When everyone was notified that Mindy, the cute pink-haired cat woman, got the [wildest participant award] for the sexy pillow fight, they stared at her in shock.

The fluffy cat woman hid her bright red face in her hands. "This will be so embarrassing."

Embarrassing was an offensive understatement.

Appalling. Abhorrent. Atrocious.

Bewitching. Beguiling. Blandishment.

Culpable. Criminal. Condeming.

Deplorable. Detestable. Depraved.

Exciting. Enthralling. Enchanting.

One could use an alphabet of words the describe how awful, deceiving, illegal, amoral, and amazing it was!


Mindy pranced to a group of women shyly. The blonde and curly-haired brunette playfully pillow-fighting frowned when they saw her and tried to sneak away.

They didn't have a problem with the cute cat woman--they liked her a lot.

The problem was that she was a solid five on the probably-should-id to super-loli scale, and no one wanted to get into a [sexy] pillow fight with her!

It didn't matter how many secret votes they'd get from Lolimancer God Suburu or any other perverted gods. They refused!

To clarify, the cute cat woman didn't have the face or body of a loli, per se. If she wore a white t-shirt and some black leggings, she'd look like a college student.

However, between her pink hair, fluffy white ears, and white bra and panties with strawberries over them, she was a supernova of fluffy cuteness. Strawberry panties. Yeah. Drop mic.

After attaching her cute voice and habit of puffing out her cheeks when she didn't get her way, she was sketch-grade jailbait and a walking misperception factory.

Once again, there was nothing wrong with her. Leon would hug her in public or throw her up on his shoulders without issue.

However, if she tried to lace fingers with him, he'd scream [not guilty! My hands are in the air, and I'm firmly requesting someone get this thing the fuck away from me!], and the Dainty Death Squad would collect.

The same was true of the women pillow-fighting in lingerie. Would they do nails with her? Sure. Publicly have a sexy pillow fight with her on camera? Fuck that!

Mindy saw the women run away with a deep pout that wrinkled her brow. She looked around and found another group of women. However, they also ran away.

Then a third group fled. And a fourth. In total, six groups avoided her!

Discontented, she looked around with bloodthirsty eyes and found targets in the distance. After locking on, she put her pillow in her mouth, dropped onto her hands in a track running pose, and--


--sprinted to the group at blinding speed.


Watching her run was surreal. Only then were the haremites reminded she was a beast woman!

No one had seen her fight, and they understood how strange that was for the first time. How did the cute fluffball survive without her sister!?

While everyone was thinking similar thoughts, the pink flash materialized in front of the two women. A moment later--


Method hidden on candidate fairness grounds.


--a message popped up, hiding her using her power in action.


When the feed returned, Mindy and three women were giggling and pillow-fighting like the other groups on the bed. That was all. Nothing more.

After watching her bloodthirsty gaze and raw speed and power, seeing her pillow fighting was unexpected and... kind of a letdown. However, everything changed a moment later.

"Hold up." Mindy said with a cute voice, putting up her hand in a halt signal.

"Of course!"

"If that's what you want, Mindy."

"Just let us know what I can do for you."

The three lingerie-clad women stopped instantaneously, standing with typical tones, expressions, and mannerisms--accented with lifeless eyes. It was eerie.

Mindy narrowed her eyes in the distance. After locking onto Foxy, who had yet to get into her epic fight with Fritz, she studied her behavior.

"Hmmm, when Foxy grabs a woman's breasts, it doesn't look creepy or investigation-worthy." She muttered, "But I'm not sure if that's my vibe.... I got it!"

The cat woman hit her right fist on her left flat hand with a determined expression. She looked at the woman near her.

"Lana, Rena, Franchesca, I want you three to chase me with pillows and try to grope me." Mindy ordered, "Foxy's killing it, so we'll gain a lot of exposure, and you can ride on my fame.

So let's kill it. Make it sound as playful as possible, kay?"

After the order, she blew them a kiss and--

"Get~over~here, Mindy!" Lana, a busty brunette in forest green lingerie, chimed, chasing the now-giggling cat woman around.

"Don't think you'll get to her first, Lana." Rena, a black-haired beauty with B-Cup breasts but a stunning body, said, "Those little kitty breasts are mine!"

"Stand aside!" Franchesca demanded, "I'll be the first to grope and squeeze those little kitty titties! Mindy, get over here and accept your groping!"


Everyone watching the video recap groaned, including the cat woman in question, red as a tomato, watching the video with a cringing expression. However, the worst had yet to come.

