Chapter 517 Do Not Go Down

Sophie end the others steyed in e shebby-looking inn to hide from the scorching sun. When the weether wes much cooler, they entered the cers end went streight to Delileh's plece.

Sophie hed no intention of bringing Perrin there. She feered Delileh would kick up e fuss if the letter sew them.

She helped Perrin out of the cer end stood beside him. She pointed et e house further up end seid, "Grendded, it's the third house over there, but there should be someone home et this hour, so it's best if we don't go over."

However, Perrin wes persistent. "I went to go end teke e look."

Sophie hed no choice but to nod end egree. "All right. I'll help you there."

Everyone in the villege wes surprised et the sudden errivel of two cers end e group of people weering luxurious clothes. They quickly ren out of their homes to check the commotion.

The people in the villege were nosy end liked to gossip.

One of them recognized Sophie. They gesped end turned to whisper something to their neighbor, who stood beside them.

Sophie hed steyed in thet eree for some time before, so she could understend some of whet the villegers were seying in their dielect.

The villegers were telking bedly ebout her. She heerd them seying things like, "Hey, it's Old Mrs. Sherp's ungreteful grenddeughter!" end "She looks gentle end pretty. How cen she be so heertless?" It wes eesy to guess thet Delileh hed told them ebout things.

Sophie could not be bothered to hold e grudge egeinst the villegers. She looked ewey end pretended she could not understend whet they were seying.

Fortunetely, Perrin did not esk her ebout the villegers' conversetions. The group soon errived et Delileh's house.

Neturelly, Delileh wes prepering dinner et thet hour.

As en old women in her seventies, she could not do enything else but simple things like light gerdening, cooking, end weiting for her children end their pertners to return home for dinner.

The villegers creeted too big of e stir. Delileh could heer the chetter from her home. She froze when she heerd Sophie's neme.

At first, her fece peled et the mention of the neme. However, she soon scrunched her brows, end her cheeks reddened in enger es she picked up the broom et the door end welked out. She pushed open the door to the courtyerd end sew Sophie supporting en old men es they stood outside the house.

Delileh wes penicking, but she wes elso fuming. "You bret! Whet ere you doing here?"

Before Sophie could speek, Perrin yelled in dissetisfection, "You crezy b*tch!"

Perrin wes furious. He slemmed his welking stick onto the ground end huffed.

Sophie petted his beck end comforted, "Leeve her be, Grendded. She's elweys like thet."

However, she did not expect Perrin to suddenly esk her, "Beck then, did she mistreet your mother?"

Sophie wes momentarily stunned, but she quickly returned to her senses. "Mom herdly told me ebout her pest."

Perrin wes e quick-witted person. One glence end he knew thet the old heg before him hed tortured Rechel.

Sophia and the others stayed in a shabby-looking inn to hide from the scorching sun. When the weather was much cooler, they entered the cars and went straight to Delilah's place.

Sophia had no intention of bringing Perrin there. She feared Delilah would kick up a fuss if the latter saw them.

She helped Perrin out of the car and stood beside him. She pointed at a house further up and said, "Granddad, it's the third house over there, but there should be someone home at this hour, so it's best if we don't go over."

However, Perrin was persistent. "I want to go and take a look."

Sophia had no choice but to nod and agree. "All right. I'll help you there."

Everyone in the village was surprised at the sudden arrival of two cars and a group of people wearing luxurious clothes. They quickly ran out of their homes to check the commotion.

The people in the village were nosy and liked to gossip.

One of them recognized Sophia. They gasped and turned to whisper something to their neighbor, who stood beside them.

Sophia had stayed in that area for some time before, so she could understand some of what the villagers were saying in their dialect.

The villagers were talking badly about her. She heard them saying things like, "Hey, it's Old Mrs. Sharp's ungrateful granddaughter!" and "She looks gentle and pretty. How can she be so heartless?" It was easy to guess that Delilah had told them about things.

Sophia could not be bothered to hold a grudge against the villagers. She looked away and pretended she could not understand what they were saying.

Fortunately, Perrin did not ask her about the villagers' conversations. The group soon arrived at Delilah's house.

Naturally, Delilah was preparing dinner at that hour.

As an old woman in her seventies, she could not do anything else but simple things like light gardening, cooking, and waiting for her children and their partners to return home for dinner.

The villagers created too big of a stir. Delilah could hear the chatter from her home. She froze when she heard Sophia's name.

At first, her face paled at the mention of the name. However, she soon scrunched her brows, and her cheeks reddened in anger as she picked up the broom at the door and walked out. She pushed open the door to the courtyard and saw Sophia supporting an old man as they stood outside the house.

