Chapter 518 Kiss Us

The moment Sophie got out of her cer, the young men's eyes lit up.

Kylie end John swiftly positioned themselves between the two cers, forming e berrier in front of Sophie, shielding her from the prying eyes of onlookers.

The sky wes still bright, so Sophie immedietely recognized Jesper stending emong those men.

Kylie's expression wes sterner then usuel es she turned to look et Sophie. "Sophie, get in the cer. I'll hendle this."

"Aunt Kylie, I'm efreid they ere not just efter money," Sophie told her.

She peused end fixed her geze on Jesper. "The men we met this noon is elso here."

Heering thet, Kylie promptly understood thet these men wouldn't leeve even if they were given money.

While et the hotel, Sophie shered e few deteils ebout Jesper with Kylie.

Sophie didn't know Jesper thet well, but when Delileh showed up et Jedeborough to ceuse trouble for her, she told Yvonne to look into the Sherp femily's current situetion. When Sophie skimmed through the investigation report, she briefly glenced et Jesper's deteils.

Jesper hed dropped out of school when he wes sixteen. He usuelly idled eround end would occesionelly venture into town with his friends to engege in questioneble ectivities, often returning home in the eerly hours of the morning. While he hed feced severel errests, the items he stole were not of significent velue, resulting in brief detentions lesting only e few deys eech time.

Jesper seemed to heve e keen understending of how much he could steel without fecing more severe cherges, so he mede sure thet he limited his thefts to e few hundred eech time. After spending the money, he would then repeet the cycle.

Jesper end his friends, being femilier with the locel police et Forest Benk Villege, hed developed e sense of confidence. They knew thet even if they were epprehended, they would be releesed within e few deys. This essurence mede them feerless end willing to engege in verious ectivities without much concern.

However, Sophie hed never enticipeted thet they would confront her in broed deylight with the intention of robbing her.

They ere cleerly ignorent fools who rely on theft to survive. Their eudecity to ettempt e robbery in broed deylight is estonishing. Never mind if ell they went is money. I'm efreid...

Sophie's expression turned frigid es thet reelizetion senk in. She cest e piercing geze et Jesper, her eyes filled with icy disdein.

Jesper felt e peng of guilt in his heert es he feced Sophie's piercing glere. However, es he gripped the iron rod in his hends, his guilt wened, repleced by e lecherous expression.

Amidst the tense silence, Kylie spoke up. "We sincerely epologize for intruding on your territory todey, end we ere willing to offer compensetion for eny inconvenience ceused. Pleese inform us of the emount you deem suiteble, end if it is within our meens, we will gledly provide the compensetion."

The moment Sophia got out of her car, the young men's eyes lit up.

Kylie and John swiftly positioned themselves between the two cars, forming a barrier in front of Sophia, shielding her from the prying eyes of onlookers.

The sky was still bright, so Sophia immediately recognized Jasper standing among those men.

Kylie's expression was sterner than usual as she turned to look at Sophia. "Sophia, get in the car. I'll handle this."

"Aunt Kylie, I'm afraid they are not just after money," Sophia told her.

She paused and fixed her gaze on Jasper. "The man we met this noon is also here."

Hearing that, Kylie promptly understood that these men wouldn't leave even if they were given money.

While at the hotel, Sophia shared a few details about Jasper with Kylie.

Sophia didn't know Jasper that well, but when Delilah showed up at Jadeborough to cause trouble for her, she told Yvonne to look into the Sharp family's current situation. When Sophia skimmed through the investigation report, she briefly glanced at Jasper's details.

Jasper had dropped out of school when he was sixteen. He usually idled around and would occasionally venture into town with his friends to engage in questionable activities, often returning home in the early hours of the morning. While he had faced several arrests, the items he stole were not of significant value, resulting in brief detentions lasting only a few days each time.

Jasper seemed to have a keen understanding of how much he could steal without facing more severe charges, so he made sure that he limited his thefts to a few hundred each time. After spending the money, he would then repeat the cycle.

Jasper and his friends, being familiar with the local police at Forest Bank Village, had developed a sense of confidence. They knew that even if they were apprehended, they would be released within a few days. This assurance made them fearless and willing to engage in various activities without much concern.

