Heritage -
Turning Point
I woke up to the sound of panickedvoices outside my room.
“I’m sorry, sir, but it’s notappropriate to enter Princess Zelda’s room!”
“Relax, she’s my friend, let methrough.” I grumbled softly when Irecognized the voice and reached out for my fan.
“Please, sir, she’s still sleeping!” oneof my maids squeaked as the door opened.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be-wah!” The moment I saw Dune’s face, I opened andthrew my fan at him. The two maidsbehind him shrieked as all three of them ducked, the fan snipping a bit ofsilver hair off Dune before circling round back to my hand. I smirked triumphantly.
“Despite only being experienced inknife-wielding, Selina is a bloody brilliant trainer,” I said as I closed myfan and let the maids scurry in with my breakfast. Dune huffed as he came to sit by my bed as Ibrushed his hair off my fan.
“That scared me,” he pouted as Idismissed my maids, despite their protests on having a non-elf male in my room.
“That was for waking me up,” I said,placing my fan down then picking the other to fan myself with a devious smile.
“Tch, sorry,” Dune rolled his eyes “Iwas awake since like three in the morning and not because I’m a vampire. Vinnie got up early for training and he wokeme up when he went past my room.” Igrinned before looking at the window and getting up to pull the curtains back.
“Hn, you could have woken me up earlierso I could have at least been in time for sunrise,” I grumbled as sunlightspilled out into the room.
“Sorry, didn’t realise you still stuckto that routine of meditating when the sun is passing the horizon.” I turned my head at Dune’s strange voice andnarrowed my eyes when I saw him eating my muffins.
“I thought you only fed on blood,” Isaid.
“I can eat solid foods as well,” Dunepouted “Plus elf food is pretty good, I can’t get enough!”
“Perhaps it would do you some good toget some fat onto those bones,” I sighed as I swooped over to snatch the last muffinbefore Dune could.
“Aw, thank you,” Dune pinched my cheekbefore I took a bite out of my muffin “But I have extremely fast metabolism. Seriously, I’m surprised I don’t turn into askeleton. Must be because of theblood.” I stared at the half eatenmuffin in my hand before stuffing it into his mouth.
“Eat! I feel sick just looking at your skinny body!” I said as he yelped insurprise, coughing and swallowing down the muffin.
“Nngh, what about you?” Dune gasped as Ipicked up the bread next for him “You’re skinny too!”
“I don’t really eat too much,” Ishrugged “I get full pretty quickly unless it’s with these grapes.” I took the bunch on my tray and began eatingthem. “Hey, how about trying a kimonoon?” I suggested as I walked over to my wardrobe “Kimonos make me look a bitfatter and healthier than normal.”
“Oooh!” Dune squealed as he came overwhilst I picked out my orange kimono to put on “So many pretty colours!”
“Maybe this one will suit you,” I saidas I pulled out a dark blue kimono.
“It’s so soft,” Dune admired as helooked and felt the fabric “Oh, this one looks like my style!” I raised an eyebrow as he pulled out a lightpink kimono. “Brings out the colour in myeyes, don’t you think?” he asked as he pressed it against himself. I watched as he dressed himself and twirledaround. “I feel so pretty!”
“I still think this would suit youbetter,” I said as I held the blue kimono higher.
“No, this is fine!” Dune grinned as hetossed his hair.
“Excuse me, Your Highness,” Selina camein “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise I was interrupting something.”
“It’s just a talk between friends,” Idismissed, turning to her as Dune admired himself “What is it, Selina?”
“His Highness wishes for you as soon asyou’ve finished breakfast,” Selina said and bowed “Shall I tell him to comevisit your room?”
“No,” I shook my head “I’ll meet him inhis throne room.”
“Alright,” Selina nodded then grinned atDune “Sorry for intruding, Miss.” Dunewaved her goodbye as she bowed again and left. I rolled my eyes, tossing another grape into my mouth.
“You might as well get a sex change,” Imuttered.
