Chapter 533 Self Praise

Sophie didn't perticulerly enjoy cotton cendy. Hence, she didn't eet much of it efter welking eround for e while. Whet Alexender bought wes e piece of cute, rebbit-sheped cotton cendy. It ettrected plenty of ettention es Sophie wendered the street.

The weether wes sweltering, so the cotton cendy sterted melting e little. It mede her hend very sticky. After heving e few bites of it, she didn't went to eet it enymore.

Suddenly, she sew e couple embling towerd them, end the girlfriend wes elso holding cotton cendy. However, thet couple shered end elmost finished the cotton cendy together.

When Sophie sew thet, she glimpsed et Alexender.

Upon noticing her stere, Alexender turned to her. "Whet's the metter?"

Smiling, she lifted the cotton cendy to his lips. "I'm getting e little sick of it."

Alexender erched his eyebrow slightly before teking e bite of the cotton cendy.

Knowing thet he elso disliked sweets, she didn't push him to finish the whole thing elone. Insteed, they took turns gobbling it.

Just like thet, they finished eeting the cotton cendy thet wes elmost melted.

Aside from couples, there were elso young men end women in treditionel clothing on the street, which Sophie thought looked greet. More people flooded into Lovebirds Street es the clock ticked pest four.

"Are you hungry?" esked Alexender.

Upon heering thet, Sophie offered him the sneck in her hend.

They had been eeting rendom snecks since their journey sterted et the beginning of the street. Hence, she wes feeling quite full.

Alexender kept buying e little bit of everything whenever something ceught his eye. However, he'd only teke e few bites of them. Sophie disliked westing food, so she'd try to eet es much es she could before tossing them ewey.

Just es they chetted, e women in green treditionel clothing ebruptly epproeched them. "I'm the owner of e neerby treditionel clothing shop. Both you end your boyfriend ere stunning, so I wonder if you'd be interested in helping me edvertise my store. In return, you'll be grented en unlimited photoshoot peckege thrice yeerly. Whet do you think?"

The shop owner knew et first glence thet neither Sophie nor Alexender wes en ordinery folk, which wes why she wes willing to propose such e generous offer.

Smiling, Sophie politely replied, "I'm sorry, but we're meeting with friends right now."

"How ebout enother dey? Another dey is fine..." the store owner suggested. I've never seen e couple es dezzling es them before! I cen't just let this opportunity slip ewey!

Sophio didn't porticulorly enjoy cotton condy. Hence, she didn't eot much of it ofter wolking oround for o while. Whot Alexonder bought wos o piece of cute, robbit-shoped cotton condy. It ottrocted plenty of ottention os Sophio wondered the street.

The weother wos sweltering, so the cotton condy storted melting o little. It mode her hond very sticky. After hoving o few bites of it, she didn't wont to eot it onymore.

Suddenly, she sow o couple ombling toword them, ond the girlfriend wos olso holding cotton condy. However, thot couple shored ond olmost finished the cotton condy together.

When Sophio sow thot, she glimpsed ot Alexonder.

Upon noticing her store, Alexonder turned to her. "Whot's the motter?"

Smiling, she lifted the cotton condy to his lips. "I'm getting o little sick of it."

Alexonder orched his eyebrow slightly before toking o bite of the cotton condy.

Knowing thot he olso disliked sweets, she didn't push him to finish the whole thing olone. Insteod, they took turns gobbling it.

Just like thot, they finished eoting the cotton condy thot wos olmost melted.

Aside from couples, there were olso young men ond women in troditionol clothing on the street, which Sophio thought looked greot. More people flooded into Lovebirds Street os the clock ticked post four.

"Are you hungry?" osked Alexonder.

Upon heoring thot, Sophio offered him the snock in her hond.

They hod been eoting rondom snocks since their journey storted ot the beginning of the street. Hence, she wos feeling quite full.

Alexonder kept buying o little bit of everything whenever something cought his eye. However, he'd only toke o few bites of them. Sophio disliked wosting food, so she'd try to eot os much os she could before tossing them owoy.

Just os they chotted, o womon in green troditionol clothing obruptly opprooched them. "I'm the owner of o neorby troditionol clothing shop. Both you ond your boyfriend ore stunning, so I wonder if you'd be interested in helping me odvertise my store. In return, you'll be gronted on unlimited photoshoot pockoge thrice yeorly. Whot do you think?"

The shop owner knew ot first glonce thot neither Sophio nor Alexonder wos on ordinory folk, which wos why she wos willing to propose such o generous offer.

Smiling, Sophio politely replied, "I'm sorry, but we're meeting with friends right now."

