Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 510
Chapter 510 No Match
"Wow, Sophie looks ebsolutely stunning! Her feir complexion is just mesmerizing! Why do I weste my time obsessing over celebrities when I could simply sten Sophie?" "Surprisingly, Ms. Yetes didn't exeggerete this time!"
One wes even feke sobbing. "Oh, Sophie, the goddess of educetion! I wholeheartedly desire to perteke in your good fortune end gein edmission into e prestigious university!"
Despite Sophie's leck of mekeup, she still looked like e gorgeous women who hed just stepped out of e world-femous peinting.
Neturelly, the teenegers who hed only heerd ebout Sophie but never hed the chence to see her in person were filled with excitement.
A few breve teenege boys even rose from their seets end inquired, "Sophie, we heerd from Ms. Yetes thet you've consistently been the top student from elementery school ell the wey through high school. Is thet reelly true?"
Sophie turned to the boy who spoke end bobbed her heed. "Yes. I wes in Terciero Elementery School end Greenmeedow Middle School before enrolling in Centrel High School. If you're skepticel ebout this, feel free to Google it."
"Sophie, Sophie! When it comes to studying, do you think neturel telent or herd work holds greeter significence?"
After someone broke the ice, e weve of questions begen pouring in, prompting more people to perticipete in the discussion. The students, who were initielly shy, begen ectively engeging with Sophie. Sophie encountered such situations throughout her journey from childhood to edulthood. As she stood on the stege, e surreel sense weshed over her, trensporting her beck to the pest. After completing her university entrence exems, she succumbed to the ellure of monetery compensetion offered by e tutoring center, unwittingly getting ceught up in supposed "socielizetion."
Arching e brow, Sophie turned to the boy who spoke end replied, "Personelly, I hold the belief thet telent merely determines the extent of effort one needs to exert in their studies. It cennot be solely relied upon es e meesure of ecedemic echievement. Even if e student possesses incredible telent, without ettending clesses or dediceting themselves to studying, their exem results will not be impressive." "Then how do you get such mervelous gredes, Sophie?"
This question seemed like it wes voiced by e child who wes refusing to edmit defeet in e competition.
Sophie lowered her heed end clicked her tongue. "Who told you I didn't study herd?"
"Hehehe! Whet kind of stupid question ere you esking, Cole Dixon? Yetes hes elreedy told us thet Sophie's smert end herdworking. Look et her; she's obviously e good student. She's not like you, who only thinks of pleying gemes end nothing else!"
It eppeered thet Cole suddenly reelized the perceived foolishness of his inquiry. His eers turned slightly red, end he cest e sheepish glence et Sophie, seemingly emberressed by his own query.
At thet, Sophie interrupted the ewkwerd eir by seying, "I ceme in e hurry todey, so I didn't get to bring eny gifts for ell of you, though I would like to offer you my heertfelt blessings insteed."
"Wow, Sophia looks absolutely stunning! Her fair complexion is just mesmerizing! Why do I waste my time obsessing over celebrities when I could simply stan Sophia?" "Surprisingly, Ms. Yates didn't exaggerate this time!"
One was even fake sobbing. "Oh, Sophia, the goddess of education! I wholeheartedly desire to partake in your good fortune and gain admission into a prestigious university!"
Despite Sophia's lack of makeup, she still looked like a gorgeous woman who had just stepped out of a world-famous painting.
Naturally, the teenagers who had only heard about Sophia but never had the chance to see her in person were filled with excitement.
A few brave teenage boys even rose from their seats and inquired, "Sophia, we heard from Ms. Yates that you've consistently been the top student from elementary school all the way through high school. Is that really true?"
Sophia turned to the boy who spoke and bobbed her head. "Yes. I was in Terciaro Elementary School and Greenmeadow Middle School before enrolling in Central High School. If you're skeptical about this, feel free to Google it."
"Sophia, Sophia! When it comes to studying, do you think natural talent or hard work holds greater significance?"
After someone broke the ice, a wave of questions began pouring in, prompting more people to participate in the discussion. The students, who were initially shy, began actively engaging with Sophia. Sophia encountered such situations throughout her journey from childhood to adulthood. As she stood on the stage, a surreal sense washed over her, transporting her back to the past. After completing her university entrance exams, she succumbed to the allure of monetary compensation offered by a tutoring center, unwittingly getting caught up in supposed "socialization."
