Dishonor (Book 1 of the In Search of Honor series) -
Chapter 13: Battle for the Village
Iwent to sleep early that night ignoring the noise of the party coming from themain room. I wasn’t sure how these people had the energy to party every night,or maybe these were just a couple special days they were celebrating orsomething. I would ask Fire tomorrow. If I asked Sandy I was just as likely toget mean Sandy as nice Sandy. Hadn’t I asked Dan to train me? I felt like hewould be a nicer trainer than Sandy…
Atsome point Rod woke me by stumbling into the room. “Lovely Liv, why notenjoyyyyy the party… Quite a lot of fun ya know…” His speech was slurring and Ijumped up and helped him stumble over to my bed. I’d been so tired I’dforgotten he needed looking after. He fell asleep on my bed even before I’dmade it around to my side.
Islipped into the bed and gently stroked his white hair. In some ways he wasmore innocent than me. I gently kissed his forehead and then lay my head backon the pillow to fall asleep.
Iblearily blinked my eyes as I felt myself come slightly awake and forced myselfall the way awake. My head leaning against Rod’s shoulder on the pillow. Iforced myself to sit up and move away from him.
Igot up and started putting on my boots when the door opened. I jumped up, butit was just Fire standing there in the doorway. “Liv, I brought ya a change ofclothin’ so ya dona have ta use ya leather stuff no more.”
“Idon’t know what to say… Thank you so much Fire. This stuff does getuncomfortable.” I felt tears gathering in my eyes and I wasn’t sure why. Ifelt… I felt like someone cared. I took the offered shirt and trousers. It wasundyed and plain, but it was soft and seemed like it would be much morecomfortable than the stiff leather I was currently in.
Firelooked around and saw Rod in my bed. “I would ask if ya wanted ta move in withme tonight ‘cause I noticed ya dona seem ta like da party, but I guess ya donawana leave ya man.”
Ilook at Rod feeling this wonderful warmth spread through me at the sight ofhim. “I… I want to move in with you. I will move in with you tonight. I can bewith him after we build a house. For now my brother, he, and I can simply sharea house…”
Fireshook her head vehemently, “I would’n leave him on his own. He’s… pretty, and…different, new, neva’ seen before. I dona know, but I say stay or ya’ll losehim ta the pretty girls waitin’ for ya to slip and him ta wanna new girl.”
Ifelt torn. I didn’t want to stay in this building in the center anymore, but atthe same time I wanted to be with him. I didn’t want to leave him to be drunkand stupid by himself.
Ilooked back at Fire who was standing quietly inside my room. “Do the partieshappen every night? Will they end?”
“Theydona hold parties like da ones ya’ve seen every night. This is da pre-harvest festival. There are gatherin’s here every night, but they’re calmer. Just peoplesittin’ ‘round talkin’ ‘bout life.” Her eyes were boring into me as she spoke.They were asking me to choose her and aplace of peace or Rod and protecting him from the parties and the girls thatwould step in and take him from me in a heartbeat.
“I’msorry Fire, but I think I need to stay with him and hold onto him. I think Ilove him. I don’t… I don’t want to lose what I just found.” I looked down notwanting to see the disappoint in her face, but then she was there standing infront of me and she lifted up my face. It reminded me of how Kevin used to liftup my head to look at him.
Shewas smiling. She didn’t look disappointed at all. “Dona worry, I understandcompletely. If it was one of da people I love… I would wanna hold ‘em to me.”
Ifound myself smiling in return. Fire was one of the nicest people I had evermet. She always seemed happy and helpful, and I couldn’t help but wonder ifanything could get her spirits down.
“Wakeya man, change, and meet Sandy where ya were yesterday. I woke ya so ya would’nbe late to Sandy’s lesson. She dona like it if people are late.”
“ThanksFire! I’ll see you at the loom this afternoon.” Fire smiled, waved and leftleaving me standing there holding the clothing.
Ineeded Rod’s help to get out of the corset… I would need to wake him. Ishould’ve asked Fire for help.
