Meet the Parents

During the five hour journey to theNorthern Palace, my brain was jumbled up with random information of clothes,styles and what Dune’s favourite colour was. He and Pearl just simply couldn’t stop talking! I’m glad Dune has found a friend, he musthave been so lonely with Vincent and Aura training and me learning about elventraditions.

“And then when Harmony found me tryingon one of her dresses, she freaked!” Dune laughed as Pearl gasped and giggled“She had a feeling I was going gay because I enjoyed playing with her dolls alot. My brothers never saw me the sameway ever again.”

“Do vampires have anything againsthomophobia?” Pearl asked curiously.

“Upper class pureblood vampires haveissues but my family were pretty open-minded,” Dune shrugged “They were moresurprised than shocked to discover I was gay.”

“We’re coming to the gates of theNorthern Palace!” Chelsea called from her place next to the driver. Pearl eagerly leaned out of the window andsmiled.

“Zelda, Zelda, look!” she came back inand urged me to look out “This is where Dox and I grew up!” I carefully stuck my head out of the windowof the carriage door. It was a ratherlarge palace. The mountains lookedbeautiful behind it and I could see the obvious change of trees to adapt to thecolder weather. I retreated back in soDune could stick his head out to look.

“It’s so big!” he gasped.

“We always went ice skating whenever thelakes froze over in the winter!” Pearl chatted excitedly “You should try it,you two! It’s so much fun!”

“What’s…ice skating?” I asked with aconfused frown.

“We’ll show you when winter comes!”Pearl grinned as fanfares sounded outside “Oh, I’m so excited to see Mommy andDaddy!”

“I’m excited to meet them too!” Dunegrinned and they both squealed like excited girls. I swallowed as I remembered the portrait ofthe royal couple. The carriage came to astop and I felt my heart beating erratically. I leaned over and squeezed Dune’s hand as Pearl jumped out.

“Dune, I’m scared,” I whimpered.

“It’s alright, Zelda,” Dune whispered ashe squeezed back “It’s going to be alright.” I took a deep breath as Pearl called for us to come out.

“Go before me,” I whimpered. Dune smiled as he stepped out, allowing me tofollow behind and stand next to him.

“Little Zelda,” a deep voice chuckled“You’ve grown up so much.” I looked upat King Russoon timidly as he grinned at me.

“Come out from behind this charming girlso we can see you properly,” another voice said, allowing Dune to simper. I clenched onto the kimono Dune was wearingbefore stepping out from behind him and into their view. “Tch, stand up straight with your chin up,young lady!”

“Yes, ma’am!” I squeaked as Istraightened my spine and looked up at the royal couple. Two pairs of piercing eyes stared straightback at me and I held back a whine. Ifelt as if I was on display, it was uncomfortable. I took a deep breath before bowing. “Nice to meet you, Your Majesties,” I said ina hurried tone.

“Really, girl, what kind of manners didthat awful human teach you?” Queen Clarissa tutted. I opened and closed my mouth before bowing myhead. “Chin up!” I snapped my head up quickly.

“If I may interject?” Dune put on afalsetto voice and placed a hand on my shoulder “Princess Zelda was raised toact like a human. Please forgive her forany inappropriate behaviour. She is avery quick learner though.” QueenClarissa regarded Dune thoughtfully as King Russoon smiled and held his handout.

“We haven’t been formally introduced Ibelieve,” he said “May I ask your name, miss?” Dune giggled as I stared at the king in disbelief.

“Dahlia,” he said and made a curtseymotion.

“It is very nice to meet you, MissDahlia,” King Russoon smiled and pressed a kiss to Dune’s hand. I honestly couldn’t hold back from openlygaping at the couple as Queen Clarissa introduced herself to ‘Dahlia’. They actually think he’s a girl! They think Dune is a girl! Isn’t it blatantly obvious that he is a boy?!

“Close your mouth, Zelda, it’s rude,”Queen Clarissa scolded, as if she was my mother now. I closed my mouth at her request and shot alook to Pearl. She just shrugged andwinked cheekily.

“I must confess, I’ve never met avampire before,” King Russoon smiled “They often mingle with humans in theircities rather than be found around these isolated areas.”

“Well, humans are easier to hunt thanelves and I am to believe your blood is too rich for us,” Dune shrugged andsmiled “Well, I can always feast on the animals here, can’t I?”

“Indeed,” King Russoon nodded “Please,come inside. We will show you to yourrooms.”

“Will we be far apart?” I asked timidlyas their stature still intimidated me “Because I would like to speak to Miss Dahlia privately.” I gave a sharp look to Dune who just smiledinnocently.

“We arranged for your rooms to beopposite one another,” Queen Clarissa nodded as we followed them inside thepalace “Pearl’s room will be just next to yours, Zelda.”

