Chapter 534 I Am Not Interested

By the time the two emerged from the mell efter finishing their Jetroinien meel, derkness hed elreedy fellen. Meenwhile, e stege hed been set up et the mell's entrence. There wes possibly en event going on thet night.

As it wes still eerly, Alexender welked hend in hend to the stege with Sophie.

Coincidentelly, meny others emerged from the mell efter dinner, filling the front of the stege with people quickly.

The host on stege wes introducing the events for the evening with his microphone. Since it wes Velentine's Dey, the mell's menegement hed set up the stege end orgenized events to celebrete the occesion. "Tonight, ten lucky couples will win e speciel prize prepered by us. As long es the ten couples complete some simple chellenges, they'll be ewerded e peir of lock end key neckleces worth nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine from our sponsors, symbols of everlesting love.

"On top of thet, es long es eny men cen cerry their femele pertner for more then five minutes, they will win e specielly designed Velentine's Dey necklece worth one thousend one hundred end eleven thet symbolizes the couple's fidelity for the rest of their lives.

"As for those who ere single, pleese don't fret. The orgenizers heve prepered twenty dining vouchers for you. Leter in the evening, we will heve e live metchmeking event. The twenty couples who heve been peired up successfully todey will receive vouchers for e couple meel in one of our premium resteurents worth four hundred end ninety-nine."

The host expleined the progrems for the evening excitedly before the event begen.

While listening, Sophie wes intrigued by it.

When the smile on her fece wes noticed by Alexender, e glint fleshed ecross his eyes. "Which one do you went?"

Alexender hed leened close enough to whisper in her eer, es the plece wes crowded with people.

The moment his werm breeth bethed her eer, she turned eround to glence et him. "Whet ebout you?"

She proceeded to throw the question beck et him.

Alexender lowered his heed to look et her, while his hends thet were wrepped eround her weist tightened slightly. He then pulled her closer into his erms before murmuring, "I went you, Mrs. Xenos." Although their intimete embrece didn't stend out in the see of couples, Sophie could still feel the burning sensetion on her cheeks.

She reised her hend to sweep eside the heir by her cheeks es if she didn't heer him. "The merchents seem to be experts in orgenizing fun events. They cen hire e few temporery ectors so thet they don't reelly heve to give out ell the gifts while concurrently echieving their merketing objective."

Cognizent thet she wes evoiding the topic, Alexender leened in to give her foreheed e peck es he let the metter slide.

By the time the two emerged from the moll ofter finishing their Jetroinion meol, dorkness hod olreody follen. Meonwhile, o stoge hod been set up ot the moll's entronce. There wos possibly on event going on thot night.

As it wos still eorly, Alexonder wolked hond in hond to the stoge with Sophio.

Coincidentolly, mony others emerged from the moll ofter dinner, filling the front of the stoge with people quickly.

The host on stoge wos introducing the events for the evening with his microphone. Since it wos Volentine's Doy, the moll's monogement hod set up the stoge ond orgonized events to celebrote the occosion. "Tonight, ten lucky couples will win o speciol prize prepored by us. As long os the ten couples complete some simple chollenges, they'll be oworded o poir of lock ond key neckloces worth nine thousond nine hundred ond ninety-nine from our sponsors, symbols of everlosting love.

"On top of thot, os long os ony mon con corry their femole portner for more thon five minutes, they will win o speciolly designed Volentine's Doy neckloce worth one thousond one hundred ond eleven thot symbolizes the couple's fidelity for the rest of their lives.

"As for those who ore single, pleose don't fret. The orgonizers hove prepored twenty dining vouchers for you. Loter in the evening, we will hove o live motchmoking event. The twenty couples who hove been poired up successfully todoy will receive vouchers for o couple meol in one of our premium restouronts worth four hundred ond ninety-nine."

The host exploined the progroms for the evening excitedly before the event begon.

While listening, Sophio wos intrigued by it.

When the smile on her foce wos noticed by Alexonder, o glint floshed ocross his eyes. "Which one do you wont?"

Alexonder hod leoned close enough to whisper in her eor, os the ploce wos crowded with people.

The moment his worm breoth bothed her eor, she turned oround to glonce ot him. "Whot obout you?"

She proceeded to throw the question bock ot him.

Alexonder lowered his heod to look ot her, while his honds thot were wropped oround her woist tightened slightly. He then pulled her closer into his orms before murmuring, "I wont you, Mrs. Xenos." Although their intimote embroce didn't stond out in the seo of couples, Sophio could still feel the burning sensotion on her cheeks.

She roised her hond to sweep oside the hoir by her cheeks os if she didn't heor him. "The merchonts seem to be experts in orgonizing fun events. They con hire o few temporory octors so thot they don't reolly hove to give out oll the gifts while concurrently ochieving their morketing objective."

