Luckily Qian Wei was hungry enough to focus on wolfing down a large portion of the pizza. In contrast, Lu Xun, who had claimed to be starving just moments ago when he suddenly wanted to eat pizza, now picked at his food listlessly with a knife and fork.

"So, where should we go next?" Qian Wei quickly shifted her attention to more pressing matters once they'd finished their meal. After all, they couldn't just loiter around the food court waiting aimlessly. With all the coming and going, they were unlikely to spot Mo Zi Xin and her crew here. Naturally, the texts and calls she'd sent to Qian Chuan had gone unanswered--he wasn't about to willingly disclose their itinerary.

"Knowing Qian Chuan as I do, I suspect he'll take Mo Zi Xin on the rollercoaster next. Rides like those allow guys to seem daring and composed while others are screaming. Then when the girls disembark shaken and complaining of headaches or nausea, it presents another opportunity for the guys to impress them with caring attentiveness and reassurance...which of course scores them more points." Qian Wei rolled up her sleeves. "No time to waste--let's hurry over and get in the queue for the rollercoaster. Good chance we'll catch Qian Chuan and Mo Zi Xin there."

"I'm fine with rollercoasters." Lu Xun was still languid as ever. He cast Qian Wei a look. "But are you up for it?"

"Don't worry about me, I can handle it!"

"I'm not worried about you." Lu Xun paused. "I'm worried about myself."

Since he had no issue with rollercoasters but was worried about himself, Lu Xun must finally be anxious about Qian Chuan beating him to the punch with Mo Zi Xin.

Qian Wei thumped her chest reassuringly. "Lu Xun, trust me. I won't let Qian Chuan succeed! I'm absolutely determined to sabotage things between him and Mo Zi Xin!"

But Lu Xun just scoffed, "There's no such thing as ethics or propriety in love. Modesty and hesitation only prove you don't love enough. I, Lu Xun, will pursue the woman I desire even if it means being a mistress--reputation means nothing next to the one I care for."

Qian Wei wanted to record this and play it back for Lu Xun in ten years. Lu Xun, Lu Xun, if you're so determined, why did you quietly remain single all these years after Mo Zi Xin married Qian Chuan?! Put your money where your mouth is and steal her back if you have the guts! Anyone can talk big!

"Moreover, I'd never let the woman I want have a chance to get involved with someone else in the first place." Lu Xun added disdainfully, "I, Lu Xun, would never sink to being a mere mistress."

Yeah, yeah, in ten years he'll have sunk to not even having the chance to be a mistress!

Fortunately, despite the bravado, Lu Xun did end up following Qian Wei to get in line for the rollercoaster. As one of the park's most popular rides, quite a few people were queued up already. Qian Wei stood on tiptoes, craning her neck to scan the crowd, but saw no sign of Mo Zi Xin or Qian Chuan even as it came their turn.

"Tickets aren't cheap, and we're already here and waited this long in line, so might as well get on since it's our turn!"

Clinging to this rationale, Qian Wei steeled herself and dragged Lu Xun onto the rollercoaster with her. Truthfully, Qian Wei was quite fond of living and had never considered thrill rides an option in her previous life, let alone gone on a rollercoaster before. So while she'd heard others describe the horror of rollercoasters and listened to the screams from below, without having experienced it herself, she didn't truly grasp the terror.

But this time...the moment the rollercoaster jolted into motion, Qian Wei was hit with instant regret. As the rollercoaster accelerated, she started shrieking. By the time they went vertical, she was sobbing. When the rollercoaster finally completed its loop and ended, Qian Wei swore this would be her first and last time...

By the time Qian Wei stumbled off the ride, her legs were jelly. Beside her, Lu Xun hadn't uttered a peep the entire time, sitting sedately and composed. Qian Wei marveled that he must be the sort who could even take calls on a rollercoaster and calmly inform the other party, "Bit noisy right now, I'll get back to you in a minute." Of course, Qian Wei looked ghastly now, but oddly enough, Lu Xun's expression was also very ugly. His fine brows were furrowed and his beautiful lips pursed, his face overcast as if frosted over.

Was the ever stoic Lu Xun actually scared witless but keeping quiet for the sake of his male ego?

