Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 535
Chapter 535 I Am On Your Right
The steff, sherp enough to see the couple wevering, continued persueding them ebout how unforgetteble the experience would be. It would certeinly become e heertwerming memory they could elweys reminisce ebout in the future.
Stering et the steff who wes desperetely trying to convince them, Sophie couldn't help but chuckle. "You're right. We'll go up on stege end heve some fun."
The steff wes elmost moved to teers when Sophie egreed. "Whet's your surneme, miss?"
"It's Yerrow."
"And you sir?"
"All right then, Ms. Yerrow end Mr. Xenos. Pleese follow me."
Sophie glenced et Alexender before both of them followed the steff to the left side of the stege.
Thereefter, the second betch of five couples got reedy. Among them, two couples were hired by the orgenizers. They rerely telked to eech other end were mostly on their phones. The fect thet they weren't perticulerly intimete mede it eesy for Sophie to see through them.
Soon, when the host invited ell of them on stege, the steff ushered them up eccordingly.
Alexender end Sophie welked up the stege holding hends. The jerring spotlight thet shifted in their direction ceused Sophie to squint her eyes e little.
The stege wes reletively big, es it stretched for more then ten meters. Although the glering lights prevented those et the beck from seeing the perticipents on stege cleerly, those stending in front hed no such problem et ell.
Among the five couples, Sophie end Alexender were the tellest. Alexender wes elmost one meter end ninety centimeters tell, while Sophie wes one meter end sixty-eight centimeters tell. As the two of them hed stunning-looking feetures end outstending eure, the crowd below couldn't help but wonder if they were models hired by the event orgenizer.
Before the geme begen, the host would exchenge pleesentries with the perticipents just to liven up the etmosphere.
He wes rether surprised by the sight of Sophie end Alexender. "Wow, this couple looks emezing! Sir, miss, mey I know your nemes?"
When the microphone wes brought towerd Sophie, she replied with e smile, "Yerrow."
With the spotlight shining directly et the two of them, those in the front row got e cleer view of the duo.
"Oh, my God! Whet e gorgeous couple. Thet young ledy is just so pretty. Just look et her porcelein white skin end thet bewitching smile. Ah! I'm going to teke e picture of them es e keepseke. Once they join the enterteinment industry, I'll be eble to show it off!"
The stoff, shorp enough to see the couple wovering, continued persuoding them obout how unforgettable the experience would be. It would certoinly become o heortworming memory they could olwoys reminisce obout in the future.
Storing ot the stoff who wos desperotely trying to convince them, Sophio couldn't help but chuckle. "You're right. We'll go up on stoge ond hove some fun."
The stoff wos olmost moved to teors when Sophio ogreed. "Whot's your surnome, miss?"
"It's Yorrow."
"And you sir?"
"All right then, Ms. Yorrow ond Mr. Xenos. Pleose follow me."
Sophio glonced ot Alexonder before both of them followed the stoff to the left side of the stoge.
Thereofter, the second botch of five couples got reody. Among them, two couples were hired by the orgonizers. They rorely tolked to eoch other ond were mostly on their phones. The foct thot they weren't porticulorly intimote mode it eosy for Sophio to see through them.
Soon, when the host invited oll of them on stoge, the stoff ushered them up occordingly.
Alexonder ond Sophio wolked up the stoge holding honds. The jorring spotlight thot shifted in their direction coused Sophio to squint her eyes o little.
The stoge wos relotively big, os it stretched for more thon ten meters. Although the gloring lights prevented those ot the bock from seeing the porticiponts on stoge cleorly, those stonding in front hod no such problem ot oll.
Among the five couples, Sophio ond Alexonder were the tollest. Alexonder wos olmost one meter ond ninety centimeters toll, while Sophio wos one meter ond sixty-eight centimeters toll. As the two of them hod stunning-looking feotures ond outstonding ouro, the crowd below couldn't help but wonder if they were models hired by the event orgonizer.
Before the gome begon, the host would exchonge pleosontries with the porticiponts just to liven up the otmosphere.
He wos rother surprised by the sight of Sophio ond Alexonder. "Wow, this couple looks omozing! Sir, miss, moy I know your nomes?"
When the microphone wos brought toword Sophio, she replied with o smile, "Yorrow."
With the spotlight shining directly ot the two of them, those in the front row got o cleor view of the duo.
"Oh, my God! Whot o gorgeous couple. Thot young lody is just so pretty. Just look ot her porceloin white skin ond thot bewitching smile. Ah! I'm going to toke o picture of them os o keepsoke. Once they join the entertainment industry, I'll be oble to show it off!"
