Harem God: Leveling Up Yanderes in the Apocalypse
Chapter 106 Harem City Pinball Tournament

"Bounce Barrier!" Reina cried in "surprise" at the woman's surprise attack.

A barrier that looked like a soap bubble covered her body. It looked simple, but all broke loose when she threw it up.

The pillow hit the barrier, bounced off, and hit a [second] haremite.

The second swung back in retaliation but missed and hit the barrier instead, sending the pillow flying into a [third] participant.

A fourth haremite figured that Reina was throwing up barriers again, so she tried to strike her from the back.

However, mid-strike, she noticed the bubble and panicked. Her pillow hit the barrier and struck a [fifth] woman in the back of the head, making her trip.

When the fifth woman's body hit the barrier, it bounced back and fell into other women fighting. They tried pushing her back, but it created the same effect.

Within seconds, the entire area quickly devolved into an involuntary mosh pit instead of a pillow fight. It was true, unrestrained chaos.

Feris and the other dragon women jumped out of the way and stood in amusement, casually watching the circus unfold.

Reina stayed in the center of it, covering her head like it was a tornado warning as all the women flew into her barrier and crashed into one another.

"Release this thing!" A woman cried.

"Please!" Another followed.

"I'm trying, but if I do that, a dozen people will fall on me!" Reina cried in a shaky voice, "Feris! Please help!"

Feris sent the woman a wry smile. She knew that the brunette set up the barrier on purpose and hated being the sacrifice sent to help out.

However, Feris didn't blame Reina because she understood that the latter was going for the group scenario award. Therefore, it was beneficial for her as well.

"Filo, Pan, Like, and Toga, I'm tripping the back ranks. Will you wedge the falling women with pillows?" Feris requested.

The other four gave her wry smiles.

"Well, at least we're winning the group award." Filo frowned, "We might as well win the teamwork award too."

"Yup. Let's get this over with." Toga, the blue dragon woman, followed.

They immediately set into motion to deal with the situation with faux-playful expressions on their faces.

"The dragon squad's teamwork is terrifying!" Leon announced with false enthusiasm, "I can't believe they're using pillows to solve this chaos. It's insanity!"

Feris bounced onto the mattress, hitting the haremites on the outer circle on the back of their legs.

Once they tripped, it released pressure, letting the women in front of them trip backward as well.

Filo, Pan, Like, and Toga took turns putting pillows between the women so that the fall didn't squish them.

They quickly relieved most of the pressure from the fifty-woman moshpit in less than a minute.

Once the back two ranks fell, Reina jumped into action.

"Cushion Barrier, Sticky Barrier!" She yelled.

A white barrier developed behind the first set of people.

They bounced off it and then flew into a green barrier that replaced the Bounce Barrier, sticking to it like flies.

Now they were stuck on the Sticky Barrier above Reina, and there was a white Cushion Barrier behind them.

"Gravity Barrier!" Reina yelled.

A black barrier developed between the sticky barrier and the Cushion Barrier, sucking the women to the Cushion Barrier with a gravitational pull.

Twenty women were stuck to barriers in a standing position in two seconds and found themselves standing a moment later when Reina released the barriers.

They had no idea what happened, and neither did the haremites, who saw a green dome get engulfed by a white dome before turning black.

It was the most confusing thing they had ever watched, and it happened in three seconds.

All they knew was that things happened, and then the bouncing women were standing still, and somehow Reina was responsible and was awesome for doing it.

They had to watch the playback slowly to understand what had happened, and it was still confusing.

"Why didn't you do this sooner!" A haremite cried.

"Yeah, keeping that barrier up created hell. Another yelled.

The area erupted into chaos.

Reina stood up and looked at the ground with shame.

"I couldn't throw up the Cushion Barrier because there wasn't space." She said, staring at the ground and only looking up to ask questions.

"If I stuck you to the Sticky Barrier, women would've crashed into you without you being able to rebound.

That would've hurt. At least that's what I thought, anyway."

Everyone was stunned by her admission and fell silent.

"That's why I asked Feris to help instead." Reina explained

"I just needed space to help everyone and not make it worse. Does that make sense?

Maybe not. I'm not the smartest crayon in the box.

I threw up the barrier without thinking, so that's not very convincing.

But I didn't want you all to fall on me or get hurt, so I did what I thought was best, you know?"

The participants stared at Reina in disbelief, unable to process what they had heard.

While she looked quirky and played dumb, she was shockingly adept and strategic.

Leon told her to create the group situation with her barriers, but she took advantage of the dragon squad's circle and solved the issue.

It was solely her design and skill that pulled it off.

After a period of stunned silence, everyone in the stands burst into wild laughter.

However, it wasn't at Reina or the participants; they were laughing at something on God Display.

"Why do you all look angry?" Leon asked loudly, "Aren't you reading the gifting notifications?"

Most people in the mosh pit ignored the notifications but looked at them for the first time.

"Everyone got rare-grade t-shirts from Loki." He laughed in bewilderment.

"They improve your dexterity stat by ten. Now everyone gets five level increases of dexterity that will help them avoid falling!"

While the overpowering stat increase was valuable, the haremite's eyes burned with irritation.

The white t-shirts had bubble letters that read: "I Survived the Harem City Pinball Tournament."

They weren't going to wear that t-shirt! Let alone on a battlefield!

The participants chuckled bitterly. Then they chuckled again, a third time, a fourth, until everyone was laughing with the haremites in the audience.