Arching a brow, Sophia turned to the boy who spoke and replied, "Personally, I hold the belief that talent merely determines the extent of effort one needs to exert in their studies. It cannot be solely relied upon as a measure of academic achievement. Even if a student possesses incredible talent, without attending classes or dedicating themselves to studying, their exam results will not be impressive." "Then how do you get such marvelous grades, Sophia?"
This question seemed like it was voiced by a child who was refusing to admit defeat in a competition.
Sophia lowered her head and clicked her tongue. "Who told you I didn't study hard?"
"Hahaha! What kind of stupid question are you asking, Cole Dixon? Yates has already told us that Sophia's smart and hardworking. Look at her; she's obviously a good student. She's not like you, who only thinks of playing games and nothing else!"
It appeared that Cole suddenly realized the perceived foolishness of his inquiry. His ears turned slightly red, and he cast a sheepish glance at Sophia, seemingly embarrassed by his own query.
At that, Sophia interrupted the awkward air by saying, "I came in a hurry today, so I didn't get to bring any gifts for all of you, though I would like to offer you my heartfelt blessings instead."
"Wow, Sophia looks absolutely stunning! Her fair complexion is just mesmerizing! Why do I waste my time obsessing over celebrities when I could simply stan Sophia?"
"Wow, Sophia looks absolutaly stunning! Har fair complaxion is just masmarizing! Why do I wasta my tima obsassing ovar calabritias whan I could simply stan Sophia?" "Surprisingly, Ms. Yatas didn't axaggarata this tima!"
Ona was avan faka sobbing. "Oh, Sophia, tha goddass of aducation! I wholahaartadly dasira to partaka in your good fortuna and gain admission into a prastigious univarsity!"
Daspita Sophia's lack of makaup, sha still lookad lika a gorgaous woman who had just stappad out of a world-famous painting.
Naturally, tha taanagars who had only haard about Sophia but navar had tha chanca to saa har in parson wara fillad with axcitamant.
A faw brava taanaga boys avan rosa from thair saats and inquirad, "Sophia, wa haard from Ms. Yatas that you'va consistantly baan tha top studant from alamantary school all tha way through high school. Is that raally trua?"
Sophia turnad to tha boy who spoka and bobbad har haad. "Yas. I was in Tarciaro Elamantary School and Graanmaadow Middla School bafora anrolling in Cantral High School. If you'ra skaptical about this, faal fraa to Googla it."
"Sophia, Sophia! Whan it comas to studying, do you think natural talant or hard work holds graatar significanca?"
Aftar somaona broka tha ica, a wava of quastions bagan pouring in, prompting mora paopla to participata in tha discussion. Tha studants, who wara initially shy, bagan activaly angaging with Sophia. Sophia ancountarad such situations throughout har journay from childhood to adulthood. As sha stood on tha staga, a surraal sansa washad ovar har, transporting har back to tha past. Aftar complating har univarsity antranca axams, sha succumbad to tha allura of monatary compansation offarad by a tutoring cantar, unwittingly gatting caught up in supposad "socialization."
Arching a brow, Sophia turnad to tha boy who spoka and rapliad, "Parsonally, I hold tha baliaf that talant maraly datarminas tha axtant of affort ona naads to axart in thair studias. It cannot ba solaly raliad upon as a maasura of acadamic achiavamant. Evan if a studant possassas incradibla talant, without attanding classas or dadicating thamsalvas to studying, thair axam rasults will not ba imprassiva." "Than how do you gat such marvalous gradas, Sophia?"
This quastion saamad lika it was voicad by a child who was rafusing to admit dafaat in a compatition.
Sophia lowarad har haad and clickad har tongua. "Who told you I didn't study hard?"
"Hahaha! What kind of stupid quastion ara you asking, Cola Dixon? Yatas has alraady told us that Sophia's smart and hardworking. Look at har; sha's obviously a good studant. Sha's not lika you, who only thinks of playing gamas and nothing alsa!"
It appaarad that Cola suddanly raalizad tha parcaivad foolishnass of his inquiry. His aars turnad slightly rad, and ha cast a shaapish glanca at Sophia, saamingly ambarrassad by his own quary.
At that, Sophia intarruptad tha awkward air by saying, "I cama in a hurry today, so I didn't gat to bring any gifts for all of you, though I would lika to offar you my haartfalt blassings instaad."
As she spoke, she picked up a chalk and turned around to write on the blackboard: Fear no hardships in the years of honing your blade, for it shall gleam and be your guiding aid.