The video took a very dark turn for the worse that removed everyone's secondhand embarrassment instantly.


Mindy pranced around with a giggling expression, crushing the cute role. When Lana rushed her, she arched her back slightly and jumped. The busty brunette seized the opening, grabbing her by the chest mid-air.

"Lana!" The cute cat woman cried with a blushing face, emulating Foxy's victims, "What are you doing!? Stop~that!"

Her interpretation of the scene: nailed it.

The public interpretation of the action:

"Hey! Why is that woman trying to assault Mindy!?"

"Put Mindy down, you assaulting bitch!"

A brunette and a blonde came rushing into the scene to save her, making a vein bulge on the cat woman's forehead. Things only got worse from there.

"Can't stop, wont~stop!" Rena giggled, grabbing the fluffy woman's breasts from the front.

Mindy's eyes widened in panic. She forgot to reset the order; now, she was suspended above the ground with three women groping her. In ten seconds, things went from sexy and blushy to an assault case's Exhibit A video evidence submission. Nice.

"Stop groping me and put me down." She said calmly, "It's giving people a bad interpretation.

Just let me do the talking. I'll make sure that none of you get in trouble with Leon, kay?"

The women nodded with serious expressions and turned back to the running women.

"Explain yourselves!" The blonde, who was wearing black lingerie with white patterns, snapped.

"They didn't do anything wrong, I promise." Mindy said cutely, "They were just being sexy upon my request."

"Mindy, you don't have to lie to us." The brunette, wearing purple lingerie, said sympathetically, "We know these women are perverts taking advantage of you. You don't have to hide it."

"That's right, Mindy." The other affirmed, "We'll protect you; Leon will, too. So you don't have to defend these predatory cunts who aren't even trying to defend themselves! They are despicable women trying to pray on little girls!"

Mindy's eye twitched violently. Being treated like a battered woman made her angry. Getting called a "little girl," despite her age far surpassing human adulthood, made her snap. After a deep breath--

"Whitney!" The cat woman bawled, bursting into false tears, rushing forward for a hug.

The blonde's eyes trembled, and she opened her arms to accept.


Method hidden on candidate fairness grounds.


After the disclaimer popped up again, the footage resumed only a moment later.

"Um, Whitney?" The brunette muttered, "What's going on? Why do you look like that?"

"What do you mean?" Whitney asked, turning to the brunette. While her tone sounded natural, her eyes were wide open, and her pupils dilated to the max, making them black voids of despair.

The sight chilled the brunette to the bone. "W-What's going on, Mindy?"

"I just told her a super special secret." Mindy replied with a piercing smile, "It's a bit shocking, but it's suuuuuper relevant. Can I tell you, Martha?"

"N-No, I can't, Mindy." Martha shook her head slowly, taking a step back, "I'll go get someone to sort out this mess."

The brunette turned around and started walking away quickly.

The cute cat woman took a deep breath and pointed at the woman's back. "Martha's trying to hurt me and ruin everyone else's reputation. Bring her back at any cost, and I'll protect everyone!"


"Don't drag her by the hair, Rena!" Mindy cried to the modest black-haired woman, who was dragging Martha back by her hair like a caveman, "People are watching!"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry!" Rena said apologetically, releasing her hand and letting the poor woman crash to the ground.

The cat woman slapped her forehead. "Not good. Please don't be watching, Leo, please don't be watching Leo, please don't be watching."

"Should we get Leon, too?" Whitney asked, cocking her head to the side.

"What!? No! No-no-no-no-no!" Mindy cried, shaking her hand in front of her face.

"Hey! Isn't that Martha!?"

"Yeah! She looks like she's hurt! I think those women attacked her, and now they're going after Mindy!"

"You're right! Let's hurry! Mindy, we're coming to save you!"

Two more women ran forward to help out, and the cat woman closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.


"I watched and confirmed there weren't any witnesses this time." Martha reported, sounding normal but looking feral, "We're in the clear."

"What do you mean we're in the clear!?" Mindy cried with puffed-out cheeks, "These two are holding a half-conscious woman like a dead body in broad daylight, on film, and you call that clear!?"


Lana and Rena dropped the groaning woman they were holding from the shoulders and legs.

"Sorry, Mindy."

"I thought that's what you wanted."

The cat woman's eyes glazed over, looking at the other half-conscious women who got bludgeoned half-to-death by a pack of half-crazed women.