“We can be like sisters!” Pearl squealedand jumped up and down “We can stay up and have pillow fights then talk aboutour husbands! Or your soon-to-be husbandand my husband.” I opened my mouth toobject and say that I was not going to marry Paradox. But as I did, I was given looks from theroyal couple in front of us so closed it.

“We’ll…see,” I said reluctantly as wewent up flights of stairs.

“Oh, how pretty!” Dune exclaimed and Ilooked up at the portrait we were passing. I stopped in my tracks and the others went down the corridor as I staredup at the massive painting before me. Itwas my parents. Both of them sitting ontheir thrones, hand in hand. Irecognized Zereria first before recognizing Merzeiha. They were smiling, they looked so happytogether. Zereria was so beautiful andMerzeiha didn’t look so intimidating compared to the portrait I saw of him atthe other palace.

“Mother…” I barely whispered as if shewould come if I called her.

“Zelda, is something wrong?” Dune askedas he came back for me “Come on, one more flight of stairs and down a couple ofcorridors until we get to our rooms.” Ilooked up at the older vampire and leaned my head on his shoulder.

“My parents,” I said “They’re myparents.” Dune hugged me and patted myback.

“Wow, your mother was really pretty,” hecommented “Your father was quite handsome too. Shame he was married.”

“He would have been too old for youanyway,” I murmured as I sighed “Pity, he was gay too.”

“He was?!” Dune gasped.

“Yes, Miss Dahlia,” I smirked “he was gay before he met my mother.” Dune smiled and took my hand.

“Come on, it’s not the far now,” he saidas he led me down the corridor to where the small royal family were waiting. We reached our rooms, Pearl and Dune eagerlygoing into one to try on the kimonos they had here whilst King Russoon wascalled away for business. Leaving mewith Queen Clarissa. She stared down atme and I forced myself to smile.

“Well, thank you for showing me to myroom, Your Majesty,” I made a curtsey motion again “I will retire now, I’m verytired.”

“Wait, let us spend some time together,”Queen Clarissa insisted with a smile and I felt a shiver go down my spine “I’llhelp you unpack.”

“You’re…too kind,” I said asenthusiastically as possible as she went into my room. She already had the suitcase open on my bedwhen I came in and taking the kimonos out to hang in the wardrobe.

“My husband and I were very muchrelieved to hear that you are alive,” she said with a smile as she picked up mymother’s kimono and sighed, running a hand down it “Oh, Zereria, we were justlike sisters. We stuck together throughthick and thin as children.”

“You were very close to my mother,” Iobserved as she hung the kimono up in the wardrobe with care.

“Yes, we always spent our days wonderingwhat we would be like once we were crowned as queens,” Queen Clarissa giggled“I was of noble birth, Zereria was my lady-in-waiting but she was engaged toMerzeiha when he was the crown prince.”

“How did they meet?” I asked timidly.

“Well, Zereria wanted to see whatattending a ball would be like,” Queen Clarissa smiled wistfully “So we got herdressed and ready for the occasion and we went to the ball. Merzeiha asked her for a dance, dressed as alord whilst his family were panicking behind the scenes trying to replacehim. They fell in love quicker than medropping a pebble. It was verysurprising of course, everyone knew your father was gay. But after meeting your mother, he changed,just like that.”

“That sounds…so romantic…” I murmuredshyly.

“Speak up, dear, I can’t hear you veryclearly,” Queen Clarissa said sharply.

“That sounds so romantic,” I said a bitlouder.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Queen Clarissa suddenlymelted back to her warm wistful state “Though, your story with Paradox isromantic too.” I stayed silent, loweringmy eyes to the floor. “You lookhesitant, do you not even remember your time with Paradox before your familywere attacked?”

“My earliest memory is fire,” I replied“Fire and running. Running from horses,running from shouting. Arriving at theorphanage.” Queen Clarissa regarded mebefore coming up to me and patting my shoulder.

“After dinner, have some tea with me onthe balcony,” she said “I’d love to bond with you. You remind me so much of your mother.”

“I’ve…been told…” I murmured andclenched my fists.

“She was very shy and reserved at yourage, but when it came to her opinion, she made sure everyone knew it if theyever tried to push their opinion onto her,” Queen Clarissa sighed as shebrushed her hair back behind her shoulder “Now, you get some rest. I’m sure that journey must have tired youout.” I watched as she left the room andpressed my ear to the door to listen her footsteps retreat, Pearl’s voiceaccompanying them as she eagerly chatted to her mother. I slowly opened my bedroom door a crack andglanced out, watching both mother and daughter disappear around thecorner. Would that have been my motherand I if we had never been attacked?

