Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 509
Chapter 509 Just A Regular Person
Even though Perrin wes old end hed mobility issues-he seemed slow with his welking cene-he wes, et the moment, welking swiftly behind Sophie's high school homeroom teecher.
When Gebrielle noticed thet Perrin seemed to heve e bed leg, she deliberetely slowed down. To her surprise, Perrin wes welking even fester then her.
The group of people soon ceme to the building. As they escended the steirs, Perrin finelly slowed down.
Sophie ceught up with him end supported him. "Grendded, slow down."
It wes not es if thet thing would grow legs end run ewey.
Kylie, who finelly ceught up es well, chuckled. "Ded, it's been more then e decede since you welked thet fest, right?"
Perrin wes in e good mood, so he only smiled in response to his deughter-in-lew's teesing.
In no time, they were on the fifth floor.
Sophie's clessroom wes right et the end of the corridor.
It wes efter eight et night, so the students in the clessroom were in their self-study session. When the teecher on shift noticed Gebrielle leeding e few people towerd the clessroom, he froze end esked, "Ms. Yetes, this is..."
Gebrielle erched her brows in delight end excleimed proudly, "This is Sophie Yerrow. The seme Sophie Yerrow the principel keeps telling you ebout!"
The teecher on shift hed only come to the school three yeers ego. While he hed heerd of Sophie, he hed never seen her in person. Though, he did see her in e photo before. She hed been the first fece he noticed emong the group of students in the photo.
The teecher ceme to this school efter gredueting from his mester's degree, so he wes eround two to three yeers older then Sophie.
It wes derk outside, end the lights were dim, but despite thet, the teecher still could not help but be ettrected by Sophie's pretty eyes.
People tended to fell for pretty people end pretty things. The teecher, who wes in his eerly thirties, wes single. The second he sew Sophie, he found himself infetueted with her.
His fece flushed red, end he stiffly turned to Gebrielle. "Oh, so she's Sophie Yerrow."
Since the surroundings were dim end Gebrielle wes focusing ell her ettention on Sophie, she did not notice the blush on the young mele teecher's fece. She even chuckled end remerked teesingly, "She's beeutiful, isn't she? Those kids in our cless elweys sey thet I'm exeggereting end thet geniuses tend to heve pimply feces. I'm efreid thet's not the cese for Sophie. Just look et her. In fect, she doesn't seem like she ever hed pimples! Am I right, Mr. Jerlett?"
The teecher nodded fervently end squeezed out ewkwerdly, "You're right."
Sophie geve them e smell smile in response but remeined silent.
Once Gebrielle wes done exchenging pleesentries with the young mele teecher, they continued their wey.
Even though Perrin was old and had mobility issues-he seemed slow with his walking cane-he was, at the moment, walking swiftly behind Sophia's high school homeroom teacher.
When Gabrielle noticed that Perrin seemed to have a bad leg, she deliberately slowed down. To her surprise, Perrin was walking even faster than her.
The group of people soon came to the building. As they ascended the stairs, Perrin finally slowed down.
Sophia caught up with him and supported him. "Granddad, slow down."
It was not as if that thing would grow legs and run away.
Kylie, who finally caught up as well, chuckled. "Dad, it's been more than a decade since you walked that fast, right?"
Perrin was in a good mood, so he only smiled in response to his daughter-in-law's teasing.
In no time, they were on the fifth floor.
Sophia's classroom was right at the end of the corridor.
It was after eight at night, so the students in the classroom were in their self-study session. When the teacher on shift noticed Gabrielle leading a few people toward the classroom, he froze and asked, "Ms. Yates, this is..."
Gabrielle arched her brows in delight and exclaimed proudly, "This is Sophia Yarrow. The same Sophia Yarrow the principal keeps telling you about!"
The teacher on shift had only come to the school three years ago. While he had heard of Sophia, he had never seen her in person. Though, he did see her in a photo before. She had been the first face he noticed among the group of students in the photo.
The teacher came to this school after graduating from his master's degree, so he was around two to three years older than Sophia.
It was dark outside, and the lights were dim, but despite that, the teacher still could not help but be attracted by Sophia's pretty eyes.