After observing him closely for a while, Qian Wei decided to check on her future boss's mental health: "That rollercoaster really is terrifying, mostly because of the weightlessness. It's totally normal if you wanted to scream--there's even a song about how it's not a sin for men to cry, right? Sometimes you've gotta vent those feelings and just belt it out. Being freaked out by the rollercoaster is nothing to be ashamed of, but bottling up that panic is what'll make you suffer, maybe even traumatize you."

"You think I'd be scared after staying silent the whole time?"

"Well...why do you look so upset then?"

Lu Xun seemed to be struggling to restrain himself. When he spoke, it was through gritted teeth: "Didn't you notice people staring at us as soon as we got off?"

Qian Wei scratched her head. "Really?" She'd been too preoccupied with her trembling legs to pay attention to anyone else. But glancing around now per Lu Xun's cue, she saw that quite a few riders who'd just disembarked like them kept sneaking looks their way, grinning. Some of the more spirited couples even came up waving at Qian Wei before giving Lu Xun meaningful looks. "You're Lu Xun, right?"

Qian Wei gaped, baffled. "They're looking at you because you're hot? But how do they even know your name?"

Lu Xun seemed to be exerting great effort to keep his cool. "To be precise, they're staring at you, Qian Wei. Are you aware of the spectacle you made of yourself on that ride? Do you remember the nonsense you were screaming?" He was losing patience. "Just a few minutes on that rollercoaster, and you cussed for at least three whole minutes straight. Fine, people blurt out curses reflexively when scared, I can accept that. And your cursing was quite creative, only to be expected from an aspiring lawyer. I can accept that too. But why the hell did you start cussing me out midway through?" Lu Xun glared daggers at Qian Wei. "How else do you think they know my name?"

Only then did it vaguely occur to Qian Wei that she had indeed...started swearing at Lu Xun at some point during her screaming fit. After all, she was on this awful ride for his sake, to help him pursue Mo Zi Xin!

But faced with Lu Xun's thunderous expression, Qian Wei could only force out an awkward laugh. "Maybe it's because you're so famous and renowned?" She was determined to deny everything without evidence. "I may have lost control and blurted some curses from fear, but I definitely didn't cuss you out. I'm not that kind of person--you're my idol, how could I casually swear at an idol?!"

"Would you two like to see the photos we captured of you on the ride?"

Qian Wei had been about to just walk away when the rollercoaster staff interjected enthusiastically, pointing to a computer screen. Amusement parks are very business-savvy these days, installing cameras along the vertical drop to capture people's expressions in that moment. After all, it took a lot of courage to attempt such a ride, so most would like photographic mementos.

"Let me see." Out of curiosity, Qian Wei craned her neck to peer at the computer screen, then instantly wished she could destroy the entire thing.

The picture of her was hideous!

It had captured her expression precisely during the vertical plunge. Qian Wei only recalled feeling she was about to die then, but the photo vividly preserved that instant. Due to the high speeds, her bangs were plastered across her face. She was clearly screaming based on her gaping mouth. Though just a still shot, you could almost hear her shrieks. Her eyes were rolled back in terror, brows knotted into a twisted mess. Meanwhile, Lu Xun beside her looked utterly tranquil. Even on the hurtling rollercoaster, he remained poised and dignified--though with an air of utter hopeless misery at being stuck next to Qian Wei.

Sensing the unflattering photo, the staff member gave an awkward cough. "No need to buy the pics if you don't want, we also have a short video..."

Before Qian Wei could refuse, he had already eagerly clicked to play the so-called short video, subjecting them to the nightmarish audio of Qian Wei's bloodcurdling screams.

"Holy sh*t! What the f**k! Damn it!" Qian Wei screamed. "You f**king a**hole Lu Xun! Go f**k yourself Lu Xun! I'll f**k your ancestors eighteen generations Lu Xun! Ah----"

Lu Xun: "......"

Lu Xun expressionlessly glanced at Qian Wei: "You definitely didn't curse me, right?"

"Lu Xun, let me explain..."

"I must have misheard, right?"

"Well, I... " Qian Wei quickly made up a story, "You know, when you're on a roller coaster ride, people can blurt things out uncontrollably. You're my idol, your usual tall image is always in my heart, so I blurted out your name without thinking. " Qian Wei pulled Lu Xun's sleeve, "Look, time is tight, let's hurry and go replace Qian Chuan and Mo Zi Xin... let's not linger here anymore..."

