Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 73 - 73. Use It


Magnus woke up to the screams of Chad. He looked and found out that he had slept using Chad as a pillow and now his head was resting on the Cat's belly. ​​

Magnus chuckled and got more comfortable, "Ah, so soft. Let me sleep more, Chad."

"Meow..." Chad showed his paw.

"Okay, you'll get three bacon strips later." Magnus bribed him and got to enjoy 15 more minutes of comfortable sleep.

For the next 2 more weeks, he was going to be busy with quidditch. But what did he replace? Slytherin team captain had now benched him.

Magnus shrugged, saying it was their loss anyway. He just lazed around and had fun. Meanwhile, the Slytherin team got their ass whooped.

Surprisingly, when the match with Gryfreplaceor came, this time James played from the position of a chaser.

After 2 continuous losses, the Slytherin team brought him back onboard. They couldn't afford to lose for their revenge. They could deal with him anytime they wanted.

So Magnus went on a winning spree. He didn't just want to win, but also show how worthless his own team was. So, he would catch the golden snitch even before the first score was made by the chasers.

The whole month of November was spent at Quidditch. After each win, Magnus would get an even bigger picture in some newspapers. He was getting popular and this was his main motive. Because the more famous he got, the louder his voice will be heard.

His special ability to create fire from his feet was also awed upon. Though people were just speculating on it and had no idea how he was doing it.


Last Match of Quidditch.

It was Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff was the first to get out and Gryfreplaceor was second because they couldn't replace a good enough seeker.

Magnus and Emma's duo was a hit and their teamwork was smooth. Lucius knew better than to not make the same mistake again after the last event. Magnus had also told Dumbledore about it and told him to keep an eye.

Now, there was no special umbrella on Lucius and he needed to tread carefully too. It would take him some time to get the same influence as his father had once.

"UP," Emma shouted.

Magnus ducked from the bludger and immediately caught the golden snitch. This time with his hands. The fireworks started as soon as he ended the game. This year, Slytherin won the Quidditch cup.

"YEEEEEAAAAH..." Emma was the most crazed at the moment. She loved quidditch too much.


A little too much because her way of showing excitement was to slam her broom on the ground like a rockstar.

"CALM DOWN. EVERYONE'S WATCHING." Magnus whispered to her.


Magnus shook his head and kept quiet. He was given the best player of the series award which was nothing but a small gold medal. It was probably not even worth a gold galleon.

That evening, the great hall was covered in green Slytherin colour.

At the same time, in a corner portrait, Merlin was looking at the hall dreamily. "AH... it feels so good to see Slytherin back on the path of greatness."

Arthur scoffed, "Huh, that was such a womanly sport. I would have accepted if it was a fight with a dragon. That's what manly people do."

"Argh... this is not the old times, fool. The dragons are nearly extinct anyway." Merlin said.

"WHAT? Who killed them?" Arthur asked in anger.

"Probably some madness junkies like you," Merlin replied.


After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms. But Magnus noticed that Snape was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Sev?" he inquired Ragnar.

Ragnar was playing with little Duck. "I don't know. We were together until he went to the bathroom."

"Hmm, we should go and make sure he is fine. Don't forget, Lucius and his gang are still in this school." Magnus reminded Ragnar.

Ragnar put Duck away and got up. "Let's go. He did say he was just going to piss. It has taken too long already."


"No Duck, you are too small to fight right now. You need a few more good years to grow and be of help. Just play with your siblings till then." Magnus made him not follow.

Soon, they arrived in front of the boy's toilet. Magnus hated Hogwarts for one reason. That was that it was too old. And it was also never renovated. So, as designed in old times, toilets were always made away from the living quarters. Even now, if one needed to lighten themselves, they'd have to go out of their common room.

"Wait, let me take a peek first." Magnus stopped Ragnar.

As he went inside, he started hearing voices.

"JUST TELL US... SEVERUS. How did he create flames from his feet?"

"I really don't know. He never told it to me." Snape replied. He was currently cornered by Lucius, Avery and 3 other Slytherin boys.

Magnus' face turned angry as he heard them interrogating Snape. But he did not go inside yet. He wanted to know what they were offering. So he continued to listen.

"Just tell us, Severus. I can get you in the inner circle of Lord Voldemort. Join us and you can get all you can ever dream of. Riches, power and resources. Anything." They tried to entice Snape.

Snape then in a serious voice replied, "I thought the Dark Lord hated all but Purebloods?"

"The Dark Lord values talent too, Severus. You are very blessed in potioneering." Lucius replied.

Snape scoffed, "HUH... so the Dark Lord is also a Hypocrite? Don't tell me, he's also secretly a Half-Blood or a Muggleborn."

Magnus had enough, he chuckled and walked into the washroom. He had his two swords in his hands.

"What do we have here? A secret party? Are you all secretly putting on nail polish and lipsticks or something?" Magnus asked mockingly.

The 5 of them turned around. With Magnus, there was also Ragnar. But he was not holding a wand, instead two test tubes filled with potions.

Mulciber II quickly took out his wand, "I will kill you today, Merlin's Bastard."

Magnus scratched his two swords on each other, making a terrifying metallic sound. He laughed, "Haha... sure, but do you know, your wands have trace on them. So, if you did anything to anybody here, you will be caught easily.

"Meanwhile, I can gut you with my sword and nobody would guess a thing, of course, they will suspect me, but nothing can prove it."

"HEHE, and I can pour this skin dissolving potion on you all and nobody will suspect a thing, how can a 1st-year little kid kill so many seniors?" Ragnar also voiced.

Mulciber II took a step back, "YOU... you wouldn't do that."

Magnus shook his head, "I know you are a coward, why do you even try to face me? Just spend your time here in school and leave in a few years. What do you get by making me an enemy?"

Magnus was really interested in knowing the answer to this. Because their anger towards him was so pointless.

Lucius scowled at him, "Because you are a Mudblood. Your magic is impure. And you are a shame to the name of Merlin. You are a shame to all pureblood wizards."

"Why? Because I am a living breathing example that blood doesn't matter?" Magnus asked back.

"No, you are a living breathing example of how muggles are polluting our ranks. You should have never gotten magic. You stole it from us." Lucius argued.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "So you are saying, the reason why pureblood wizards are now less and weaker is that others are stealing your magic? I didn't know Magic was a pizza, whose bite anybody could take?

"You all disgust me. The main reason why purebloods are less and weaker is because of less diversity and more inbreeding. But, I know you will not believe that. You all are stuck in the same mentality as muggles were 3 hundred years ago. They moved on and kept on advancing, you stayed and are continuing to decline. Anyway, I don't care about your lives. Sev, let's go."

Snape passed them and came to Magnus. But he suddenly stopped and turned back to look at Evan Rosier. He took out a small bottle from his pocket and threw it towards Evan.

"Use it, your breath stinks," Snape remarked and left.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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