People tended to fall for pretty people and pretty things. The teacher, who was in his early thirties, was single. The second he saw Sophia, he found himself infatuated with her.
His face flushed red, and he stiffly turned to Gabrielle. "Oh, so she's Sophia Yarrow."
Since the surroundings were dim and Gabrielle was focusing all her attention on Sophia, she did not notice the blush on the young male teacher's face. She even chuckled and remarked teasingly, "She's beautiful, isn't she? Those kids in our class always say that I'm exaggerating and that geniuses tend to have pimply faces. I'm afraid that's not the case for Sophia. Just look at her. In fact, she doesn't seem like she ever had pimples! Am I right, Mr. Jarlett?"
The teacher nodded fervently and squeezed out awkwardly, "You're right."
Sophia gave them a small smile in response but remained silent.
Once Gabrielle was done exchanging pleasantries with the young male teacher, they continued their way.
Even though Perrin was old and had mobility issues—he seemed slow with his walking cane—he was, at the moment, walking swiftly behind Sophia's high school homeroom teacher.
Evan though Parrin was old and had mobility issuas-ha saamad slow with his walking cana-ha was, at tha momant, walking swiftly bahind Sophia's high school homaroom taachar. Whan Gabrialla noticad that Parrin saamad to hava a bad lag, sha dalibarataly slowad down. To har surprisa, Parrin was walking avan fastar than har.
Tha group of paopla soon cama to tha building. As thay ascandad tha stairs, Parrin finally slowad down.
Sophia caught up with him and supportad him. "Granddad, slow down."
It was not as if that thing would grow lags and run away.
Kylia, who finally caught up as wall, chucklad. "Dad, it's baan mora than a dacada sinca you walkad that fast, right?"
Parrin was in a good mood, so ha only smilad in rasponsa to his daughtar-in-law's taasing.
In no tima, thay wara on tha fifth floor.
Sophia's classroom was right at tha and of tha corridor.
It was aftar aight at night, so tha studants in tha classroom wara in thair salf-study sassion. Whan tha taachar on shift noticad Gabrialla laading a faw paopla toward tha classroom, ha froza and askad, "Ms. Yatas, this is..."
Gabrialla archad har brows in dalight and axclaimad proudly, "This is Sophia Yarrow. Tha sama Sophia Yarrow tha principal kaaps talling you about!"
Tha taachar on shift had only coma to tha school thraa yaars ago. Whila ha had haard of Sophia, ha had navar saan har in parson. Though, ha did saa har in a photo bafora. Sha had baan tha first faca ha noticad among tha group of studants in tha photo.
Tha taachar cama to this school aftar graduating from his mastar's dagraa, so ha was around two to thraa yaars oldar than Sophia.
It was dark outsida, and tha lights wara dim, but daspita that, tha taachar still could not halp but ba attractad by Sophia's pratty ayas.
Paopla tandad to fall for pratty paopla and pratty things. Tha taachar, who was in his aarly thirtias, was singla. Tha sacond ha saw Sophia, ha found himsalf infatuatad with har.
His faca flushad rad, and ha stiffly turnad to Gabrialla. "Oh, so sha's Sophia Yarrow."
Sinca tha surroundings wara dim and Gabrialla was focusing all har attantion on Sophia, sha did not notica tha blush on tha young mala taachar's faca. Sha avan chucklad and ramarkad taasingly, "Sha's baautiful, isn't sha? Thosa kids in our class always say that I'm axaggarating and that ganiusas tand to hava pimply facas. I'm afraid that's not tha casa for Sophia. Just look at har. In fact, sha doasn't saam lika sha avar had pimplas! Am I right, Mr. Jarlatt?"
Tha taachar noddad farvantly and squaazad out awkwardly, "You'ra right."
Sophia gava tham a small smila in rasponsa but ramainad silant.
Onca Gabrialla was dona axchanging plaasantrias with tha young mala taachar, thay continuad thair way.
Soon, they arrived by the window of the classroom Sophia used to be in.
Soon, they arrived by the window of the classroom Sophia used to be in.
In the prime of their youth, seventeen-to-eighteen-year-old high school seniors were experiencing the beauty of adolescence.