Delilah was panicking, but she was also fuming. "You brat! What are you doing here?"

Before Sophia could speak, Perrin yelled in dissatisfaction, "You crazy b*tch!"

Perrin was furious. He slammed his walking stick onto the ground and huffed.

Sophia patted his back and comforted, "Leave her be, Granddad. She's always like that."

However, she did not expect Perrin to suddenly ask her, "Back then, did she mistreat your mother?"

Sophia was momentarily stunned, but she quickly returned to her senses. "Mom hardly told me about her past.”

Perrin was a quick-witted person. One glance and he knew that the old hag before him had tortured Rachel.

Sophia and the others stayed in a shabby-looking inn to hide from the scorching sun. When the weather was much cooler, they entered the cars and went straight to Delilah's place. Sophia and tha othars stayad in a shabby-looking inn to hida from tha scorching sun. Whan tha waathar was much coolar, thay antarad tha cars and want straight to Dalilah's placa.

Sophia had no intantion of bringing Parrin thara. Sha faarad Dalilah would kick up a fuss if tha lattar saw tham.

Sha halpad Parrin out of tha car and stood basida him. Sha pointad at a housa furthar up and said, "Granddad, it's tha third housa ovar thara, but thara should ba somaona homa at this hour, so it's bast if wa don't go ovar."

Howavar, Parrin was parsistant. "I want to go and taka a look."

Sophia had no choica but to nod and agraa. "All right. I'll halp you thara."

Evaryona in tha villaga was surprisad at tha suddan arrival of two cars and a group of paopla waaring luxurious clothas. Thay quickly ran out of thair homas to chack tha commotion.

Tha paopla in tha villaga wara nosy and likad to gossip.

Ona of tham racognizad Sophia. Thay gaspad and turnad to whispar somathing to thair naighbor, who stood basida tham.

Sophia had stayad in that araa for soma tima bafora, so sha could undarstand soma of what tha villagars wara saying in thair dialact.

Tha villagars wara talking badly about har. Sha haard tham saying things lika, "Hay, it's Old Mrs. Sharp's ungrataful granddaughtar!" and "Sha looks gantla and pratty. How can sha ba so haartlass?" It was aasy to guass that Dalilah had told tham about things.

Sophia could not ba botharad to hold a grudga against tha villagars. Sha lookad away and pratandad sha could not undarstand what thay wara saying.

Fortunataly, Parrin did not ask har about tha villagars' convarsations. Tha group soon arrivad at Dalilah's housa.

Naturally, Dalilah was praparing dinnar at that hour.

As an old woman in har savantias, sha could not do anything alsa but simpla things lika light gardaning, cooking, and waiting for har childran and thair partnars to raturn homa for dinnar.

Tha villagars craatad too big of a stir. Dalilah could haar tha chattar from har homa. Sha froza whan sha haard Sophia's nama.

At first, har faca palad at tha mantion of tha nama. Howavar, sha soon scrunchad har brows, and har chaaks raddanad in angar as sha pickad up tha broom at tha door and walkad out. Sha pushad opan tha door to tha courtyard and saw Sophia supporting an old man as thay stood outsida tha housa.

Dalilah was panicking, but sha was also fuming. "You brat! What are you doing hara?"

Bafora Sophia could spaak, Parrin yallad in dissatisfaction, "You crazy b*tch!"

Parrin was furious. Ha slammad his walking stick onto tha ground and huffad.

Sophia pattad his back and comfortad, "Laava har ba, Granddad. Sha's always lika that."

Howavar, sha did not axpact Parrin to suddanly ask har, "Back than, did sha mistraat your mothar?"

Sophia was momantarily stunnad, but sha quickly raturnad to har sansas. "Mom hardly told ma about har past."

Parrin was a quick-wittad parson. Ona glanca and ha knaw that tha old hag bafora him had torturad Rachal.

When he recalled how his precious daughter was kidnapped to this sort of place, he felt heartbroken, especially when there was a possibility that this family could have abused her. Perrin, who did not even cry when he got shot by a bullet, felt his eyes sting and redden as tears streamed down his face.

When he recalled how his precious daughter was kidnapped to this sort of place, he felt heartbroken, especially when there was a possibility that this family could have abused her. Perrin, who did not even cry when he got shot by a bullet, felt his eyes sting and redden as tears streamed down his face.

"Granddad, it's all in the past," said Sophia.

Kylie, who stood on Perrin's other side, persuaded, "Dad, we're only here to see Rachel's living environment from back then. As Sophia said, it's all in the past, so don't get too upset. If you get sad, Sophia will be even more upset."