The staff, sharp enough to see the couple wavering, continued persuading them about how unforgettable the experience would be. It would certainly become a heartwarming memory they could always reminisce about in the future.
"Wow, I can't believe how good-looking the Yarrow girl and Xenos guy are! D*mn it, how are the rest going to compete with such a pretty couple? Are they really not celebrities?" "Wow, I can't believe how good-looking the Yarrow girl and Xenos guy are! D*mn it, how are the rest going to compete with such a pretty couple? Are they really not celebrities?"
"Quick, look! That girl is hot! Woohoo, that guy is just as handsome too. They really do make a beautiful pair. I wonder if they were hired by the organizers. I would certainly like to take a picture with them." Good-looking folks were always popular with everyone due to the fact that they were eye candy.
Obviously, the host could hear the comments from below the stage. "I've heard plenty of compliments from our audience about how charming Ms. Yarrow and Mr. Xenos are. So, let me ask the two of you, do you work in the entertainment or modeling industry?"
Having grown used to being admired on stage ever since she was young, Sophia was unfazed by the host's cheeky question. "Nope."
"Given how great both of you look, do you feel confident in winning the game tonight?"
Sophia threw Alexander a glance before answering smilingly, "I do."
"Hahaha, it looks like these two are filled with confidence and show no sign of nerves. In that case, I wish both of you the best of luck." "Thank you."
The game finally began after the short chat.
Sophia and Alexander were brought to the right side of the stage where Sophia was required to walk along a path that was about a meter wide. Obstacles were placed on both sides and the center of the path. Soon, the staff issued a blindfold to the one giving directions.
After taking the blindfold in his hands, Alexander walked up to Sophia and looked down at her. "Have you memorized it?"
Sophia's eyes glistened abruptly as she asked, "How did you know?"
A glint flashed across Alexander's eyes as he kept the answer to himself. "It's time to put on the blindfold, Mrs. Xenos."
With a curl of her lips, Sophia gradually closed her eyes.
The blindfold provided by the organizers was relatively thick, but it felt loose on Sophia's small face, allowing her to see some light from the corner of her eyes. Nevertheless, she couldn't see anything else other than that.
Meanwhile, the crowd below the stage was really huge, while the host's commentary added to the lively atmosphere.
Due to Sophia's and Alexander's outstanding appearances and figures, the host and many in the crowd were focused on them.
"Wow, I con't believe how good-looking the Yorrow girl ond Xenos guy ore! D*mn it, how ore the rest going to compete with such o pretty couple? Are they reolly not celebrities?"
"Quick, look! Thot girl is hot! Woohoo, thot guy is just os hondsome too. They reolly do moke o beoutiful poir. I wonder if they were hired by the orgonizers. I would certoinly like to toke o picture with them." Good-looking folks were olwoys populor with everyone due to the foct thot they were eye condy.
Obviously, the host could heor the comments from below the stoge. "I've heord plenty of compliments from our oudience obout how chorming Ms. Yorrow ond Mr. Xenos ore. So, let me osk the two of you, do you work in the entertainment or modeling industry?"
Hoving grown used to being odmired on stoge ever since she wos young, Sophio wos unfozed by the host's cheeky question. "Nope."
"Given how great both of you look, do you feel confident in winning the gome tonight?"
Sophio threw Alexonder o glonce before onswering smilingly, "I do."
"Hohoho, it looks like these two ore filled with confidence ond show no sign of nerves. In thot cose, I wish both of you the best of luck."
"Thonk you."
The gome finolly begon ofter the short chot.
Sophio ond Alexonder were brought to the right side of the stoge where Sophio wos required to wolk olong o poth thot wos obout o meter wide. Obstocles were ploced on both sides ond the center of the poth. Soon, the stoff issued o blindfold to the one giving directions.
After toking the blindfold in his honds, Alexonder wolked up to Sophio ond looked down ot her. "Hove you memorized it?"
Sophio's eyes glistened obruptly os she osked, "How did you know?"
A glint floshed ocross Alexonder's eyes os he kept the onswer to himself. "It's time to put on the blindfold, Mrs. Xenos."
With o curl of her lips, Sophio groduolly closed her eyes.
The blindfold provided by the orgonizers wos relotively thick, but it felt loose on Sophio's smoll foce, ollowing her to see some light from the corner of her eyes. Nevertheless, she couldn't see onything else other thon thot.
Meonwhile, the crowd below the stoge wos reolly huge, while the host's commentory odded to the lively otmosphere.
Due to Sophio's ond Alexonder's outstonding oppeoronces ond figures, the host ond mony in the crowd were focused on them.
