Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 74 - 74. Wizengamot

"Were they following you to the toilet?" Ragnar asked.

"I think they were," Snape affirmed. ​​

"Eh... they are creeps then." Ragnar scowled.

"Anyway, you two should start preparing for the Christmas plans. Sev, I will be coming to your home. I will get you sorted back to the Prince Family. Ragnar, you can join me too. After that, we will pick my friend Bobby and go to the Castle left by Merlin for me." Magnus planned.

"What about your kingship?" Ragnar inquired.

"For that, I am too young. I cannot legally become the king until I'm 18. If I do now, then they will appoint another regent." Magnus explained.

"You seem to have everything planned." Snape praised.

Magnus puffed his chest out, "Of course, I don't just fall asleep like the dead horse Ragnar. I think a lot about the future and plan some things or make changes to old plans. I didn't choose this life, but now that I am in it, I will try to make the best of it."

"But you got that Wizengamot meeting before that. Are you sure you can get a million galleons from them?" Ragnar inquired.

"Don't know, but I will surely get something out of it. They tried to get me killed, they tried to take my property away. I can not just let them off so easily." Magnus said.

"Be careful, we are just kids and lack experience. They are old monsters, sitting in those positions for years. They have more contacts and know more ways than us." Snape warned him in good faith.

Magnus nodded, "I know. I will try to be restrained as much as possible. We must get stronger at the same time. One thing is certain. In terms of brains, we three are very good. All we need to do is grow in magical powers. When the time comes, we will be the strongest people in a magical world. Round Table shall become the circle of equality." Magnus passionately said.

"Yup, he totally sounds like an evil villain." Ragnar suddenly commented.

Magnus awkwardly shut up, "Hey, I'm not evil. I'm just a simple boy who loves pancakes. Okay, let's go now, we can't leave those three chaotic beings alone for too long."


Before the meeting of Wizengamot was held. Another secret meeting took place. This involved the patriarchs of many pureblood families. The only common thing among them was that all were like-minded and were a member of Wizengamot.

"Lord Black, are you sure you want to allow that filth to enter the Wizengamot?" The Lord of the Nott family asked.

"The Wizengamot and the ministry were already dirtied when the likes of Dumbledore were allowed to be there and a mudblood like Nobby Leach was made the minister.

"No, by keeping that Merlin boy inside the Wizengamot, we can keep a better eye on him. Also, we can look bad by not allowing him his so-called right. We must support the Dark Lord as efficiently as we can. And if we have to endure some mudblood filth until he cleans the world then so be it." Lord Black said.

The Lord of Greengrass family also nodded, "Perfectly said, Lord Black. We must keep our friends close, but enemies closer."

This was one of their normal meetings. They do this every month or so to plan their agenda. Because they all collectively donate so much money to the ministry, the ministry turns a blind eye to them. But they also knew that they could not be seen as affiliated with Voldemort as it would make them the public enemy.


As Dumbledore was also going to be present at the meeting, Magnus went with him. He had no other means of travel anyway.

"Be strong there, Magnus. They will try to overwhelm you or sway you to their side." Dumbledore warned him.

Magnus knew this already, "Why is it that every time we leave school you give me this advice?"

"Because I am older than you and have seen more from the people you're just about to meet," Dumbledore said.

Magnus chuckled, "Of course, you're ancient."

Soon, they arrived at the Ministry of Magic. The Wizengamot was one of the most important parts of the Ministry.

The Wizengamot was wizarding Britain's high court of law and parliament. It predated the Ministry of Magic itself, dating back to the days of the mediaeval Wizards' Council.

Its administrative headquarters were located in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic, whilst the trials took place in the dungeons of the lower levels.

The modern Wizengamot functioned as a combination of court and parliament, serving both as the main legislative body of the Ministry of Magic, as well as its highest tribunal. It was made up of around fifty members. Though no official document said how they were chosen, but Magnus knew that most of the members were from old magical families and that was enough to let them join.

This was the reason why he was sure that he'd also get a seat, after all, nobody can deny Merlin's influence.

Magnus was led to the big hall by Dumbledore. It was not the day for a trial so the meeting was not convened in the dungeons. Instead, it was in a circular room with only the Minister in the higher seat.

The room was dark and covered in woodwork. There were seats and rows of tables made on the steps. So all can see what was going on in their front.

In front of each seat was a small nameplate, telling each member where they were to sit.

For now, Magnus was to sit in the middle. He was the only kid there and looked out of place. But, for a society of wizards that was stuck in the mentality of the middle ages, it shouldn't be too shocking.

Slowly, the hall got filled. Everyone gave Magnus a stare as they entered.

Soon, the meeting started. Today's main agenda was to hear Magnus and get the vaults of Wizengamot members back from Gringotts, indirectly Magnus.

Minister Eugenia started it, "I'm sure we all know why we are here. Let's vote on the first agenda quickly and move on.

"Those who agree to let Mr Pendragon join us in the Wizengamot, raise your hands... Those who do not wish to allow him in the Wizengamot may now raise your hands."

As expected, nobody resisted his inclusion. But the bigger bomb was supposed to fall now.

"Okay, the next motion here is the first to be introduced by Mr Pendragon. A motion to declare the self-proclaimed dark lord, Lord Voldemort, and his army of Death Eaters a terrorist organisation."

And that was when all of them lost their patience.


"Can we do it?"


So many voices started rising up. Minister Eugenia stopped them, "We can debate on it. Let's hear what Mr Pendragon has to say."

Magnus coughed his throat clean. "Yes, I want this to be done because my eyes are open.

"First of all, an attack on my life was made by these Death Eaters, yet no action was taken against them. They are killing so many wizards, even from old families, yet we have done nothing.

"By doing nothing, aren't we just promoting their reign of terror? How can the people trust the ministry if we keep on ignoring what is the most dangerous to them?

"Voldemort and his Death Eaters are nothing but a bunch of terrorists, trying to create chaos and in that chaos, reap their benefits. To stop that from happening, we must condemn them publicly, so that no lost mind gets entrapped in their schemes and joins them for some false promise of wizard utopia.

"Besides this, I want compensation for what happened to me at the Gringotts bank. I nearly lost my life when it was the job of the ministry to keep the Diagon Alley safe. I want 1 million galleons and it is non-negotiable."

"ARE YOU THREATENING US, Mr Pendragon?" The Lord of Flint family spoke loudly as others started talking loudly.

Magnus shrugged his shoulders, "What might I have to threaten a powerful wizard like you all?"

Everyone started to curse him inwardly. He was holding their vaults hostage after all.

Dumbledore, meanwhile, was stroking his beard, ~What a wonderful comeback.~

"ORDER... I WILL NOT TOLERATE CHAOS HERE." Eugenia slammed her hammer on the desk.

"Any arguments against Mr Pendragon?" she asked.

The crowd remained silent... until one little hand rose up. It belonged to women in all pink. She made a light chuckled.

"Hehe... yes... I would like to say a few words."

"Yes, Ms Umbridge." Eugenia let her stand. Although Umbridge was a new member, she was not going to stop her from speaking.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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