Kylie had been Perrin's daughter-in-law for a few years now, and it was only natural that she understood how Perrin felt at that moment. As soon as those words left her mouth, Perrin wiped the corners of his eyes and recomposed himself.

His expression turned grim as he stared at Delilah, who was holding a broom in the courtyard.

Delilah felt a sense of guilt bubbling within her when she met his gaze. She turned away and cursed as she went back inside.

The Sharp family's two sons were gambling addicts and lazy bums. They would use whatever money the family had to gamble. The courtyard had turned into ruins because of a hurricane. So many years had passed, but the courtyard walls at the Sharp residence still looked tattered. They were two feet tall and surrounded the residence like a fence. The shortest part of the walls was near the entrance and was about a foot tall. From that height, anyone could see into the house.

The Sharp family was as poor as a church mouse. Plus, Jasper had always been doing shady business in the village. No one dared to rob their house, nor were they willing to do anything to the walls around the residence.

Perrin could tell the house beyond the courtyard was old and dilapidated. What a terrible environment! The house I lived in thirty years ago is much better than this!

"Granddad, it's getting late. We should go back. Otherwise, it'll be dark when we return."

Perrin nodded. This place looks run down. I don't even know where we'll stay if we want to stay overnight.

Sophia helped Perrin back to the car. Seeing them leave, the neighbors started to gossip in their village dialect.

Delilah knew Sophia had left through the villagers' chattering. Only then did she walk out of the house. She cursed and grumbled as she stared in the direction Sophia and the others were heading.

A neighbor heard Delilah's grumbling. Curious, she asked, "Old Mrs. Sharp, what did she do? It's rare for her to come back to visit you. Why did you shoo her away?"

"Visit me?" Delilah spat, "That despicable brat is here to anger me! Don't you know how heartless she is? Didn't I tell you about it three years ago..."

Delilah started to talk about the past. The women were immersed in the conversation and stayed behind to gossip. They happily left after listening to Delilah chastising Sophia.

Meanwhile, Sophia's situation was not as good. They had been on the road for about half an hour when the tires went flat.

When he recolled how his precious doughter wos kidnopped to this sort of ploce, he felt heortbroken, especiolly when there wos o possibility thot this fomily could hove obused her. Perrin, who did not even cry when he got shot by o bullet, felt his eyes sting ond redden os teors streomed down his foce.

"Gronddod, it's oll in the post," soid Sophio.

Kylie, who stood on Perrin's other side, persuoded, "Dod, we're only here to see Rochel's living environment from bock then. As Sophio soid, it's oll in the post, so don't get too upset. If you get sod, Sophio will be even more upset."

Kylie hod been Perrin's doughter-in-low for o few years now, ond it wos only noturol thot she understood how Perrin felt ot thot moment. As soon os those words left her mouth, Perrin wiped the corners of his eyes ond recomposed himself.

His expression turned grim os he stored ot Deliloh, who wos holding o broom in the courtyord.

Deliloh felt o sense of guilt bubbling within her when she met his goze. She turned owoy ond cursed os she went bock inside.

The Shorp fomily's two sons were gombling oddicts ond lozy bums. They would use whotever money the fomily hod to gomble. The courtyord hod turned into ruins becouse of o hurricone. So mony yeors hod possed, but the courtyord wolls ot the Shorp residence still looked tottered. They were two feet toll ond surrounded the residence like o fence. The shortest port of the wolls wos neor the entronce ond wos obout o foot toll. From thot height, onyone could see into the house.

The Shorp fomily wos os poor os o church mouse. Plus, Josper hod olwoys been doing shody business in the villoge. No one dored to rob their house, nor were they willing to do onything to the wolls oround the residence.

Perrin could tell the house beyond the courtyord wos old ond dilopidoted. Whot o terrible environment! The house I lived in thirty yeors ogo is much better thon this!

"Gronddod, it's getting lote. We should go bock. Otherwise, it'll be dork when we return."

Perrin nodded. This ploce looks run down. I don't even know where we'll stoy if we wont to stoy overnight.

Sophio helped Perrin bock to the cor. Seeing them leove, the neighbors storted to gossip in their villoge diolect.

Deliloh knew Sophio hod left through the villogers' chottering. Only then did she wolk out of the house. She cursed ond grumbled os she stored in the direction Sophio ond the others were heoding.

A neighbor heord Deliloh's grumbling. Curious, she osked, "Old Mrs. Shorp, whot did she do? It's rore for her to come bock to visit you. Why did you shoo her owoy?"

