I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity
Chapter 44 - How Could You Forget It!?

I got a lot of stares coming from all around me. Normally this wouldn't have been an issue but since I had two weirdoes in front of me, I got more than enough attention.

I was sipping so hard that I ran out before I even noticed. At least I was just mildly hungry now.

"Who are you people, what do you want?" I kept my eyes on the two of them while moving close to the trash can. I always drank at this place, so I was pretty aware of the can's location.

"You shouldn't forget people's names that easily you know." He chuckled.

Was this dude really serious? "Anyway, I've got better things to do, so if you don't have any-"

"You're Julio's son, aren't you?" The man had a rather weird smirk. It creeped me out.

"What are you even talking about? And no!" Only after becoming a little furious did I understand, this guy could have potentially known my grandfather.

So I had to play this cool.

"That's a nice reaction you have. As expected of Julio's son."

My gramps was at least 70 this year, so where on earth did this dude get the idea of gramps being my father?

"Are you sure, your head is alright?" Honestly, I was more concerned about this dude's sanity than his attitude.

But something about this man bothered me. His hand was hot to touch. But it wasn't anything I was familiar with. 'Maybe he has a weird power?'

The woman sighed. "Please give it up. We already know you're his son. There's no lying your way out of this." The woman seemed full of herself too. Were both of them morons?

This woman wore glasses and looked fairly intellectual and yet her intelligence was less than a toddler's.

'I guess looks could be deceiving.'

"Later." I started walking. I had better things to worry about than these creeps. But one thing was for certain. My secret identity wasn't so secret anymore.

Just who was the person that just had to post that video?

The two didn't follow me. I still kept a close eye on them, and eventually crashed into a palm tree in the middle of the road. So much for learning my lesson.


All my life I always hid my family name- Romswell. It was the cursed name for the world. Though our family wasn't rich or perhaps that influential in the world, this family certainly was well known for producing quality villains.

The world's leading terrorist group Alzana? Lead by Thomas Romswell Blake, my uncle.

The world's baddest villain? My grandfather.

The world's most wanted and notorious criminal? My cousin, John.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg.

All of them were from my mother's side though. I didn't really know much about my father's side but I never really looked into it either. I already had my hands full with just one side of the family, I sure in hell didn't want to deal with the other. Besides, I despised people from my father's side anyway. I hadn't seen any of them in the past twelve or so years but that was a different story.

This was why I never used my family name or even the name Helio. And whenever I used to go out with my cousins, I always wore a mask so that people never knew me. I even got the nickname the Cursed Mask Romswell. I didn't like the name, but it was better than just having my face well known as the next potential world villain for no reason at all.

I still got about a dozen headlines from time to time though. But it was about the Cursed Mask, not me.


I reached the dorm before I knew it. Did I already subconsciously register this place as my home? Probably.

I forgot to buy bread because of all that drama but oh well.

At least I won't have to run into those two morons again.

Stairs…. Pain. My nose and forehead stung too from that great crash between me and that damn plant.

'Why in the middle of the street?'

This time, I knocked three times on the door and waited for a response. I'd already done enough disturbing for these two.

"Come in."

I went in and I really wanted to punch Merin. Natasha wasn't here but there sure was a lot more than I ever expected. Was he having a party?

There were five people inside the room including Merin. Two being Elsa and mom and the other two being those roadside weirdoes who just randomly showed up and disrupted my drinking time.

"Welcome, Julio's son. I've been waiting for you." The man began with a grin.

How the hell did he get here faster than me?

Before I could reply I took a good look at mom. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling way more than necessary.

I had a bad feeling about this. Was mom waiting just so I could get here and she could confront the dude first hand?

"Just what is your connection with this Julio?" I tried to be as non-interested as possible. I couldn't give away that I knew gramps. But at this point, was that even possible?

"Oh, we're just friends." The man grinned more than necessary.

Friends? Friends with a 70-year-old geezer whom I hadn't seen past my third birthday?

"Really? So I take it your old too?"

"Yeah, I just turned 44 this year." He chuckled. He definitely looked younger though.

And he wasn't even a little bit offended when I called him old? Something was seriously wrong with this guy.

I sighed. "Then you should know, that man is old and I'm too young. Meaning I couldn't possibly be his son." I tried to reason with him. He didn't seem that bad, but maybe a little stupid.