"Would you two like to buy this video as a souvenir?"

"No, we don't want it!"

Almost at the same time Qian Wei spoke, Lu Xun's voice also rang out. As always, he was concise: "Okay, how much?"

"The video is 220 each, the photos are 50 each. 250 for both together."

"Okay, I'll take the video and photos together."

Qian Wei panicked: "Lu Xun, 250 is such an unlucky number. Wouldn't it be 2 and 5 if we buy it? Besides, we're not a couple, what's the significance of keeping it as a souvenir?" She had already been caught cursing Lu Xun, if he kept this video, wouldn't it be like planting a time bomb for the future? If Lu Xun watched it sometime in the future, wouldn't it keep reminding him and deepening his impression of her cursing him? How could this not damage the future harmony between an employee and boss?! Lu Xun definitely can't buy it!

Qian Wei persuaded: "Look, the video isn't even shot that well. Especially the photos, look how ugly they make me look! How can it be worth 250?"

Lu Xun glanced at the photos: "They didn't take good photos of you." He smiled faintly, "But I look really good, especially in contrast to you. I think it's worth collecting."

"......" Qian Wei really wanted to say, have you considered how I feel being photographed so ugly...

"I'm paying to collect photos of myself, do you have any objections?"

"No..." Fine, you look good so you're right, I'm ugly so I'll shut up. The one paying is the boss, Qian Wei thought, how dare I object to the future boss! As long as in the future you're willing to give me a bigger year-end bonus, everything you say is right!


After riding the roller coaster, Qian Wei was worried again. That rascal Qian Chuan ran off freely like an untamed horse. In such a huge theme park, there was no trace of him at all. After half a day, Qian Wei was also somewhat desperate. Since she rarely came to a theme park, she might as well just enjoy it herself.

Qian Wei looked at the nearby carousel longingly: "Lu Xun, let's go on the carousel!"

"No." Lu Xun seemed to have no intention of giving her face at all, refusing very decisively.

Qian Wei still didn't give up and continued to boast: "Since we already bought tickets to the theme park, we can't waste them. Look, the lines for other rides are so long, you know you have to wait half a day. But the carousel has no line at all. We might as well ride it while discussing where to go next to replace Qian Chuan and Mo Zi Xin with the highest chance of success."

Lu Xun raised his eyelids: "Do I look like a sissy to you?"

Qian Wei shook her head blankly: "Not sissy at all!"

"Then that's fine." Lu Xun rolled his eyes. "Look at who's riding the carousel. They're all girls. I'm a guy. Riding a carousel, don't you think that looks a bit off?"

"But look, there are guys too! Some guys are riding with their girlfriends!"

"Those are guys accompanying their girlfriends. " Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei. "Are we a couple?"

"Can't you just ride with me as a friend?"

Lu Xun looked at Qian Wei again: "Are we friends?"

"Lu Xun, aren't you being too petty?" Qian Wei said, "At least we are strategic partners! I betrayed my own brother to help you steal him away! Even if we're not friends, don't we at least have that much rapport?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "We're friends so you're always replaceing ways to badmouth me and curse me behind my back?"


"I even suspect you were sent by Qian Chuan deliberately to distract me."

"I swear I'm innocent!"

Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly paused and looked in a certain direction. Then he didn't bother with Qian Wei anymore and quickly walked over there. Qian Wei followed his gaze to replace a 5 or 6 year old boy crying and wiping away tears next to a trash can not far from them.

By the time Qian Wei also walked over, Lu Xun was already in front of the little boy.

"Little buddy, why are you crying? Did you get separated from your family?"

Lu Xun, who was usually cold-faced and cold-worded, as if every sentence to him cost money, now spoke in a gentle tone Qian Wei had never heard before when asking the crying child. He even, probably to avoid scaring the child, squatted down despite usually caring a lot about image. His legs were so long that squatting down to the child's eye level looked very strenuous, but Lu Xun maintained that uncomfortable looking position for a long time. His normally cold and aloof face also looked very gentle. The sunlight shone on half his sharp side profile, seemingly softening his angular features. This was a side of Lu Xun Qian Wei had never seen before, gentle like the warm winds of early spring in March.

"I got separated from my mom." The boy answered, then pouted, ready to start crying again.

Qian Wei also lowered her head: "Little buddy, don't cry. Will big sister take you to replace your mom?"

