When Lu Xun said this, his hands were still casually tucked into his pockets, as if he didn't take the man in front of him seriously at all. And this attitude did indeed anger the other party.

"You say I can't touch her?" The queue-jumping man raised his fist, about to punch Qian Wei in the face.

But Lu Xun was calm and composed. He seemed to be prepared for the other's actions. He cut in from the side, grabbed the other's wrist, and before Qian Wei could even react, Lu Xun smoothly pulled and executed a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw, pressing the man to the ground. Although the man looked quite muscular, Lu Xun's movements were as easy as tossing a sack, swift and decisive without any unnecessary feints. As expected from someone who had been practicing martial arts since he was a teenager.

"Ah ah ah!" The man was pressed firmly to the ground by Lu Xun and screamed in pain.

Lu Xun glared fiercely, "Apologize to her."

"Why should I apologize? You just randomly beat people in public places, don't you afraid of going to jail?"

"Of course I'm not afraid," Lu Xun smiled. "Only injuries above a certain level constitute intentional assault under the Criminal Law. What I did to you is not within the scope of the Criminal Law. At worst it violates the Regulations on Public Security Administration Punishments. But the circumstances are too minor, it would only be mediated, and I probably won't even be fined." Lu Xun's voice was very arrogant. "Don't cut in line for no reason next time. Read more books. After all, ignorance is really scary."

Qian Wei stood there dumbfounded, wishing she could applaud Lu Xun on the spot. As expected of a top student, he could apply what he learned in any situation. He had really studied the laws well, not even afraid of fighting with them.

Perhaps because of Lu Xun's appearance, those who had dared to be angry but not speak up when Qian Wei was queue-jumped finally stood up too.

"These two cut in line first! We all saw it!"

"Such poor quality, no manners at all, even wanted to hit a girl..."

As more people stood on Qian Wei and Lu Xun's side, the momentum of the queue-jumping couple weakened. The man pressed to the ground by Lu Xun struggled but couldn't get up, defeated both physically and mentally.

Finally, the queue-jumping man muttered, "Sorry..."

Lu Xun was clearly not satisfied with this. He said coldly, "Louder."

The queue-jumping man's expression was ugly. After hesitating for a while, he finally shouted, "Sorry!"

Only then did Lu Xun let go of him. The man probably also felt very humiliated. The previous arrogance and bluster were gone. He lowered his head without a word, slipped into the crowd and left.

With the couple gone, the crowd regained its calm and order. But because of Lu Xun's presence, Qian Wei was also watched by countless eyes from all directions, bearing the burning gazes of different women. The meaning of admiration, yearning, jealousy and appraisal in those eyes was all too obvious, making Qian Wei a little uneasy standing there.

"Aren't you going back to your own line to order?" Lu Xun's hands were empty. Clearly it wasn't his turn to order yet, but he had been attracted over by the commotion at Qian Wei's side.

Qian Wei glanced at him, "Thank you for just now." She felt quite embarrassed, "I shouldn't have gotten into conflict with them. Sorry for making you come over for nothing and lose your place in line."

"The law exists to resolve conflicts. What is there for a law student to be afraid of in a conflict?" Although he had specifically come over to help Qian Wei, Lu Xun still had that aloof manner, speaking bluntly as always. But Qian Wei had to admit that no matter what he did, it was forgivable with that face of his. His bad temper was called personality. His mean mouth was called wit. Lu Xun really had an innate aura of a powerful person, handsome yet sharp, like a sword that controlled life and death. He would not easily unsheathe, but once out of the scabbard, he would surely kill in all directions. And his aloof arrogance, in Qian Wei's eyes, also seemed to be a matter of course. Sometimes Lu Xun didn't say anything, just stood there with his handsome face expressionless. Qian Wei even wanted to kneel down before his brilliant glory and say "It must have been difficult for Your Honor to descend into this mortal realm!"

"I'm not going back." Lu Xun was succinct. "I'll line up here too."

"You don't eat junk food right? This line can only buy pizza..." And Lu Xun's previous line didn't have many people either, he could have gotten back in line and ordered soon. Qian Wei was a little confused.

Lu Xun frowned in displeasure, "I suddenly want to eat junk food now. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No problem at all!" Qian Wei tried to please him, "Then let me take this opportunity to treat you to this pizza!"

Lu Xun looked at Qian Wei arrogantly, neither affirming nor denying. Qian Wei took it as silent approval.

As always, junk food was more popular than health food. There were really a lot of people buying pizza. Qian Wei had to stand and wait with Lu Xun. Lu Xun clearly had no intention of talking to Qian Wei again. He put on his earphones and started listening to music. Qian Wei could only wait alone. Out of boredom she looked around, but unexpectedly saw some familiar faces again.

The couple that had slipped away grey-faced just now had gathered some followers and appeared again, currently eyeing Qian Wei. Alarm bells rang in Qian Wei's mind! She then remembered that the couple had said they wanted to order eight pizzas earlier, so they must have companions.

"Lu Xun..." Qian Wei instinctively pulled Lu Xun's sleeve.

No matter when, this supreme being Lu Xun was always calm. He unhurriedly put away his earphones, then pulled up his sleeves and lightly stretched his wrists, fully ready to "fight them one-on-one or two-on-two".