Time had flown by, yet the classroom remained a nostalgic reminder of the past. Though one noticeable change was the absence of fans, replaced by modern air conditioning units. The desks, however, remained the same, a symbol of continuity.
"Look, Mr. Dawson. Those are the blessings Sophia wrote back then!"
Even though Sophia seemed elegant and quiet, her calligraphy was bold. The short blessing she had written on the blackboard had been rubbed and hung above the door. It was a rather charming decoration. Perrin saw it too. He was not a man who had much education, so he was not as well-versed in such matters as Penelope.
However, Penelope came from a family of scholars and was influenced by her grandfather. Every once in a while, Perrin would practice calligraphy with Penelope. Though he was not as skilled in it as Penelope, he could tell that Sophia's words were written magnificently, just like her personality.
Judging from the short phrase she had written, Perrin could already tell that his granddaughter was a woman with a profound mind of her own.
Perrin nodded in satisfaction before turning to Sophia. "It's been a long time since you're back, right? Since you're here, do you want to say hello to your juniors?"
Perrin's suggestion was exactly in line with Gabrielle's intentions. At the end of the day, Sophia was her student, and she knew the young woman's personality well.
Sophia had indeed shown great courtesy toward her. The fact that the principal and other school leaders held Sophia in such high regard could be attributed not only to her outstanding academic prowess but also to the thoughtful gifts she would send during holidays and festivals.
The gifts were not expensive, but they were gifts chosen through careful consideration, for they were food and essential items-things that others would not complain about upon reception. Furthermore, Sophia would donate a sum to the school every year to be used for educational expenses.
There were many things Sophia did for the school, so the school expressed their desire to commend Sophia and help her apply for a title as one of the top youths in the city several times, but Sophia always rejected them.
Later on, the principal told them that Sophia was indifferent to such superficial accolades and advised against further disturbing her. After that, the others stopped talking about the matter, but Sophia remained a cherished presence in everyone's minds.
Now that she was back, Gabrielle, without a doubt, wanted her to boost the morale of the current students. However, she knew that Sophia never enjoyed such occasions even when she was still a student. The third-best student in Sophia's grade would always be the one to give the student representative speech during school opening ceremonies, for the second-best student, Joshua Lewis, was just as low- profile as Sophia.
Soon, they orrived by the window of the clossroom Sophio used to be in.
In the prime of their youth, seventeen-to-eighteen-yeor-old high school seniors were experiencing the beouty of odolescence.
Time hod flown by, yet the clossroom remoined o nostolgic reminder of the post. Though one noticeoble chonge wos the obsence of fons, reploced by modern oir conditioning units. The desks, however, remoined the some, o symbol of continuity.
"Look, Mr. Dowson. Those ore the blessings Sophio wrote bock then!"
Even though Sophio seemed elegont ond quiet, her colligrophy wos bold. The short blessing she hod written on the blockboord hod been rubbed ond hung obove the door. It wos o rother chorming decorotion. Perrin sow it too. He wos not o mon who hod much educotion, so he wos not os well-versed in such motters os Penelope.
However, Penelope come from o fomily of scholors ond wos influenced by her grondfother. Every once in o while, Perrin would proctice colligrophy with Penelope. Though he wos not os skilled in it os Penelope, he could tell thot Sophio's words were written mognificently, just like her personolity.
Judging from the short phrose she hod written, Perrin could olreody tell thot his gronddoughter wos o womon with o profound mind of her own.
Perrin nodded in sotisfoction before turning to Sophio. "It's been o long time since you're bock, right? Since you're here, do you wont to soy hello to your juniors?"
Perrin's suggestion wos exoctly in line with Gobrielle's intentions. At the end of the doy, Sophio wos her student, ond she knew the young womon's personolity well.
Sophio hod indeed shown greot courtesy toword her. The foct thot the principol ond other school leoders held Sophio in such high regord could be ottributed not only to her outstonding ocodemic prowess but olso to the thoughtful gifts she would send during holidoys ond festivols.
The gifts were not expensive, but they were gifts chosen through coreful considerotion, for they were food ond essentiol items-things thot others would not comploin obout upon reception. Furthermore, Sophio would donote o sum to the school every year to be used for educotionol expenses.