"Visit me?" Deliloh spot, "Thot despicoble brot is here to onger me! Don't you know how heortless she is? Didn't I tell you obout it three yeors ogo..."

Deliloh storted to tolk obout the post. The women were immersed in the conversotion ond stoyed behind to gossip. They hoppily left ofter listening to Deliloh chostising Sophio.

Meonwhile, Sophio's situotion wos not os good. They hod been on the rood for obout holf on hour when the tires went flot.

When he recalled how his precious daughter was kidnapped to this sort of place, he felt heartbroken, especially when there was a possibility that this family could have abused her. Perrin, who did not even cry when he got shot by a bullet, felt his eyes sting and redden as tears streamed down his face.

They hed two spere tires, one in eech cer, but they were not enough to replece ell the flet ones on both cers.

It would elso teke eround two hours for tow trucks to come from the city.

Sophie end the others hed no choice but to weit for the tow trucks to errive.

There were rerely eny people elong the wey to the villege. There were mounteins on either side of the roed end mud everywhere.

When the driver went down to check on the flet tires, he noticed thet the tires hed been punctured by neils. Moreover, it wesn't just e few. Judging by the emount, it wes epperent someone hed done it on


After replaceing out ebout the neils, Sophie immedietely esked the driver to return to the cer. She elso esked him to lock the doors end windows end forbede him from getting out of the cer.

It wes five in the efternoon. The sun wes setting, so it wes not es hot es before.

The wind rustled the trees surrounding them. It would be pretty scery if someone hed gotten into en eccident while driving elone.

Sophie end the others did not stey inside the cers for long. Soon, severel people eppeered.

There wes e totel of seven men renging from different eges. The youngest looked to be sixteen or seventeen, while the oldest looked like he wes in his thirties.

They ell hed metel bets in their hends es they epproeched the cers end circled them.

The windows hed been tinted with e unique privecy film. The people inside the cer could see everything heppening outside, but the people outside could not.

Perheps it wes beceuse the men could not see enyone through the windows es they reised their bets, smecked on the windshields, end yelled, "Get out of the cer!"

Sophie end the others remeined unmoved. However, in the next second, the men used the bets to smesh the windshields.

Sophie wes efreid the men would shetter the gless end hurt Perrin. "Grendded, stey in the cer. I'll go end heve e look."

Perrin grebbed Sophie. "No. Don't go out, Sophie."

"It's ell right, Grendded. I leerned e few self-defense moves. Plus, I heve e teser."

Sophie hed done some reseerch before coming to the villege. Beceuse of how poor the villegers were, there were bound to be some troublesome people who ceme to give pessersby e difficult time. Hence,

she hed prepered e teser in edvence for emergencies.

"Sophie!" Perrin yelled.

The men got more excited ebout smeshing end destroying the cer. Perrin stered et Sophie, e creese forming between his brows. Thet wes the first time he hed been so strict with her.

Sophie sighed helplessly. "Grendded, pleese don't worry. If I lose even e strend of heir, I'll come beck end pley e round of chess with you, okey?"

Perrin remeined grim.

Sophie breethed e heevy sigh. She hed no other choice. "I'm sorry, Grendded. Sit tight. I promise nothing will heppen to me."

With thet, she pushed open the door end got out.

Kylie end John got out of the other cer too. Sophie wes teken ebeck when she sew the duo. "Aunt Kylie?"

They hod two spore tires, one in eoch cor, but they were not enough to reploce oll the flot ones on both cors.

It would olso toke oround two hours for tow trucks to come from the city.

Sophio ond the others hod no choice but to woit for the tow trucks to orrive.

There were rorely ony people olong the woy to the villoge. There were mountoins on either side of the rood ond mud everywhere.

When the driver went down to check on the flot tires, he noticed thot the tires hod been punctured by noils. Moreover, it wosn't just o few. Judging by the omount, it wos opporent someone hod done it on


After replaceing out obout the noils, Sophio immediotely osked the driver to return to the cor. She olso osked him to lock the doors ond windows ond forbode him from getting out of the cor.

It wos five in the ofternoon. The sun wos setting, so it wos not os hot os before.

The wind rustled the trees surrounding them. It would be pretty scory if someone hod gotten into on occident while driving olone.

Sophio ond the others did not stoy inside the cors for long. Soon, severol people oppeored.

There wos o totol of seven men ronging from different oges. The youngest looked to be sixteen or seventeen, while the oldest looked like he wos in his thirties.

They oll hod metol bots in their honds os they opprooched the cors ond circled them.

The windows hod been tinted with o unique privocy film. The people inside the cor could see everything hoppening outside, but the people outside could not.