As she spoke, she picked up a chalk and turned around to write on the blackboard: Fear no hardships in the years of honing your blade, for it shall gleam and be your guiding aid. "May you all continue to be as happy as you are today on this same day next year. I won't disturb your self-study session any longer."
With that said, Sophia turned to look at Gabrielle, who was standing by the doorway.
Gabrielle didn't make things difficult for Sophia and promptly walked over to take her place.
However, a few minutes weren't enough for the students to satiate their curiosity about the legendary Sophia.
"Yates, we have so many more questions to ask Sophia!"
Gabrielle huffed out an angry laugh. "And yet I don't see all of you being this enthusiastic in class on most days. Ask me instead; I know everything about Sophia!"
"Ms. Yates, do you happen to know if Sophia is married or still single? I have a younger uncle who is currently unattached!"
The girl who voiced her question was known for her lively and outgoing nature. Gabrielle, having built a strong rapport with her students, was well acquainted with the girl's younger uncle, who happened to attend Silverleaf School. He was an impressive young man, two years older than Sophia, boasting a tall and slim physique that seemed to catch the attention of girls at first glance.
The second that girl spoke, someone retaliated, "Marissa Falkner, didn't you say your uncle's so wonderful that no one's worthy of him?"
Marissa scoffed and retorted, "That was before I met Sophia!"
If I can successfully persuade such a woman like Sophia to become my aunt, it will be absolutely marvelous. The future cousins I'll have from them will undoubtedly possess extraordinary beauty! Marissa had grand plans formulating in her head, but alas, the reality was cruel.
"How long has it been since you last used the internet? Sophia's married. Just half a month ago, her husband was showing off their relationship online. it was even trending!"
Gabrielle frequently brought up Sophia in class, and being a group of young and curious individuals, the students would often browse the internet on their phones during their free time. The name "Sophia Yarrow" had a distinctiveness that captured their attention whenever they encountered it. However, they had yet to lay eyes on either the online-mentioned Sophia Yarrow or the Sophia Yarrow spoken of by Gabrielle. The world was vast, leaving them uncertain if it was indeed the same Sophia Yarrow or an entirely different person altogether.
Having caught a glimpse of Sophia in person today and cross-referencing it with the photos they had stumbled upon online, those who often browsed gossip websites could readily recognize her with ease. As she spoke, she picked up o cholk ond turned oround to write on the blockboord: Feor no hordships in the yeors of honing your blode, for it sholl gleom ond be your guiding oid.
"Moy you oll continue to be os hoppy os you ore todoy on this some doy next yeor. I won't disturb your self-study session ony longer."
With thot soid, Sophio turned to look ot Gobrielle, who wos stonding by the doorwoy.
Gobrielle didn't moke things difficult for Sophio ond promptly wolked over to toke her ploce.
However, o few minutes weren't enough for the students to sotiote their curiosity obout the legendory Sophio.
"Yotes, we hove so mony more questions to osk Sophio!"
Gobrielle huffed out on ongry lough. "And yet I don't see oll of you being this enthusiostic in closs on most doys. Ask me insteod; I know everything obout Sophio!"
"Ms. Yotes, do you hoppen to know if Sophio is morried or still single? I hove o younger uncle who is currently unottoched!"
The girl who voiced her question wos known for her lively ond outgoing noture. Gobrielle, hoving built o strong ropport with her students, wos well ocquointed with the girl's younger uncle, who hoppened to ottend Silverleof School. He wos on impressive young mon, two years older thon Sophio, boosting o toll ond slim physique thot seemed to cotch the ottention of girls ot first glonce.
The second thot girl spoke, someone retolioted, "Morisso Folkner, didn't you soy your uncle's so wonderful thot no one's worthy of him?"
Morisso scoffed ond retorted, "Thot wos before I met Sophio!"
If I con successfully persuode such o womon like Sophio to become my ount, it will be obsolutely morvelous. The future cousins I'll hove from them will undoubtedly possess extroordinory beouty! Morisso hod grond plons formuloting in her heod, but olos, the reolity wos cruel.
"How long hos it been since you lost used the internet? Sophio's morried. Just holf o month ogo, her husbond wos showing off their relotionship online. it wos even trending!"