“What’s wrong with being a guy andliking girls’ stuff?” Dune asked with a wink.
“You might accidentally catch the eye ofa male elf,” I said.
“Oh, do you think Vinnie will like me inthis?!” Dune squealed as he spun around “I must replace him!”
“Dune!” I watched as the vampire half limped, half ran out of my room. Shaking my head, I shrugged. I finished my grapes and headed out of myroom. I stopped at my door and fiddledwith the grape stalks uneasily. It’sbeen three days since I had that fallout with Paradox. I felt really nervous. What could he want to talk to me about? Taking a deep breath, I left my room, my fanstucked safely into the sleeves of my kimono. I made my way to the throne room only to replace His Highness occupied withthe many advisors he has. But a snap ofhis fingers later, they had gone and we were alone.
“Zelda, you will be moved to the palacein the northern mountains this afternoon,” he announced and waved Chelsea toenter the room “Chelsea will help you pack your things.”
“No, she won’t,” I said firmly as I gavea stern look to the knight which had her hesitating.
“Zelda, you aren’t in the position todisobey me,” Paradox growled.
“Unless I bat my eyelids, perhaps?” Iraised a sceptical eyebrow “Why do I need to be moved?”
“Brodka has declared war,” Paradoxexplained “It’s not safe to be here.”
“And what about Aura, Dune and Vincent?”I raised the other eyebrow.
“Aura and Vincent will fight with us,Dune will go with you if he must,” Paradox sighed “Pearl will also accompanyyou.” My eyes widened.
“Aura is most certainly not fighting ina war!” I raised my voice.
“He is an elf, he’ll be safe with hissister…”
“No!” I yelled “He is not fighting!”
“We have his consent!” Paradox stoodfrom his throne “He wishes to fight alongside us, so he shall!”
“I won’t allow it!” I stomped my footlike a pathetic little child throwing a tantrum.
“Your Highness, please…” Chelsea said asshe inched towards me to try and comfort me.
“If Aura is going to fight then let mefight too!” I demanded “Or at the very least let me stay here!”
“No!” Paradox barked as he stormed themarble steps towards me “I will not let you put yourself in danger!”
“I laugh at the face of danger!” I snarled. Unless it has something to do with fire, thenI just faint.
“I won’t lose you again!” Paradox roaredas he stood in front of me and I winced, covering my ears “We thought you weredead after that night, Zelda! I will nothave the mistake of ever letting you out of my sight again!” My ears were ringing from his voice,twitching and buzzing. It was painfuland I couldn’t hold back my tears. Coldfingers brushed them away and I barely picked up the sigh. “Zelda, I’m sorry,” he said in a softer tone“I just want you to be safe.”
“Either Aura comes with me or I stayhere with him,” I said as firmly as possible. I didn’t get response. I onlyheard Paradox ordering Chelsea to take me back to my room to pack some thingsfor the carriage. Chelsea didn’t sayanything to me as I folded the kimonos one by one, glaring at the ground.
“Your Highness?” she dared spoke and Islammed the last kimono into her chest, wincing as I hurt my hand on her copperarmour.
“How dare he,” I snarled “Aura isn’t fitto be on the battlefield. How couldParadox just send him to fight?”
“It’s an elf’s duty to serve royalty andconsidering Aura is Gardenia’s brother, it’s expected of him to fight,” Chelseashrugged whilst placing the kimono in the suitcase.
“Chelsea, there must be some way to getAura away safe,” I pleaded.
“I can’t help you there,” Chelsea shookher head “So, anything else that needs packing away?”
“No…” I sighed sadly and kicked thesuitcase “I don’t want to go, Chelsea.”
“You have to,” Chelsea grabbed me by thearm and squeezed it “I won’t hesitate to use force, Your Highness. I’m sorry.” I raised an eyebrow at her and teleported out of her grip, appearing afew feet further from her. She stared atme dumbfounded and huffed. “Oh yeah, Iforgot you could do that,” she muttered.
