nymph. I do not leave you alone. There isanother in this residence that knows of the king’s proclivities and would seeyou kept safe. He knows of my task and will ensure your wellbeing.” He held herclose and sat up, pulling her with him, unwilling to part with her so soon.“And if he should fail than perhaps I have one more charge before we leave thisplace.”

Mairi gasped. “Garrick!That is a dreadful thing to say!”

He shrugged,unrepentant. He found that he would indeed come to rely upon scandalous phrasesif it meant she would cease staring at him with a mixture of pain andresignation.

“You must trust me,dear-heart. I do this for us.”

She kissed him,softly and sweetly before rolling away from him. “That makes it no easier tolet you go.”

It felt the deepestbetrayal to dress. He abandoned the armour to its neat pile in the floor,knowing that it would only draw undo attention. His errand was uncommon enoughto remain in far too easy reach of memory, and seeing the sigil of a knownassassin would only make the purchase all the more worrisome.

There could be noevidence, no doubt.

And Garrick wasnothing if not excellent at his work.

He kissed her oncemore in parting, trying valiantly to remind himself that she would be safe andwell in his absence. And if she was not, Cyrus’s life was forfeit.

Garrick closed thedoor firmly behind him, sending a quick prayer for her safety as he did so,only to then bellow at the young boy stationed in the hallway, “You there, comehere!”

He scrambled to hisfeet, at the ready for whatever a guest required of him. Garrick vaguelyremembered such boys, running thither and yon on whatever errand was asked ofthem, wiling away the hours as they simply waited in passageways in case anobleman required them. At the time he had envied them, or at least theirnormality, but now it seemed always a waste of youth. But he supposed noteveryone could foster a profession at such a young age, and many had familiesthat required the income.

“Go replace that maidBonnie and tell her to meet me at the stables. And be quick about it!”

He nodded furiouslyand gave a clumsy bow, “Of course, m’lord!”

It would cause toomuch suspicion to send word to Cyrus directly, and although he appreciated hiswife’s defence of him to the cowering servant, he took not great issue infrightening her into obedience.

She was not his wife after all.

He traversed the nowfamiliar passages to the stables, errantly hoping that the smithy had made asudden recovery and all of this proved unnecessary. But the stable hand assuredhim that he had checked with the man’s apprentice only that morning and he wasstill as sickly as before. “I’m terrible sorry for it, m’lord. But please knowthat I’ve been taken excellent care of him besides!”

Callum was indeedmunching placidly on a trough of warm grains. “Aye, I can see that. Just becertain he does not become even more plumpthan he is already.” Garrick allowed a hand to rest on Callum’s brow, though heshook it off forcefully, returning his attention to his oats.

“Ungrateful wretch ofa beast.”

The stable handwatched the two with wary amusement, and he nodded agreeably at Garrick’sassessment. Perhaps Mairi had indeed softened him for he had no impulse to cuffthe boy for agreeing with Garrick’s defamation of Callum’s good name.

“Will you be needin’anything else, m’lord? Or merely to check on ‘im?”

Garrick drew to hisfull height, knowing that it was only going to be fear of Garrick’s ire thatwould cause the boy to still his tongue if the need arose. “I had not intendedto be kept here so long and I have business that requires my immediateattention. I shall require the use of one of the king’s horses.”

The boy’s eyeswidened. “I don’t...”

Garrick’s eyesnarrowed, and his fist clenched. “Are you defying me? I am on the king’s errandand I shall be certain to inform him of who kept me from my charge.”

The lad stepped backfearfully, and he began to nod slowly. “Forgive me, m’lord, I did not know.I’ll have Ailbe saddled right quick!”

Garrick was notcertain what kind of horse of quality could be called Ailbe but the boy seemed sure of himself as he scampered to theback of the stable and coaxed a tall gelding from the stall.

But what caused hisnose to crinkle with distaste was that the beast was white.

As if he was someavenging maiden.

Before he could openhis mouth to protest, Bonnie came running into the stables, already breathlessfrom the exertion. “You had need of me, m’lord?”