Iwalked over and shook him gently, “Rod, Rod. Time to wake up. I need yourhelp.”
Rodslowly sat up and held his head, “Liv… is that you… my head… it hurts.”
“Youpartied last night and stumbled into bed late. You should stay away from theparties if you don’t want to wake up tired with a headache…” I sat next to himand pulled him close to me. He leaned against my shoulder, and I stroked hishair before suddenly remembering I needed to go out to meet Sandy soon.
“Rodsweetheart, I know your head hurts… but could you loosen the corset lacing forme?” But he just rubbed his head on my shoulder.
Damnit. I would have try and undo this myself. I carefully helped him lay back downagainst the bed. I struggled to reach the tie behind my back, and I finallymanaged to undo it and loosen the laces. It felt so good to take the corset andcollar off. I pulled on the soft wool shirt Fire passed me and enjoyed the feelof the soft fur against my skin.
Iswitched into the pants as well and put on my boots. I walked over to Rodlaying on the bed and gently kissed him on the lips and pulled away, “See youtonight.” He reached out to grab me, but I evaded his reach and left.
Sandyand Dan were both waiting for me at the training ground and Sandy was glaringat me. It was her voice that greeted me, “You’re late. And apparently ya askedDan ta train ya… Well since I’m his trainer as well I’ll work with both of ya.Now, let’s go do our laps.”
Thistime I didn’t stand around and wait. I started jogging. Dan and Sandy took offand ran much faster than me, but I knew my pace could sustain me.
Icame in breathing heavily to replace Dan and Sandy wrestling on the ground. Assoon as I walked up though they stopped.
Sandytaught me to punch correctly, and then I simply punched a straw man for awhile, and then Sandy took me in the barn and taught me how to take care ofKingston’s feed, stall and grooming. Apparently I had to do this every morningand night before training and after weaving. She said she would teach me abouttack later, and then she sent me away to go work with Fire.
Itook care of Kingston that night, and got back to replace Rod surrounded by girls.They backed off as I came in. I was so tired I didn’t want to deal with it… ButI had to. I walked up and kissed him right there in front of them. He wrappedhis arms around me and pulled me close when our kiss finished. He whispered inmy ear, “I’m always yours dear Liv. I know your tired, but you don’t have toworry.”
“Canwe go to bed Rod? I’m so tired. Between Sandy’s lessons and Fire’s having meweaving… I just want to spend some time with you.” I stood on my tippy toes soI could kiss him again, and I tried to pull him toward my room while kissinghim, but he pulled back and away from me.
“I’llbe in later tonight. I just want to get to know some of the people of thevillage better since it seems like we’ll be staying here. You should get toknow them as well. In fact, there’s a girl here that has the same name, but shegoes by Liz. Liz,” He motioned someone forward with his hand and a beautifulgirl with soft brown skin and curly black hair falling in beautiful ringlets toher shoulders stepped forward and smiled at me.
“Liz,I want you to meet my beloved Liv. Liv, this is my good friend Liz whose beenshowing me around and convinced me to go to the parties. There’s only tonight’sparty and tomorrow’s party left before the partying is over.” Rod sounded sosincere, like he thought I would want to go to the parties and watch his groupieshang onto his every word.
AndLiz. I would bet she wanted to be more than just friends with those seductivelooks she was sending his way. I felt… terrible. I didn’t want her to be withhim. I wanted to launch myself at the little bitch and tell her to back off.
InsteadI forced myself to politely smile at her, “Hi Liz. I would love to come to theparties, but the training I am going through is quite exhausting, and I thinkSandy would be really mad if I missed training in the morning. She has way toomuch early morning pep.”
Liznodded understandingly, “Sweety, I understand, but ya should meet who all ishere right now. Like over in da corner, that’s my man Roger. Ya met his bestfriend da other day, Dan. And of course ya know Sandy over there dancin’ withya brother. I dona know where she gets all her energy from. And this is my bestfriend Jasmine, or Jazz as we all call her.” She motioned to a black hairedgirl with olive colored skin. She smiled and waved excitedly before going backto animatedly talking to the girl next to her.
