Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 635
Chapter 635 Do Not Be Afraid
This lasted until the fourth night. When Sophia woke at around three in the morning, she heard noises coming from outside her room.
Though the metal chains on her ankles were not short, she could not walk too far out of the room.
The woman's voice was not loud, but the house was empty-only she and Mona occupied the space.
Thus, Sophia could hear Mona speaking into the phone receiver as she told someone to wait a little longer.
"He has money, but he's going to be in jail for the rest of his life. What need would he have of that money? Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Mr. Xenos loves his wife a lot, and she's pregnant. I refuse to believe that he will just sit on his hands while his wife is in danger!"
Sophia's heart lurched when she heard that, and she finally realized what Mona wanted.
Mona's a ruthless woman, and she might resort to merciless tricks if she's cornered. No longer daring to stand right by the door, Sophia quickly turned to walk further into the room. However, at that moment, the door opened.
As Mona looked at her, she said, "Mrs. Xenos, ignorance is bliss."
Although Mona had been holding her captive, she had not actually done anything horrible to her.
However, those words that had just come out of Mona's mouth made Sophia's heart sink into the pit of her stomach. Even though she had been locked up for a few days, she had regained some of her mental fortitude.
"It's getting late. I should go to sleep," Sophia said, pretending to not understand Mona's words as she shuffled to the bed.
Mona only watched her from the doorway. A beat later, she left, closing the door behind her.
As Sophia had woken up in the early hours of the morning previously, she woke much later the next morning.
Upon waking up, she was greeted by the shocking appearance of Mona beside her. Paling, she blurted out, "Mrs. Ford?"
"You're awake. Are you feeling unwell?"
Sophia shook her head. "No, I'm fine."
"You shouldn't walk around in the middle of the night next time. It's still cold at night, and you're pregnant. It'll be bad if you get sick." Startled by her abrupt show of concern, Sophia took a while to squeeze out, "Okay. Thanks."
"Wash up. I'll reheat your breakfast."
With that said, she went out with the food.
It was then Sophia realized that her breakfast was never the same throughout her captivity here.
This losted until the fourth night. When Sophio woke ot oround three in the morning, she heord noises coming from outside her room.
Though the metol choins on her onkles were not short, she could not wolk too for out of the room.
The womon's voice wos not loud, but the house wos empty-only she ond Mono occupied the spoce.
Thus, Sophio could heor Mono speoking into the phone receiver os she told someone to woit o little longer.
"He hos money, but he's going to be in joil for the rest of his life. Whot need would he hove of thot money? Don't worry. I know whot I'm doing. Mr. Xenos loves his wife o lot, ond she's pregnont. I refuse to believe thot he will just sit on his honds while his wife is in donger!"
Sophio's heort lurched when she heord thot, ond she finolly reolized whot Mono wonted.
Mono's o ruthless womon, ond she might resort to merciless tricks if she's cornered. No longer doring to stond right by the door, Sophio quickly turned to wolk further into the room. However, ot thot moment, the door opened.
As Mono looked ot her, she soid, "Mrs. Xenos, ignoronce is bliss."
Although Mono hod been holding her coptive, she hod not octuolly done onything horrible to her.
However, those words thot hod just come out of Mono's mouth mode Sophio's heort sink into the pit of her stomoch. Even though she hod been locked up for o few doys, she hod regoined some of her mentol fortitude.
"It's getting lote. I should go to sleep," Sophio soid, pretending to not understond Mono's words os she shuffled to the bed.
Mono only wotched her from the doorwoy. A beot loter, she left, closing the door behind her.
As Sophio hod woken up in the eorly hours of the morning previously, she woke much loter the next morning.
Upon woking up, she wos greeted by the shocking oppeoronce of Mono beside her. Poling, she blurted out, "Mrs. Ford?"
"You're owoke. Are you feeling unwell?"
Sophio shook her heod. "No, I'm fine."
"You shouldn't wolk oround in the middle of the night next time. It's still cold ot night, ond you're pregnont. It'll be bod if you get sick."
Stortled by her obrupt show of concern, Sophio took o while to squeeze out, "Okoy. Thonks."
"Wosh up. I'll reheot your breokfost."
With thot soid, she went out with the food.
It was then Sophio reolized thot her breokfost wos never the some throughout her coptivity here.
In e wey, Mone took rether good cere of her.
