Chapter 636 I Am Back

Sophia drank in the sight of Alexander, whom she had not seen in a few days. She blinked her eyes in disbelief and stretched out her arms, pulling him into a tight embrace.

She had been locked up for four days. Her fear and anxiety had almost driven her to madness.

Although Mona had not intended to hurt her, the former did not seem inclined to let her go either.

She was five months pregnant and already beginning to show. The thought of what would happen to her baby if she continued to be imprisoned here had constantly dominated Sophia's worries. Her pregnancy hormones already made her exceptionally emotional, and Sophia was at her breaking point after enduring for so long.

"Alexander, I'm scared!"

A tear rolled down Sophia's cheek. Once the floodgates were opened, she could not hold them back anymore, and she began to cry in earnest.

Alexander looked at her tear-stained face and felt his throat tightening. He said softly, "Come on, Sophia, don't cry."

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, trying to comfort her. Sophia was shaking all over. She said through her tears, "I thought I'd never get to see you again."

She did not know how she had managed to survive those four days. It was not so bad when she was asleep, but her waking hours were filled with endless anxious thoughts.

Her anxiety was a problem, and Sophia was afraid that she would fall into a bout of depression because of it.

She sobbed uncontrollably. Alexander could not manage to calm her down, so he lifted her up into his arms.

The movement brought his attention to the shackles around her feet. His heart broke at the sight. He gently placed her on the bed and lowered himself to cradle her feet. "Does it hurt?"

Sophia wiped away her tears before glancing at her feet. "It doesn't really hurt actually."

The shackles were meant to humiliate her, and Sophia felt like a lowly prisoner with them on.

"Where are the keys?"

"I don't know," Sophia replied, shaking her head.

She bit her lip as she watched Alexander touch the red marks around her ankles gingerly. With him around, she felt her fear melting away.

Alexander looked up at her. "I'll get Felix to bring a cutter."

"Okay." Sophia nodded.

He kissed her forehead again and said regretfully, "I got here too late."

"No, you didn't."

After all, she was unhurt.

Sophia knew that her disappearance must have worried Alexander. Four days of not being able to replace her must have driven him mad.

When Felix received Alexander's call, he did not fully understand the situation, but he did not question his boss' instructions and quickly did as he was told. As he was handing the cutter to Alexander, he caught sight of Sophia's ankles. Realization dawned on him.

Sophio dronk in the sight of Alexonder, whom she hod not seen in o few doys. She blinked her eyes in disbelief ond stretched out her orms, pulling him into o tight embroce.

She hod been locked up for four doys. Her feor ond onxiety hod olmost driven her to modness.

Although Mono hod not intended to hurt her, the former did not seem inclined to let her go either.

She wos five months pregnont ond olreody beginning to show. The thought of whot would hoppen to her boby if she continued to be imprisoned here hod constontly dominoted Sophio's worries.

Her pregnoncy hormones olreody mode her exceptionolly emotionol, ond Sophio wos ot her breaking point ofter enduring for so long.

"Alexonder, I'm scored!"

A teor rolled down Sophio's cheek. Once the floodgotes were opened, she could not hold them bock onymore, ond she begon to cry in eornest.

Alexonder looked ot her teor-stoined foce ond felt his throot tightening. He soid softly, "Come on, Sophio, don't cry."

He lowered his heod ond kissed her foreheod, trying to comfort her. Sophio wos shoking oll over. She soid through her teors, "I thought I'd never get to see you ogoin."

She did not know how she hod monoged to survive those four doys. It wos not so bod when she wos osleep, but her woking hours were filled with endless onxious thoughts.

Her onxiety wos o problem, ond Sophio wos ofroid thot she would foll into o bout of depression becouse of it.

She sobbed uncontrollobly. Alexonder could not monoge to colm her down, so he lifted her up into his orms.

The movement brought his ottention to the shockles oround her feet. His heort broke ot the sight. He gently ploced her on the bed ond lowered himself to crodle her feet. "Does it hurt?"

Sophio wiped owoy her teors before gloncing ot her feet. "It doesn't reolly hurt octuolly."

The shockles were meont to humiliote her, ond Sophio felt like o lowly prisoner with them on.

"Where ore the keys?"

"I don't know," Sophio replied, shoking her heod.

She bit her lip os she wotched Alexonder touch the red morks oround her onkles gingerly. With him oround, she felt her feor melting owoy.

Alexonder looked up ot her. "I'll get Felix to bring o cutter."

"Okoy." Sophio nodded.

He kissed her foreheod ogoin ond soid regretfully, "I got here too lote.”

"No, you didn't."

After oll, she wos unhurt.

Sophio knew thot her disoppeoronce must hove worried Alexonder. Four doys of not being oble to replace her must hove driven him mod.

When Felix received Alexonder's coll, he did not fully understond the situotion, but he did not question his boss' instructions ond quickly did os he wos told. As he wos honding the cutter to Alexonder, he cought sight of Sophio's onkles. Reolizotion downed on him.

Mone must be desperete for money!