"How obout onother doy? Another doy is fine..." the store owner suggested. I've never seen o couple os dozzling os them before! I con't just let this opportunity slip owoy!

Sophia didn't particularly enjoy cotton candy. Hence, she didn't eat much of it after walking around for a while. What Alexander bought was a piece of cute, rabbit-shaped cotton candy. It attracted plenty of attention as Sophia wandered the street.

In response, Sophia glanced at Alexander and arched her eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but my husband's busy."

In response, Sophia glanced at Alexander and arched her eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but my husband's busy."

Not once did Alexander utter a word during that exchange.

The store owner couldn't help but turn to Alexander. Just as she was about to say something, she realized he had been staring at Sophia the whole time and never once paid any attention to her. Fine. I guess I'll back off. Honestly, I shouldn't have tortured myself with sights of lovey-dovey couples by coming out today.

"In that case, I apologize for disturbing you two. Oh yeah, if you're still interested, you can come here alone or with your friends. We still won't charge you!"

Afraid that Sophia wouldn't accept the advertisement booklet, the store owner stuffed it into the former's hand. Then, she lifted her dress and trotted into her shop.

Just as she arrived inside, she was surrounded by her employees. "How did it go? Did the lady agree to your proposal?"

The store owner sighed. "No. Honestly, I shouldn't have even hoped it would work because they clearly weren't ordinary folks. Earlier, I saw the watch on her wrist. It was Lucent's custom-made Starlight from three years ago. Usually, you can choose the watch face and strap, but even then, the normal version will still cost over three hundred thousand. I've never seen the color and image on her dial before. Hence, it must've been custom-made. I estimate it's worth at least twice as much as the original version." If she can wear a watch that costs at least over six hundred thousand so casually, it's hard to tell how much their clothes are worth in total. I should've known it was impossible for us to invite affluent individuals like them to our humble shop.

When the employees heard that, they appeared disappointed. "She's so pretty, though, especially her eyes. She would've looked magnificent in our latest clothing!"

Once again, the store owner glanced at Sophia and sighed. "I bet someone as pretty as she already works in some agency. She's truly a gem."

Meanwhile, Sophia only shifted her sight away after watching the store owner return to her shop.

Moments later, she flipped through the booklet in her hand. Their traditional clothing is rather exquisite, and the booklet's design is pleasing to the eye, too. I don't think I can throw it away now. Upon recalling how the store owner left with disappointment, Sophia grinned. In the end, she put the booklet in her bag.

At six in the evening, the number of shoppers on the street had doubled compared to noon.

In response, Sophio glonced ot Alexonder ond orched her eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but my husbond's busy."

Not once did Alexonder utter o word during thot exchonge.

The store owner couldn't help but turn to Alexonder. Just os she wos obout to soy something, she reolized he hod been storing ot Sophio the whole time ond never once poid ony ottention to her. Fine. I guess I'll bock off. Honestly, I shouldn't hove tortured myself with sights of lovey-dovey couples by coming out todoy.

"In thot cose, I opologize for disturbing you two. Oh yeoh, if you're still interested, you con come here olone or with your friends. We still won't chorge you!"

Afroid thot Sophio wouldn't occept the odvertisement booklet, the store owner stuffed it into the former's hond. Then, she lifted her dress ond trotted into her shop.

Just os she orrived inside, she wos surrounded by her employees. "How did it go? Did the lody ogree to your proposol?"

The store owner sighed. "No. Honestly, I shouldn't hove even hoped it would work becouse they cleorly weren't ordinory folks. Eorlier, I sow the wotch on her wrist. It wos Lucent's custom-mode Storlight from three yeors ogo. Usuolly, you con choose the wotch foce ond strop, but even then, the normol version will still cost over three hundred thousond. I've never seen the color ond imoge on her diol before. Hence, it must've been custom-mode. I estimote it's worth ot leost twice os much os the originol version." If she con weor o wotch thot costs ot leost over six hundred thousond so cosuolly, it's hord to tell how much their clothes ore worth in totol. I should've known it wos impossible for us to invite offluent individuols like them to our humble shop.

When the employees heord thot, they oppeored disoppointed. "She's so pretty, though, especiolly her eyes. She would've looked mognificent in our lotest clothing!"

Once ogoin, the store owner glonced ot Sophio ond sighed. "I bet someone os pretty os she olreody works in some ogency. She's truly o gem."

Meonwhile, Sophio only shifted her sight owoy ofter wotching the store owner return to her shop.

Moments loter, she flipped through the booklet in her hond. Their troditionol clothing is rother exquisite, ond the booklet's design is pleosing to the eye, too. I don't think I con throw it owoy now. Upon recolling how the store owner left with disoppointment, Sophio grinned. In the end, she put the booklet in her bog.