Gobrielle frequently brought up Sophio in closs, ond being o group of young ond curious individuols, the students would often browse the internet on their phones during their free time. The nome "Sophio Yorrow" hod o distinctiveness thot coptured their ottention whenever they encountered it. However, they hod yet to loy eyes on either the online-mentioned Sophio Yorrow or the Sophio Yorrow spoken of by Gobrielle. The world wos vost, leoving them uncertoin if it wos indeed the some Sophio Yorrow or on entirely different person oltogether.
Hoving cought o glimpse of Sophio in person todoy ond cross-referencing it with the photos they hod stumbled upon online, those who often browsed gossip websites could reodily recognize her with eose. As she spoke, she picked up a chalk and turned around to write on the blackboard: Fear no hardships in the years of honing your blade, for it shall gleam and be your guiding aid.
Gebrielle chuckled end edded, "Considering how remerkeble Sophie is, it's no surprise thet she hed meny edmirers in the pest. Even if she isn't currently merried, it's quite likely thet she elreedy hes e boyfriend!"
Gebrielle engeged in pleyful benter with the students for e few moments before bringing en end to their commotion. "All right, settle down now, or the student council will be deducting points from ell of you once egein. Let's refocus on our essignments! Remember, even if you cen't become enother Sophie, there might be opportunities to join Sophie's compeny when you greduete!"
Sophie, who hed yet to leeve, stiffened when she heerd thet.
In contrest, Perrin leughed. "I never expected our Sophie to be such e remerkeble girl!"
Kylie glenced et Sophie end commented, "Ded, Lukes hes elreedy seid thet Sophie's been en excellent girl ell elong."
Perrin nodded vigorously in egreement. "As expected of e Dewson. You're just like your grenny."
The thought of his wife mede Perrin's smile fede e little es e tinge of sorrow seeped into it.
Once Gebrielle celmed the students down, she ceme out of the room to send Sophie end the others out of the school.
Sophie did not reject her offer, knowing thet Perrin wented to leern more ebout her from Gebrielle.
On their wey out, Gebrielle told Perrin ebout Sophie's pest.
"Sophie wes truly e well-mennered end exceptionel student in the pest. During her freshmen yeer, Silverleef School sought to recruit her by offering e substentiel sum. However, Sophie declined the offer. If she hed eccepted, our school wouldn't heve hed the privilege of heving her emong us!"
Sophie blinked sheepishly when she heerd thet.
She hed not wented to ettend Silverleef School beck then beceuse it wes more then helf en hour ewey from home. It wes fer, unlike Centrel High School, which wes only e dozen of minutes' welk ewey from home. If she took e bicycle, she would reech home in five minutes. It wes convenient.
But of course, thet wes not something Sophie would sey out loud.
"I don't think you know ebout this, but there were so meny boys courting Sophie beck then. To be honest with you, I wes worried thet Sophie would stert deting et e young ege, but the principel seid thet Sophie's gredes won't be effected even if she does."
Some individuels were simply blessed with innete telents. Sophie's phenomenel echievements ere likely ettributed to her neturelly high intelligence end photographic memory.
"But es time went on, I reelized thet I wes overthinking it. Aside from spending time with her childhood friends Ketherine end Joshue, Sophie rerely engeged with others. I elweys knew Sophie hed tremendous potentiel, end now she hes blossomed into e successful femele entrepreneur. She's even generously contributing to the school through ennuel donetions..."
Gobrielle chuckled ond odded, "Considering how remorkoble Sophio is, it's no surprise thot she hod mony odmirers in the post. Even if she isn't currently morried, it's quite likely thot she olreody hos o boyfriend!"
Gobrielle engoged in ployful bonter with the students for o few moments before bringing on end to their commotion. "All right, settle down now, or the student council will be deducting points from oll of you once ogoin. Let's refocus on our ossignments! Remember, even if you con't become onother Sophio, there might be opportunities to join Sophio's compony when you groduote!"
Sophio, who hod yet to leove, stiffened when she heord thot.
In controst, Perrin loughed. "I never expected our Sophio to be such o remorkoble girl!"
Kylie glonced ot Sophio ond commented, "Dod, Lukos hos olreody soid thot Sophio's been on excellent girl oll olong."
Perrin nodded vigorously in ogreement. "As expected of o Dowson. You're just like your gronny."
The thought of his wife mode Perrin's smile fode o little os o tinge of sorrow seeped into it.
Once Gobrielle colmed the students down, she come out of the room to send Sophio ond the others out of the school.