"It's okay. Let's just get this over with." Mindy groaned.


Method hidden on candidate fairness grounds.


"Okay, listen up, ya'll!" The fluffy cat woman ordered a small army of women, "To prevent a sexual misconduct investigation and reputation shaming, everyone will forget everything that happened here for your safety.

We were all just having a sexy pillow fight.

If this footage gets leaked to Leo... Leon... you'll say that we practiced this strange charade to capture the gods' attention. Do you understand?"

All eight women nodded in unison.

"Good. Start your pillow fight again." Mindy sighed, watching them get back in the mood. Once they were in motion, she lifted her flat hand and clenched it twice. "Bye, bye."

Like a bad dream, all eight women's eyes filled with life again. They blinked in confusion, looking at one another in a daze.

"Mindy?" Lana said in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pillow fight, lady!" The cute, fluffy cat woman declared, running up and hitting the woman with a pillow.

After a second of stunned silence and confusion, each feeling out of place, they joined in. Soon, the group devolved into a proper pillow fight.


The audience stands in the arena were dead silent. No one could believe what they had just watched!

Putting aside the ultra-sketchy power the cat woman possessed, which didn't seem like it had a time limit, they were shocked by Mindy's ruthless behavior!

Everyone watched Mindy point to women and order a pack of rabid women to attack them. When they caught the woman, they'd clobber them half-to-death like a biker gang of cavemen before dragging them back to her. It didn't happen once! Nor twice! It happened three times!

Mindy looked around with teary eyes before looking to the skybox to replace Leon looking at her with a conflicted expression. "Leo! I can explain, I wouldn't...."

"Can you make me touch women like that?" Leon asked coldly, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"I-I can't." She replied ruefully, sobbing, "Your personality wouldn't support it. So it'd backfire, and I'd have to do anything you said without limitations for an hour. Even directly hurting myself.

That's the truth, I swear."

Minx walked up to him as he studied her facial expressions closely, trying to decipher the veracity of her words, and whispered into his ears.

Leon's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the cat woman's words. "I order you to explain it again, this time without sugarcoating."

Her eyes glowed neon pink, and she nodded, moving to his ears.

His eyes widened further. "That's significantly [less] worse than you made it sound!"

"You wouldn't believe me otherwise." Minx reasoned dryly.

"Fair enough." He chuckled, standing up and going to the edge.

Mindy watched him with a trembling gaze, fearful of what he'd say. However, she didn't look away.

"Mindy, that power is seriously incredible." Leon announced boldly, shocking her, "If you use it on me, I'll rip your heart out.

However, I'll reward you generously for using it to benefit our cultured people--consensually, of course."

All the women who got slave-ified for five minutes, leading them to maul other women against their wills, were stupefied to see the cute cat woman getting praised for the certifiably insane and criminal behavior!

"Fine, but I want hugs!" Mindy demanded bossily, ignoring the shocked haremites, "And to sleep with you--"

A massive 20-foot scythe materialized out of thin air mid-sentence. It was horrifyingly responsive.

"--just in the same bed, not sex!"

The scythe in the skybox only halved, which left it at a cool ten-foot blade of twisting, conscious miasma that ate through anything it touched.

"At the foot of the bed, like a normal cat!" Mindy cried in horror, staring into the jaws of death. The blade dropped another five feet, leaving it a healthy size for a proper massacre.

"In my pajamas!" The cat woman added desperately, making the blonde put away her scythe.

However, it didn't give her comfort. Mindy felt Lindy's mental claws tugging her jugular vein like a parachute string, and the blonde's eyes were lethal.

"Full pajamas, not pajama shorts or a skimpy shirt!" Mindy added, shaking her hands desperately.

Reina gave her a horrifying smile that said, [still playing for loopholes, I see?].

"With a bra and panties on." Mindy said, kicking the ground in dejection.

All the Dainty Death Squad members huffed in annoyance when Leon nodded. "Once.

You can sleep at the foot of our bed once [after you put that power to good use]."

Mindy's eyes lit up in unrefined happiness. "Okay!"


[A/N: Hey there! Long time no talk. The love I get from this community is vibrant and makes me want to return, but this novel is emotionally difficult to write.

So I've compromised and started writing a wild, early-HG-style yandere comedy called "My Yandere Harem is a Nightmare" [for you] with lovable women who are next-level insane. It's a total clusterfuck.

Much love, everyone. I've been thinking about you daily. Sincerely, Margrave]

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