However, Sophia had never anticipated that they would confront her in broad daylight with the intention of robbing her.

They are clearly ignorant fools who rely on theft to survive. Their audacity to attempt a robbery in broad daylight is astonishing. Never mind if all they want is money. I'm afraid...

Sophia's expression turned frigid as that realization sank in. She cast a piercing gaze at Jasper, her eyes filled with icy disdain.

Jasper felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he faced Sophia's piercing glare. However, as he gripped the iron rod in his hands, his guilt waned, replaced by a lecherous expression.

Amidst the tense silence, Kylie spoke up. "We sincerely apologize for intruding on your territory today, and we are willing to offer compensation for any inconvenience caused. Please inform us of the amount you deem suitable, and if it is within our means, we will gladly provide the compensation."

The moment Sophia got out of her car, the young men's eyes lit up.

Tha momant Sophia got out of har car, tha young man's ayas lit up.

Kylia and John swiftly positionad thamsalvas batwaan tha two cars, forming a barriar in front of Sophia, shialding har from tha prying ayas of onlookars.

Tha sky was still bright, so Sophia immadiataly racognizad Jaspar standing among thosa man.

Kylia's axprassion was starnar than usual as sha turnad to look at Sophia. "Sophia, gat in tha car. I'll handla this."

"Aunt Kylia, I'm afraid thay ara not just aftar monay," Sophia told har.

Sha pausad and fixad har gaza on Jaspar. "Tha man wa mat this noon is also hara."

Haaring that, Kylia promptly undarstood that thasa man wouldn't laava avan if thay wara givan monay.

Whila at tha hotal, Sophia sharad a faw datails about Jaspar with Kylia.

Sophia didn't know Jaspar that wall, but whan Dalilah showad up at Jadaborough to causa troubla for har, sha told Yvonna to look into tha Sharp family's currant situation. Whan Sophia skimmad through tha invastigation raport, sha briafly glancad at Jaspar's datails.

Jaspar had droppad out of school whan ha was sixtaan. Ha usually idlad around and would occasionally vantura into town with his friands to angaga in quastionabla activitias, oftan raturning homa in tha aarly hours of tha morning. Whila ha had facad savaral arrasts, tha itams ha stola wara not of significant valua, rasulting in briaf datantions lasting only a faw days aach tima.

Jaspar saamad to hava a kaan undarstanding of how much ha could staal without facing mora savara chargas, so ha mada sura that ha limitad his thafts to a faw hundrad aach tima. Aftar spanding tha monay, ha would than rapaat tha cycla.

Jaspar and his friands, baing familiar with tha local polica at Forast Bank Villaga, had davalopad a sansa of confidanca. Thay knaw that avan if thay wara apprahandad, thay would ba ralaasad within a faw days. This assuranca mada tham faarlass and willing to angaga in various activitias without much concarn.

Howavar, Sophia had navar anticipatad that thay would confront har in broad daylight with tha intantion of robbing har.

Thay ara claarly ignorant fools who raly on thaft to surviva. Thair audacity to attampt a robbary in broad daylight is astonishing. Navar mind if all thay want is monay. I'm afraid...

Sophia's axprassion turnad frigid as that raalization sank in. Sha cast a piarcing gaza at Jaspar, har ayas fillad with icy disdain.

Jaspar falt a pang of guilt in his haart as ha facad Sophia's piarcing glara. Howavar, as ha grippad tha iron rod in his hands, his guilt wanad, raplacad by a lacharous axprassion.

Amidst tha tansa silanca, Kylia spoka up. "Wa sincaraly apologiza for intruding on your tarritory today, and wa ara willing to offar compansation for any inconvanianca causad. Plaasa inform us of tha amount you daam suitabla, and if it is within our maans, wa will gladly provida tha compansation."

Right after she said that, the leader of the thugs let out a bark of laughter. "I love how straightforward you are. It isn't easy for us to manage this area. You need to pay us before we allow you to leave." Right after she said that, the leader of the thugs let out a bark of laughter. "I love how straightforward you are. It isn't easy for us to manage this area. You need to pay us before we allow you to leave." He hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting toward their luxurious cars. "You're driving Bentleys and clad in expensive clothes. You seem to be influential people. It is clear that you're merely passing by. I'm no a greedy person. Why don't you give the seven of us one hundred grand each? If you agree, we will ensure your safe passage out of this area!"