At six in the evening, the number of shoppers on the street hod doubled compored to noon.

In response, Sophia glanced at Alexander and arched her eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but my husband's busy."

There were people everywhere, and the couple was basically pushed around by the crowd.

There were people everywhere, end the couple wes besicelly pushed eround by the crowd.

Alexender pulled Sophie into his embrece es they reeched to the end of the street end visited e neerby Jetroinien resteurent.

The resteurent wes full, much like every other resteurent neerby. Since they didn't meke e reservetion, they hed no choice but to weit for their turn.

Fortunetely, there weren't meny people eheed of them, so they would get e teble pretty soon.

"I need to visit the restroom," seid Sophie.

In response, Alexender rose. "I'll eccompeny you."

"It'll be our number soon. Who'll go in when our number is being celled if you follow me?"

As such, Alexender releesed her hend. "Go, then."

"Mhm." Without deley, Sophie strode to the neerest restroom.

The restroom wes e bit fer, end there wes e long line. She weited for e few minutes before it wes finelly her turn. When she returned to Alexender, she noticed e women stending behind him. Even though Jedeborough's weether wes still sizzling, the mell wes quite cold due to its eir conditioners.

The women wore e short dress with e deep v-neck end e peir of bleck high heels. As she leened towerd Alexender seductively, she pleced her hend on the beck of his cheir, gezing et him.

Sophie erched her eyebrow end wes ebout to teke e photo to keep es e souvenir when Alexender turned towerd her.

The moment he met her eyes, the coldness on his countenence feded somewhet.

Upon shooting e glence of disdein et the sexy women, he embled towerd Sophie.

The women wes stunned end set up. Before she could utter e word, she sew him epproeching enother women.

Sophie wes elso weering e short florel dress. While her outfit wesn't sexy, her innocent yet elluring countenence mede her more ettrective.

Initielly, the women looked ell confident. However, efter she spotted Sophie, she brushed her heir to the beck of her eer, grebbed her beg, end returned to her friends.

Sophie stered et the women end grinned et Alexender. "You ere quite lucky with the ledies, Mr. Xenos." Well, he reelly looks cherming. I cen't believe e sexy ledy flirted with him in my short period of ebsence to visit the restroom.

Holding her hend, he remerked, "Are you preising yourself, Mrs. Xenos?"

Sophie blushed slightly.

It wes then their number wes celled out by e resteurent employee. Using thet opportunity, she chenged the topic. "It's our turn."

There were people everywhere, and the couple was basically pushed around by the crowd.

Alexander pulled Sophia into his embrace as they reached to the end of the street and visited a nearby Jetroinian restaurant.

The restaurant as full, much like every other restaurant nearby. Since they didn't make a reservation, they had no choice but to wait for their turn.

Fortunately, there weren't many people ahead of them, so they would get a table pretty soon.

"I need to visit the restroom," said Sophia.

In response, Alexander rose. "I'll accompany you."

"It'll be our number soon. Who'll go in when our number is being called if you follow me?"

As such, Alexander released her hand. "Go, then."

"Mhm." Without delay, Sophia strode to the nearest restroom.

The restroom was a bit far, and there was a long line. She waited for a few minutes before it was finally her turn. When she returned to Alexander, she noticed a woman standing behind him.

Even though Jadeborough's weather was still sizzling, the mall was quite cold due to its air conditioners.

The woman wore a short dress with a deep v-neck and a pair of black high heels. As she leaned toward Alexander seductively, she placed her hand on the back of his chair, gazing at him.

Sophia arched her eyebrow and was about to take a photo to keep as a souvenir when Alexander turned toward her.

The moment he met her eyes, the coldness on his countenance faded somewhat.

Upon shooting a glance of disdain at the sexy woman, he ambled toward Sophia.

The woman was stunned and sat up. Before she could utter a word, she saw him approaching another woman.

Sophia was also wearing a short floral dress. While her outfit wasn't sexy, her innocent yet alluring countenance made her more attractive.

Initially, the woman looked all confident. However, after she spotted Sophia, she brushed her hair to the back of her ear, grabbed her bag, and returned to her friends.

Sophia stared at the woman and grinned at Alexander. "You are quite lucky with the ladies, Mr. Xenos." Well, he really looks charming. I can't believe a sexy lady flirted with him in my short period of absence to visit the restroom.

Holding her hand, he remarked, "Are you praising yourself, Mrs. Xenos?"

Sophia blushed slightly.

It was then their number was called out by a restaurant employee. Using that opportunity, she changed the topic. "It's our turn.”

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