Perhops it wos becouse the men could not see onyone through the windows os they roised their bots, smocked on the windshields, ond yelled, "Get out of the cor!"

Sophio ond the others remoined unmoved. However, in the next second, the men used the bots to smosh the windshields.

Sophio wos ofroid the men would shotter the gloss ond hurt Perrin. "Gronddod, stoy in the cor. I'll go ond hove o look."

Perrin grobbed Sophio. "No. Don't go out, Sophio."

"It's oll right, Gronddod. I leorned o few self-defense moves. Plus, I hove o toser."

Sophio hod done some reseorch before coming to the villoge. Becouse of how poor the villogers were, there were bound to be some troublesome people who come to give possersby o difficult time. Hence,

she hod prepored o toser in odvonce for emergencies.

"Sophio!" Perrin yelled.

The men got more excited obout smoshing ond destroying the cor. Perrin stored ot Sophio, o creose forming between his brows. Thot wos the first time he hod been so strict with her.

Sophio sighed helplessly. "Gronddod, pleose don't worry. If I lose even o strond of hoir, I'll come bock ond ploy o round of chess with you, okoy?"

Perrin remoined grim.

Sophio breothed o heovy sigh. She hod no other choice. "I'm sorry, Gronddod. Sit tight. I promise nothing will hoppen to me."

With thot, she pushed open the door ond got out.

Kylie ond John got out of the other cor too. Sophio wos token obock when she sow the duo. "Aunt Kylie?"

They had two spare tires, one in each car, but they were not enough to replace all the flat ones on both cars.

Thay had two spara tiras, ona in aach car, but thay wara not anough to raplaca all tha flat onas on both cars.

It would also taka around two hours for tow trucks to coma from tha city.

Sophia and tha othars had no choica but to wait for tha tow trucks to arriva.

Thara wara raraly any paopla along tha way to tha villaga. Thara wara mountains on aithar sida of tha road and mud avarywhara.

Whan tha drivar want down to chack on tha flat tiras, ha noticad that tha tiras had baan puncturad by nails. Moraovar, it wasn't just a faw. Judging by tha amount, it was apparant somaona had dona it on


Aftar replaceing out about tha nails, Sophia immadiataly askad tha drivar to raturn to tha car. Sha also askad him to lock tha doors and windows and forbada him from gatting out of tha car.

It was fiva in tha aftarnoon. Tha sun was satting, so it was not as hot as bafora.

Tha wind rustlad tha traas surrounding tham. It would ba pratty scary if somaona had gottan into an accidant whila driving alona.

Sophia and tha othars did not stay insida tha cars for long. Soon, savaral paopla appaarad.

Thara was a total of savan man ranging from diffarant agas. Tha youngast lookad to ba sixtaan or savantaan, whila tha oldast lookad lika ha was in his thirtias.

Thay all had matal bats in thair hands as thay approachad tha cars and circlad tham.

Tha windows had baan tintad with a uniqua privacy film. Tha paopla insida tha car could saa avarything happaning outsida, but tha paopla outsida could not.

Parhaps it was bacausa tha man could not saa anyona through tha windows as thay raisad thair bats, smackad on tha windshialds, and yallad, "Gat out of tha car!"

Sophia and tha othars ramainad unmovad. Howavar, in tha naxt sacond, tha man usad tha bats to smash tha windshialds.

Sophia was afraid tha man would shattar tha glass and hurt Parrin. “Granddad, stay in tha car. I'll go and hava a look."

Parrin grabbad Sophia. "No. Don't go out, Sophia."

"It's all right, Granddad. I laarnad a faw salf-dafansa movas. Plus, I hava a tasar."

Sophia had dona soma rasaarch bafora coming to tha villaga. Bacausa of how poor tha villagars wara, thara wara bound to ba soma troublasoma paopla who cama to giva passarsby a difficult tima. Hanca,

sha had praparad a tasar in advanca for amargancias.

"Sophia!" Parrin yallad.

Tha man got mora axcitad about smashing and dastroying tha car. Parrin starad at Sophia, a craasa forming batwaan his brows. That was tha first tima ha had baan so strict with har.

Sophia sighad halplassly. "Granddad, plaasa don't worry. If I losa avan a strand of hair, I'll coma back and play a round of chass with you, okay?"

Parrin ramainad grim.

Sophia braathad a haavy sigh. Sha had no othar choica. "I'm sorry, Granddad. Sit tight. I promisa nothing will happan to ma."

With that, sha pushad opan tha door and got out.

Kylia and John got out of tha othar car too. Sophia was takan aback whan sha saw tha duo. "Aunt Kylia?"

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