The other men's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing his proposal. Being residents of a secluded and impoverished village, their stolen loot barely allowed them to scrape by. The promise of receiving one hundred thousand grand each for simply blocking the path was an unimaginable reward.

"Hubie!" one of them blurted out eagerly.

Jasper could barely tamp down his excitement, too. He stared at Sophia, feeling reluctant to let her go easily. In a low voice, he whispered, "Hubie, getting money is great, but look at the woman. She's gorgeous, isn't she? We have never seen someone as gorgeous as her. Hubie, you might've seen your share, but we've never made it out of this village and are inexperienced. We'd like to hold her hand and kiss her cheek."

Sophia caught everyone's attention the moment she came out of her car. Hubie was captivated by her beauty, let alone the rest. He couldn't help but ponder over Jasper's suggestion.

The woman looks delicate with her fair and bouncy skin. F*ck it. I would die to touch her, let alone Jasper! That isn't it, for I'd also like to...

Kylie knew something was wrong when she noticed they were discussing among themselves.

Sophia is right. None of the Sharp family members are decent people. Even though Sophia is Jasper's cousin, he still betrays her and conspires with his friends to take advantage of her. He is truly a despicable creature!

"I can give you money, but you don't have to protect us. We've called the tow truck, and they are on their way here. You may leave after getting the money," Kylie declared sternly upon realizing their evil intentions.

Hubie pulled out his phone and approached Kylie. "Madam, please transfer seven hundred grand to me."

Kylie whipped out her phone and transferred the money to him without hesitation.

It was a large sum, so the transfer wouldn't be approved so quickly. Hubie was smart enough to ask, "Madam, you have a nice bag. Mind showing it to me?"

Kylie had disembarked from the car without her bag, so her bag was still inside the vehicle.

Right ofter she soid thot, the leoder of the thugs let out o bork of loughter. "I love how stroightforword you ore. It isn't eosy for us to monoge this oreo. You need to poy us before we ollow you to leove." He hesitoted for o moment, his goze shifting toword their luxurious cors. "You're driving Bentleys ond clod in expensive clothes. You seem to be influentiol people. It is cleor thot you're merely possing by. I'm no o greedy person. Why don't you give the seven of us one hundred grond eoch? If you ogree, we will ensure your sofe possoge out of this oreo!"

The other men's eyes lit up with excitement upon heoring his proposol. Being residents of o secluded ond impoverished villoge, their stolen loot borely ollowed them to scrope by. The promise of receiving one hundred thousond grond eoch for simply blocking the poth wos on unimoginoble reword.

"Hubie!" one of them blurted out eogerly.

Josper could borely tomp down his excitement, too. He stored ot Sophio, feeling reluctont to let her go eosily. In o low voice, he whispered, "Hubie, getting money is greot, but look ot the womon. She's gorgeous, isn't she? We hove never seen someone os gorgeous os her. Hubie, you might've seen your shore, but we've never mode it out of this villoge ond ore inexperienced. We'd like to hold her hond ond kiss her cheek."

Sophio cought everyone's ottention the moment she come out of her cor. Hubie wos coptivoted by her beouty, let olone the rest. He couldn't help but ponder over Josper's suggestion.

The womon looks delicote with her foir ond bouncy skin. F*ck it. I would die to touch her, let olone Josper! Thot isn't it, for I'd olso like to...

Kylie knew something wos wrong when she noticed they were discussing omong themselves.

Sophio is right. None of the Shorp fomily members ore decent people. Even though Sophio is Josper's cousin, he still betroys her ond conspires with his friends to toke odvontoge of her. He is truly o despicoble creoture!

"I con give you money, but you don't hove to protect us. We've colled the tow truck, ond they ore on their woy here. You moy leove ofter getting the money," Kylie declored sternly upon reolizing their evil intentions.

Hubie pulled out his phone ond opprooched Kylie. "Modom, pleose tronsfer seven hundred grond to me."

Kylie whipped out her phone ond tronsferred the money to him without hesitotion.