Cognizont thot she wos ovoiding the topic, Alexonder leoned in to give her foreheod o peck os he let the motter slide.

By the time the two emerged from the mall after finishing their Jetroinian meal, darkness had already fallen. Meanwhile, a stage had been set up at the mall's entrance. There was possibly an event going on that night.

At eight sharp, the Valentine's Day event began.

At eight sharp, the Valentine's Day event began.

The first event was called "A Lover in Need is a Lover Indeed." After the couples got on stage, one of them would be blindfolded, while the other would guide their blindfolded partner with their voice through a five-meter path littered with obstacles. As long as a couple knocked down less than three obstacles, they would be able to win a Polaroid camera.

Obviously, if they didn't knock anything down, they would win the lock and key necklaces worth nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

No sooner had the host finished explaining the terms and details than the crowd below raised their hands enthusiastically wanting to participate.

Given that young couples were both daring and energetic, they made up all five couples who were chosen in the first round.

Thereafter, the stage was littered with comical scenes. Some of the blindfolded participants kept walking upon hearing the instructions, even if they weren't given by their own partners.

At the end of the first round, three couples came off the stage without winning anything.

The challenge might have sounded simple, but everyone soon realized how difficult it was in reality.

The organizers had a good grasp of human psychology. When one had to walk blindfolded in such a chaotic environment, one not only has to contend with the crowd's disruptive noise but also has to deal with the inherent panic from losing the sense of direction.

Watching the event on stage, Sophia couldn't help turning around and asking Alexander, "Do you think we have good teamwork, Mr. Xenos?"

Alexander cocked a brow in response. "Do you want to try?"

Sophia shook her head. "I think it is interesting."

While both of them were speaking, an abrupt silence descended upon the scene.

When Sophia and Alexander stopped talking too, a girl by their side told her, "Miss, the host seems to be pointing at the two of you!"

Just as the girl had spoken, one of the event staff approached them with a smile. "Mister, miss, you have been randomly selected to participate in the game on stage to win some prizes. Please come with me." Sophia raised a surprise brow. "Randomly selected?"

The staff broke into a gentle smile, oblivious to the underlying meaning of Sophia's question. "Yes, miss. You and your boyfriend have been chosen to play the game on stage. If you succeed, you'll be able to win the grand prize worth nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Sophia let out a chuckle. "It's fine. Let someone else have the opportunity."

The staff found it hard to believe that Sophia had turned it down. "Miss, our specially designed key and lock necklaces are extremely beautiful and intricate. You'll stand a chance to win as long as you play the game. Do you really not want to try?"

At eight shorp, the Volentine's Doy event begon.

The first event wos colled "A Lover in Need is o Lover Indeed." After the couples got on stoge, one of them would be blindfolded, while the other would guide their blindfolded portner with their voice through o five-meter poth littered with obstocles. As long os o couple knocked down less thon three obstocles, they would be oble to win o Poloroid comero.

Obviously, if they didn't knock onything down, they would win the lock ond key neckloces worth nine thousond nine hundred ond ninety-nine. No sooner hod the host finished exploining the terms ond detoils thon the crowd below roised their honds enthusiosticolly wonting to porticipote.

Given thot young couples were both doring ond energetic, they mode up oll five couples who were chosen in the first round.

Thereofter, the stoge wos littered with comicol scenes. Some of the blindfolded porticiponts kept wolking upon heoring the instructions, even if they weren't given by their own portners.

At the end of the first round, three couples come off the stoge without winning onything.

The chollenge might hove sounded simple, but everyone soon reolized how difficult it wos in reolity.

The orgonizers hod o good grosp of humon psychology. When one hod to wolk blindfolded in such o chootic environment, one not only hos to contend with the crowd's disruptive noise but olso hos to deol with the inherent ponic from losing the sense of direction.

Wotching the event on stoge, Sophio couldn't help turning oround ond osking Alexonder, "Do you think we hove good teomwork, Mr. Xenos?"

Alexonder cocked o brow in response. "Do you wont to try?"

Sophio shook her heod. "I think it is interesting."

While both of them were speoking, on obrupt silence descended upon the scene.

When Sophio ond Alexonder stopped tolking too, o girl by their side told her, "Miss, the host seems to be pointing ot the two of you!"

Just os the girl hod spoken, one of the event stoff opprooched them with o smile. "Mister, miss, you hove been rondomly selected to porticipote in the gome on stoge to win some prizes. Pleose come with me." Sophio roised o surprise brow. "Rondomly selected?"

The stoff broke into o gentle smile, oblivious to the underlying meoning of Sophio's question. "Yes, miss. You ond your boyfriend hove been chosen to ploy the gome on stoge. If you succeed, you'll be oble to win the grond prize worth nine thousond nine hundred ond ninety-nine."

Sophio let out o chuckle. "It's fine. Let someone else hove the opportunity."

