Chapter 187 Chapter 187 Lucky Duckling


Her hands clutched the hem of the duvet tightly- tapping nervously with her fingers. Tactfully, she avoided his gaze- darting her eyes all over the room, choosing instead to sneak glances at him- like a child that was on the sorry end of a serious tongue lashing.

And for a moment, as Nexus' intense glare continued to reign down on her. a roaring silence engulfed the all white room,

Finally, the stretched lines around Nexus' young eyes began to contract.

His heart rate slowed, as he forcefully brought his rapid breathing to a standstill- respiring at calmer tempo. Sighing, he shook his head, looked down at her stomach, and announced;

"You're a lucky duckling. You know that right?"

He began to roll up his sleeves- one at a time;

"I don't even wanna think about what could've happened if I hadn't come along. . ."

He began to rub his palms together- trying to generate heat;

"Have you ever come across liquid nitrogen Selina?" he asked.

Without waiting for an answer, he followed up on his own question;

"What am I saying? You're a pharmacist, of course you have. . ."

He adjusted himself on the bed- inching downwards, still sliding his palms up against each other;

". . .well, I want you to imagine dipping your whole hand inside a cauldron of liquid nitrogen. It's hard I know, but just try."

Selina's face winced.

"Exactly," he echoed; "Now try, imagining your internal organs- say, your intenstines, getting dipped in that burning cold. . ."

He stopped rubbing his palms together, and looked her in the eye;

"That's what's gonna happen to your insides if you keep testing your limits with anymore IceCore elixir."

Selina's mind had barely digested that when suddenly, without warning, Nexus' arms tore through the air- thrusting forward, diving straight for her abdomen once again.

Her body instantly welcomed the budding heat from Nexus' palms. From her throat, a soft moan slipped through. As he moved his palms across abdomen, she felt the warmth radiating from his hands- silently countering the cold, and leaving her with a comforting feeling.

She gasped- as slowly, she descended into a state of temporal reprieve- feeling the fiery heat from his hands chip away at the coldness- submitting to the warmth of his touch.

The warmth was undeniable.

However, in reality, it was much deeper than that.

Hovering over her- sleeves up, shoulders tensed, and arms stretched out, Nexus' face was a mask of utmost seriousness. With both his palms placed on her belly, and with his fingertips at peculiar pressure points, Nexus began to initiate the process of the true healing.

Deep from his gut, from his inexhaustible pool, he began to transfer his Yang Qi into the woman's body.

In steady currents, the invisible waves of his psychic essence flowed into the woman- seeping through her body in the form of 'heat,' and slipping into her soul through all seven pathways- all the way down to her subconscious.

On the all white sheets, Selina moaned- surrendering to him. Her eyes closed as she willingly accepted the warmth- thinking he was just warming her up with his heat.

For the next few moments, Nexus continued to bombard her soul and body- feeling the tumultuous black clouds swirling within her- fighting back like an infection- trying to resist the streams of invading Yang Qi.

Like hot, white, light- his essence continued to flow through- and slowly, the color on Selina's face began to return. That rosy red- the color of summer, began creep up on her face again.

All over her body, her previously atrophied muscles began to relax. Under her closed eye lids, her eyeballs twitched spoardically, and her chest roses and fell- as she took in rich gusts of oxygen.

Selina was beginning to get herself.

However, on Nexus' face- right around the corner of his eyes, was evidence of worrying signs. Hat on, and shoulders squared, he arched his head lower- and peered closely at Selina- looking beyond her glowing skin.

'I knew it. . .' he thought sadly; 'I'm not getting anywhere. . .'

At first glance- it looked like his treatment was working on the surface.

But deep down, below that rosy color- the budding cloud of darkness within her was in budding. Like the enormous shadow of a thick black clouds, the storm was still looming inside her- snapping rebelliously.

His Yang Qi was like a single beam of golden light- shining in a straight line at a dark storm cloud- with no divergence whatsoever.

His eyebrows shot upwards as he stole a glance at Selina's face. Her eyes were closed in bliss- completely unaware of the excessive Yin Qi raging through her- also completely unaware that he could not balance out the excess by massaging her stomach alone.

Under his hat, a single line of sweat began to trickle down the sides of his temple. A lump formed at the back of his throat as he considered the only other option.

His semen.

Nexus gulped nervously.

His eyes furtively roved down to her chest- picturing her breasts, wondering just how big and round they were. He pictured seeing her naked, with her thighs spread apart- and his head between- lapping up the deliciousness of her pussy with his tonuge, and sliding his fingers all over her rich buttock- gripping her cheeks, and feeling their softness.

Nexus swallowed again.


That might as well be a dream. The white haired woman hated physical contact. That much was clear.

A single memory flashed through his mind- that day in the office, her wicked icy eyes glowing murderously as she held up an ice crystal in her open palm- angling it like a dagger made of ice.

Nexus cringed inwardly- almost withdrawing his hand from her stomach.

I could actually die.

The corners of his lips twitched as plunged his mind into a storm of thoughts. He had to tell her first. That was the best course.

Clearing his throat, and adjusting his position on the bed, his voice came rasping through;

"Selina, before I proceed any further, there's something you probably need to know first. . ."

She opened her eyes slightly- looking at him warily;

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Quite the contrary actually. . ."

On her belly, his hands stopped moving.

". . .from what I can see," he began carefully; "I might actually have to delve a little bit deeper."

"What?" she cracked; "Speak plainly Ni Yang, level with me."

"Well," he shifted uncomfortably; "Your body's temperature is dropping abysmally. . .it's not just your stomach, it's every area of your body."

She nodded slowly; "Yeah, I can feel it."

"So my hands probably won't stop at your belly."

He stopped there, hoping she would pick up the clues.

She did.

"Uhm mister Ni Yang," she pulled herself upwards on the bed- slowly; "I don't like being kept in the dark. . .I do believe you're kind of familiar with this sickness- since you're the mastermind behind this IceCore elixir. . ."

A faint of accusatory note echoed quietly from her landing sentence;

". . .but that's beside the point. . .as of this moment, I'm still unclear as to how exactly you plan to treat me. . .You still haven't told me anything abou–"

Nexus butted in quietly;


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