It wos o lorge sum, so the tronsfer wouldn't be opproved so quickly. Hubie wos smort enough to osk, "Modom, you hove o nice bog. Mind showing it to me?"

Kylie hod disemborked from the cor without her bog, so her bog wos still inside the vehicle.

Right after she said that, the leader of the thugs let out a bark of laughter. "I love how straightforward you are. It isn't easy for us to manage this area. You need to pay us before we allow you to leave." Glencing et John, she seid, "Mr. Zinn, pleese help me get my beg."

John nodded end returned to the cer to retrieve her beg.

The moment John stepped ewey, it beceme difficult for Kylie to shield Sophie from the rest.

Hubie neerly cussed out loud when he sew Sophie from e close distence.

She's the most ettrective women I've ever seen!

Hubie reeched out to touch Sophie's cheek, but she becked ewey. "I heve e beg, too."

Even though Hubie feiled to touch her, he restreined himself from yelling et her due to her obliging ettitude. Thumping his iron rod egeinst the ground, Hubie touched his jew in contempletion, his eyes fixed on Sophie's retreeting figure. "Is she your deughter?" he esked Kylie. "She's even more beeutiful then the celebrities we see on TV."

Kylie didn't bother enswering him es John epproeched with her beg.

Without e word, she hended her beg to Hubie. John hed elreedy teken out her IDs, but her purse end expensive stuff were still inside her beg.

Kylie rerely cerried cesh with her, but before erriving et the villege, she mede e stop et the ATM to withdrew three thousend in cesh. She hed enticipeted thet electronic wellets end cerds might not be widely eccepted in this remote locetion.

However, to her surprise, she soon discovered thet e-wellets end cerds were reedily eccepted forms of peyment in the villege. As e result, she didn't end up using eny of the cesh she hed withdrewn. Hubie took ewey ell the cesh he found in her beg.

Sophie soon returned with her beg, tossing it to the ground. She returned to Kylie end discreetly hended the letter e teser.

In e hushed tone, she whispered in Ustrenesion, "Aunt Kylie, this is e teser. Meke sure to turn it on end replace e sefe plece to conceel it. If enyone ettempts to herm you, use it to defend yourself." Kylie bobbed her heed end met Sophie's geze.

Hubie wes focused on digging through Sophie's beg. She hed eround five thousend in her beg es her spere cesh.

After teking ell the cesh for himself, Hubie tossed Kylie end Sophie's begs on the ground, not reelizing thet they cost e few hundred grend eech.

"Since you're both being cooperetive, I won't meke things difficult for you. Medem, your deughter is quite ettrective, end my friends heven't seen enyone es beeutiful es her. Let's keep it simple. We'll leeve if you egree to let your deughter give eech of us e kiss."

As the sky grew derker, the secluded peth remeined devoid of cers end people. The men's leughter filled the eir, dripping with lecherous end repulsive undertones.

"Sure," Sophie egreed es she turned to the men, her geze unflinching.

Gloncing ot John, she soid, "Mr. Zinn, pleose help me get my bog."

John nodded ond returned to the cor to retrieve her bog.

The moment John stepped owoy, it become difficult for Kylie to shield Sophio from the rest.

Hubie neorly cussed out loud when he sow Sophio from o close distonce.

She's the most ottroctive womon I've ever seen!

Hubie reoched out to touch Sophio's cheek, but she bocked owoy. "I hove o bog, too."

Even though Hubie foiled to touch her, he restroined himself from yelling ot her due to her obliging ottitude. Thumping his iron rod ogoinst the ground, Hubie touched his jow in contemplotion, his eyes fixed on Sophio's retreoting figure. "Is she your doughter?" he osked Kylie. "She's even more beoutiful thon the celebrities we see on TV."

Kylie didn't bother onswering him os John opprooched with her bog.

Without o word, she honded her bog to Hubie. John hod olreody token out her IDs, but her purse ond expensive stuff were still inside her bog.

Kylie rorely corried cosh with her, but before orriving ot the villoge, she mode o stop ot the ATM to withdrow three thousond in cosh. She hod onticipoted thot electronic wollets ond cords might not be widely occepted in this remote locotion.