I began thinking, what if the attacknever happened? Would I be in love withParadox or just think of him as a brother? Would I have been the best of friends with Pearl? I began picturing myself at this palace, sideby side with Pearl as we giggled and gossiped. Perhaps we would all have tea together in the evening after dinner? Me, Pearl, Queen Clarissa and my mother. Perhaps Mia would be there too, though I donot know what she looks like. Would Ihave ever met Aura or Vincent? OrDune? Wait, speaking of Dune… I fixed my stare onto Dune’s door oppositemine and strode across the corridor, knocking sharply.

“Come in!” he called in that ridiculousfalsetto voice. I strode in, closing thedoor behind me and raising an eyebrow as Dune fixed his looks whilst perched onhis bed. He had gained a dahlia flowerin his hair.

“Do you really have to deceive Paradox’sparents by pretending you’re a girl?” I hissed as I came up to him.

“But it’s fun, it’s been so long since Idressed up,” Dune pouted “And the servants treat me so nicely, I feel like apretty princess!”

“I think they see you more as a lady, Miss Dahlia,” I sighed and shook my head“Where did you get that dahlia from anyway?”

“A servant boy gave it to me, it was sosweet,” Dune squealed “Oh, if only Vincent could see me like this.” He sighed sadly and hunched hisshoulders. “I’m really worried for him.”

“Yeah, and I’m panicking for Aura’ssafety,” I sighed “Hey, how long do you reckon you’re going to pull this offanyway?”

“As long as possible,” Dune winked “Iget to have so much space and everyone can treat me nicely.”

“I’m sure if you’re just Dune, you’ll betreated the same,” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t know,” Dune frowned “I preferbeing seen as a girl then no-one will see me as a queer.”

“And when they replace out you’re actuallya transvestite?”

“They won’t, trust me,” Dune winked “Iknow how to act as a lady so I’ll be fine.”

“I’m betting three days,” I smirked andDune grinned back.

“I bet until the end of this war thatZack started,” he shrugged and combed his fingers through his hair “Say, youlike to make perfume, could you make me a dahlia one for me please?”

“You’re really going to wear perfumetoo?” I raised an eyebrow and he nodded eagerly “Alright but can you tell mewhere this servant got your dahlia from?”

“He said that some of them grew in thegarden,” Dune glanced out at the balcony. I stood and opened the windows to go out and examine the gardens. I was surprised that there were no lessflowers here than at Paradox’s palace considering the cooler temperature. Rubbing my arms as a cold breeze passed, Iscanned from my place and found some dahlias.

“Alright, I will need a couple of bowlsand a basket, do you think you can use your feminine charm to get them?” Iturned and raised an eyebrow sceptically at Dune. It only took Dune a wink and simper beforecalling a servant with the bell on his bedside table. I suppose I might have one in my own room. Once I had my basket and Dune was filling thebowls with water, I teleported to a spot in the garden. Petals flew in the air and I frantically usedthe basket to catch them as they fell. With a soft sigh, I bent down and picked a couple of dahlias from thegarden. I then teleported back up toDune’s balcony, catching the petals with the basket again. Dune clapped at the spectacle and I scowledat him.

“Oh, sweetie don’t do that,” Dunefrowned “It’s so unattractive.” Ignoringhim, I set the basket down by the bowls and began working on his perfume. Once he stunk of dahlias, petals and honey,Pearl came in to announce that dinner was ready.

“Oh, that’s such a sweet scent,” shesaid as she stepped further into the room, breathing in the scent deeply “Isthat you, Dahlia?”

“Yes, it is,” Dune giggled with hisfalsetto voice “Zelda made it for me.”

“Oh, you make perfumes!” Pearl squealed“We should totally decide what kind of perfume you should wear to your wedding,what perfume would suit me best, what perfume should Mother wear…”

“Sure but let’s have dinner first,” Ismiled.

“Dinner, come on, let’s go!” Pearlgrinned as she led the way downstairs to the banquet hall.

This hall had long tables rather thanthe round ones in Paradox’s palace. Pearl, Dune and I were seated with the king and queen, I was sat next toQueen Clarissa whilst Dune and Pearl were on King Russoon’s side. Clarissa kept a cold demeanour, much likeParadox, talking to the other guests, answering questions about the oncomingwar that Zack declared, et cetera. I wasasked questions too, such as how I survived the attack, what Zack was like, wasI worried for Paradox’s safety and other questions about myself. Everyone looked excited to see me, I felt ondisplay.

“Zelda,” Queen Clarissa whispered to meas she leaned over and hovered her lips by my ear “Shall we adjourn?” I nodded once and she stood from her place,taking my hand to place around her arm. “If you would excuse us,” she nodded and led me out of the banquethall. I glued my eyes to the floor whilstfollowing Queen Clarissa to her room. Ididn’t look at the grand bedroom as she took me out onto the balcony where atable and tea set was set up. “Sit,” shesaid as she pulled a chair out for me “I hope you enjoy this tea. Your mother and I always drank ittogether.” She poured some tea out intoa cup and nudged it over towards me. Ipicked it up carefully and brought it to my lips, blowing it to cool downbefore taking a sip.