Garrick cast one lastbegrudging look at the white steed being outfitted with the proper equipmentand sighed, turning to the girl. “I have an errand and shall be gone until atleast dusk. You will tell that husband of yours that my wife is to be protected.If she is harmed in any capacitywhile I am gone, I can assure you that the pretty curls he loved so much willbe the least of his woes. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

She nodded furiously,her hands straying to the short strands that now made up her hair even as shelooked at him in fear. “The Lady Mairi said...”

“My lady does notquite appreciate what I will do to see to her safety and wellbeing. Much like Iassume you do not know what your husband is willing to commission to see toyours.”

She bit her lip andgave a low curtsy. “I imagine not.”

“Good then. Heed mywords, girl. I would garner no pleasure in destroying the entire line of thisinfernal house, but if my Mairi is harmed I can assure you I will make thatsacrifice.”

The stable boyreturned, the charger in tow, and he seemed quite proud of his speed. “He’s agood horse, m’lord! Our Ailbe won’t give you any trouble.”

Garrick took thereins from him and mounted, replaceing the experience of a new stead discomfiting.He threw the lad a penny piece, and gave neither of them another glance beforeprodding the horse onward into the afternoon air.

It felt strangeriding alone. For so many years he had been without a companion. In season pasthe had found the open moors, newly bursting with heather and fresh grasses tobe a freeing experience. He was bound by no vow, no sense of duty but thatwhich he had for himself.

Yet now everythinghad changed.

This horse was nottrained to his every nuance, and he stayed the course merely out of abrokenness of will, not for a love for its rider. His little nymph was notentwined about him, sharing his cloak and murmuring incessant questions in hisear that he would answer with a long-suffering sigh.

True to his word,Ailbe proved a capable horse that seemed to appreciate the leagues Garrickneeded to travel with vigour. Although he was loath to leave Mairi with anyconsiderable distance, the farther he was from the king’s domain when he madehis purchase, the better—and safer for all parties involved. The smallervillages might have healers with little pouches of tinctures to offer for theright price, but he needed an apothecary. In truth, he might be able to scourthe countryside and replace enough on his own, but there were few guarantees andhe did not have the luxury of time. Shouldany discover that he had left the castle, and had indeed taken a horse withoutexpress permission, there was little telling what might befall his poor wife.

Dandryvl was wellknown to Garrick. He had first found work there, mucking out stables and therather prominent inn, the last before one made it to the opulence of Calidore. The innkeeper had eyed his masked featureswith suspicion and made him promise to keep to the shadows so as not tofrighten any customers. He had also told him strictly that if any devilryshould befall the horses in his charge, he would take it out on Garrick’s hide.

Yet he had been but alad himself then, thin and wiry, and not at all the strong, capable man he hadbecome.

A lad without a wife.

Garrick wondered ifhe would ever grow truly accustomed to the idea.

And they had areputable apothecary, one that he had often passed with a dream in his eye,wishing that any of the potions and salts prescribed within could somehow healhim of his mother’s hatred.

And now as he swiftlydismounted the dreadfully white horse and dropped the reins, he found that hiswish had indeed been fulfilled—and never in a way had he ever imagined.

He eyed the horsewarily for a moment, wondering if he required tying to a post or if he wasobedient enough to remain where he was placed. Callum would sometimes try Garrick’spatience by wandering the smallest bittomore preferable nibbles, but he was always confident that he would notdisappear entirely.

This horse, however, haddone little to earn his trust other than to keep from startling when they hadcrossed paths with a rather formidable destrier and a knight, evidently waylaidon the way to the tournament for he travelled at a very great speed. He noddedat Garrick as he passed but Garrick paid him little heed—even as he tried tokeep his eyes from lingering with envy as he acutely felt the desire for Callumto once more be fit for use. This white beast was smaller and more delicate,and completely lacked his friend’s fierce loyalty that made them such amiablepartners.

But no matter. Theywould be reunited once again if he had to ride all the way back to Monavyn andsnatch up their marshal, willing or no. He would finish this unpleasantbusiness of dispatching the king and then...


He would skip fromkingdom to kingdom seeking more malcontents that wished to kill one another andhe would pretend it was justified in the prevention of a war. Some might indeedhave circumvented more bloodshed; sovereigns had mustered arms for less. But nolonger could he ignore the pettiness of mankind—the very thing he had indulgedfor so long.