“Chelsea,” Pearl entered the room “Couldyou give us some time, please?”
“Yes, Your Highness,” Chelsea bowed andleft the room. Pearl smiled sweetly atme and I folded my arms.
“I’m not leaving Aura,” I said straightaway.
“Have you even talked to him about it?”Pearl raised an eyebrow “Aura clearly agreed to fight in the war.”
“Because he wants to please his sister!”I snarled “He should be free to do what he wants!”
“Have some faith in him!” Pearl sighedas she folded her arms “I’m not particularly happy knowing my husband andbrother are going out to war but I know they’ll make it out alive.”
“So you think Aura can actually surviveon the battlefield?” I asked sceptically.
“Oh, of course not,” Pearl scoffed “Hecan barely cut an opponent.”
“That makes me feel very better,” I saiddryly.
“He’ll be with his sister, she won’t lethim get injured…mortally.” I huffed as Itried to go around Pearl but she gripped my arm. “Look, he’s doing this for his family’s honour. Like you need to survive for your family’slegacy.”
“I barely remember anything about myfamily, what do I need to survive for?” I growled. Pearl sighed softly then smiled.
“There’s a painting of your fatherhere,” she said and began leading me out of my bedroom.
“Wait, what, really?!” I exclaimed as Istumbled after her “Why didn’t you say so sooner?!”
“I thought you’d recognize him wheneveryou passed by it,” Pearl frowned.
“I still have amnesia,” I said.
“Oh right, here we are!” Pearl smiled aswe stopped in front of a massive portrait painting. I looked up at the majestic looking elf, cladin armour with a slim sword and long black hair tied into a ponytail with a redribbon. I frowned.
“Are you sure that’s my father?” I askedand Pearl giggled, nudging my shoulder.
“Yes, of course,” Pearl simpered “Imean, you didn’t get his eyes, you got Queen Zereria’s. Actually you look more like her but thenagain, Princess Mia looked more like King Merzeiha.”
“Mer-zei-ha?” I slowly pronounced theforeign name. Pearl giggled hysterically.
“Oh yes, his name was tricky to say forme too,” she grinned and looked up at the portrait “He sure looks scarythough.” I stared up at the portraitwith a thoughtful look. My father didlook scary indeed. Striking green eyesand he wasn’t smiling at all. Thisportrait seemed sinister, as if to strike fear in anyone who looked upon it.
“Surely there are other paintings?” Iasked.
“Sure there are, just not in thispalace,” Pearl shrugged “Our parents told us this was painted long before your parentsmet. I think there might be a portraitwith both of them in the Northern Palace.”
“What about me? What about Mia?” I asked.
“Your parents never had the heart togive those away,” Pearl smiled “So they all burned in that fire. It’s such a pity. I would have loved to see you when you hadbeen a little girl.”
“Believe me, I wasn’t that sweet as achild,” I said as I continued staring up at my father “Did anything getrecovered from the fire?”
“Mainly stuff that can’t burn, such assome heirlooms which you will rightfully inherit after your wedding,” Pearlshrugged with a thoughtful look “Oh, actually your father’s suit of armour wasrecovered from the wreckage too.”
“Really?” I said, turning my head toher.
“Yup, it’s made out of calorium,” Pearlnodded “Completely heat proof and the suit itself was made by elves. It can completely meld itself to a body so itwill be the right fit. That way, all thegenerations of elves may wear it, no matter their size or weight. Your son will wear it one day.”
“Can I see it?” I asked, ignoring thehint of annoyance I felt from the sexism.
“Sure, it’s down in the display hallhere,” Pearl smiled as she led me to another part of the palace. Reaching the display hall, I saw many weaponsand armour in glass cases. I paused tomarvel at them briefly, lingering behind Pearl as she led me through the hall.
“Who are they?” I asked as we passed aportrait of two regal looking elves.