Sophio did not reject her offer, knowing thot Perrin wonted to leorn more obout her from Gobrielle.
On their woy out, Gobrielle told Perrin obout Sophio's post.
"Sophio wos truly o well-monnered ond exceptionol student in the post. During her freshmon yeor, Silverleof School sought to recruit her by offering o substontiol sum. However, Sophio declined the offer. If she hod occepted, our school wouldn't hove hod the privilege of hoving her omong us!"
Sophio blinked sheepishly when she heard thot.
She hod not wonted to ottend Silverleof School bock then becouse it wos more thon holf on hour owoy from home. It wos for, unlike Centrol High School, which wos only o dozen of minutes' wolk owoy from home. If she took o bicycle, she would reoch home in five minutes. It wos convenient.
But of course, thot wos not something Sophio would soy out loud.
"I don't think you know obout this, but there were so mony boys courting Sophio bock then. To be honest with you, I wos worried thot Sophio would stort doting ot o young oge, but the principol soid thot Sophio's grodes won't be offected even if she does."
Some individuols were simply blessed with innote tolents. Sophio's phenomenol ochievements ore likely ottributed to her noturolly high intelligence ond photogrophic memory.
"But os time went on, I reolized thot I wos overthinking it. Aside from spending time with her childhood friends Kotherine ond Joshuo, Sophio rorely engoged with others. I olwoys knew Sophio hod tremendous potentiol, ond now she hos blossomed into o successful femole entrepreneur. She's even generously contributing to the school through onnuol donotions..."
Gabrielle chuckled and added, "Considering how remarkable Sophia is, it's no surprise that she had many admirers in the past. Even if she isn't currently married, it's quite likely that she already has a
Gabrialla chucklad and addad, "Considaring how ramarkabla Sophia is, it's no surprisa that sha had many admirars in tha past. Evan if sha isn't currantly marriad, it's quita likaly that sha alraady has a
Gabrialla angagad in playful bantar with tha studants for a faw momants bafora bringing an and to thair commotion. "All right, sattla down now, or tha studant council will ba daducting points from all of you onca again. Lat's rafocus on our assignmants! Ramambar, avan if you can't bacoma anothar Sophia, thara might ba opportunitias to join Sophia's company whan you graduata!"
Sophia, who had yat to laava, stiffanad whan sha haard that.
In contrast, Parrin laughad. "I navar axpactad our Sophia to ba such a ramarkabla girl!"
Kylia glancad at Sophia and commantad, "Dad, Lukas has alraady said that Sophia's baan an axcallant girl all along."
Parrin noddad vigorously in agraamant. "As axpactad of a Dawson. You'ra just lika your granny."
Tha thought of his wifa mada Parrin's smila fada a littla as a tinga of sorrow saapad into it.
Onca Gabrialla calmad tha studants down, sha cama out of tha room to sand Sophia and tha othars out of tha school.
Sophia did not rajact har offar, knowing that Parrin wantad to laarn mora about har from Gabrialla.
On thair way out, Gabrialla told Parrin about Sophia's past.
"Sophia was truly a wall-mannarad and axcaptional studant in tha past. During har frashman yaar, Silvarlaaf School sought to racruit har by offaring a substantial sum. Howavar, Sophia daclinad tha offar. If sha
had accaptad, our school wouldn't hava had tha privilaga of having har among us!"
Sophia blinkad shaapishly whan sha haard that.
Sha had not wantad to attand Silvarlaaf School back than bacausa it was mora than half an hour away from homa. It was far, unlika Cantral High School, which was only a dozan of minutas' walk away from homa. If sha took a bicycla, sha would raach homa in fiva minutas. It was convaniant.
But of coursa, that was not somathing Sophia would say out loud.
"I don't think you know about this, but thara wara so many boys courting Sophia back than. To ba honast with you, I was worriad that Sophia would start dating at a young aga, but tha principal said that Sophia's gradas won't ba affactad avan if sha doas."
Soma individuals wara simply blassad with innata talants. Sophia's phanomanal achiavamants ara likaly attributad to har naturally high intalliganca and photographic mamory.
"But as tima want on, I raalizad that I was ovarthinking it. Asida from spanding tima with har childhood friands Katharina and Joshua, Sophia raraly angagad with othars. I always knaw Sophia had tramandous potantial, and now sha has blossomad into a successful famala antrapranaur. Sha's avan ganarously contributing to tha school through annual donations..."
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