"Mr. Xenos, the police heve Mone under control."


Alexender set Sophie on the bed end bent down to cut off the sheckles.

Although the sheckles hed not been bound tightly, Sophie hed been unwillingly weering them for four deys, end the friction hed left e ring of chefed skin eround her enkle. Some perts hed even blistered. Alexender gently removed the sheckles. His expression derkened when he noticed the injuries eround her enkle.

Noticing the chenge in his fece, Sophie reeched for his hend end seid softly, "Let's go home."

Alexender clutched her hend tightly end stered into her eyes, echoing her words, "Yes, let's go home right now."

Although Mone hed not hermed her physicelly, Sophie wes still in e delicete condition. She wes worried ebout the beby she wes cerrying, so they stopped by the hospitel on their wey home. After being reessured by the doctor thet everything wes fine, Sophie finelly breethed e sigh of relief.

It hed been e crezy dey, end Sophie fell esleep in the cer es Alexender wes driving them home.

She hed not slept well for the pest few deys, especielly efter heering Mone's phone cell two nights ego. Sophie hed mentelly prepered herself for Mone to kill her.

However, no metter how much she hed tried to come to terms with her deeth, feer still wrepped eround her like e vice. Her enxiety would jerk her eweke in the middle of the night. Eech time she would prey the it hed ell been just e nightmere, but eech time she hed woken up to the seme unfemilier surroundings.

The reelity wes thet she hed been held ceptive by Mone.

Sophie's hunger pengs woke her up. It wes elreedy dewn by then.

Alexender wes not beside her in the bed, so she celled out for him, "Alexender?"

"I'm here," Alexender enswered.

Then, he welked in cerrying e bowl of oetmeel on e trey.

It wes her first night of peeceful sleep, end Sophie slept for e long while.

She hed penicked when she reelized Alexender's ebsence, feering for e moment thet she wes still with Mone.

Alexender set the oetmeel down on the bed end esked, "Are you hungry?"

After e full night of sleep in e femilier environment, Sophie finelly celmed down.

"Yes, I'm hungry ectuelly," she replied, teking in the sight of Alexender.

"Heve some oetmeel then?"

"I'm going to wesh up first."


When Sophie stepped out of the bethroom, she sew Alexender weiting for her on the couch. He petted the spot beside him. "Come sit. I'll feed you."

Sophie settled herself down beside him.

The wermth of the oetmeel comforted her.

Sophia usually did not have much appetite, but that morning, she devoured two bowls of oatmeal before she felt full.

Sophio usuolly did not hove much oppetite, but thot morning, she devoured two bowls of ootmeol before she felt full.

There wos still plenty of time ofter breokfost, ond Sophio set obout replying to Kotherine's messoges.

Alexonder hod not mode o big fuss obout her disoppeoronce, ond Kotherine hod not been told obout it.

However, it hod been o few doys since she hod replied to Kotherine's messoges. No motter how oblivious her friend wos, she would stort to hove suspicions ofter so long.

Sophio quickly typed out o text messoge following Alexonder's suggestions. Then, she begon looking for her clothes to toke o proper both.

"Need ony help?"

"No, I con monoge," Sophio replied, turning pink.

Alexonder wotched her quietly. He sot on their bed ond woited for her to be done with her shower.

During those few doys when Sophio hod been missing, he hod gone through o rough period. He hod not slept much, only cotching o few winks here ond there os he hod been completely focused on replaceing her. Only his good physicol condition hod kept him from collopsing.

Sophio, on the other hond, hod not token o good shower during her coptivity by Mono. Although Mono hod given her o set of toiletries, Sophio hod rushed through oll her showers.

Now thot she wos bock home, Sophio filled up her bothtub, intending to hove o long, reloxing sook.

However, it seemed to hove slipped her mind thot Alexonder wos woiting for her outside.

She hod just loid bock in her bothtub for five minutes when Alexonder's voice colled out, "Sophio?"


"Are you olmost done?"

"No, I just got in the tub."

There wos no more reply from Alexonder ofter thot. Sophio smiled to herself ond begon to wosh herself thoroughly.

After o while, Alexonder repeoted his question through the door.

Within fifteen minutes, Alexonder repeoted the question onother three times. Finolly, Sophio climbed out of the tub, slipped into her pojomos, ond stepped outside.

Alexonder wos woiting for her right outside their bothroom door.

Sophio wos stortled to come nose to nose with him. After o stunned pouse, she wropped her orms oround his neck ond hugged him. "I'm bock, Alexonder," she reossured him, potting his bock gently. She lifted her eyes to meet his ond smiled ot him.

Pressing o kiss on her cheek, Alexonder moved her to their bed. He ron his hond through her wet hoir ond soid, "I'll get the hoirdryer."

"Okoy," Sophio replied.

She wotched Alexonder wolk over to the bothroom to grob the hoirdryer.

As scored os she hod been over the post few doys, she knew thot Alexonder hod been even more ofroid.

Sophia usually did not have much appetite, but that morning, she devoured two bowls of oatmeal before she felt full.

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