The boy blinked and continued crying while exclaiming: "Mom said not to wander off with strangers!"

Qian Wei was a little embarrassed. She found a way out for herself: "Oh, kids today are so smart. They all know not to wander off with strangers. How about we just stand here and wait with the kid for his mom to come replace him?"

"Will you let big brother take you to replace your mom?" Lu Xun rubbed the boy's head, then reached out a hand to the child. "Your mom must be very worried now."

The boy looked at Lu Xun twice, finally wiped away his tears, gave a shy smile, then also stretched out his little hand and placed it in Lu Xun's.

Qian Wei: ??? Little buddy, what about your principles of not wandering off with strangers??? Why don't they work on Lu Xun???

Lu Xun took the boy's hand and walked a few steps. As if remembering something, he stopped and rubbed the boy's head again: "Wait here for big brother. Big brother is going to buy something then come right back."

After saying that, he quickly walked to the nearby gift shop. When he came out, his hands held two colorful lollipops.

"Here's one for you to eat." Lu Xun squatted down again and handed one of the lollipops to the boy.

Then he looked at Qian Wei and gave her the other one.

Qian Wei stared blankly at the lollipop: "For me?"

Lu Xun looked away, seemingly shy and impatient: "It was buy one get one free. If you don't want it I'll throw it away."

"I want it, I want it!" Afraid he would regret it, Qian Wei quickly grabbed the lollipop from his hand. Although a bit childish, no girl could resist candy no matter their age. Qian Wei especially had a sweet tooth. Even under immense work pressure, she could get through with a piece of candy in her mouth, as if that little sweetness could help her through anything.

And so, Qian Wei walked to the visitor center with a lollipop in mouth, hand in hand with the boy with Lu Xun. With people coming and going in the theme park, afraid the child would get bumped into, they had only walked a short while when Lu Xun simply picked the boy up effortlessly with one arm. When passing a bustling tour group, he even had the spare effort to reach out his other hand and pull Qian Wei. With Lu Xun's slight pull, Qian Wei realized his seemingly casual move had actually shielded her left shoulder, saving her from being shoved by a fat old lady in the tour group.

But before Qian Wei could thank him, Lu Xun glanced at her: "Just a casual move, I'd do the same for anyone, don't read too much into it."

"......" Nevermind, Qian Wei thought, I'm taking back that tiny bit of feeling touched that just sprouted in my heart.

While Lu Xun carried the boy forward, the boy gently pulled at his collar: "I, I remembered. Mom went to the bathroom just now and told me to wait for her at the carousel." As he spoke, he pointed at the nearby carousel.


The boy nodded forcefully: "Really!"

"Okay, big brother will take you to the carousel to wait for Mom then, alright?"

The boy nodded again. His clever black eyes rolled: "Can we ride the carousel while waiting for Mom?"

Lu Xun looked at the carousel, clearly somewhat hesitant. His looks naturally drew eyes. Carrying a child at his young age made him even more conspicuous. If he rode the carousel too, one could say he'd inevitably attract stares no matter how much he didn't want to.

That little boy was also lively and cute. He noticed Lu Xun's hesitation, so he pulled out his trump card. He looked at Lu Xun shyly and said sweetly, "Handsome big brother, can we go ride the carousel?" After saying that, he snuggled his head against Lu Xun's neck affectionately to act cute. He looked extremely adorable.

Unfortunately, being cute didn't work. Qian Wei thought, this Lu Xun guy wouldn't fall for these tricks. In the past when working on a case, the defending lawyer was a sweet and cute young girl fresh out of school. She tried to charm and beg Lu Xun countless times in and out of the courtroom, but Lu Xun was completely unmoved. He not only made her lose, but lose very embarrassingly.

What made Qian Wei's jaw drop was that something unbelievable happened. Lu Xun smiled brilliantly at the little boy and gently flicked his nose, "Sure, big brother will take you to ride the carousel."

Wait...what happened to your image, Lu Xun? Just now you refused to ride the carousel no matter how I tried to persuade you, yet one "Handsome big brother" from this brat got you convinced???

"Aren't you coming too?"

Qian Wei stood in place, staring at Lu Xun's back as he walked toward the carousel, until he turned around and called for her before she came to her senses and followed him, "Then I'm going too!"