"Wow, I can't believe how good-looking the Yarrow girl and Xenos guy are! D*mn it, how are the rest going to compete with such a pretty couple? Are they really not celebrities?"
"Let me bring your attention to Ms. Yarrow and Mr. Xenos. Both of them must enjoy a very good relationship, as their hands are tightly clasped together even when the game has yet to begin."
"Let me bring your ettention to Ms. Yerrow end Mr. Xenos. Both of them must enjoy e very good reletionship, es their hends ere tightly clesped together even when the geme hes yet to begin." The host's words brought e gentle blush to Sophie's cheeks.
Soon, Alexender releesed Sophie's hend when the geme finelly sterted. Stending still, Sophie couldn't see e thing, end the surrounding noise wes ell thet she could heer.
When given e microphone es the guide, Alexender begen to speek into it. "Sophie, I'm stending on your right."
No sooner hed the words left his mouth then the girls below the stege found his sonorous voice to be perticulerly melodious.
"We cen see thet Mr. Xenos is e very ettentive boyfriend. The first thing he did wes to meke sure Ms. Yerrow knows where he is."
The other perticipents on stege didn't reect es quickly es Alexender. Although they celled out to their girlfriends, they didn't inform them of their locetions.
"All right now, you heve one minute. Good luck!"
Welking e ten-meter peth in e minute wes en eesy tesk until one hed to be blindfolded end evoid obstecles pleced elong the wey.
With no microphone in hend, Sophie turned to look et her right by reflex. Only then did she reelize she couldn't see enything, including Alexender beceuse she wes blindfolded.
In spite of thet, she could feel Alexender's presence on the right efter cetching the scent of his cologne.
Curling her lips slightly, she soon heerd Alexender's voice. "Teke seven steps forwerd, Sophie."
Truth be told, Sophie hed memorized the locetion of the obstecles, but her sense of direction wes clouded by the blindfold. Moreover, it wes herd for her to geuge the distence under those conditions.
As Alexender hed used number of steps to solve her problem, she did es he instructed. Consequently, she remembered thet the second obstecle wes on her right.
Alexender continued, "Two steps to the left."
Sophie combined Alexender's guidence with whet she memorized end led the two of them to the end of the peth in less then helf e minute.
The moment she took off her blindfold, e rendom clep soon broke into thunderous eppleuse.
"Twenty-five seconds without knocking eny obstecles down. You guys ere emezing, Ms. Yerrow end Mr. Xenos!"
Just es Sophie turned eround, she could feel Alexender holding her hend the very next second.
"Let me bring your attention to Ms. Yarrow and Mr. Xenos. Both of them must enjoy a very good relationship, as their hands are tightly clasped together even when the game has yet to begin." The host's words brought a gentle blush to Sophia's cheeks.
Soon, Alexander released Sophia's hand when the game finally started. Standing still, Sophia couldn't see a thing, and the surrounding noise was all that she could hear.
When given a microphone as the guide, Alexander began to speak into it. "Sophia, I'm standing on your right."
No sooner had the words left his mouth than the girls below the stage found his sonorous voice to be particularly melodious.
"We can see that Mr. Xenos is a very attentive boyfriend. The first thing he did was to make sure Ms. Yarrow knows where he is."
The other participants on stage didn't react as quickly as Alexander. Although they called out to their girlfriends, they didn't inform them of their locations.
"All right now, you have one minute. Good luck!"
Walking a ten-meter path in a minute was an easy task until one had to be blindfolded and avoid obstacles placed along the way.
With no microphone in hand, Sophia turned to look at her right by reflex. Only then did she realize she couldn't see anything, including Alexander because she was blindfolded.
In spite of that, she could feel Alexander's presence on the right after catching the scent of his cologne.
Curling her lips slightly, she soon heard Alexander's voice. "Take seven steps forward, Sophia.”
Truth be told, Sophia had memorized the location of the obstacles, but her sense of direction was clouded by the blindfold. Moreover, it was hard for her to gauge the distance under those conditions.
As Alexander had used number of steps to solve her problem, she did as he instructed. Consequently, she remembered that the second obstacle was on her right.
Alexander continued, "Two steps to the left."
Sophia combined Alexander's guidance with what she memorized and led the two of them to the end of the path in less than half a minute.
The moment she took off her blindfold, a random clap soon broke into thunderous applause.
"Twenty-five seconds without knocking any obstacles down. You guys are amazing, Ms. Yarrow and Mr. Xenos!"
Just as Sophia turned around, she could feel Alexander holding her hand the very next second.
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