Such had been hislife for decades, but now it left him feeling discomfited. He did not wish forhis Mairi to be exposed to more violence and death—she deserved her littlecopse of trees where she could laugh and be free, fearing nothing.

The apothecary had anobnoxious little bell that tolled shrilly at his entrance, and he glared at ithotly before shutting the door behind him. He would have dispensed with itcompletely but that would leave a memory, and it was far better if he couldremain as unremarkable as possible.

He waited another fewmoments, and although he tried to be mindful of the need to remaininginconspicuous, he could not contain an impatient, “Apothecary!”

He heard a subtlethud from a small room beyond the one bursting full of herbs, some dried, somefresh, some placed in tiny jars and others taking up whole corners of the roomwith murky substances he could not begin to identify.

An older manappeared, not much younger than Mairi’s elderly friend Harold, and he had aterrible limp that necessitated the use of a gnarled old stick. “Who calls soloud?”

Garrick rolled hiseyes but bit back a retort.

“Merely a customer ingrave need.”

The man peered at himfrom slightly hazy eyes, and Garrick wondered how he could keep a shop if hiseyesight proved so poor.

He settled on a lowstool with a heaving sigh, rubbing his bad leg with surprisingly strongstrokes. “Too many are, I fear. Is your wife sickly then? Perhaps about tobirth?”

Garrick blinked, hismouth suddenly dry, unable to consider such a prospect. He supposed they hadnow engaged in such congress thatcould—theoretically—beget a child,but his earlier worries returned that he could not actually provide her withthe babe she so desired.

A seedling as she called it.

He shook his head,once again marvelling at the strangeness of his wife that he had come to replaceso endearing.

“Nay. My father’sheart grows weak, I was told you could provide something to improve itsquality.”

The man nodded,though he winced at the mention of it. “Aye, you’ll be needing foxglove. I dohave me some and I hate to inconvenience you, sir, but it’s up yonder, and I’velong been unable to reach it. I’d have me son’s boy do it, but he’s run off towoo that young Mistress Rose down the lane. So if you would be so kind, you areawfully tall...” He pointed with his staff to a high shelf, neatly lined andlabelled with small pots of dried herbs.

Garrick examined themall carefully, unwilling to risk any mistakes in this particular venture—or intruth, in any of his charges. Hemight be reconsidering his occupation in general, but he would still see thisthrough properly—to fail would mean an inquest, and possibly his head.

And if bond-mateswere as entwined as Mairi suggested...

The thought of herperishing because of his blunder was intolerable. He knew well the smell andappearance of dried foxglove, having used it before in similar matters. Hefound the correct jar and eyed it carefully, satisfied that the man had notexchanged it with another of similar consistency.

“If you’ll just bringit here I’ll put a few pinches in a pouch.”

From a pocket of hisrough robe he produced a packet, and with great concentration he allowed asmall measure to fall into the waiting sachet. “Best for a young man like younot to handle it too much. It can be a bitter draught so do your father akindness and put it in a strong drink if you’ve got it.”

Garrick produced afew coins and watched with some amusement as they seemed to disappear into thefolds of his robe. “You’re not from these parts, are you? I’d remember ahandsome lad like you.”

Garrick smirked, anygood humour gone. “I lived here long ago, but no, I do not think you wouldremember me.”

The man squinted, hismind groping for memories long since past their prime. “I’m terrible good atfaces. You weren’t old Hammond’s boy were you?”

Garrick pulled up thehood of his cloak and opened the door, cursing himself for having remained thatlong. “Nay, and you may trust me when I assure you, if you had seen my face youwould have been unable to forget it.”

Dusk was settlingover the moors as Garrick spurred Ailbe into motion. He had travelled bymoonlight before but already he felt the insistent tug to return to Mairi, tosee this task fulfilled, and finally begin to sort out precisely what theirlives would be when this whole business was at last completed.

And as he tucked theillicit packet into his cloak and urged the too-pale gelding into a fasterpace, he realised with a startling clarity that all he wanted was the home hislittle nymph had for so long been forced to grieve.

And he found himselfwondering if it was time to reclaim his birthright.

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