When the gentle music started playing, Qian Wei sat on the wooden horse, watching the scenery around her start spinning, suddenly feeling as if she had returned to her childhood.

After one spin ended, Qian Wei was still reluctant to leave. She looked longingly at the carousel.

"Is this your first time riding a carousel?"

Qian Wei was startled, then realized it was the little boy observing her. Although just a kid, he had his hands on his waist at this moment, speaking in a somewhat adult manner.

"What's wrong with the first time?"

The brat glanced at the lollipop in Qian Wei's hand identical to his own, speaking very condescendingly, "You're so childish."


To think she was looked down upon by such a pint-sized kid. This brat, just now he was crying looking for his mom, and now acting arrogantly relying on Lu Xun.

To salvage her dignity, Qian Wei pretended to threaten the child, "Dare to look down on me, do you believe I'll teach you a lesson!"

As expected, the brat was as cunning as a monkey. He ran up and hugged Lu Xun's leg affectionately, "Handsome big brother, save me. She's bullying the weak!"

Lu Xun let him hug his leg and even smiled as he patted his head, "Don't be afraid with big brother here. She listens to everything big brother says. If big brother tells her not to hit you, she won't hit you."

"..." Lu Xun, even if you'll be my future boss, you can't be so arrogant...

In order to restore her dignity, Qian Wei had to cough, "Little one, you should know manners when dealing with elders like me. Look, what should you call me? If you call me something nice, I won't fuss over your rudeness just now."

The little boy looked at Lu Xun again pleadingly.

"Polite kids are the cutest." Lu Xun smiled gently.

The brat pouted then reluctantly opened his mouth, "Big sister."

"You call him handsome big brother, then what should you call me? Just big sister?"

"Follower big sister."

Shouldn't he also call her pretty big sister??? Qian Wei thought, was the hint she gave earlier not obvious enough?

"Why am I follower big sister?"

The little boy was very pleased with himself, "Aren't you just following handsome big brother's words? That makes you an obedient follower, right?"

"Other than follower, do you see any other characteristics about big sister?"

The little boy shook his head, "Nope, nothing else."

Qian Wei was about to argue for it, but heard a soft chuckle. It was Lu Xun laughing.

Her little scheme was obviously seen through by Lu Xun. Qian Wei felt somewhat awkward now.

"Alright kid, just call her pretty big sister."

The brat looked up, "But she's not pretty! My teacher taught us not to lie!"

Qian Wei instantly felt another stab in her heart. Children spoke innocently, not understanding social etiquette or how to avoid embarrassing others. So their words were even more piercing and blunt compared to adults. Compared to Lu Xun, she really wasn't pretty.

"Then what do you consider pretty?"

The little boy gestured, "I think Wang Mengmeng in our class is pretty. Her face is round, she has two dimples when she smiles, and curly hair."

Lu Xun smiled, "You think girls with curly hair and dimples and round face are pretty, but big brother doesn't think so. And you think this follower sister isn't pretty, but big brother replaces her pretty. Everyone has different definitions of pretty, so you absolutely can't just make conclusions based on your own single standard." He gently flicked the tip of the boy's nose again, "Also, boys should never directly say a girl is ugly in front of her. Got it?"

The little boy bit his lip, then nodded solemnly.

"Then do you know how to call this sister now?"

"Mm hmm!" The little brat smiled at Qian Wei, voice loud, "Pretty big sister!"

"Good boy."

As Qian Wei listened to this conversation between Lu Xun and the little boy, she didn't know why, but her face grew a bit red. Especially when Lu Xun called her pretty, she knew he was probably just giving her a way out, but she still felt a bit of a flutter in her heart. To be called pretty by such a handsome man, even knowing he didn't really mean it, she couldn't remain completely indifferent.

And looking at Lu Xun's gentle profile now, Qian Wei also couldn't help feeling emotional. The usually uptight Lu Xun who made everyone avoid him, unexpectedly liked children so much. Seeing Lu Xun live alone for so many years, completely devoted to work and ignoring relationships, Qian Wei had thought he didn't have much desire for family or children.

"This really is your first time on a carousel?"

Qian Wei was startled, then realized Lu Xun was asking her.