“Oh, Mommy and Daddy,” Pearl grinned“Queen Clarissa and King Russoon. Theyare absolutely dying to meet you of course.”
“M-Me?” I stuttered and stared at Pearlwith wide eyes. She nodded and I lookedback up at the portrait. King Russoonseemed as cold as Paradox. If he actedas cold-blooded as Paradox, I’m sure it would be worse to talk to him. Queen Clarissa didn’t look any warmereither. Both of them looked stern intheir portrait together, despite holding hands and wearing such beautifulclothes. Maybe I was just judging thembecause of their skin colour? I lookedat Pearl’s skin discretely as she happily looked up at their portrait. Pearl didn’t seem cold at all and she stillhad dark blue skin like Paradox and her parents. I looked up at the couple again, narrowing myeyes. It has to be their eyes. Those piercing, frightening eyes. I swallowed nervously at the thought inmeeting them.
“Oh, here we are,” Pearl wandered offand I followed her to a familiar looking suit of silver armour, encased in alarge glass case “Your father’s suit of armour.” I leaned in for a closer look, awestruck byhow it glimmered in the sunlight.
“So beautiful,” I said in admiration“Oh, it has a sword and shield with it too.”
“Oh yes, that sword is made fromvocorinite, a very warm blade so heat won’t do much damage,” Pearl said “Forgedby your great great great grandfather three and a half centuries ago. He made it whilst befriending the tree folk.”
“No way, my family are friends with thelegendary tree folk?!” I exclaimed. Thetrees that absorb magic nutrients from crysta soil and magica rain then came tolife?! Pearl simpered and leaned incloser, pressing a finger to the glass case.
“I understand you don’t know elvenscripture but those are the words of summoning an ally to battle,” she said asI noticed the markings engraved into the blade.
“Wow, so elegant,” I said “Um, what doesit say?” Pearl giggled again.
“Koha wonono jit su tomo obi,” she saidout loud “It means I call my faithful followers.”
“Koha wonono jit su tomo obi?” I saidslightly off accent.
“Nearly,” Pearl giggled “Roll the s ofthe su a bit more.”
“Su…” I carefully pronounced. Pearl giggled again and nudged me.
“It’s good that the Central Princess istrying to learn elvish!” she grinned and I bristled at the title “Soon I candrop this boring human language that everyone has to learn. It’s so zoku.”
“Zoku?” I repeated.
“Vulgar.” I bristled again but turned my attention tothe shield.
“And what is the shield made of?” Iasked.
“Anguishiram,” Pearl answered “Resiststhe heat of dragon’s fire and tougher than dragon hide. Only a dragon warrior’s sword, a dragon or adragon rider can pierce it.”
“My father certainly loved equippinghimself with heatproof armour,” I commented with a sceptical eyebrow raised.
“Most of his enemies were associatedwith fire,” Pearl shrugged “My dear Tirade’s family often went against him andyou can guess their speciality in magic by looking at Tirade’s fabuloustechnique.” I flinched as I imaginedthat spiral of flames that had consumed my chirai apple.
“Your Highness!” We turned our heads to see Chelsea by theentranceway, smiling. “Your suitcasesare boarded onto the carriage, we are waiting for you to come.”
“We’re coming,” Pearl smiled.
“Wait, can I see Aura?” I asked.
“Now, Zelda,” Pearl sighed with herhands on her hips “Do you really think his time will be better in training ortalking to you?” I glared at her brieflybefore getting the message and stormed after Chelsea as she led us out to thecourtyard. Paradox and Tirade werewaiting for us and I saw Vincent struggling with a hysterical Dune around hisneck. And he was still wearing that pinkkimono! I smiled and walked over,tapping him on his shoulder.
“Dune, we’ll be back before you knowit,” I assured him as I pried him away from Vincent.
“But my Vinnie’s going to get hurt!”Dune pouted “I need to be by his side to heal him up!”
“Do you have experience in the medicalprofession?” Vincent raised a sceptical eyebrow whilst rubbing his neck.