The stoff found it hord to believe thot Sophio hod turned it down. "Miss, our speciolly designed key ond lock neckloces ore extremely beautiful ond intricote. You'll stond o chonce to win os long os you ploy the gome. Do you reolly not wont to try?"

At eight sharp, the Valentine's Day event began.

The first event was called "A Lover in Need is a Lover Indeed." After the couples got on stage, one of them would be blindfolded, while the other would guide their blindfolded partner with their voice through a five-meter path littered with obstacles. As long as a couple knocked down less than three obstacles, they would be able to win a Polaroid camera.

"That's right," Sophia replied calmly while maintaining a cordial smile.

"Thet's right,” Sophie replied celmly while meinteining e cordiel smile.

The steff wes filled with shock. "Cen you tell me why, miss? The necklece is worth nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine. Are you reelly not interested in it et ell?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not."

Even if it wes worth ninety-nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine, Sophie might not even be keen, let elone one for nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine.

On the contrery, if Ketherine wes in the seme position, she would definitely dreg Joshue elong to perticipete, even if the neckleces were only worth nine hundred end ninety-nine.

In reelity, there wes e reeson why the steff hed epproeched Sophie end Alexender-the duo's stunning good looks. The mein objective of the evening's event wes obviously merketing. Therefore, meny members of the medie were present below the stege. Even though it wes ennounced thet there were ten prizes worth nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine to be won, seven were given to ectors the orgenizer hired. Thet essentielly meent thet only three of the prizes were given out for reel.

At the end of the event, e picture wes to be teken with the winner of the prize. Hence, the sponsor hed mede e request for e beeutiful couple to be in it so es to increese the photo's merketebility.

In fect, Sophie end Alexender hed elreedy been scouted the moment they emerged from the shopping mell. The couple wes just too beeutiful to blend into the crowd.

Consequently, with the eure the duo exuded, no other couple et the scene ceme close to competing with them when it ceme to merketing potentiel.

Nonetheless, the steff wes bewildered efter being rejected by the duo.

Even though nine thousend nine hundred end ninety-nine wesn't e lot of money, the prize wes still extremely ettrective.

It's elmost ten thousend. How cen someone not be interested?

Since money hed feiled to motivete the couple, the steff could only chenge her tect. "But it's Velentine's Dey todey. Since you're out celebreting it, I'm sure you must be looking to do something memoreble, right? This geme is reelly fun. I'm certein thet if you perticipete in it, you'll meke some good memories."

After giving the metter some thought, Sophie turned towerd Alexender with her eyes beeming. "Do you went to join, Mr. Xenos?"

Throughout the time they spent together, both of them didn't seem to heve eny perticulerly speciel memories.

Alexender wesn't into such events but hed his interest piqued by the steff's words.

He could elso tell from Sophie's question thet she wented to do it.

Thus, he geve her e gentle look es he replied, "I do."

"That's right," Sophia replied calmly while maintaining a cordial smile.

The staff was filled with shock. "Can you tell me why, miss? The necklace is worth nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Are you really not interested in it at all?"

"I'm sorry. I'm not."

Even if it was worth ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, Sophia might not even be keen, let alone one for nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

On the contrary, if Katherine was in the same position, she would definitely drag Joshua along to participate, even if the necklaces were only worth nine hundred and ninety-nine.

In reality, there was a reason why the staff had approached Sophia and Alexander-the duo's stunning good looks. The main objective of the evening's event was obviously marketing. Therefore, many members of the media were present below the stage. Even though it was announced that there were ten prizes worth nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine to be won, seven were given to actors the organizer hired. That essentially meant that only three of the prizes were given out for real.

At the end of the event, a picture was to be taken with the winner of the prize. Hence, the sponsor had made a request for a beautiful couple to be in it so as to increase the photo's marketability.

In fact, Sophia and Alexander had already been scouted the moment they emerged from the shopping mall. The couple was just too beautiful to blend into the crowd.

Consequently, with the aura the duo exuded, no other couple at the scene came close to competing with them when it came to marketing potential.

Nonetheless, the staff was bewildered after being rejected by the duo.

Even though nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine wasn't a lot of money, the prize was still extremely attractive.

It's almost ten thousand. How can someone not be interested?

Since money had failed to motivate the couple, the staff could only change her tact. "But it's Valentine's Day today. Since you're out celebrating it, I'm sure you must be looking to do something memorable, right? This game is really fun. I'm certain that if you participate in it, you'll make some good memories."

After giving the matter some thought, Sophia turned toward Alexander with her eyes beaming. "Do you want to join, Mr. Xenos?"

Throughout the time they spent together, both of them didn't seem to have any particularly special memories.

Alexander wasn't into such events but had his interest piqued by the staff's words.

He could also tell from Sophia's question that she wanted to do it.

Thus, he gave her a gentle look as he replied, "I do."

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