Embarrassingly, Qian Wei had indeed never ridden a carousel before. She and Qian Chuan were twins, and she was just as active as him. All along, whenever they went to parks or amusement parks, for convenience of watching them and preventing them from wandering off, her parents would have Qian Wei and Qian Chuan play the same activities. That brat Qian Chuan naturally looked down on girly things like the carousel, so Qian Wei could only accompany Qian Chuan to play more boyish activities.

"So you're right, not just the carousel, I've never played any of the activities little girls would like." As Qian Wei explained, she took the chance to flatter Lu Xun, "So I've been oppressed by Qian Chuan since I was little."



Just when Qian Wei was about to continue badmouthing Qian Chuan, a middle aged woman wearing a red skirt came running over to them. She looked anxious, unable to conceal the joy in her voice. And upon hearing this voice, the little boy's eyes also lit up. He immediately abandoned Lu Xun and ran over, jumping into the woman's arms.

"Mommy finally found you. Mommy was wrong, next time I'll definitely keep Doudou by my side no matter where I go. I can never lose my Doudou again." The woman squatted down, stroking the little boy's head, full of affection in her eyes.

When she learned it was Qian Wei and Lu Xun who accompanied Doudou at the carousel waiting for her, she sincerely thanked them both.

"Thank you both so much. You are so kindhearted, and look like a perfect match. You two will definitely have happiness and beauty."

"We're not..." Before Qian Wei could explain they weren't a couple, Lu Xun interrupted her.

"Thank you." He didn't explain anything, only thanked her.

After Doudou and his mom left, Qian Wei was confused, "Lu Xun, we clearly aren't a couple, so why didn't you explain? You see, she definitely misunderstood."

"She doesn't actually care what our relationship is. She found her child and was anxious to go home. It was just polite thanks. Why would I waste time explaining extra things to her?" Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei, tone somewhat accusing, "Besides, even if misunderstood as a couple, I'm the one at a disadvantage here. I wasn't in a hurry to explain, so why are you so anxious? Could it be you feel that being mistaken as my girlfriend is an insult to you?"

"I was just standing up for you, okay? To think you'd be mistaken as a couple with me, with your looks, at the very least you should match Mo Zixin!" Qian Wei fawned with an awkward laugh, "But I really didn't expect you to like children so much."

Lu Xun scoffed, "What, I can't?" When he talked about kids, a rare smile appeared on his face, "Don't you think children are cute? They start out soft and white, then babble ga-ga, toddle around unsteadily, able to laugh and cry, rely on you and believe you. Don't you think raising a child and watching him slowly grow is fun?"

"Doesn't seem your style at all. I always felt you were the workaholic type, with no yearning for family or children..."

"I absolutely won't be the kind of person who only knows work, almost 40 and still not married, no emotional life, family warmth or anything. I plan to marry early and have children early. My goal is to have both career and family success by 30."

Qian Wei thought to herself that the dream Lu Xun had was quite beautiful, but he probably didn't know that in his previous life, he was truly the kind of person he now looked down on - almost thirty years old but with no spouse, girlfriend, or love life... She really couldn't see that someone as cold as Lu Xun actually had such an inner world! Life is so unpredictable. Sometimes those nearly thirty-somethings with no love life, only work, may deeply yearn for the warmth of family. They just pretend to be strong, working overtime until late every night, and returning to a cold home alone - who knows if they cry themselves to sleep every night! Looking again at Lu Xun, Qian Wei imagined him returning home alone from his law firm and sobbing every night, and couldn't help grinning slightly.

Now Qian Wei looked at Lu Xun with some sympathy: "You can't put it like that. Some people near thirty who are unmarried and single may be ambitious, with dreams in their hearts, wanting to accomplish great things unconstrained. Besides, it's not necessarily that people unmarried in their thirties don't want relationships. When work gets busy, it's hard to replace time for romance. And in modern society, the pace is so fast, it's not a given that you can quickly replace the right person. Some get lucky and meet their other half early, while others are a little slower." This was to defend not just Lu Xun's previous life, but subconsciously her own as well - after all, like Lu Xun, she was almost thirty with no partner or love life, only work...

But Lu Xun snorted in disdain: "Forget it. Any normal person would have some desire for romance. Those near thirty who care only about work are probably incapable of love, while those who make excuses about being too busy with work to replace a partner simply lack capability. Excellent people can always balance work and relationships well."

"..." Lu Xun, I really hope your thirty-year-old self could hear these words of yours - I wonder how loud the slap to your face would be...

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