“…” I glanced over to Queen Clarissa whosat on the other chair on the other side of the table “It’s very sweet.”

“Not a sweet lover?” she smiled “Iunderstand. Your father didn’t reallylike sweet things either.” I placed thecup down and folded my hands in my lap. Queen Clarissa sipped her tea as we stared out across the forest as thenight settled.

“I understand that there’s been sometension between you and my son.” Thatsentence probably made me feel like I was in trouble with my mother for thefirst time ever. Zereria didn’t make mefeel like that when I knew her at Zack’s house. I glanced across the table at Queen Clarissa’s calm face.

“Please, don’t make me marry him,” Isaid.

“Is he really that horrible to bearound?” she asked.

“Well, I…” I shrugged helplessly. “He scares me. He killed human soldiers in cold blood, hekept pushing his affections onto me and…and…” Queen Clarissa regarded me as I rubbed the spot where Aura had kissed myhand.

“I hear you have a soft spot for one ofhis knight’s brother,” she said.

“Aura…” I said “Aura…he’s just…uh…” My cheeks were heating up, my heart wasbeating erratically. “Every time I seehim, I remember how I first saw him. Homeless, wrapped in that tattered blanket, so alone. I just want to protect him and your son isstopping me from doing that and sending him out to battle!”

“No-one is stopping you,” Queen Clarissaraised an eyebrow.

“Also, Aura wants to battle and if I goand try to take him away and Paradox catches me…I really wouldn’t past him thathe’d use force to stop me.” QueenClarissa was quiet for a while and leaned over to pet my hand.

“Zelda, I want you to be honest,” shesaid “What do you want more than anything in the world?” I swallowed nervously.

“I just want to be free to do what Iwant without anyone on my back, telling me what I should do.” Queen Clarissa smiled softly before leaningback and sighing.

“So much like your parents,” she said“You only think for yourself but at the same time you want to help those aroundyou.” I stayed quiet as Queen Clarissasipped her tea. “When you were about fouryears old, you rescued a little rabbit, helped heal its leg then insisted thatyou wanted to keep it as a pet.” Thatsounds very much like me. I smiled atthe description.

“Did…did I replace it under a mulberrybush?”

“Yes, you did.”

“Its leg was snagged on a branch…” I remember. I was playing in the garden. Iheard the bushes rustling and I followed the sound to replace the tiniest rabbitwith its foot stuck on the branches. Zereria was there, Father was there…so was Queen Clarissa…

“You met Paradox that day,” QueenClarissa said. Yes, he was theretoo. Tall and proud like today but hestill had a childish look to him. Hesmiled so warmly and he was so friendly.

“And, there was a girl there on thatday,” I said “Taller, freckles, a bit clumsy…”

“Your sister, Mia,” Queen Clarissachuckled “Charming girl, she was adorable. But Paradox just couldn’t tolerate her.”

“Mia…often played with me,” Iremembered. I remember she would push mehigh on the tree swing. She would makeme little flower crowns. We chased oneanother in the gardens. I remember Iclimbed up one of the trees and she looked for me for so long. And then…then…

“Zelda, stop remembering, it won’t doyou any good if you recall things too fast,” Queen Clarissa hurriedly leanedover to grab my wrist.

“I remember when he attacked,” Iwhispered as flames arose in my memories “Mia was trapped and I could hear herscreaming.” So much fire, the heat wasunbearable, everyone was screaming. Zereria came and grabbed me. Shegot me out, she got trapped, I ran, I was scared, everything was in chaos. Zack was chasing after me, he was trying tokill me. Paradox came, he tried to saveme but I reached the orphanage and collapsed.

“Zelda?” Queen Clarissa squeezed myshoulder tightly. I realised how much Iwas sweating and hyperventilating. Ilooked at her concerned expression.

“I need to go,” I said and stood “Idon’t care what anyone thinks, I just need to…go…” My legs were shaking, I didn’t feel verywell.

“Zelda, where are you going to go?”Queen Clarissa asked “You know the embodiment of Envy will hunt you down if youleave.”

“Cannabec doesn’t scare me,” I sneeredat Cannabec’s name “I just need to clear my head.” I jumped onto the balcony ledge and took adeep breath. “I want to do what I think isright.” Queen Clarissa didn’t commentbut she did simper lightly.

“Just like your father.” I turned to her and smiled happily. She wasn’t so scary after all. “But if you don’t come back, I’m going topersonally hunt you down.” I take thatback. Taking a deep breath, I closed myeyes tightly and fell from the balcony, disappearing into a flurry of petals.

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