"No, that monster always liked little girls. I always saw a girl with him every single time I went out with him." He was speaking way too nonchalantly. Did he not realize that the girl sitting in the bed opposite to his, was that guy's, the guy he just called a monster's daughter?

"You should really watch what you're saying, man." I tried to chuckle, but the chuckle didn't come out.

"That was me." A voice ran through the room. A very cold voice. It was mom. I had a bad feeling about this.

'Too late.'


"That girl, he always took everywhere with. That was me." Mom's eyes opened.

"Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it, you did seem similar. Did he marry you?" He chuckled a bit harder. "But I must say, he had pretty good taste in women."

'Last straw.'

Mom stood up, went close to the guy, and grabbed his collar, raising him up from the ground with just one hand.

The two other ladies meanwhile were just drinking their afternoon tea like nothing was amiss. Merin was just watching the whole thing with sparkles in his eyes. What was up with them?

"That's his daughter by the way." I tried to be a little nonchalant but my sweats were reminding me that this wasn't good.

The color from the guy's face dropped. He was pale as a sheet. "Oh shit."

"I remember you. You're that miserable moron who always ran from his wife every time he had a fight." Mom raised him a little higher. "You do have life insurance right?"

"No?" The guy squirmed, sweating profusely.

"Too bad. I'd feel bad for your family….so-" She just wiggled her arms a little and the guy flew through the air, crashing into the wall. It was a small room so he didn't pick up speed. But he did crash rather loudly, forming two cracks on the wall. "So, I'll let you go, just this once."

He screamed mildly and coughed up a bit of blood. "You're even worse than my wife." Mom glared and the man stood up straight. "No mam, you're way, way better!"

Two suppressed giggles came out of nowhere. Apparently, our two tea-drinking ladies were having fun on their own.

'Wait, if that lady is my mother and the daughter of Julio, then that makes me Julio's grandson. How the hell didn't I see this coming?' I'd just given away my identity the moment I mentioned mom being Julio- my grandfather's daughter.

I sighed. "Which moron uploaded that video again?" I asked Merin.

I got the feeling Merin liked squabbles like this. He still had his liberated face. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just going to make him impotent for a few weeks." I laughed. I laughed a bit too much.

If the guy hadn't uploaded the video, then half of these problems wouldn't have even existed.

"I doubt that. The guy's pretty strong. Let's see." Merin scrolled through his Holo and brought out the original post. "See."

The moment I saw the name I sighed without even reading the rest. It was Clyde- Clyde Angelmen. He even wrote stuff like, 'proud to be his classmate' and stuff.

The guy was stronger than me whether I liked it or not and not to mention he was already impotent. So there went that plan.

But really, Clyde?

What did I ever do to him?

With a sigh, I placed the letters on my desk.

"Wow, you got so many love letters." Merin chuckled.

The moment he said love, I caught the attention of everyone in the room. Especially mom and Elsa. What were they so excited about?

"So you're telling me I got love letters from nine girls and four guys and two teachers?" Just because I received letters didn't mean they were love letters anyway.

"Well, everyone has preferences." Merin didn't look me in the eye.

"I don't care-"

Knock! Knock!

"Who?" I was the only one standing like a moron while the rest were sitting peacefully. And Marcov whatever guy was repenting in a corner, so basically, I had to answer the door.

"It's me, Rose." The voice came out smoothly.

I opened the door. I owed Rose, one. "Hi, how can I help you?"

She scowled and looked around. "Why didn't you change clothes? You're about to meet the headmaster in his office, you know."


"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that." Merin chuckled. "You were supposed to meet the headmaster before coming here but I guess that's why Rose is here."

I really wanted to punch him.

I was basically still wearing my torn clothes. Running around in these outside was one thing but meeting the headmaster with these?

I really wanted to change but-

"He's got a lot of work to do. So let's go." Rose turned around, giving me a solid glare. "And here I thought you'd at least have some punctuality," She murmured.

'But why the hell did you have to show up?'

Elsa waved me bye. While mom just smiled.

Merin also smiled but I really wanted to break them (his) teeth.

The other two had awkward smiles and averted eye contact with Rose.


"Let's go." I just grabbed a piece of gum from Merin's table and came out. But Rose still stayed by the door. "What are you doing?"

"You two." Rose smiled. "You're coming too." Apparently, she was speaking to the weirdoes.

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