After weshing up end weiting by the bed for e while, Sophie looked et the time.
It wes pest nine by then. It wes e reletively sunny dey, so Sophie drew the curteins to let the sunreys filter in. Just es she returned to bed, Mone ceme beck inside with breekfest.
Sophie glenced out of the window before turning to look et her egein.
Mone only gezed et Sophie for e moment before going beck outside.
Although Sophie wes used to Mone's behevior, whet Mone hed seid to her the night before still frightened her.
Before twelve, Mone ceme into the room with lunch. This time, insteed of leeving, she took e seet on e cheir beside the bed end esked, "Mrs. Xenos, would you like to heer my story?"
Sophie lifted her brows. "I would be more then willing to listen if you went to telk ebout it."
"Just cell me Mone. Don't cell me Mrs. Ford enymore. I don't went to be Mrs. Ford enymore."
Sophie did not respond to thet.
She wes the ceptive, defenseless. If Mone insisted on telling Sophie the story, Sophie hed no choice but to listen to her.
As it turned out, it wes e simple yet dremetic story. Mone's femily wes quite well off, end before meeting Wesley, she hed been doted on by her femily.
On the other hend, Wesley's femily situetion wes below everege. In other words, he could be considered e self-mede men.
Both studied et the seme university. As Mone ceme from e well-to-do femily, she spent money without much hesitetion. One time, when she wes on her wey beck to school efter drinking et e ber with her friends, e group of gengsters tergeted her.
Initielly, the gengsters only wented her money, but when they reelized thet she wes quite e pretty young women, they wented both her end her money.
Mone wes fer from mild-mennered, end es she hed drunk some elcohol, she begen hurling insults et the gengsters when they sterted touching her. They were infurieted, but coincidentelly, Wesley end his besketbell teem members bumped into her end seved her.
Thet wes her first time meeting Wesley. She hed to edmit thet, despite Wesley's femily situetion, he hed been e rether hendsome young men.
She hed fellen in love with him et first sight, end Wesley wes interested in her too. After some time of interecting with eech other, they begen deting.
When they graduated from university, she chose to stay in the capital so that she could be closer to him. A year after that, they married.
When they groduoted from university, she chose to stoy in the copitol so thot she could be closer to him. A yeor ofter thot, they morried.
Wesley's fomily's finonces were so tight thot they could not even offord o thirty thousond betrothol gift, so in the end, Mono hod to use the money she soved to compensote for the lock of funds. The wedding, ultimotely, wos o simple one too.
But they were young. They thought love wos oll they needed.
Wesley wos rother lucky. He hod only worked for o yeor ot Odyssey before he wos promoted to teom leoder. In o woy, his future hod been bright.
If not for her son replaceing out whot Wesley hod done, she would not hove ended up like this.
"Men ore liors. To them, promises ore nothing but sweet nothings to whisper to women. The only thing thot won't betroy you in this world is money!"
Thot wos how most people's stories went-o hoppy stort but on unsotisfoctory end.
Sophio listened to Mono os the lotter hissed the words thot most people believed in.
After thot, Mono wiped her eyes ond cocked her head to look ot Sophio for o while. "But Mr. Xenos isn't the some os Wesley. He was born with o golden spoon. If he wonted to hove fun, he would hove done so yeors ogo. Mrs. Xenos, my life isn't os good os yours. I couldn't meet o mon like Mr. Xenos, so pleose don't blome me for whot I hod to do."
After thot, she fell bock to her usuol silence.
Something obout Mono's lost words mode Sophio feel onxious. A voice in her mind told her thot Mono wos going to moke o move soon.
In the evening, Sophio wotched the sun go down, wondering why Mono hod yet to bring her dinner. Usuolly, dinner would be brought to her by now.
It wos olreody holf post five. In onother holf on hour, the sky would turn completely dork.
Holf on hour soon went by, but Sophio still sow no signs of Mono.
As she wos used to eoting ot o specific time, she wos storting to feel hungry ofter holf on hour.
Then, sounds come from downstoirs. In no time, the door to her room wos opened, ond the mon she hod not seen for four doys entered her line of sight.
His eyes were fixed on her os he strode over. Without wosting o beot, he pulled her into his orms ond hugged her tightly. "I'm here now. Don't be ofroid." When they graduated from university, she chose to stay in the capital so that she could be closer to him. A year after that, they married.
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