I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity
Chapter 43 - The Super Rookie? What, Are You, Blind?

Merin was a bit too excited so I turned to Natasha and she explained things to me.

Apparently, one moron from my class had recorded a small video of me fighting Blaze and uploaded to the school website. The video got viral and I was born as the super rookie. 'But why a rookie?'

Yet again my day began with a sigh. 'Today's going to be shitty too?'

I tried to get out of the bed, and Natasha just pushed me back. "Not until the nurse says so."

I wanted to refuse but I couldn't.

"By the way, I'm kind of jealous. Not only are you famous across the academy you even have your own fan club." Merin said he was jealous but that grin sure didn't look like jealousy. If anything he looked even smugger now.

'Yeah, I never wanted to be famous though.'

"Fan club?"

"The girls you freed have all become your fans," Natasha spoke like it was the most natural thing in the world. "We even have new applicants applying for the position of being your top fan."

"Why can't they just live normal lives? They're free now, right?"

"I'm their leader by the way." Again Natasha just spoke like it was normal.

Come to think of it, she seemed much more open than before and not as nonchalant as when I first met her. Did something good happen to her today or what?

"Leader? Why? I'm pretty sure, you have no reason to admire me."

"What are you, dense? You saved me from a fate I utterly despised. Of course, I'd admire you. But just because I admire you doesn't mean I'll fawn over you. And the same goes for those girls too. It's just an excuse for them to bond and have some fun anyway. So don't concern yourself too much about it." Natasha was blunt and I was glad she gave it to be straight. "Just think you have more well-wishers and everything will be fine."

'I'm sure it's not that simple.'

All this time, Merin was simply just giggling ever so silently. I really wanted to punch the dude.

Well, I wasn't some harem protagonist, so I guess this was normal. It's not like girls would just fawn over me just because I saved them. And I was perfectly fine with just earning their respect. 'At least now I won't get glares.'

"Where is the nurse anyway?" I was getting a little impatient.

I was perfectly healthy: probably. And yet, I was bedridden. Suffice to say, I did not like to be here.

Merin and Natasha just looked at each other and chuckled.

'Get a room you two.'


The nurse came back roughly an hour later and after what seemed like an eternity I was discharged. She did make me promise that I'd have to come every week for a routine checkup.

I had a feeling she didn't want to release me but was forced to.

It was past noon and I was hungry. Strangely, mom or Elsa never came to check up on me.

Was everything alright?

It worried me more than necessary so I headed towards the girls' dorm. And only when I got on the road, did I notice that I had a lot of holes and tears in my clothes. 'They couldn't just get me new clothes, now could they?'

With another sigh, I kept on moving. As usual, there were stares. But within those stares, I received loads of and loads of sparkly eyes. Well, at least I had respect if nothing else.

But I also got something else. Namely, "Look there's the super rookie."

"Super rookie's back on his feet!"

"Super rookie, looking good!"

"Tch, show off."

There were all sorts of comments about me.

I really didn't want to be anywhere near those guys.

'Super rookie this, super rookie that!' Actually, when occasionally I heard things like being a showoff and stuff, it made me feel better. At least I wasn't in another world or something.

'Am I turning into a masochist or something?'


"I always believed in you!" Ariel flashed a thumbs up from the bench as I passed her. Dan wasn't with her. She was just chomping on her double-decker sandwich. Was that her usual routine or something?

I returned the gesture. "Your faith is appreciated." I tried to be as bold as I could. But the moment my eyes landed on that sandwich, my mouth began to water, and I couldn't maintain my composure: I was hungry.

She started giggling, snorted halfway, and burst out laughing a second later. "Well," She cleared a tear. "Good job." I knew she was congratulating me, but did she really need to laugh that hard?

"Thank you." I turned to leave.

"But don't let it get to your head. You won two matches back to back against people who went to the nationals last year. You must really be feeling good about it. But, pride often brings disaster, so I'll be careful if I were you." Though Ariel flashed a devilish grin, I got the feeling she was serious.

I knew Dan went to the nationals but Blaze too? It was news to me.

"Noted." I moved on.

I already knew, I couldn't let this get to my head. Besides, I still didn't know what was going on with me, or what that stuff that went down in my head was, anyway. And I couldn't tell it to anyone either, without looking like I'd gone mad. Oh wait, maybe I could have told mom?

'Guess, I'll tell her later.'


I reached the girls' dorm within due time. On my way here, I received dozens of letters. I never opened them. Probably just gratitude letters.

But something was different today at this dorm. Instead of the usual glares, I was getting a lot of smiles and even some flying kisses. Needless to say, I felt more uncomfortable than anything else.

I still got one glare though. "Hey Ponytails, is Eve in?"

It was the same girl who had captured me back then and tied me to a chair. I didn't resent her but I got the impression she didn't like me one bit. And that's why I asked her instead of everyone else here. Cause no matter how I saw it, these girls were definitely just waiting to pull something. I really didn't want to give them a chance.

Ponytails looked at me without much emotion. "Yes, she is inside and so is your family." Her tone was subtle and she leaked minimum hostility. I guess she could conceal her nature pretty well. Plus she already knew about my family?

I walked inside. "Thanks."

"Thank you too." The girl whispered.

Was she talking to me?

I sure hope not.


"SO, why didn't you come to see me?"

Mom, Elsa, and Eve were sitting side by side on the bed. I was standing in front of them like I was an investigator or something. Actually, I really felt like torturing these lot at this point.

"I kind of got carried away with the gossip and lost track of time." For once mom fidgeted and didn't look me in the eye.

I looked at Elsa. "Well, Eve was being so nice-"

"I-I'm not to blame!"

All three of them were guilty, no doubt.

'I shouldn't have worried.'

When these two never came to visit me since morning, I kind of got worried about them. But now, I just felt sad.

"Alright, I'll head back to the dorm. Good luck on going back," I waved and left. I didn't even look back.

I already had enough shocks for the day.

My head was throbbing and I still hadn't had lunch. Everything just pissed me off. I felt like kicking and punching things without any reason.

Every girl that came near me, saw my mood and just moved aside.

Once out, I headed for the vending machine. 'Cold chocolate?' it was hot, so I went for the cold option. I always liked my chocolate hot, but cold was good too.

I opened the bottle, took a sip, and just stared at the distance from the bench. Finally, some peace.

Mom already knew I was okay, so maybe that's why she didn't come. But honestly, what about Elsa? Wasn't she supposed to be my clingy sister? She was so annoying whenever I didn't want her to be.

I sighed. 'Just what the hell was I even hoping for?'

The chilled chocolate did taste a bit too cold for my taste though.

"You are Helio Jintel, is that correct?" A voice spoke from my side.

"Yes, and you are?"

There were actually two people there. A guy and a girl. They were old, mid-thirties. Both of them had vacation clothes on. Were they on a trip to Hawaii or something?

"I'm Marcov Bronsky, nice to meet you." The man came close and sat on the bench, spreading his hands towards me.

The girl just stood by the bench and glanced at us a little more than necessary.

"Jintel, nice to meet you too." I grabbed his hand and gave it a shake. But something wasn't right. His hand felt abnormally hot. I yanked off my hand and made distance, sipping my drink the entire time.

"Not bad." The man said as he scratched his beard. "Awe man, I forgot to shave again."

'What is wrong with this dude?'

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