"But wow. Can we just talk about the crazy skill that was just displayed?" Leon asked.

"Harem City's dragon force skillfully broke up that moshpit without anyone getting hurt.

That [teamwork] was incredible. Give it up for Feris, Filo, Toga, Like, and Pan!"

Everyone in the audience exploded in applause and praise. The dragon women smiled and gracefully bowed, accepting the praise.

"Also, this sounds extremely biased but it's also unignorable." Leon chuckled.

"Did you see that crazy [skill] Reina displayed? She saved 20 women from falling and left them on their feet.

Not only that, she made the right call under pressure and executed three barriers simultaneously in layers to pull everything off!

I'm not sure how, but that's why it's impressive. You know?"

Leon was shamelessly arguing for Reina to win [two] events simultaneously.

Luckily, he was good at it, and his words triggered the audience to erupt into wild applause, sealing the deal.

Reina blushed furiously, looking around awkwardly and hiding her face.

Her bangs flew into her eyes, and she hurriedly tried blowing them out of the way, forgetting her embarrassment.

Everyone burst into laughter again, making Reina "remember" what was happening, and the blushing restarted.

"Okay, okay." Leon chuckled, "On that note, let's conclude this event. The gods want to play a recap of their favorite moments and present the rewards."

The colosseum fell silent as the God Display started the real.




The most humorous moment award goes to Zora and Zena!

The scene showcased two haremites walking up to the sitting dark elves with mischievous expressions, planning to hit them with the pillows for comedic effect.

They got their wish—in the worst way possible.

Zena picked up her pillow and threw it at the haremite at full force, hitting her in the stomach and sending her flying backward ten feet.

The second was running when she stopped to look back at her comrade flying away in horror.

She turned back in time to watch Zora's pillow crash into her chest, flying twelve feet.

Zora turned to her sister with a smug expression. "I sent my woman farther."

"Yes. You were standing, though. I barely moved." Zena shrugged.

The two glared at each other competitively, treating the scenario like a shotput game.

They immediately ran to their pillows to replace more victims. However, they got a notification.

Your first action was self-defense from a non-participating position.

If you actively seek to strike other participants with force, you will be disqualified and need to return your gifts.

Zora and Zena stared at the sky with bitter expressions before losing enthusiasm and walking back to their seats, praying that more foolish women would try attacking them.

The audience went wild when they saw the scene.

It wasn't shown on God Display, so most didn't see it. Now that they had, they were roaring with laughter.

When they calmed down, the next notification came in.

The most lovable moment goes to Fritz and Foxy!

The gods showed a playback of the scene where Foxy tickled Fritz.

Everyone gasped in adoration, thankful to see the scene a second time.

The sexiest moment award goes to Kira Walker!

Kira's eyes widened in bewilderment, looking around at everyone in confusion. They mirrored her confused gaze.

Most had forgotten about her after she murdered a hundred men by stealing Cynthia's [Reversal] power during the Paradise Road event.

The blonde pulled up God Display to watch the playback of what happened, and her face turned bright red to the tip of her ears.

It showcased a scene where she watched Foxy with jealousy, hating the attention she was getting for her sexiness.

After walking around nonchalantly, Kira started a fight with a haremite while watching Foxy.

Mid-battle pillow strike, she used her power [Kelpto] on Foxy's underwear.

Her bra and panties immediately switched, and she dropped her pillow to examine her body.

The five women around her immediately stopped what they were doing in shock.

"W-What did you just do?" A human with light-brown hair asked.

"I'm confused, too." A canine woman said with black, perky ears.

Kira didn't just switch underwear; her lower C-cup breasts became D's!

"I-I don't know. I wasn't expecting this!" She replied.

"A-Are those real breasts or an illusion?" A human redhead haremite asked.

The blonde grabbed her breasts and moaned involuntarily. She even received the sensitiveness of Foxy's breasts!

"They are!?" A woman with orange skin cried, "Can I touch them?"

"Can I as well?" The canine woman asked.

"U-Uh, sure?" Kira replied nervously.

The blonde was bewildered beyond reason, but she wanted attention more than anything else, so she let it happen.

[She instantly regretted her decision.]

"Ahhhh~!" Kira moaned when a woman grabbed her breasts.

The blonde looked down in horror. The poor woman also got a body part she never prayed for!

Every haremite stared at her in bewilderment, interested in the strange event. So they giggled and went for the kill.


Kira moaned involuntarily as all the women grabbed her breasts. She immediately grabbed her chest to stop them and hide her lower half, which was no longer [presentable].

However, when she grabbed her crotch to hide it, she moaned loudly.

"This is why she's like that!" Kira cried while turning back to the fox woman.

Foxy was extremely sensitive!

Kira ran away from the group of women, who followed her playfully with giggling expressions.

The haremites watching the recap exploded in laughter.

Everything about the scene was shocking—especially to Kira.

Klepto was a skill with a single description.

[Allows you to copy what you want from a person.]

That's what was dangerous about the skill. Kira didn't know how it would affect her!

She didn't know if the INT requirements would kill her from mana deprivation or if the skills would have reverse effects. It was truly unknown.

Now she knew that she could temporarily steal [anything] from women!

Leon narrowed his eyes at the blushing blonde, analyzing her power and thinking about use cases. However, he didn't have long.

The wildest participant award goes to Mindy Lasco!

Everyone stared at the notification in shock, except for Leon, who grinned.

He would finally get clues about the cat woman's inner self and uncover her increasingly aggressive friendliness.

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