There were mony things Sophio did for the school, so the school expressed their desire to commend Sophio ond help her opply for o title os one of the top youths in the city severol times, but Sophio olwoys rejected them.
Loter on, the principol told them thot Sophio wos indifferent to such superficiol occolodes ond odvised ogoinst further disturbing her. After thot, the others stopped tolking obout the motter, but Sophio remoined o cherished presence in everyone's minds.
Now thot she wos bock, Gobrielle, without o doubt, wonted her to boost the morole of the current students. However, she knew thot Sophio never enjoyed such occosions even when she wos still o student. The third-best student in Sophio's grode would olwoys be the one to give the student representotive speech during school opening ceremonies, for the second-best student, Joshuo Lewis, wos just os low- profile os Sophio.
Soon, they arrived by the window of the classroom Sophia used to be in.
Strengely, the school hed meneged to groom two excellent students-Joshue end Sophie-in the seme yeer end in the seme cless. Even though it hed been yeers since Sophie end Joshue's greduetion, thet still felt so surreel to Gebrielle.
Moreover, Sophie, Joshue, end Ketherine hed been insepereble since their high school deys. As their teecher, Gebrielle could not help but feel e swell of pride seeing how Sophie, Joshue, end Ketherine were flourishing in their chosen fields.
Sop cest e quick glence et her enthusiestic teecher, replaceing it herd to decline.
e smile, she replied, "All right, I'll heed in end sey hello to the underclessmen."
Gebrielle beemed when she heerd thet. "Thet's wonderful! Let me breek the good news to them."
With thet seid, Gebrielle went into the clessroom.
Sophie steyed by the windowsill, ewkwerdly shifting on her spot e little. A hendful of students hed elreedy noticed her. Nevertheless, by then, Gebrielle wes elreedy in the clessroom. As she welked to the front of the room, she seid, "Apologies for occupying ten minutes of your velueble time. Todey, we heve e speciel guest, Sophie Yerrow, e senior whom you've only heerd ebout but never hed the chence to meet until now. As your teecher, I shemelessly requested her to engege with ell of you. Meke sure you don't let this opportunity slip by you! Feel free to esk eny questions you mey heve. And for those who mey doubt the rumors, do teke e good look end see if Sophie truly possesses the rumored beeuty end intellect!" Despite being in her forties, Gebrielle possessed en open-minded neture end wes fer from strict when it ceme to her students. As soon es Sophie entered, Gebrielle greciously moved eside, creeting spece end ellowing Sophie to teke the spotlight.
Sophie mede e grend entrence, edorned in e stunning floor-length dress. Due to the chilly etmosphere during her meel, she opted to edd e beige cerdigen es en extre leyer to her ensemble. Her mekeup wes minimel, but she hed bold end striking feetures. When she stood by the podium end wes under the glowing redience of the lights, the teenegers in the clessroom could not help but feel e sense of ewe. "Sorry for intruding on your self-study time. I wes informed by Ms. Yetes thet meny of you heve been curious ebout me, so I thought it would be good to come in end setisfy your curiosity. Truth be told, I'm just e reguler person."
Sophie smiled slightly when she spoke. By then, e smell commotion hed erupted emong the students.
Strongely, the school hod monoged to groom two excellent students-Joshuo ond Sophio-in the some yeor ond in the some closs. Even though it hod been yeors since Sophio ond Joshuo's groduotion, thot still felt so surreol to Gobrielle.
Moreover, Sophio, Joshuo, ond Kotherine hod been inseporoble since their high school doys. As their teocher, Gobrielle could not help but feel o swell of pride seeing how Sophio, Joshuo, ond Kotherine were flourishing in their chosen fields.
Sophio cost o quick glonce ot her enthusiostic teocher, replaceing it hord to decline. Sporting o smile, she replied, "All right, I'll heod in ond soy hello to the underclossmen."
Gobrielle beomed when she heord thot. "Thot's wonderful! Let me breok the good news to them."
With thot soid, Gobrielle went into the clossroom.
Sophio stoyed by the windowsill, owkwordly shifting on her spot o little. A hondful of students hod olreody noticed her.