Thereweren’t as many people as the first night, so either people got tired of theparties, or they simply hadn’t all arrived and were still coming in.
“Iwould love to meet all of you but I don’t have Sandy’s energy, and I would haveto change into my nice dress.” I was fishing for excuses not to go, and I thinkLiz could tell from the suddenly gloating expression she sent me before turningback toward Rod.
Rodpulled me close and kissed me before stepping back, “If you’re that tired goahead and go to bed. I’ll be in later tonight. I promise.” His face was soearnest and innocent. I wanted to trust him. I just didn’t trust any of theother girls.
“Ilove you dear Roderick. I’ll see you later tonight then.” I stepped forward andpulled him close, and we kissed one last time. We savored it, and when we brokeapart both of us were gasping for air.
Hewanted me to stay with him, and I wanted him to come with me. Neither of usactually wanted to leave each other, but I was tired, and I didn’t like theparties, and I didn’t want to put on my dress, so I simply turned and walk awayfeeling like I was leaving my heart behind me.
Ilay down on the bed and then he was there trying to climb in quietly, and Isleepily pulled him close and kissed him. We made out that night, but herespected my wishes, and we went no further. He didn’t even ask; we just didn’tgo further.
Inthe morning I woke up to Fire standing in my doorway again, “Come on sleepyhead, you have another day to go.”
AndI did. I went through about a week in the same training and work regime. Theparties became gatherings at night just like Fire promised they would, and Rodslept with me every night much to Kevin’s dismay. He kept trying to tell mesomething every time about Rod every time I saw him, but whenever he started totalk about Rod I ignored him. I didn’t need his brotherly overprotective self,looking after me. I was a capable woman.
Andas time passed the community came together for an hour every evening, and allof us worked on building a house on an empty lot.
Myfighting skills were improving. I started to being able to hit the targetsometimes when I shot arrows. And I progressed from hand fighting to hittingthings with a stick. Sandy reassured me that if it came down to a fight I wassafer hiding than trying to hurt anyone. I should have listened.
Iwas in the clothing making room when I heard the horns that the guards soundedin case of attack, and suddenly Fire was next to me gripping my shoulder, “Go,Get ye leather gear, and then get ye bow! We must defend the children.”
Thechildren? What did the children have to do with this? I started to run to grabmy leather clothing, but changed my mind. I should grab my bow first so I hadsome weapon to protect myself. I didn’t want to fight. I didn’t want to hurtanyone, but I felt scared and worried. I wanted Rod, but I didn’t know where hewas.
Ifound my way to the archery range and grabbed my bow and equipment and quicklystrung my bow. Just in case…
Justin case what? Who were these attackers? Why were people attacking this peacefulvillage?
Isaw a man I didn’t know approaching wielding a sword, and I grabbed an arrowand put it on the string even though my hand was shaking. I didn’t even know ifthe arrow heads on my arrows could penetrate armor.
Hesaw me lift the bow to shoot and he started laughing. I released the shot andit bounced off the armor on his legs. Shit. Damn. I had the wrong arrows.
I started slowly backing away as he said, “Practicearrows little girlie? Did ya think practice arrows would hold off a ravenousman like me? Well they won’t little girl. I’m goin’ to put my seed in ye sweetlittle body, and take ye back to my village to raise little ones since yeobviously don’t have the training the rest of the girls ‘ere have. Ya a spoilof war already little birdy.”
I turned around and ran.
Iwasn’t sure where I was going, but I had to get away from him. I had to replacesomeone to kill him for me. I shook with fear as I ran and I pushed my legs ashard as I could to run toward something, but I found myself cornered and he wasthere behind me laughing. He walked up laughing and I dropped the bow andbacked up against the wall.
Hegrabbed one arm and I punched him. I started kicking and screaming and tryingto punch him, and he started trying to shut me up and cursing. Finally he hitme pretty hard. And I started seeing spots, and as my knees buckled, my visionwent dim. I thought I saw someone else in the distance. But my vision was goneand I collapsed with the man holding me.
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