“No but I’m a fast learner,” Dunesniffed and folded his arms “And vampire saliva heals cuts as long as they’renormal.”
“You are not licking my every cut,”Vincent backed away.
“Dune, come on,” I whispered as I sawPearl let Tirade kiss her and Paradox kissed her hand. Dune lunged forward and kissed Vincent’scheek. He stared into Vincent’s startledeyes pleadingly.
“Kiss my hand at least,” he said with apout and raised his hand.
“With that kimono and flair, I canalmost see you as a girl,” Vincent rolled his eyes. Dune giggled and batted his eyelashes. I raised an eyebrow as Vincent took Dune’shand and pecked the back of it as Dune wished of him. Dune sighed with a small smile and I smirkedat Vincent.
“Getting a bit soft?” I asked tauntinglyand Vincent tossed his hair behind his shoulder.
“Being a true elven knight,” he said andDune sighed, leaning on my shoulder.
“He kissed my hand,” he murmuredhappily.
“OK, into the carriage with you, lovebird,” I said as I took Dune by the shoulder and pushed him in the direction ofthe carriage. Dune waved cheerily as hefollowed Pearl into the carriage. I wasabout to follow him in when I felt someone take my hand.
“Have a safe journey,” Paradox smiled upat me as I turned my head to face him. He brought my hand closer to his lips and I snatched it away before hehad the chance then retreated into the carriage. I didn’t look at his disappointed face as thedriver urged the Floronies to move. Isat myself next to Dune who was frantically waving goodbye to Vincent.
“Still a bit sour that we’re being sentaway?” Pearl simpered “You’ll get over it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting our parents.”
“Wait, we’re meeting your parents?!” Iexclaimed as Dune turned his attention to us.
“Well yes, we’re going to their palace,”Pearl shrugged.
“Oh, isn’t this exciting?!” Duneexclaimed and I swallowed harshly.
“You’ll see when you meet them,” Iwhispered and clenched onto his hand.
“Oh look, it’s Aura!” Dune gasped as hepointed out of the window and waved “Aura! Over here!” I lurched.
“Stop!” I cried and the carriagejolted. Pearl tried to stop me but I wasout of the carriage and running at the golden haired siblings. Gardenia closed her lexicon with a patientlook on her face as Aura turned and widened his eyes.
“Your Highness!” he exclaimed as I camein front of him.
“Zelda, call me Zelda!” I said with the mostfurious tone I could muster “How could you?! If you want to go marching off to war then at least talk to me first!”
“S-S-Sorry…” Aura stuttered and loweredhis gaze. I smiled sadly and shook myhead.
“You really want to fight, don’t you?” Iasked and he nodded shyly.
“And…I’m so scared but Gardenia has beenreally helpful and really supportive,” he said.
“Zelda!” Pearl called.
“In a minute!” I called back over myshoulder and turned back to Aura, blinking as he picked a petal out of my hair.
“You’re teleporting without thinkingabout it anymore,” he smiled “I hope you can control it.”
“I will,” I nodded “Don’t worry, I’m notgoing to go teleporting back to Aurallion and into C-” My hand raised up to my mouth at the sametime as Aura’s. Our fingers brushed andI smiled softly. I held my hand outexpectantly. “Kiss my hand for luck,” Isaid “I don’t have a handkerchief like the cliché princesses so this will do.” Aura stared at my hand before taking it inhis and kneeling down in front of me.
“Stay safe,” he smiled before kissingthe back of my hand. I felt the heatrise in my cheeks before I nodded and kissed his head before retreating back tothe carriage. It began moving and I sunkinto the cushioned seats dreamily.
“He kissed my hand,” I smiled and Dunegiggled, nudging me.
“Who’s the love bird now?” he teased andI blushed.
“Shut up,” I muttered and cradled myhand. Amongst Dune’s excitement andPearl’s rambling, I couldn’t stop thinking about how soft Aura’s lips had beenagainst my skin.
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