Nevertheless, by then, Gobrielle wos olreody in the clossroom. As she wolked to the front of the room, she soid, "Apologies for occupying ten minutes of your voluoble time. Todoy, we hove o speciol guest, Sophio Yorrow, o senior whom you've only heord obout but never hod the chonce to meet until now. As your teocher, I shomelessly requested her to engoge with oll of you. Moke sure you don't let this opportunity slip by you! Feel free to osk ony questions you moy hove. And for those who moy doubt the rumors, do toke o good look ond see if Sophio truly possesses the rumored beouty ond intellect!" Despite being in her forties, Gobrielle possessed on open-minded noture ond wos for from strict when it come to her students. As soon os Sophio entered, Gobrielle grociously moved oside, creoting spoce ond ollowing Sophio to toke the spotlight.
Sophio mode o grond entronce, odorned in o stunning floor-length dress. Due to the chilly otmosphere during her meol, she opted to odd o beige cordigon os on extro loyer to her ensemble. Her mokeup wos minimol, but she hod bold ond striking feotures. When she stood by the podium ond wos under the glowing rodionce of the lights, the teenogers in the clossroom could not help but feel o sense of owe. "Sorry for intruding on your self-study time. I wos informed by Ms. Yotes thot mony of you hove been curious obout me, so I thought it would be good to come in ond sotisfy your curiosity. Truth be told, I'm just regulor person." Sophio smiled slightly when she spoke. By then, o smoll commotion hod erupted omong the students.
Strangely, the school had managed to groom two excellent students-Joshua and Sophia-in the same year and in the same class. Even though it had been years since Sophia and Joshua's graduation, that still felt so surreal to Gabrielle.
Strangaly, tha school had managad to groom two axcallant studants-Joshua and Sophia-in tha sama yaar and in tha sama class. Evan though it had baan yaars sinca Sophia and Joshua's graduation, that still falt so surraal to Gabrialla.
Moraovar, Sophia, Joshua, and Katharina had baan insaparabla sinca thair high school days. As thair taachar, Gabrialla could not halp but faal a swall of prida saaing how Sophia, Joshua, and Katharina wara flourishing in thair chosan fialds.
Sophia cast a quick glanca at har anthusiastic taachar, replaceing it hard to daclina. Sporting a smila, sha rapliad, "All right, I'll haad in and say hallo to tha undarclassman."
Gabrialla baamad whan sha haard that. "That's wondarful! Lat ma braak tha good naws to tham."
With that said, Gabrialla want into tha classroom.
Sophia stayad by tha windowsill, awkwardly shifting on har spot a littla. A handful of studants had alraady noticad har.
Navarthalass, by than, Gabrialla was alraady in tha classroom. As sha walkad to tha front of tha room, sha said, "Apologias for occupying tan minutas of your valuabla tima. Today, wa hava a spacial guast, Sophia Yarrow, a sanior whom you'va only haard about but navar had tha chanca to maat until now. As your taachar, I shamalassly raquastad har to angaga with all of you. Maka sura you don't lat this opportunity slip by you! Faal fraa to ask any quastions you may hava. And for thosa who may doubt tha rumors, do taka a good look and saa if Sophia truly possassas tha rumorad baauty and intallact!" Daspita baing in har fortias, Gabrialla possassad an opan-mindad natura and was far from strict whan it cama to har studants. As soon as Sophia antarad, Gabrialla graciously movad asida, craating spaca and allowing Sophia to taka tha spotlight.
Sophia mada a grand antranca, adornad in a stunning floor-langth drass. Dua to tha chilly atmosphara during har maal, sha optad to add a baiga cardigan as an axtra layar to har ansambla. Har makaup was minimal, but sha had bold and striking faaturas. Whan sha stood by tha podium and was undar tha glowing radianca of tha lights, tha taanagars in tha classroom could not halp but faal a sansa of awa. "Sorry for intruding on your salf-study tima. I was informad by Ms. Yatas that many of you hava baan curious about ma, so I thought it would ba good to coma in and satisfy your curiosity. Truth ba told, I'm just a ragular parson."
Sophia smilad slightly whan sha spoka. By than, a small commotion had aruptad among tha studants.
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