The queue-jumping man who had been rendered immobile by Lu Xun clearly didn't expect that Lu Xun would still be here after coming to Qian Wei's aid. He immediately wilted, knowing he was no match for Lu Xun. He could only glare resentfully at Qian Wei once more before slipping away again grey-faced.

Only then did Qian Wei suddenly realize why Lu Xun had stayed to line up with her. It wasn't a sudden change of heart to eat junk food, but worry that the couple would come back to get revenge after being taught a lesson by Lu Xun. These small-time gangsters were used to throwing their weight around. Of course they wouldn't swallow this insult. Although many people at the food court wore the same style tee today, and quite a few wore it just for fun to match them, since they weren't lining up together, the couple guessed Lu Xun was just a do-gooder who would leave after helping out, so they planned to come back and cause trouble for Qian Wei to vent their anger. Moreover, the queue-jumping man had lost face in front of his girlfriend. He must want to regain confidence.

Although Lu Xun was always aloof and remote, he was meticulous and considerate at critical moments. Qian Wei sincerely said, "Lu Xun, thank you."

"Don't think too much," As usual, Lu Xun looked away unsympathetically. "I just suddenly wanted pizza." But although he tried to maintain an indifferent attitude toward Qian Wei, his slightly flushed ears still betrayed his emotions.

Looking at Lu Xun's profile, Qian Wei felt even more turbulent thoughts and boiling blood. See, Lu Xun was just being tsundere as usual, even to her thanks. Let alone to Mo Zi Xin whom he was interested in. The more he liked someone, the more he would deny it verbally. Qian Wei thought that just for Lu Xun backing her up today, she must also do her best to help his future happiness!

Facing Lu Xun's back, she secretly clenched her fist and said, "Lu Xun, I'll take responsibility for your happiness for the rest of your life!"

Unfortunately, Qian Wei's ambitious aspirations were soon extinguished by reality. No matter how much Qian Wei looked around, she didn't see Qian Chuan and Mo Zi Xin. Just like that, Qian Wei suddenly felt she had lost her goal and was very frustrated.

"Oh no, what to do now! Now Qian Chuan can be alone with Mo Zi Xin for a whole day. We're doomed!"

But Lu Xun was still very calm. Although Qian Wei was so anxious for him, he just said lightly, "Do you think Mo Zi Xin will definitely be with Qian Chuan after spending a whole day alone together?"

"If they're unlucky, it's hard to say! I know Qian Chuan well. When he chases someone, he can be very attentive and considerate, horses before and after. He was so brave to hold Mo Zi Xin's hand when she got scared in the haunted house. It was so dark in there, her heart must have been pounding wildly, and in the end she probably couldn't tell the difference, mistaking it for the heart fluttering of romance! After more of such back and forth, they may very well end up together!"

"It's not necessarily the case that spending a whole day alone together will make two people a couple. No matter how much time some people spend together, they still may not become lovers." Lu Xun smiled, unconcerned.

Qian Wei sighed woefully, "I advise you not to be blindly optimistic. The hormones between men and women are very mysterious. It would be better not to be overly confident and underestimate the enemy..."

Lu Xun raised his eyebrows, "If you and I spend a whole day alone together like this, will we become a couple?"

"That...that's different." Qian Wei was tongue-tied. "For two people spending time alone together to become a couple, there must be a prerequisite, which is that at least one person has indecent thoughts about the other. I swear I absolutely don't have any indecent thoughts about you!"

"How do you know I don't have indecent thoughts about you?"

"That... that's not good..." Qian Wei stammered a little. "I've only heard of toads lusting after swan meat, but never seen swans enthusiastically offering themselves to toads..."

The corner of Lu Xun's mouth tilted slightly, revealing an unreserved smile. Only then did Qian Wei realize he was joking. She relaxed.

"Hey, Lu Xun, don't joke like that. It puts too much psychological pressure on me."

After listening, Lu Xun was naturally unhappy: "What, if I like you, you're not happy? You're still under pressure? Still not satisfied?"

"No, no, no, no!" Qian Wei explained obsequiously, "Of course it's an honor to be liked by you! But the problem is, you're a swan, and I'm a toad - we're not on the same level. You swans should go for your own kind, your fellow swans. If by some fluke a swan like you fancies a toad like me, how could I not feel pressured? Firstly, your vision is impaired now, but once it returns you'd easily replace another swan with your looks and status, then I'd be the pitiful abandoned toad. After tasting swan meat, could I ever be satisfied with other toads again? I'd likely end up old and alone! Secondly, swans of your caliber are rare, yet I'm occupying you, disrupting the mating market of your swan community. Wouldn't I be pecked to death by jealous swans vying for you? And as a toad who aimed above his station, I'd be shunned by other toads too. People can only accept those worse off or on par with themselves, not sudden ascensions. So you see, I'd be despised wherever I went! Biologically too, a toad and swan match could only end badly."

"Qian Wei, your sophistry is quite skilled," Lu Xun smiled. "But you shouldn't debase yourself so. You're definitely no toad."

For the usually vicious-tongued Lu Xun to say this, Qian Wei was deeply moved. Clearly he was a man of talent in Lu Xun's eyes! Not a toad, but a fellow swan!

Before Qian Wei could enjoy this for long though, he heard Lu Xun continue: "Your skin looks smooth and blemish-free. Toads are all warty. So in that regard at least, you're definitely no toad. I'd say you're a frog, minimum."


Lu Xun, I'm so grateful.

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