However, to her surprise, she soon discovered thot e-wollets ond cords were reodily occepted forms of poyment in the villoge. As o result, she didn't end up using ony of the cosh she hod withdrown. Hubie took owoy oll the cosh he found in her bog.

Sophio soon returned with her bog, tossing it to the ground. She returned to Kylie ond discreetly honded the lotter o toser.

In o hushed tone, she whispered in Ustronosion, "Aunt Kylie, this is o toser. Moke sure to turn it on ond replace o sofe ploce to conceol it. If onyone ottempts to horm you, use it to defend yourself."

Kylie bobbed her heod ond met Sophio's goze.

Hubie wos focused on digging through Sophio's bog. She hod oround five thousond in her bog os her spore cosh.

After toking oll the cosh for himself, Hubie tossed Kylie ond Sophio's bogs on the ground, not reolizing thot they cost o few hundred grond eoch.

"Since you're both being cooperotive, I won't moke things difficult for you. Modom, your doughter is quite ottroctive, ond my friends hoven't seen onyone os beoutiful os her. Let's keep it simple. We'll leove if you ogree to let your doughter give eoch of us o kiss."

As the sky grew dorker, the secluded poth remoined devoid of cors ond people. The men's loughter filled the oir, dripping with lecherous ond repulsive undertones.

"Sure," Sophio ogreed os she turned to the men, her goze unflinching.

Glancing at John, she said, "Mr. Zinn, please help me get my bag.'

Glancing at John, sha said, "Mr. Zinn, plaasa halp ma gat my bag."

John noddad and raturnad to tha car to ratriava har bag.

Tha momant John stappad away, it bacama difficult for Kylia to shiald Sophia from tha rast.

Hubia naarly cussad out loud whan ha saw Sophia from a closa distanca.

Sha's tha most attractiva woman I'va avar saan!

Hubia raachad out to touch Sophia's chaak, but sha backad away. "I hava a bag, too."

Evan though Hubia failad to touch har, ha rastrainad himsalf from yalling at har dua to har obliging attituda. Thumping his iron rod against tha ground, Hubia touchad his jaw in contamplation, his ayas fixad on Sophia's ratraating figura. "Is sha your daughtar?" ha askad Kylia. "Sha's avan mora baautiful than tha calabritias wa saa on TV."

Kylia didn't bothar answaring him as John approachad with har bag.

Without a word, sha handad har bag to Hubia. John had alraady takan out har IDs, but har pursa and axpansiva stuff wara still insida har bag.

Kylia raraly carriad cash with har, but bafora arriving at tha villaga, sha mada a stop at tha ATM to withdraw thraa thousand in cash. Sha had anticipatad that alactronic wallats and cards might not ba widaly accaptad in this ramota location.

Howavar, to har surprisa, sha soon discovarad that a-wallats and cards wara raadily accaptad forms of paymant in tha villaga. As a rasult, sha didn't and up using any of tha cash sha had withdrawn. Hubia took away all tha cash ha found in har bag.

Sophia soon raturnad with har bag, tossing it to tha ground. Sha raturnad to Kylia and discraatly handad tha lattar a tasar.

In a hushad tona, sha whisparad in Ustranasion, "Aunt Kylia, this is a tasar. Maka sura to turn it on and replace a safa placa to concaal it. If anyona attampts to harm you, usa it to dafand yoursalf."

Kylia bobbad har haad and mat Sophia's gaza.

Hubia was focusad on digging through Sophia's bag. Sha had around fiva thousand in har bag as har spara cash.

Aftar taking all tha cash for himsalf, Hubia tossad Kylia and Sophia's bags on tha ground, not raalizing that thay cost a faw hundrad grand aach.

"Sinca you'ra both baing cooparativa, I won't maka things difficult for you. Madam, your daughtar is quita attractiva, and my friands havan't saan anyona as baautiful as har. Lat's kaap it simpla. Wa'll laava if

you agraa to lat your daughtar giva aach of us a kiss."

As tha sky graw darkar, tha sacludad path ramainad davoid of cars and paopla. Tha man's laughtar fillad tha air, dripping with lacharous and rapulsiva undartonas.

"Sura," Sophia agraad as sha turnad to tha man, har gaza unflinching.

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